Desert Rose

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  • pandora... i have it on different instrumental stations... at random... at times out of nowhere writing can be come very dramatic and slightly intense all thanks to the music that oddly fits to what i'm writing... hm...
    Officially on 3rd cup of coffee... and listening to some dramatic sound tracks... quite interesting feels going on
    What is up with all these status updates
    I may or may not be on my 3rd cup of coffee today..... perhaps that's why I'm ridiculously hyper and chatty... my bad... sorry in advance to any unfortunate victims. (or rather not...)
    *bangs head on desk* Whatever possessed me to write a book with an epic battle scene at the end i'll never know... too many characters who don't get along and won't do what I tell them too! How rude is that?! 

    Then I have character from book 2 getting impatient with me because I need to finish book 1 to start writing book 2... and then don't even get me started on book 3....

    (this was just going to be one book... thanks to all my friends who decided it'd be fun (as they aren't the author) to turn it into a series and I crazily agreed >.>) 
    So... I was recently told that I am crazy... I guess it's not normal to have conversations with multiple characters in your head or conversations about your characters... (one of them got really upset with me... they didn't want to be killed off... my bad)... who knew? 
    I've been asked why I love to write, my answer is simple... I write because killing people is illegal, fighting is frowned upon, and magic doesn't exist. 
    *fist bumps you* You're exactly right. xD  
    That moment of realization a story you've been working on for 2 + years is about to come to an end.... O.o  A rather bittersweet moment... 
    Life is a masquerade... need I say more?
    Well I've been curating a staggeringly impressive arsenal of masks and armors since I was 9 (10 years now). No one ever knows who is under the mask at the masquerade in which I reside. 
    Criticism out of love is still criticism.. and if done in the wrong way by the people who love you the most it can leave the biggest wounds.
    Well, if we're doing the whole random facts thing.

    "Did you know that hippos sweat out blood when they are upset?"

    @Cheryl 2016
    you know you don't have a life when you just sit at the computer waiting for that notification sound.... 
    They are arguing with me again.. Topic... who gets to kill who. Unfortunately I am losing said argument... I think my characters need a time out.
    Who, what, when, why and where? :D  
    That moment when you're glad it's Friday only to realize you have an even busier weekend than in one week. This adulting stuff sucks
    Hey world! FYI to those of you who may freak out... yes I changed my name from weepingangel0525... HAVE A NICE DAY! 
    All I wanted to do was RP... was it too much to ask? 
    Desert Rose
    Desert Rose
    nah i have a tardis dress i'm going to wear and we are going to make my face look like a broken doll and the cracks look like space! gonna be awesome!
    Ok so


    I said My Damn!!! The mask could inspire nightmares. 


    I bet you're gonna look great. 
    Desert Rose
    Desert Rose
    that pic actually terrifies me lol. 
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