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  • the new theme's okay... [insert doctor who reference here] very... clean. not a bad thing, just going to take a while to get used to.
    these pictures im drawing are fails! the first one came out okay, but then the second one came out derpy! xD
    Weekend! YES! [is happy] [attempts to ignore responsibilities] need. need to... do that thing for that thing and then another thing. Things!
    Okay me, get your shit together. next week is a long weekend! just gotta science fair... and math... and.. and.. -just get it over with!
    uggh... im tired of science. did the experiment. now time to make a post. yes! and then somewhere else and.. and oh god....
    i managed to make the post longer than the huge side bar for once! but almost nothing happened.. but he is kind of helpless right now. so :/
    whoo! i was one of the legs of a human-u! it's gonna end up in a place! with more pictures! at the end of the year! yaaay!
    People still here... its late... screw it! Imma gonna be a rude host and post. I do it all the time anyway...
    Party at the park until sundown and then the after party at home? Its great and all, but i wanna relax now!
    How to win against a dragon: fail at throwing a rock at them, miss throwing your pistol at them, punch them in the jaw...
    then get caught on fire for the third time that day, afterwards roll off the mountain. all while arguing with yourself!
    Hmm... the others havent met the "split personality" yet. so, mwahahaha! im gonna mess with them! yes! its the evilest thing i can think of!
    How do you fight a dragon when all you have is rocks, super strength, and sleep deprivation? I'm stuck... Oh! He has a pistol too.
    it takes a special kind of person to post screenshots of one rp in the ooc of another... that person is me.
    [is waiting around for a post] [falls asleep] 7! its 7! how did it? apparently it was 2 hours. 2 hours... [sighs]
    That moment when the canon character you're playing becomes one step closer to being your oc is always a happy one.
    [leaves discord alone for 2 hours, only checking messages] [strange voice talks in voice chat] [checks voice chat] Ahh! Two mods! Scary! jk.
    "The United States of America then proceeded to cuddle with the son of satan, his tired mind thinking the boy to be a stuffed animal...."
    did i just? yes i did... i just took a two hour nap. from 3-5 in the afternoon. i didnt even want to get up... i was dreaming... :)
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