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  • I always enjoyed RPing with you, seeing the energy you poured into your writing and characterisations. I wish you all the happiness in all you do and hope you come back again someday. :captaincat:
    I hope you enjoy whatever it is that you choose to do. I have enjoyed gaming with you, and your presence will be missed.
    Aw, Pips! I will miss you!

    Still, I think I get what you mean. You have to go where the fun is. All of us do.

    As we get older, sometimes the definition of fun changes, but the desire to have fun, to nurture that child inside each of us with togetherness, for the want of Good Times, never quite leaves, does it?

    So, how to scratch the itch?

    I strongly recommend you check out "How to be a Great GM" channel on YouTube. On their Discord, Guy and his buddies talk about all things gaming. There are numerous people on that channel who game via internet and I'm sure you could be one of them.

    You take good care, lady! It was a real pleasure knowing you and your terrific characters, like the most Meltrandi of them all, Neqel Amherst!

    Be well, will ya? *hugs* =)

    Honor and fun,
    Dann =)
    Just to state the obvious: I'm retired from RPNation. The site's been good to me, from Rpdom days until now. Great stories, great characters.

    I seem to have entirely lost the ability to sustain interest in play by post, though. When responses lag days to weeks, I circle back and there's these big story posts and just reading and digesting them and reacting to them (and every other player character's post) in my post becomes a mountain to climb. A mountain that's all work, no joy. And I realized it's been years since I was actually having a good time doing this.

    If folks are up for some 'live' gaming, tabletop style over Discord text maybe, I'm in! The immediacy of "I write three sentences" "Someone else writes three sentences" with a cadence measured in minutes instead of days clicks much better for me now.

    Otherwise, good luck and best wishes! Thanks for all the fish!
    Thanks for the good times! Hope you find lots of RPs to enjoy, wherever they are. ^33^
    Time passes. Things change. What's the best thing in one moment might have to make room for something even better at some point. Hope ya find that thing that's just perfect for you. Thanks for all the good times. In all those years, you've always been one of the most impressive writers, and your characters have been nuts. You also helped turning my life around for the better by accident. Won't forget yer name. Stay awesome, and have fun!
    skidaddle skidoodle giant armored poodle
    Ba-da-ba-da-ba-be bop bop bodda bope
    Bop ba bodda bope
    Be bop ba bodda bope
    Bop ba bodda
    Ba-da-ba-da-ba-be bop ba bodda bope
    Bop ba bodda bope
    Be bop ba bodda bope
    Bop ba bodda bope
    Watch as the Kestrel-Stratton teamwork carries over to Task Force Valkyrie in the shape of Bryony-Callahan teamwork... ;)
    I'm all for it! Although Bryony's not quite the soldier either Stratton or Callahan are... ;)
    Why did I stand out? 😂 We rped together once and only for a month...I'm dead curious
    And on vacation for the next four days (8/22 through 8/25). Don't burn the place down while I'm gone!
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