• Before posting a question, please check our Frequently Asked Questions page as well as previous threads here. Odds are you aren't the first to ask, and you may find the answer without having to post!

Introduce Yourself!

Hello, I'm Lilly ( but I've also been called Flower, Candy, and Waffle if you rather use one of those or you can spell Lilly differently, I don't mind.)
I started role playing around the age of 13-14, if I remember correctly and I'm now 27, my first taste of role play also included joining a group that didn't end very well.. Though I still role played here and there after wards it slowly dwindled down to hardly at all, I'm very hesitant to role play but I still enjoy coming up with characters, worlds, plots etc. I'm kind of hoping it'll return.

Uh besides that... I'm a pretty boring person? I mostly play The Sims games, I have type 1 diabetes, and I own a chihuahua named Bennett (he's my precious fur child and thinks he can take on things bigger then him-)
Hello! My name is Alice, and I am 18. I voice act, roleplay (obviously), and write. I can do any genre, though horror is my favorite. Especially when the roleplay consists of dark and morbid topics (I like things that make me sad.) But ofc, I will respect everyone's boundaries. Can't wait to meet you all.

Thank you for stopping by to read this!

You can call me Mallory I have been role-playing for almost 4 years now mu journey started through amino but eventually I left amino but my love for role-playing still burns bright so I hope to broaden my horizon.

I am a semi literate roleplayer I would love to continue to learn and broaden my vision of Roleplay not just as a roleplayer but as a writer to..

If you would like to roleplay feel free to slide into my dm's

Thank you


Hello and welcome to RpNation!
Here is where you can make an introduction post and let us know a little about you, while reading the intros of other people like yourself, and maybe making a new friend!

Before you go any further, though, please take a moment to look over our site rules. They aren't very long, and it's best to know what's expected of you before you take the plunge into the depths of the site.

If you have any questions, check out our FAQ. If there's something you want to know that isn't answered there, ask in the Community Hub -- many of our members are very friendly and happy to help. Or, if you have something to ask that you want to keep just between you and the staff, make a post in Staff Contact instead.

Please remember this is to introduce yourself. If you want to just jump into looking for roleplay players or partners please create a thread in Recruitment.

If you need some ideas on what to include in your introduction to the community, you can mention:
  • Your experience with roleplay and how long you have been roleplaying.
  • What interests you have within roleplay, such as genre or settings.
  • What interests you have outside of roleplay; such as a hobby.
  • Why you decided to join RpNation.
  • Write about your pet (if you have one).
  • Or for something silly, two truths and a lie.

You can use those prompts or just introduce yourself as you wish to the community.

While we are happy to have this thread help you meet and make new friends, please remember this isn't the spot to converse about roleplays, in-depth conversations, or taking over the thread with ongoing chit-chat. ;3

I hope you enjoy your time here!
Uhhh I kinda just want to learn a bit and someone recommended this so here I am. Im pretty open to genres but prefer realist settings. I enjoy hiking when the weather is nice. I joined because Im interested in rp and was introduced to this. My dog is literally the best dog, like no doubt about it, but his breath smells of the grimm reapers toilet after taco bell.
Hey everyone~

I'm Rain and I've been roleplaying for a little over ten years now! I started when I was fifteen and still very active on Gaiaonline, though I slowly ended up making my way over to Tumblr. I joined the forums after looking around on reddit for a new writing home where everyone's included, without any of the explicit content that other sites offer nowadays and well.. after browsing around a little, I was sold on signing up. <3
I'm your average 30-year old weeb, who loves all things nerdy. I'm very into anime and manga, video games- especially of the cozy kind, Kpop, Kdrama's and Jdrama's!
Some of my favorite genre's to write in are Supernatural{Give me all your vampires, werewolves, shifters and time travelers!}, suspense/thriller, music, fandom[anime, video game and kpop}, modern and apocalyptic. Pairing wise I'm very familiar with MxM{which is my favorite} though I've started dabbling in FxF and have some fandom pairings that I absolutely adore with MxF!
I'm Nik, 25 y/o. I've been roleplaying for over a decade now. Multi-fandom and/or original content, I don't have much preference. Semi-to-advanced lit or just casual, if preferred. My other hobbies include writing fanfic, gaming, and drawing comics.
Nice to meet you.
Hello hello! My name's Sammy. :) Been roleplaying for around 13 years now, and looking for some new partners!
heyy!! for introduction's sake, my alias is plum. i go by she/her pronouns, and i'm over the age of 21. i have 3 dogs, and i do have a full time job!

