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    • Stock Forum Games Law: Every single forum with a Forum Game section will include a thread involving twisting an above user's wish, a thread about "What first comes to mind after seeing the above word", a thread about continuing a story with one word to a sentence per post, and a thread for counting before a member of a certain group (normally admins or the gender the forum is less popular with) resets the count.
    I have played a version of every single one of these.
    • Spam/Flamebucket Law: Any attempt to make a specific board for trolls and/or spammers to remain in will eventually fail because the trolls and/or spammers will eventually run out of prey and move back to the rest of the boards.
    I could have told you that.
    • Secondary Forum Law: When a topic has a few prominent related forums, the more prominent a member is on one forum, the more likely they become to register on the others, although usually posting at a lower rate.
      • Corollary: New users to one forum are also more likely to register on related forums.
    • The Logic Gate Law: When a post contains multiple statements, users who do not agree with every single point will post a negative reply criticising the points they disagree with.
      • Corollary: If the forum uses an upvote/downvote system, any post containing enough non-trivial points will get downvoted.
    Should I assume this is why we don't have a downvote button?
    Not specifically, more just because downvotes are so easy to abuse in general.
    • The 'Flying Over the Head' Law: Any arguments that require difficult or complex skills will be ignored by the intended recipient, due to lacking said skills.
    • The Internet Project Law: Attempts at starting a collaborative project will most likely fizzle out due to a lack of participants that are interested, have the needed skills and have the time and/or money to spare, especially if any element of it requires meeting in person at some point.
    Somebody: This movie news is unbelieveable! Outrageous! Ridiculous! Inconceivable! I was excited for this film but now I won't watch it!
    That same person: *Watches the film*
    • The Sensitivity as Bait Rule: Should a member become vocally offended at a phrase or word that is impolite but allowed to be used according to the forum rules, there will be a sudden spike in the uses of the phrases or words in question. This is often due to trolls seeing an easy target.
    If you're sitcom has gotten to the point where your characters are pointing out how their life is like a bad sitcom, you've officially overstayed your welcome.
    • The Law of Incorrect Warnings: Any post beginning in "I don't want to X" or similar constructions will inevitably X, e.g., a post that begins "I don't mean to rant, but..." will turn into a rant.
    I do this myself but I'm aware of it.
    • Cohen's Law: Whoever resorts to the argument that ‘whoever resorts to the argument that... ...has automatically lost the debate’ has automatically lost the debate.
    Consequently, whoever resorts to the argument that 'whoever resorts to the argument that... ...has automatically lost the debate' has automatically lost the debate' has automatically proven that the debate has long passed the point of trying to salvage it.
    • Pommer's Law: Information on the Internet will change someone's opinion on a subject from nonexistent to wrong.
    • DeMyers' Third Law: Anyone who posts a picture with a caption which does anything other than describe the picture is deemed to have already lost on the point they were trying to make and it can be ignored.
    • DeMyers' Second Law: Anyone who posts an argument which is largely quotations can be very safely ignored and is deemed to have lost the argument before it has begun.
    What if they are the person’s own quotations, after the argument has gone on for so long that the other person’s arguments have already been addressed by the quotes?
    At that point the argument has devolved into a flame war and anybody with sense should leave the thread immediately.
    • DeMyers' First Law: Anyone who brings Young Earth Creationism into an argument - that is not about creation, the origins of life or the age of Earth - requires no further serious consideration and is deemed to have lost the argument.
    • "Déjà vu:" The longer a thread becomes, the more likely that users will skip through it without reading any posts and will say the exact same thing someone else said a few posts ago.
    • "The Law of Excessive Punctuation": The average number of punctuation marks between the last word of each sentence in a post and the first word of the next sentence is directly proportional to the likelihood that everyone will ignore the post, unless the ratio is less than 1, in which case it is inversely proportional.
    TL ; DR: yoyr sentence should have no more than 3 exclamation points. Any more and it's dumb.
    • "The Law of Emotion": The likeliness that everyone will ignore your post increases after the use of two emoticons. Moreso if your post is the first post.
    No seriously, the more emoticons you use the less people will take you seriously.

    But why?
    • "Troll Grandfather Clause": On any forum, chances are there is at least one person who, if he/she isn't a troll, is pretty close. This person will be allowed to say whatever they want to say and will never be perma-banned, (if banned at all) but anyone else who says what they say will be banned. Often, this person arrived before the forum had many rules, or when the forum only had a few mods. Sometimes the person is being kept around as a joke, or as an example of what not to do. In forums were one's "rank" can be changed by the user or administrator, chances are their rank will lampshade that they are a troll.
      • Corollary: Some forums will ban the Troll Grandfather but never more than a few days at a time, regardless of how many times they are banned. These Trolls will likely wear their history of bans with pride on their signature.
    And Justice For All" Rule:
    • On any site, when you're caught by the mods doing something that's technically forbidden but nevertheless often done by the participants, any attempt to defend yourself by pointing out that you're not the only one doing it will be met with the exact response "Well, [tell us who they are,] they should be banned too".
    • Corollary: If you tell the mods who they are, less than 50% of them will be actually punished. The ones who are likely to be are often any resident trolls (see Troll Grandfather Clause), or inactive or universally disliked users.
    • "But Everyone Else Jumped Off The Bridge Too!" Law:
      • Valid criticism of one entity (literally anything, from a politician to a fiction series or even a pairing) will draw a bunch of its supporters to rampantly dig up as much similar dirt as they can on other entities in the same category (other politicians, series, pairings, etc.) and try to cite it as if that excuses the flaws of the original subject.
      • First Corollary: Each time this happens in a given thread, the thread risks becoming an unsalvageably dull "Duck Season! Rabbit Season!" war about which entity is worse with respect to these flaws. The odds of this approach one with each successive occurrence.
      • Second Corollary: If the subject is political in nature, few to no people will actually try to suggest anything to fix these problems being cited. Those who do will be ignored.
    • One More Last Post Law: If a participant of a forum debate declares they're fed up with it and are posting in the thread for the last time, the probability of them posting again after someone replies to their post is 1 until they stop claiming that the subsequent post is really, really their last post.
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