• If you're depressed, or contemplating suicide, this is for you.

    Even if things are down, and even if it looks like you're trapped in a dark hole.. Just remember never to give up. Because somewhere, out there, someone else is stuck in a similar hole. And they need your help.

    You can't turn your back on whoever is out there waiting. Even if you've never met, even if you're miles apart, you can still do good in this world. Just because your life is getting bad doesn't mean that the one person waiting for you has to suffer alone.

    Once you give up. Once you take your own life... The fires of life still go on, and they burn. But now someone you could have potentially be there for with is suffering alone. And will eventually fall to the same fate.

    Even if you may not feel it, you are valuable. Somewhere out there is someone, perhaps even more people, waiting for you. Pleading for you to help them, because you're the only one that can.

    Every soul is different from each other, so I ask with open arms, please do not throw yours away. Not when you have so much potential. So much potential for good.

    We're made of the same things. Flesh, blood, bones. And as long as you live, you can become better. It's not easy.

    But it's better than letting the world suffer without you.
    Desert Rose
    Desert Rose
    Take this as a piece of advice... 

    First off I hope those who are depressed and contemplating suicide don't read that... because that will literally make them feel worse than what they already are. First off I don't care who you are most people don't like their situations being compared to... so hearing oh well someone else is going through a similar situation... I mean... I would honestly just look at you and say... that's nice. 

    -- Honestly what it will most likely do is keep them from opening up because why bother sharing your feelings when you'll just hear "oh well someone is in a similar situation... or someone has it worse." 

    Secondly... you have a good point. That person may be able to help someone else.... but that's not what they need to hear. I'll be the first to admit i'm in an extremely dark place right now and the last thing I want to think about is helping someone. If it happens that's great but right now... the idea of (don't off yourself because you need to be there for someone else ... a stranger....) is a bit overwhelming. Like that just makes me feel overwhelmed and stressed. 

    Thirdly... telling someone that people are waiting to be helped by them does not make them feel valuable. (maybe to some...) I read this and it doesn't place anymore value on me as a person. Honestly it makes me feel like people just want to use me even more...  

    I know I probably sound really harsh and mean right now... but I'm in that dark place. I've contemplated suicide... self harm... I've literally been the pathetic person on the bed sobbing just not wanting to go on... but... here I am, and it's not from a piece of advice like that. You're intentions are good, don't get me wrong.. but that's not helpful... in the long run it will most likely do more harm than good. 
    It's been 3 years.
    Turns out I posted this at just the right time.
    My best friend was about to punch her own ticket that night, and because of this, she didn't.
    Because of this, she's still alive today. She's even fighting against the things that caused her depression, anxiety, and suicidal thoughts. She's trying to make things better for herself. It all started here.

    I still have no regrets about this post.
    "I died....

    So many years ago.

    And you can't make me feel..

    Like it isn't so.

    But why you've come to be with me..

    I think I finally know....


    Heeeey! ^^ Found this video and thought of you. :3
    30 seconds in: So much THIS. THIS HERE! *Pokes finger through the screen* THIIIIIISSSSSS HEEEERRRREE

    1 minute: This, too. ;^; People are too amazing to be me.

    Cool video! I can relate XD

    Yep. ^^

    No problem. 

    Here you go.

    Must have been deleted for being too relevant and too sexy.  
    XDD I love it!

    We're just finishing up Buffy, and I'm loving it. Each episode reminds me how much I adore Spike XD
    Soul Stealer
    Soul Stealer
    (Yes, but here we call it 'dusted', or 'boosted')
    Loving your new avatar! :D
    :D  Thanke! Made it myself! I love chickens. <3  

    Also if you look closely, the hat is a dragon face with a christmas hat on it XD
    I recognized your style. ^^

    I think the eyes are really cute! And the chicken is a nice touch. Really suites you. :D
    Why does a human face have to be so hard to draw?? ;A; I'm dying here!
    Holy water is fun. I splashed some in Legends eye. I think he's in pain

    Yes. I am. Because you're an idiot
    Well, I have a better proposal.

    Fire definitely hurts. Wanna try it Legend?

    No I really don't wanna try it.

    Every sixty seconds in Africa....


    A minute goes by.
    Did you know that last year, Obama said he was 54, and now he says he's 55?

    Which is it, Obama?
    Axiom Days
    Axiom Days
    And there'd be electricity only 10 of those seconds.

    Almost 50 facts about me.

