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  • It's suppose to be a gradual thing. For the sake of Violet's character, Matt and Megan sorta have to be together for a time. Then you guys can have a fight and break up scene and Megan can run to Conner and it'll make it even more romantic...
    Yush. Pretty sad...You'd think they would have photoshoped that out...I think Imma sent that to Epic Fail...XD
    0.0 did you notice in the pic of the uniforms, the girl has some kind of marks...cuts? on the inside of her wrists????? O-O
    Well, for the pass couple months I've just been telling people Im 17. Its easier and sounds a lot better than saying something like, "I'm sixteen, I'm a total boss, and I'm even more boss cuz I'll be big-girl-17-year-old in a couple more months, so bam."

    Well obviously I wouldn't say that...

    Soowy for takin so long to reply, I'm working on the first post. So far I have Veronica done, and I'm working on Cameron, Conner's next. You know we have like five names that start with M in the rp? Matthew, Moon, Megan, Morgan and Veronica's sister is Maddie--but that doesn't count because she's only making one appearance...
    Nah, dont be....I feel like a kid...I don't have my liscence and people have to drive me around. You can say my parents are a bit...over-protective.... =m=
    I do too, I love playing and interacting with them when they're like, two to seven years old. Babies annoying vegatables and older kids are brats. And overall, kids take up so much money. I personally don't want to deal with that along with the birthing thing and infancy. I love to travel, so I'm just selfish like that I guess. Motherhood is jsut not for me... :I
    LOl, when I looked them up, that was basically the only song I liked. I've decided that I'm not going to have any kids. But I like names and making characters and whatnot.
    If you sent me a message within the last five minutes, I didn't get it because I accidently deleted all the messages and it may have been in those. Not sure though.
    I'll have to look it up, sounds interesting. I know alout of people are into Mayday Parade right now--but they kinda sound like Fallout Boys mixed with Simple Plan...

    I was only joking about "Bernard", I like Connor better. His name is Connor Greyson now.
    Same...except for the words discribe my dislike...But i luvs alternative! I listen to Metalica and Black Sabbath and Blue Oyster Cult and all of those. And more recently, move vintage-y indie stuff :3
    lul. I talked to her and she's moving it along if you saw her post >BD Anyways, since you were open about the whole Bernard thing, could you change Megan's pic? Idk why, it just doesn't seem...right? to me anyways. Idk. Oh, and are you a music lover? What kind of music do you like?
    left vistor message on my own thing. to lazy to fix since copy/paste being a jerk and indenting and i can't fix
    I posted on Beachhouse a couple days ago

    I like Connor Grey and Mason Grey

    Chiggers are crazy in the Cape(Mass) :O I was glad to leave the chiggers xD
    Did you post in Beachhouse? The computer im using will be too slow to check between multitasking...
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