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  • The countdowns my orchestra teacher is putting up for Disney are so cute and are making me nostalgic
    This weekend I'll be in a hotel so I'll be able to finally fully read everything I've either been skimming or pushing off
    Reading all day is such a plus on a snow day <3
    I love snowy days. Though I prefer to spend my time outside taking photos of my city covered by the blanket of snow.
    Sadness = Tears = Irritation = Depression = Anger = I'm so fucking done with my life I can't wait to go to sleep tonight
    *shaking AnimeGenork* Don't give in Genork! Never give in! Never! Never!
    Oh I threw a mini tantrum, got some sense shaken into me by the friend who knows me better than I know myself, and then I took a nap
    I'm very much better XD
    Thank you all! <3
    I’m around if you ever need to chat.
    What I hate about love songs is that they sometimes make me happy because of how sweet they are, but other times they remind me of how lonely and single I am.
    World crafter
    Ever notice all love songs are damn sad?
    Not all of them. Some are the happiest damn things on the planet.
    I've been demoted a chair in band.
    I thought I was good at sax.
    Guess not.
    I always liked playing second part (clarinet) so I never minded others being a higher chair. But maybe it's not so much that you aren't as good, but that they're just that little bit better? Try looking at it as a challenge to improve your own skills and not a demotion.
    I've got a quiz on logical fallacies next period. I'M PRETTY SURE I GOT THIS, GUYS.
    I CAN'T GET A C ON IT; I'M AN A STUDENT. (Circular reasoning.)
    My baby sister is home sick and my friend is suffering from a broken heart.
    I woke up thinking it would be a regular Tuesday.
    I better go straight home and actually finish my homework before settling down and reading my books. Otherwise I'm in trouble XDDDD
    Theme Reader: There are too many characters in this...
    Me: I warned EVERYONE there were going to be 10 with that damn chart I made. Thanks for paying attention.
    I am very pissed off today.
    My laptop loves changing its mind about how much disk space it has.
    Tell your laptop that you pay the rent and that if it doesn't want to stay it can get out.
    Hey, you should try downloading Defraggler and CCleaner. They'll help you free up space and reoptimize your drive so that flickery sort of "unknowing space" stops happening. =P
    The thing only came with 2 free GB and half of what's taken up is because of school (':
    The best parts of my day are when I say something on here and nobody actually understands what I was talking about XD
    I fell asleep while trying to write up posts last night. Then I woke up at 2 AM and decided I wanted to sleep more instead.
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