    1. I've been an artist from the very beginning.
    2. I wasn't an accident, I was a surprise ;)  
    3. I've got a few of the rarest physical traits ever! :D  
    5. I can wiggle my ears.
    6. I've trained myself to wiggle my ears instinctively every once in awhile, because I like to pretend I have cat ears. Whaddup?!
    7. I hate pickles. Eugh.
    8. I'm very sensitive to sugar. Very.
    9. I might also be lactose intolerant, but that's being debated.
    10. I have 10,000 gallons of patience. But only sometimes, for some reason. Haven't figured that one out yet.
    11. I go to a farm every mornin'!
    12. Speaking of farm, I own two chickens, who are my sweethearts <3  Both are roosters
    13. I got a pony for Christmas.
    14. I don't think highly of myself. Maybe I've just seen so many narcissistic people that I'm afraid of turning into that, but I don't. And you're not convincing me otherwise, I'm sorry.
    15. I have two awesome brothers! One of which is @LegoLad659!
    16. Sixteen is my favorite number.
    17. I have a little brother who happens to be a pygmy goat.
    19. One of the roosters I own came in a set of 10, where all 10 survived.
    20. That rooster mentioned previously looks the same as all of his brothers. And I can still pick him out from the crowds, without looking at the band on his leg. I just know.
    21. I can make chicken noises into the chicken coop, and get a response from another rooster.
    22. I can also bleat at my little goat brother, and he'll respond as well.
    23. I know what the longest word in the English dictionary is. I just don't know how to spell it.
    24. I hate math ;A;
    25. I'm part Irish and also part Scottish. :D  
    26. I wouldn't rather be in any other place, at any other time.
    27. My other brother is not on this site. But he is still awesome.
    28. I'm a furry. - A good one! Not that type. Get yo mind out of the gutter.
    29. I'm weird, I admit it.
    30. I have freakishly long toes.
    31. I am better than I have any right to be at Vertix.io. Fite me m8, imma snipe u like a BAWSS!
    32. I have double-jointed elbows. And that freaks people out.
    33. I can also bend my back backwards enough that my feet can touch my head.
    34. I'm not generally a big fan of group RPs, though I've run into one or two that I do like.
    35. The first picture I remember making is of Trogdor the Burninator. From Strong Bad's tutorial.
    36. I have a high respect for moderators, admins, and anyone who has more power than the average day person. I also don't see myself worthy of holding such a power.
    37. My best friend here on RPnation is @Phadia. :D  Hi phadia!!
    38. And no, I'm not going to list other friends on here because I feel like I'd forget someone, and they'd feel left out. ;A; I don't want to hurt anybody!
    39. I think that certain spiders are cute!
    40. I can't think of 10 more facts. DEAL WIT IT!!

    *walks in, cautiously scanning the surroundings*

    So, just to clarify, you're not going to sick your spiders on me? X_X

    *is holding a staff, just in case*

    It... it just seems like the better thing to do?

    I mean, it's not MY secret, after all...

    Er, I shouldn't really... 

    I better just go.

    *starts to leave*

    See you later.

    *Walks away in silence*

    Yeah. See you...
    Okay. Now all I have to do is not throw up because of my stupid anxiety.

    I hate this.
    ah, i'm glad you're alright ^^ just take it easy, it's definitely good that you don't have to go anywhere.
    Okay. :)  Thank you for your concern, I appreciate it!
    you're welcome! i just know how much anxiety sucks, and i try to help when i can :3
    If you can't see anything beautiful about yourself... Then get a BETTER MIRROR. Look a little closer, stare a little longer! Because inside you is that thing that's gotten you this far, the part of you that didn't give up even when everyone else was telling you to. The part of you that you should trust.

    So look in that mirror, and see all those perfect imperfections. And smile. Because no matter what, nobody can ever be you. Even if your life sucks. Even if everyone tells you that you're not valuable. You will always be one of a kind. And that is priceless.

    So please don't give that up.

    Please don't give away something that is priceless.
    Some people just really piss me off. Y'know, those people who won't take 'no' for an answer. And then say that you're acting like an ass.
    *You Idiot from Undertale suddenly plays in the background*

    *walks in casually*

     Daisie, who exactly was this person? I think I need to make their acquaintance. =)

    *a black aura seeps into the room* 
    *Sniffles* Some guy in that game I told you about. ;~;

    Lol tho, it's okaaay.

    Well, if you say so.

    *quietly discards axe*
    *pops out from a hole in the ground*

    Hi! :D
    Oh. I see. :D

    Well, that sounds like a... fair threat. 
    Yeye. And if they do, and somehow escape my mansion, the Harpies'll hunt 'em down. Everything's covered.
    Good, good.

    So, just a random question, but... do you still have that bottle of... stuff I gave you? 
    "I wish I could say the right words...

    To lead you through this land.

    Wish I could play the father..

    And take you by the hand.

    Wish I could stay here...
    But now I understand..

    I'm standing...

    In the way."
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