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  • @Tempest: The Matryoshka is awaiting your questions. ;P (As much fun as she is I need to get that part of the contract over with)
    I put a thread up about the 'Neo-Starlight' roleplay. I have some ideas, but your input would make me more confident to submit the RP.
    With the 'slice of life in space' RP, I don't know exactly what I'd do with it. I'll have an RP Discussion thread on it.
    I might take up the 'settlement' idea Uziel was tossing around for new Starlight. Because why not?
    Kind of want to bring back Starlight, but instead of being an NBRP making it akin to Firefly or Cowboy Bebop. A 'life w/ space' kinda deal.
    I may restart Rampancy, because it just isn't as cut-throat as it needs to be. I'll make some concessions for the reboot, if it happens.
    Awe and I just managed to get my Dolls, and they can be player charecters.
    Rampancy needs more people, desperately. If it doesn't start getting people soon, I might have to archive it until interest peaks.
    To those of you in Rampancy, you will love the Mad Matryoshka. Or at least find her funny, one of the two.
    We need corporations for Rampancy. And people. And pretty much a whole lot of everything. >>
    Ladies n' gents, may I direct your attention to the lovable Cyberpunk world of Rampancy? Plug in, and out-source. ;)
    Went back to Gaia to RP with some old friends. They promptly reminded me of why I left by causing a shitstorm almost instantly. Just wow.
    'Dat new KH game. It's going to be really heart-wrenching or it'll ruin the franchise. I just wish Square Enix wouldn't announce more games.
    Sorry for slow response time, a lot is on my mind ATM. Some more depression and cynicism than usual. I'll get to my responses soon.
    Not gonna lie on immortality: if I were like CC or Wolverine, I'd probably end up a thrill-seeking Deadpool figure after about 150 years.
    If immortal, I'd probably become a wandering hedonist. I mean, one place gets pretty dull after a few weeks, I couldn't stand centuries.
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