
I am horrible with getting things across without pointing it out because mild autism, there's many times I tried to explain it doesn't make sense, also for some reason I have experienced my message literally be posted but then they delete for some reason, in a role play you don't have to worry about that because it's out of character, not in character.

if you don't want me talking as much as I have on there then I won't be offended, some people just really struggle understand what a autistic person is saying so sometimes you have to point it out.
I have started to see random posts of yours in ooc continuously be repeated, but then poof, so I assume it's just a glitch?
You can be active in ooc, but not (too) so much, thank you!
yeah I haven't actually mention this because I thought it was only me but if I have two tabs of roleplay Nation, then I tried to post again and then It stay for a little bit and then it's gone and I am just what the fuck, like I'm not sure what's going on but if you saw like random text I'm something I already said and then it's gone yeah that's what happened.

and honestly makes me come across more active than I'm actually am on it, I'm on the very very Mile End so it happens like once or twice but honestly it's a habit where we are so use of someone looking at us like we're talking gibberish so we kind of have to say it bluntly, in reality I was trying to only make four posts but it could have made it come across like I was trying to make seven.
and half the time why it happens so often is because I am quite literally infinite tab because I have ADHD so my head doesn't think about actually closing half of the things I have open.
all i can say i hope they do find something to figure that out because it's really fucking annoying.
Please don't repeat comments :)
in Jewel Box.
Bug be deleting again without realizing i has more than two tabs open of it ._.
i was simply trying to add on to my previous question before it bug out, I'm not trying to, the bug is making it come across that it seems that way when I'm not, seriously I will close one comment but then it bugs out and then it's gone make it seem like I repeated it. the glitch make it seem to come across that I'm repeating .~.
I legit only make one post but I may forget when I have more than one tab open so it gets it to the Shadow Realm make it seem like I made a second post before that but I really didn't. I seriously made the post once it deleted and I haven't even made a second post repeating myself.