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    • Meme Effort Equation: For a typical person, the likelihood of a meme in becoming popular can be modeled using the parabola y = [(4+(x-3)^2)0.1] / 4, where x is a number from 0 to 9 representing the effort put to the meme. Zero-effort memes have an approximately 32.5% of getting noticed, while a very high effort meme will almost certainly get noticed. Most memes will fall under a 2 or 3 in the effort scale.
    • The Undertale Corollary: The more people praise a certain media, there will be more people who hate it for the sake of hating it or because it is over-praised. This does not mean that everyone who hates said game falls under this law. This is also a corollary of the Law of Debate Equity.
    I take back everything I said about pick-up role playing. It's actually quite annoying.
    Quick! Favorite Greek god or goddess!
    Assuming that's meant to be "or," I'm partial to Hestia because she seems a nice sort and doesn't get much attention (at least in modern times).
    I also like Hestia a lot. I'm rather fond of Artemis and Hecate too.
    The Anti-Humor Inquisition Law: Any joke related to religion will attract hordes of angry Christians (and its almost always Christians) like moths to a flame.

    Disclaimer: This is just a joke. Please don't prove it to be right.
    • Hail Satan Corollary: This goes double if the joke involves the endorsement of Satan.
    Me, when I answer a question in History class and the teacher isn't fast enough to stop me before I start on a tangent:
    • The BotW Law: The more someone praises something the more likely the comments will be full of people talking about how terrible that thing is.
    White Knight Law: In a major public platform such as Twitter or YouTube, an argument criticizing something that is popular enough will attract people who attack the poster for daring to think that it is anything but good.
    • No Opinions Allowed Law: As the number of people attacking the poster for a negative opinion increases, the likelihood of someone saying something along the lines of "You cannot have an opinion in the Internet" reaches one.
    • Law of Fallacious Reversal: Most of the time "no u" or variations of it are used as a serious argument, they are fallacious due to being a tu quoque (appeal to hypocrisy) and/or ad hominem (personal attack) argument.
    Tezuka's Law: Approximately 25% of people in the Internet must have a "problem in [their] pants", and act lewdly.
    • Corollary: In a given forum or community, unless there are rules against it or the given community is itself for lewd content, 25% of the community will be lewd.
    Dear people who wonder if it's okay for people if one gender to play the opposite gender: it is! Now for gods' sake please stop making those threads!
    Person: Here's a role play.
    Me: Ooh, looks fun.
    Person: You must be 18 or older to join.
    Me: Screw you!
    No, see, that's what they want. What else does 18+ mean?
    Well, I believe my good friend the report button would have plenty of things to say about that.
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