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Introduce Yourself!

Yes, I possess living qualities such as breathing...

Haven't been on this site in a long while. Been roleplaying for over a decade at novella length, I'm a huge fan of fantasy (knights and dragons are always welcome), and realistic renaissance era(-) stories. Feel free to hit me up, as I said, it's been a while and I'd like to take my shot in the dark at writing again to see if anything has held true or if it all needs to change from the foundation. Look forward to meeting you guys in a new year where unfortunate circumstances have brought more and more people together on the internet than ever before!
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Hi hi ! You can call me Chai or Prince !

I've written on rpnation before but took a long break and forgot my account. I enjoy drawing, reading, and writing. My main interests lie within fandom-related rps. I hope we can get along!
Shakily awakening from a prolonged RP hiatus...

-Courteous bow-
Salutations, Nation~
You can call me Ryumomo, Ryu, Momo--whatever the way.

I am quite excited in regards to stumbling upon RPN. It's certainly been a while since I have invested true energy into writing/RPing. I trust this community lives up to it's friendly reputation~.
I dabble in all corners of writing/RP(casual sentence to para form), as well as multi-OCs on hand for whatever the case may pertain to.
Feel free to summon me if interest sparks, or if you're just in the means for a 'get to know' conversation.
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Hiya everyone!! You can call me Em or Emmy! I’m new to this site, but not new to roleplaying. I’ve been writing for several years now, and I am currently working on writing a book!
Hi! I'm Astral! I've been roleplaying for a few years now, and I decided to join this forum to make some new roleplay friends! So, I also hope to have fun here as well!
hi all! my name is...well, i use lots of names but you can call me nebu, nebby, kit or starrie

i wandered over here from feralfront because i miss the feeling of being in group rps. and uh social interaction. ive roleplayed on and off for 6 years!

im currently burrying myself in pokemon mystery dungeon, splatoon, and undertale/deltarune content. nice to meet y'all!
😄👋 Howdy!
You can just call me Mill or Milli for short.

I've been RPing for a couple of years so I've got a good amount of experience at this, but I'm still getting a hang of it at spots.

My fandoms are way too many to list, and whenever I wanna RP it's usually from the ones that pique my interest at the moment. But I will say that I'm currently into Disney/Pixar in general, as well as some DWA, Blue Sky, Illumination, and a few other animated movies that I'd rather keep unmentioned right now. I'm also into several cartoons like Gravity Falls, Adventure Time, Steven Universe, Rick and Morty, Phineas and Ferb, Milo Murphy's Law, Infinity Train, and SVTFOE just to name a few.

I'm a mostly literate roleplayer with replies that tend to vary between pretty short to very long depending on where the plot goes. I don't care much about how many paragraphs the reply must be, but no one-liners please. My favorite RP types are slice-of-life and some fluff/comfort, but I'd like to try some new stuff every now and then.

I only ever do canon characters and I normally prefer to do maleXmale, but I'm not against trying out maleXfemale. Also, I can only do 1 X 1 for the time being, since it's harder for me to focus on two or more characters instead of just one.

I'm on Pacific Standard Time so you might wanna keep that in mind before reaching out to me.

Lastly, I'm actually fine with some very mild NSFW stuff as long as it's within reason, but I will not do rape and homophobia as those are my two main no-no's when RPing. Feel free to message me to learn what else I won't do.

I know it's been a lot to read but still 😋
Nice to meet you!
I think I’m doing this right, hey, what’s up, im new here to this place, I came across it when I was searching for a place to get back into the swing of roleplaying, it’s been like three years since I’ve done so, I hope to roleplay here while also meeting people, so I guess I’ll see you guys around (I really hope I did this right)
I think I’m doing this right, hey, what’s up, im new here to this place, I came across it when I was searching for a place to get back into the swing of roleplaying, it’s been like three years since I’ve done so, I hope to roleplay here while also meeting people, so I guess I’ll see you guys around (I really hope I did this right)
As right as right can be! Welcome to RPN :33:
Hello possible new friends,
I am a multiple paragraph and novella roleplayer. I have been roleplaying online for 15+ years. I have many different characters and depending on the storyline, would happily create a new one.
Many genres I gravitate towards are Romance, Fantasy, and supernatural (not the TV show). As for eras, I tend to gravitate towards Regency, Victorian, Medieval, and Modern but I can be open to discussions as these are simply eras I've done extensive research on and have experience writing in.
I am open to fantasy aspects in all the eras, I've mentioned above. This means vampires, werewolves, shapeshifters, etc. I am also open to strict modern (no fantasy whatsoever). I have been known to dabble in the worlds of others (HP, Marvel, TrueBlood, etc.). Ask and you may receive. I prefer to play my own character rather than canon as I'd prefer to live in my own mind than that of the original creator/author full time.
I look forward from hearing from anyone soon. Good luck all all your roleplaying adventures!
hello, my name is jareth. i have been roleplaying for quite some time, but i want to roleplay here to enhance my writing skills. i miss the pure joy of roleplaying. i am also new to this site, and sorry if i feel sorta... misguided in this place haha. i have a bunch of characters that i want to roleplay in.

my roleplaying style is uh.., i prefer paragraphs, but not too long please. around 1 paragraph minimum. i mainly enjoy writing fantasy because that is what im most comfortable doing. i enjoy roleplaying and writing monster people haha. i dont like modern au or slice of life roleplay. oh yeah, i dont do fandom roleplays either. sorry about that.

i also happen to draw!!! i dont do requests, sorry.
Hello, hello wonderful folks! The name is Marshall and I’m a maple syrup madlad from the northern lands of beavers and scented dollar bills! I’m a minor whose dabbled in roleplay of nearly every genre and prides himself with his rather uncanny ability to think up plots on the spot. Currently, my fave is Slice of Life and I’m seriously craving for some good old slice-o’-life RPs at the moment! Outside of roleplaying, I design websites and have existential crises every now and then. Anyways, that’s about all I have for myself at the moment! I’d love to meet some roleplay pals while on here, so consider my looking-for-friends status wide open and politely awaiting your presence!

(Btw, here’s a cute pic of my neighborhood cat...her owners gave her away a while back :<)


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