This will proooooobably be the last status update I'll be making in awhile Since my power will be out for a day or two, wish me luck with hurricane Mathew!
Well today has been.... Uneventful... The storm hasn't hit us yet even though it was supposed to an hour ago, but I'm glad I have more time on the Internet.
The hurricane is getting closer and closer to my area, it should hit us sometime this evening. It's pretty likely that I won't have power from then on until Saturday afternoon at the very earliest. I'll keep you guys updated. ;3
So today I just checked my Instagram account after a year of totally forgetting about it, it's so awkward seeing like 40 follow request from people I know, I'm scared they thought I was some sort of snob who didn't want to be followed by or follow them. ;-;
This app is slowly taking over my life.... Has anyone else played Mystic Messenger And if so what routes are you taking. Right now I'm on the Jaehee route ;3