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Introduce Yourself!

Man it took me an embarassingly long time to find this section down here. Well, I guess that tells you a fair amount; I'm ironhand, (he/him) and I've never used a site like this before, and I have only a small amount of written RP experience, even if I do have a few years worth of in person RP from TTRPG's and such. However, I do have over ten years of experience writing fiction; fantasy, science fiction, fanfiction, the works! I enjoy it very much, and look forward to trying out writing with a partner on here.
HI! Im Raya! Im 17 and need a rp partner and i dont like doing anything nsfw so.. yeah!
Hello - I'm Luna Reyne. I am 31 and have been roleplaying for over 15 years.

I am primarily a fandom roleplayer but I have some OCs here and there.

Thanks for the welcome!
Hello all! Not new here - I have simply missed writing, and I have some characters and storylines I would love to workshop. Looking forward to chatting with you all!
heyy, my name is Ada, I've been rping for a long time. I write semi lit to lit and mainly do fandom rps.
Hi what fandoms do you roleplay? I have a list of fandoms I rp on my profile and I'm still adding to it as think of fandoms I love. If you would like to rp anything in particular let me know. :)
Hi what fandoms do you roleplay? I have a list of fandoms I rp on my profile and I'm still adding to it as think of fandoms I love. If you would like to rp anything in particular let me know. :)
I mainly do the boys, but I also really like DC!
Man it took me an embarassingly long time to find this section down here. Well, I guess that tells you a fair amount; I'm ironhand, (he/him) and I've never used a site like this before, and I have only a small amount of written RP experience, even if I do have a few years worth of in person RP from TTRPG's and such. However, I do have over ten years of experience writing fiction; fantasy, science fiction, fanfiction, the works! I enjoy it very much, and look forward to trying out writing with a partner on here.
That's awesome!
Hi, I'm Caitlin!

I am a Quotev refugee with 12 years of roleplaying experience under my belt. I am probably the biggest Disney fan you will ever meet (I've seen every movie at least twice), and I'm also a huge gamer. I only do fandom roleplays, but I do have tons of them, especially when it comes to movies and video games. Feel free to ask me what I've seen or played.

I should also note that I'm openly lesbian and mostly do WLW on my side as most if not all of my OC's also identify the same way

I'd love to meet some new partners and reconnect with old ones! As someone who struggles with sudden change and is also on the spectrum, it might take me a while to get used to this site, but I am ready and willing to try
Hello! I'm going by Faerie Childe, please call me Fae or Childe if the whole thing is too unwieldy. I've been roleplaying since I was quite young, sometimes just straight RP and sometimes within a system like D&D or Ars Magica. I write some poetry, and I've dabbled in short stories, but mostly I turn to RP when I want to tell stories and play with characters. All my games have dried up lately from a variety of scheduling problems, except for the one I'm DMing, so I was feeling terribly bereft of opportunities to RP. Had a hunch the internet would have a solution somewhere, and lo and behold! This site seems really cool, and I'm super exited to get into things.
Hello there!! I’m just a wildflower. I’m 25 years old, and I’ve been roleplaying for about 11 years. I adore creating and fleshing our characters and storylines. World building is an art form that I am very passionate about. I am an avid oc x cc enjoyer and welcome double ups. My writing style ranges as little as semi-literate all the way up to Novella. My favorite fandoms to role play for are as follows:
~Elden Ring
~Don’t Starve
~Harry Potter
~Star Wars

Or even just making up something with my rp partner! My favorite genres to write for are romance, slice of life, adventure, fantasy, and sci-fi
Hey, I'm Soda (21, they/them). I've been roleplaying for quite a while, although not so much in the past year or two due to ✨life stuff✨. I just desperately want to get back to creating characters and stories with other people, because that's what I love doing.
Used to LOVE this site as kid, but kinda dropped off the map like 5(ish?) years ago, and thus do not remember anything about my old account ):

but its cool cuz I have a chance to start fresh, anyways lovely to meet yall (again) hope to chat more soon
Hey everyone! I'm Steampunk_Villain, as you can tell, but you can call me steam for short. I'm not new to RP, but a friend mentioned this site to me, so I'm here to check it out😊

Drop a cookie if you've ever heard of the animated movie 'the road to el dorado'!
Hello I'm Awassi,
I'm quite experienced at RP, having been doing it since high school and was writing before that.
Decided to get back into the scene since I'm really missing RP right about now.
Howdy Howdy!
I'm Bee and I've been a roleplayer for years. Dropped out of the roleplaying scene for quite a while and was an avid user of Feralfront back when that was a thing! I'm also on Umbra and Rp Repository if anyone wants to find me there :)

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