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Introduce Yourself!

hello! my name is mars and i've never roleplayed on an online website before! i've stuck strictly to writing with irl friends so im super excited to find some new partners to write with!
Hello! I was lured here by my favorite RP buddy from another writing website ^-^ I enjoy writing fantasy/action-adventure and am also open to sci-fi and dystopian if the vibes are right. Irl I am a fish biologist and have 4 cats, 2 snakes, a gecko, and a fiancee that I love very much. Still trying to learn the ropes of this site but I'm excited to be here!
I am so intrigued by your avatar.
hahaha I am obsessed with rosy-lipped batfish and my friend drew me this pic as a joke, but I highkey love it and use it as my avvie on Discord and now here Hyde. Hyde.
hello! my name is mars and i've never roleplayed on an online website before! i've stuck strictly to writing with irl friends so im super excited to find some new partners to write with!
Mars is such a cool/pretty name!! (Not sure what you prefer as a compliment LMAO)

But welcome! Feel free to reach out to me, I have an interest check in 1x1 rn, im also down for friends in general!
thank you, i'd take either 😂

i'll be sure to take a look!
Haha, well feel free to reach out in PM, I also have my discord on my profile. Idk if you can send messages with such a fresh account but I can shoot you one as well if youre interested but 0 pressure!
Good day, RPN netizens. The name's Corolla. Glad to find an active site which is kind of a dying breed. If you have any fantasy anime roleplays or fun shonen ones that you could recommend, hit me up. Hope to hang around here for quite some time. See you guys around.

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