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  • "is it bad that I honestly found the scroll one being my favorite because it's hilarious in a good way, all you need to do is put some googly eyes."
    "in that case their name should be googly ;)"

    my name will always live on now as two paper toilet rolls with googly eyes and I am okay with it, I better see no one be mean to my child >:(
    i can't help but to think sometimes that my personality trait of talked a lot and talkativeness which i only talk if i join a occ or someone talks to me but i can't help but think it a bad thing sometimes killing some motivation :/
    I been spenting a good while hunting for shiny Shroomish and Breloom and I don't have autosave on to not waste my herbs and due to the card slot holder being a little bit funky because mine is a little loose it pop out and I just lost a damn shiny T-T

    You shall be missed.
    In the jewel box rp, can you not say random things
    if you're leaving the convo because things got awkward, okay, I know you aren't 'leaving-leaving'
    no need to say unnecessary things.
    First of all, not trying to be rude when I state the below !!

    I simply am not very comfortable with you going on and on in the Jewel Box ooc. I have given you a lot of hints that I don't like seeing it, but then you go out and repeat several things back there. Whether you drop out or not, I'm okay with-it's your choice what you want to do. But the main problem is understanding how you think others will react to your comments. Refined nobles are not meant to always be traumatized.

    If you have several tabs open, it doesn't mean your post is going to repeat. And if it's much of a problem, close them! I have a lot too, but don't make those mistakes. I'm afraid not all of these are just caused by ADHD (apologies!) ^^
    fair, not all gems have pretty stuff connected then, repeating words is common for people in the spectrum because repetitive behavior and people don't have to like those things that they don't want to but it's not done on purpose saying it's simply because i have something so it's a part of me :)
    it one of my personality traits of talk a lot and talkness and I don't intentionally do it to annoy anyone and I understand that not everyone's going to be able to handle that personality trait about me :)
    well things did not go as pan but I did find a trial to play DND that teaches you and plays the game! but it $30 dollar
    I wasn't saying you were rude, "not to be rude" was for me saying I'm not trying to be mean when trying to guide some people.
    They have actually posted in both 1v1s and group, I doubt the group one was a mistake but still (they shouldn't have double posted rps, but I'm sure a mod will catch up to them). You shouldn't call yourself a dumbass, it's not true, if someone doesn't understand; that doesn't mean someone else is not out there not understanding something else. I'm just going to leave this as if you wanted to go in several replies on their interest check, put it into a Private Message (pm) so it doesn't effect anything else going on in the thread. Good day/night/evening/afternoon.
    fair, due to my generalized anxiety disorder with panic attacks i don't know why but I get anxiety when I send someone a message and believe it or not i'm someone who doesn't talk unless someone is talking to me, I can get message perfectly fine when it comes to sending messages I don't know why I have the loom of a anxiety, am I mostly someone who makes jokes about myself for my stupidity because I just find it funny, very sorry >-<
    anyway am gonna go learn some DND now lol
    posted a poll for 7 days...

    if it doesn't make sense even though I tried my best.

    if that happens then I probably won't post or work on anything for a bit, it takes away a bit of my confidence and motivation and especially if it's on me because I can't explain right no matter how much I try.

    I don't have much confidence in intertwined time also...
    you just gotta love how in dragonvale you become absolutely LOADED with coins but they have so little use :|


    • Screenshot 2025-02-21 195824.png
      Screenshot 2025-02-21 195824.png
      29.2 KB · Views: 2
    i have learned today i have the unintentional power of stupidity that will summon others against their will :D
    in my quest to have a fursona for every animal I like, I bring you Mitzy! the design i drew myself and commission someone to bring the character to life and I went for a butterfly moutique!

    i made a new page and spent making a pc box bringing over sprites for my characters other pokémon and the image was broken yet it didn't show broken to me so i had to switch it out :,)

    Ngapa Why Would You Do This To Me GIF
    Pokemon white 2 was my first pokemon game as i did recently replay to completion, so i got the urge to suddenly boot it up again and i was in the cave where you catch heatran and immediately my first reaction was:

    Samurott Pokemon Unova GIF

    Until i remember i was soft resetting for a beneficial nature for a pokemon i was NEVER going to use :|

    and for people wondering what was my favorite starter with Unova and my go to, i'm going to offend every Serperior fan here, i did pick Snivy when i played this a long time ago for the first time, until i ran into the ground gym and i came to a roadblock, during this time it was fully evolved and i did have Leaf Blade that is known to be a pretty decent enough grass move, but i tried multiple times but i couldn't beat the grass gym and i am a guilty person of only using your starter, so i did not have anything on my team that could beat it because Serperior was my grass type and it was meant to be good to that gym, and yes i know i could have grinded and levelled it up but at that point i didn't feel like it and also i felt this would be worse and more of a pain as i went farther in the game. So i end up deleting that file and when was the water starter instead to see if i could actually move forward in a game and not have it be less and less fun to, so let's just say in that moment Samurott became my bro and Serperior became one of my absolute actively broken despise only because it failed me. for my replay i picked a fire starter as at first to final evolution i wasn't the biggest fan of honestly it grew on me after a while and now i really like it.
    You know, this was unintentional and i never realized that majority of the starter i picked were grass types and it wasn't for the fact that they were grass typed but i just like them as a pokemon with some aspect i really liked about them as there pokemon and they were starter at the same time so i undeniably fall into the grass type team without trying to, when it comes to the concept of the type then i prefer water a lot more than grass, then again i'm not complaining as i could have fall into team fire which i don't really like as much because it has been overdone and oversaturated that it's not interesting anymore to me...Blue fire cool though.
    grass pokemon are the best. . it's a hill i'll die on.
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