official clown business

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  • I think I may have accidentally created some sort of witches' coven while coming up with some character concepts. Kind of an odd way for that to turn out but it fits with the Halloween theme doesn't it?

    Anyways, happy Halloween everyone!
    One thing that's bothering me is the fact that there's a Quest prefix in Group Interest Checks... but there's also an entire section dedicated to Quest Interest Checks.

    In addition, I happened to notice that any interest checks posted in the latter section just... don't get noticed at all, because they don't show up in Newest Group Interest Checks or the section linked there.

    That's kinda sad bro. I feel like something has to be done.
    They don't show up in Newest Group Interest Checks because that's directly tied to the Group Interest Checks subforum. (Ditto the 1x1 newest interest checks, although that isn't part of the point here). We could maybe do a third sidebar for Newest Quest Interest Checks but that would make the main page extremely long and would probably just cause people not to scroll down that far anyway.

    I've moved the (four) threads that use the Quest prefix in the Group section into Quest Interest Checks. It's hard to gauge relative noticing because of the small sample size, but if one looks back to early April (the date of the earliest one posted in Group) the average number of replies per thread doesn't look too different. It's a little more niche than other styles, and we gave them their own section to feature them so they wouldn't get lost in the crowd.
    official clown business
    official clown business
    I would not have brought it up originally, but the main reason I mentioned the Newest Interest Checks was because I had seen some Dice checks in there before. Which is how it should be for those, of course, but I know it was the same case for Quest checks before the Recruitment sections were changed. Just including Quests in the Newest Group Checks sidebar would be good enough.

    I believe there are a few other problems when it comes to Quests, but it's probably better if I talk about it in the Community Hub later.
    And here I am again, browsing RPNation on a Wednesday night.

    I've been taking a look at some interesting story games lately, seeing what elements they have that I can implement into my own interactive writing. I've got the story down as well, but I spend way more time thinking about it in my head than figuring out how to actually type it all down.
    Welp, I'm sure I'll be able to do it someday.
    I have no idea what happened to sparks, everyone in my group chat is going nuts about his sudden leave
    Excuse me, but you’ll need to show me your clown license to prove this is official clown business or I will have to arrest you
    I've never heard of this show in my entire life, but someone linked the pilot and I decided to watch it. Welp, guess I'm hooked now.
    also quick warning, this show is very 18+
    I just want to say thanks for reading the majority of the things I post. I also think your username is the best ever. It intrigues me and amuses me all at the same time.

    Cheers.:closed eyes open smile:
    Now that Pokémon's gone to shit, I've decided to watch some playthroughs of Fire Emblem: Three Houses, and it is pretty amazing. I never expected any of those plot twists, man...
    If you know anything about pc gaming, you'd know that Half-Life 2 was a very influential game. However, it was not always the last version we played as a hacker had infiltrated Valve and released the game to the public. All those that downloaded and tried it expressed great disappointment and I think that it was because of this that Valve actually managed to fix the problems with the game and develop a great product. Basically, if we all had the "oh lets not criticize it because its not finished" outlook, we would've probably gotten a shitty game.
    Agree to disagree. I personally don’t have huge problems with the stuff we’ve been shown, but I’m not going to let all this worry be in vain, and I’d like to see the full picture before I decide where money will be going. I’m not saying you can’t criticize it because it’s not the full product, I’m just saying it’s foolish to come to a conclusion about something when all you might have seen were the weakest parts.
    Sure, maybe I’m a naive idiotic child hoping for a miracle, but I’m honestly more excited for other things to the point it’s not going to be a hurricane on my parade if this flops, so I can afford hope.
    As the shuttle makes its way to the hotel, I figured I'd work on my story a little. Right now I'm typing a paragraph about a wooden door, but progress is progress.
    Yay! That's awesome! Keep going. You're doing great :)
    M.J. Saulnier
    M.J. Saulnier
    I haven't written in about 6 years outside of a line or two on facebook, once in a blue moon. I recently came back and struggled with the fact that my writing has devolved into a pie of gelatinous scum. I figured the only way is to start over, so every day I force myself to work on one of my stories. I'm hoping I can get good again.
    I know you are watching a movie and all at the moment, so feel free to answer after ya're done. I was a little curious because I've seen a few people saying you keep showing up as being on certain threads while never actually posting in them. Are going around lurking threads or is something else going on here? Again, just out of curiosity.

    Enjoy your movie!
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