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  • I finally created my first ever blog post! Huzzah! I hope to do more in the future ^_^
    I'm glad you thought it was awesome ^_^ Actually, the fact that we do have differing opinions would make collaboration even more valuable. It's not particularly interesting or informative to have two people agreeing with each other on everything, since you may as well just listen to one or the other. What is more useful is having differing opinions come together to show the multifaceted nature of a particular topic. So I would happy to do a debate style collaboration with you some day, or perhaps we could work together to research a particular subject or do a review of some sort. Let me know if you'd be interested in that :)
    Of course! When things get a little less hectic, I would love to work with you, for real this time! xD
    I look forward to it ^_^ Let me know if there is a topic you'd be particularly interested in collaborating on.
    Hmmm should I go for the mature and suave older guy? Or the adorable and kindhearted restaurant owner? I wish my real love life was like Harvest Moon lol xD
    Lol it doesn't help when they're all appealing. Normally I'm only super into one or two of the options (and my biggest limitation is that I end up being more into the girls than the guys), but with story of seasons, every single character hits upon the points I like in each archetype without any of the bad stuff. Even the two youthful guys are played as being more mature than what is typical. It makes choosing super difficult T_T Maybe it's best that my life isn't like Harvest Moon after all :P

    Food is love
    I know and he's so gosh darned adorable too xD But I have only seen one of Klaus' flower events, so I'm holding out to see if he is equally adorable as well. Plus, Klaus gets points for being so encouraging despite the fact that I lose 75% of the competitions I join lol. But having a guy who can cook would be a huge perk, so both Raeger and Fritz get points in that department :P
    Social interactions are hard enough as it is. I encourage everyone to make sure to devote your time to the people who are nice and who care about you, as much as possible :)
    That's pretty tough. I know that I only very recently became friends with this group of people who were really nice and friendly. I sort of hovered in their circle for a bit, and they reached out to me sometimes, but a couple years ago I finally made an effort to join in with them. It felt kind of like I wasn't really part of them before I did that, so I'm very glad I made that decision. (Probably one of the few good decisions I've made lol)

    Definitely do your best and talk to them a bit. Chances are they appreciate your presence, but may enjoy it even more if you engage with them more. Though it's alright to stick with what you're comfortable with, as long as you keep spending time with them :) Oftentimes, shared experiences are what count the most.
    Well unfortunately, I can do none of those since I'm currently living in a very conservative country. There's those kids in the church but then the language barrier... They know how to speak English and I know too but their pronunciations (and mine) makes it harder. I couldn't properly hear or understand what they are saying. And then I'm homeschooled. I'm basically holed up inside our house aside from Sundays
    That is unfortunate. I hope that you will make many friends online who you can become close to, in spite of the physical distance. I am of the opinion that such friendships are equally valid as ones formed in person, and any means of breaking out of isolation (even limited to the internet) can be beneficial. I don't have much experience being in a country which doesn't speak the same language as me, but I wish you lots of luck :)  
    This presidential debate is one of the greatest things I've ever seen xD
    Well there's a lot of things people have to be informed on, and that's always going to come off as somewhat staged when they have to recite their policy plans and goals based upon the information they want to get across. I can definitely appreciate how valuable genuineness is though, and that's why I like debates a bit better than speeches, since the speakers have to do more than just recite their values. You can really see how well they each think on their feet.
    Oh yeah I understand that I like a lot of Trump's ideas and how he isn't PC. Both of them are very entertaining characters to say the least lol
    She isn't an actor, but she is the kind of person that really doesn't get offended easily and if she does she wont take it to heart.
    I just washed my hair with bodywash. Time to call it a day I think  :$
    I actually did the opposite, I washed my body with shampoo, the containers looked way to similar.
    I've done that before as well :P  Ah well, it won't do any harm.
    Uuuugh so many quizzes to do. At the very least, it's reassuring that the process to be acknowledged as understanding ethical research practices involving human subjects is a very thorough.
    I was whining about having to go to class for two hours today. Tomorrow I go to class for ten hours. Top notch scheduling abilities right there :P
    What it really comes down to is how interesting the professor is xD sometimes an hour can feel like four
    As a Writing major, my classes are largely discussion based. X3 Lucky me!
    That's so awesome xD I'm a psych major, so my next class is a four hour bio psych lecture XP oh well
    Me: Okay me, don't buy any more games until next month. You've still got five games you need to play.

    *Buys Sims an hour later*

    I have no self restraint >_>
    I know that feel!!
    And now I want to buy the expansion packs too >3> Oh well. I'm going to work hard to suppress the urge until I can beat at least one more of the games I have (excluding Oracle of Ages, since I'm already halfway through so that would be cheating). That, or until I secure an internship. Maybe setting goals for myself will keep me from hoarding more games than I can possibly play xD
    I have 30+ games in my library and have played maybe 10 of them.
    No longer a trophy wife, I see.  ;)

    You're now upgraded to a maid. :)
    Lol yup. I like the title better because it comes with my third favorite costume for Judith (the character in my icon) xD
    A friendship where you keep having to remind yourself of why you're friends in the first place is not a healthy friendship. Maybe if I tell myself that enough, I'll finally realize that.
    Woah they separated the interest checks and the roleplay forums. That's pretty neat, it should make it a bit easier for me on mobile.
    I'm finishing up a book for a bookclub have tomorrow. Responses will likely be delayed until I finish.
    Hello! So we had an rp going?
    Yeah I know that. And I'm the type that responds at least every day, and more when that is possible, but not the type that it free all day every day to roleplay. I respond when I'm available. If you can't wait at least a day (and mind you, it'll usually be less time than that), then you should find someone with more time on their hands.
    Im patient, thanksnfor the explanation. ^_^
    Trophy wife? Is there a joke I'm missing?
    Yeah it's the most recent title that I've earned in my ToV playthrough with my cousin, and I find it hilarious
    I don't feel like doing much today...
    I'm being somewhat subtle, but it's a rather serious problem for me.
    Oh... sorry... won't happen again...
    It's alright, don't feel badly about it. I wanted to let people know who might be involved in rping with me, but without context there was no way for you to tell the full meaning.
    More aerial yoga is in store for me tomorrow. I hope it is not too difficult. I have no strength or flexibility XD
    I was out catching pokemon all day today. And tomorrow is my first aerial yoga class. My life has become rather strange.
    Ugh I just make everybody upset or annoyed with me. I don't know what to do anymore.
    That's not exactly how this works, but I appreciate you trying to help :) thanks.
    Do you know for sure that they are annoyed/upset with you? Depression can usually make things seem worst than they are. Maybe talk to them and ask them if they are really upset. Chances are it's just a misunderstanding or they're over it by now.
    Nah they legitimately said they were upset with me. Which just made me overly paranoid about trying not to say rude things
    When I was a kid, I never thought the day would come that I'd want the summer to end already so that I could go back to school XD
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