Adorable Monster

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  • *pokes angel that is on my shoulder* Boop!
    Adorable Monster
    Adorable Monster
    Well, that is a new way I have met someone new. Hello! *Pokes your ear.* Be careful dude, I am tiny.
    Safety Hammer
    Safety Hammer
    *picks up* Hey! You're actually real! Das' pretty neat!
    Adorable Monster
    Adorable Monster
    *Pouts, crossing my arms over my chest.* Yeah yeah, and you are real too! *Reaches out and pokes your nose.*

    I think I missed a lot of things..




    I prefer to hunt people down.......



    Anyone have a knife I could borrow perhaps?

    The Demon's Little Angel is back!!!!

    Didja miss me?




    I hope not since I would then feel compelled to be here more. >.<



    For those that are wondering where the heck I have been....



    I got sick. 



    Yep. That is the story and I am sticking to it.


    Anywhos, hope you have a wonderful day.....




    It's my birthday today! {For reals.}


    Now I am an old woman.


    Not really, but I feel so wimpy. T.T

    Whoever said that learning another language is hard, has never had to deal with Korean. Now, that language is super hard. 

     However, I will learn it. 




    'Cause I am studying abroad next year. 



    The Mechanist
    The Mechanist
    What about dead languages? Aramaic and Latin As well as a few others? Or all dialects of the Philippine language?
    @The Mechanist

    *languages of the Philippine language. They're proven to have at least 50, with some of them having over 30 dialects.

    Dialects =/= language. /former anthro major in the Ph

    I find cyrillic/slavic languages the most difficult personally, and not to mention English being a bitch. None of them are phonetic. Dx

    The Korean alphabet is fairly easy to pick-up imo tho! But that may just be me, who's gone through the hell hole of Japan's three alphabets. Dx

    **languages of the Philippines jesus i can't english
    The Mechanist
    The Mechanist
    Haha sorry bout that, didn't mean to get your OCD goin, I'm a marine bio soooooo yeah ^^" languages ain't my strong suit, now fish! I can help you with that, both freshwater and salt water ranging from chondricthyes, osteichthyes, mammal, and invertebrates!



     I give you to the count of ten to find another song that is just as catchy. 



    Good luck my prey.

    I found out what I am going to college for....


    Hotel Hospitality....




    I feel the urge to hide coming on.


    Why of all degrees did I choose that?


    One answer:


    The only option that didn't include me doing tons of math.


    So sue me. 


    Math is the Devil's work.

    It's official, I am now weird.


    Anyone who already knew that is probably waving their hands up in the air and going like,




    Thank you, thank you for you guys' support. Makes me all fuzzy. >.>


    Anywho, I am weird, and anyone who wishes to join the weirdness and me, raise their hands!

   just might end up with a knife in their back and me triumphantly sipping a cup of cocoa near by.....


    We'll just keep that between each other....yes?
    The Outcast
    The Outcast

    >I'm with you_
    Who needs weird when you're fricking insane? :')
    Historical Storyteller
    Historical Storyteller
    Remember this one thing in life that will remain true forever. That no matter how weird you think you are there is always someone out there that is even weirder than you.  :smile5: weird as this may sound, I returned to an old blog of mine,

    {Only a year old, hadn't touched it for about three months.}

    and I found I had quite a following and I have over 9 comments on my blog.


    Since when was a random girl's thoughts so groundbreaking? 


    Just cause I could, I made another cover, without a name on it, but it is still a cover, no?


    I really love making covers, they can be so pretty if you take the time to make them.

    {Still not happy with how the second layer of stars are a little off....}


    The Outcast
    The Outcast

    >I bet you would make a great cover_
    Adorable Monster
    Adorable Monster
     Not quite sure what you mean by that, but all right.
    The Outcast
    The Outcast

    >Sorry I read your update wrong

    >I thought you said you wanted to make a cover_

    As I always seem to do, I got bored and made this book cover. 


    I just have to put in the name of the book and my alias in order for it to be official. 


    The name of the story is:


    Stay With Me.



    Cue music that inspired it.




    In less than 24 hours I will be poked, primped and shoved into a ball room....


    Anyone care to take my place?


    But, before I log off for the night, why not listen to this mash-up, Nightcore version? 




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