- i've been roleplaying since the age of 8, so i have over 10 years old experience. i only do narrative rps; i do not use script format. generally, i go from semi lit to adv lit. genuinely, i do try to match my partner; i will also match the energy of my partner.

- i have multiple fandoms i am currently interested in. these include many anime fandoms as well as other animated and live action (basically just with real people actors). message me about it and i've probably watched it!! usually, when i rp canon characters, i out my own spin on them! and whether it's a completely original world vs a made universe, i love developing whole worlds with the people i rp with!

- writing is my hobby, so is reading. always doing that in my free time, also very attached to photoshop and pinterest!! love making graphics and playlists and pinboards for my partners and our plots!
Howdy, I'm Cloaked :]

20, he/him

Been RPing for about 8 years now (started on Roblox when I was 12)

Fandoms include Undertale/Deltarune, Marvel, DC, Pokémon, Dirk Gently, Scream, and like a thousand other things
hiya, i'm cam! i'm 20 and i've been roleplaying for half of my life. i'm a pretty literate roleplayer, def adv lit to novella, and i love seeing other people's ocs!!!
Hey, I'm Kisa. I've been roleplaying for years and love to develop characters, worlds, and stories with other people. I do anything from one on one to multiple characters at once. Willing to be as light or detailed with replies as my rp partner is comfortable. Looking forward to making new rp friends.
hey i’m sheepskin and i’ve been roleplaying for a while now. looking forward to getting into things here.
Heya, I'm Lyrro (they/she). I've been rping for about eight years, mainly fandoms but have been getting into oc works more and more as I focus more on my writing career (I use career in the loosest terms possible). Still getting comfortable with the site despite reading everything back to front, up and down, and all around lol but I'm trying, just like everyone else.
Well hello I ego~ (that's what you'll know me as atleast) I'm 19 and frankly I'm here for advice to keep my roleplay group alive and to sponsor it. maybe a few tips oh how to improve my roleplaying style as well!
Howdy! My name's Vanilla and I'm 13 years old :) . I have been RPing since I was 9, and I am semi-lit. I Love my cats! Timezone is EST. Other than that have a good day and please message for RP ideas! I would love hearing from you.
Hello there! I'm Dead I've been Rping for 7 years now with a bit of a breaking in there. I rp Stranger things, Supernatrual, and MCR. I haven't ever used this before so this is quite new 😅
Greetings. I'm new to this site, but used to roleplaying. If anyone is interested roleplaying with a newbee feel free to message.
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Hello and welcome to RpNation!
Here is where you can make an introduction post and let us know a little about you, while reading the intros of other people like yourself, and maybe making a new friend!

Before you go any further, though, please take a moment to look over our site rules. They aren't very long, and it's best to know what's expected of you before you take the plunge into the depths of the site.

If you have any questions, check out our FAQ. If there's something you want to know that isn't answered there, ask in the Community Hub -- many of our members are very friendly and happy to help. Or, if you have something to ask that you want to keep just between you and the staff, make a post in Staff Contact instead.

Please remember this is to introduce yourself. If you want to just jump into looking for roleplay players or partners please create a thread in Recruitment.

If you need some ideas on what to include in your introduction to the community, you can mention:
  • Your experience with roleplay and how long you have been roleplaying.
  • What interests you have within roleplay, such as genre or settings.
  • What interests you have outside of roleplay; such as a hobby.
  • Why you decided to join RpNation.
  • Write about your pet (if you have one).
  • Or for something silly, two truths and a lie.

You can use those prompts or just introduce yourself as you wish to the community.

While we are happy to have this thread help you meet and make new friends, please remember this isn't the spot to converse about roleplays, in-depth conversations, or taking over the thread with ongoing chit-chat. ;3

I hope you enjoy your time here!

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