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  • The gore warning is putting me off a little.

    I mean, I'm certainly fine with death and blood. I just don't really prefer it, I suppose.

    I haven't forgotten my promise; my afternoon just got really busy all of a sudden. I'll look into your others, but I'm not sure about Gone. Sorry. ^^'
    Animal i have become, Help me believe its not the real Me (Wolf rp)
    Gone rogue (Cat rp)
    Gone Without A Trace (In the categorized Section More like Angels & Demons)
    If you can tell me the title`s of any RP`s you need extra charecters in i`ll be delighted to see what i can do.:)
    Sure~ I'll go check them out.

    Right after I write these huge posts for all these other things I've become backlogged on. XD
    I would except, I don't do animal role-plays I never felt comfortable doing them. I might have tried but then there is the fighting involved as well. I don't fight much in my role-plays, if I can help it, as well. Sorry.
    That totally sounds like you're proposing. XD

    I'd love to RP with you. Do you mean like a private RP, or just meeting in a public one? Since we don't have any RPs in common and all.
    I suppose that depends on what the RP is like or based on. :3 I'd love to RP with you, I just need to know the details first. Thanks for asking me. :D
    Hey sorry if this makes things difficult, but my rp's (all of them) never have a skeleton. They develope and go wherever they want. Hopefully that doesn't make things hard for you. ^^
    Let's see....everyone is going to Faith's class. (Lol right now i'm not even sure but I'm pretty sure everyone isn't in a good mood lol)
    He doesn't have long as they were changed to key dogs when they were pups it's ok. lol
    Yes you may...Flower is the Queen of key holders...she just lost Hunter her key another key dog would be interesting. lol Just to let you know on that role play everyone uses paragraphs...more then I do lol. If you have any questions ask me...there's a lot going on so be presistant ok sometimes it's hard to get in. :)
    I will take a look at it, no promises but if i do join it will most likely be sometime tomorrow. Anyways I replied to Black. :)
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