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Introduce Yourself!

Hello! My name is Liz, and I’m new to the site but not new to roleplay! I’ve been writing for about 12 years now. A friend of mine recommended this site to me!
Hello everyone!

I thought I’d introduce myself since I’m somewhat new here. I’ve been roleplaying for well over a decade now and a lot of the people I use to make and play campaigns out with have either disappeared or gone on with their lives, roleplay has become a rare thing at least as far as I know.
Character creation and world/story building is something I miss deeply, I play Dungeons and Dragons to somewhat replace and use my skills that I’ve learned over the years.


Heres some facts about myself:
- I’m a self-employed voice actress.
- I‘m an artist.
- I love gaming.
- I am always open minded and enjoy most campaigns.
- I also am a connoisseur of anime.

If anyone is ever interested for a DM/GM, need help world building, or wants to roleplay I’m your gal!

- Cheers, Artsy.
Hello everyone!

I thought I’d introduce myself since I’m somewhat new here. I’ve been roleplaying for well over a decade now and a lot of the people I use to make and play campaigns out with have either disappeared or gone on with their lives, roleplay has become a rare thing at least as far as I know.
Character creation and world/story building is something I miss deeply, I play Dungeons and Dragons to somewhat replace and use my skills that I’ve learned over the years.


Heres some facts about myself:
- I’m a self-employed voice actress.
- I‘m an artist.
- I love gaming.
- I am always open minded and enjoy most campaigns.
- I also am a connoisseur of anime.

If anyone is ever interested for a DM/GM, need help world building, or wants to roleplay I’m your gal!

- Cheers, Artsy.
Oh wow!

Welcome! And what do you like voicing if I may ask?
Hi! Kirakishou here. I've always loved illustrating and writing but a good couple of years ago, I got into a funk/depression where those things just didn't make me happy anymore, while at the same time, life just seemed to gobble up all my free time. It took a while to pull myself out, and I'm still not where I want to be quite yet, but I am finally able to pick up my pencil again and enjoy the things I used to.

Let's see, I usually like to roleplay anime or games that I'm into but in the past, I have roleplayed in completely new worlds that I've made with my friends. I love making characters and fleshed out stories. I pretty much like most any genre depending on how I'm feeling.

Besides writing and drawing, my other hobbies include gaming ( Tekken ftw LET'S GO!!!!), sewing, practicing composing (I'm a big fan of Masashi Hamauzu's work) and taking my dog for walks in my downtown.

I think that's about it for now. I don't want this post to get any longer than it already is, haha. Definitely message me if you wanna know more. Looking forward to RPing on the site.
Hi, I'm Squiggly and there's few things I enjoy more than a good literary experience with friends and new acquaintances alike.
I've roleplayed off and off for six-ish years and I'm hoping to get into it again on here (even tho idk what I'm doing shshsh).
I love adventure, drama, horror and romance genres and I love plots and characters that develop and change over time into something meaningful and inspiring. If I cry doing it or think about it in the shower, it's a dang good rp lol.
I prefer fandom roleplaying with established characters and 1x1.

In my free time I make art and I'm currently going to school to become an animator. I have too many cats and one cactus. Feel free to message me but know that I may not know how to reply. Saying I'm an old soul is my go to excuse for not understanding technology.

Thanks for reading ❤️
Let me start by stating I'm only doing this 'introduce myself' because it is a suggested piece of our involvement. I'm the one that likes to just jump in there and start roleplaying without all the 'Hey, look at me, I'm here now pay attention to only me'. For me, it is all about the roleplay. The characters come first, always. I don't participate in all that much when it comes to OOC/personal info. about myself. It's not that I'm some weirdo (but hey, aren't we all anyway?) that creeps behind a screen and ultimately tries to make things weird or untenable.

I will state that I've been roleplaying for more than 25 years, so yeah, I sort of know how it works. I started back in the AOL days and moved on to many various forums through the years, landing on the Dragonlance forums lastly. Predominately, I roleplay fantasy; however, any genre is open to me. I have been an RPG'er for more than 35 years and have a very comprehensive collection of a wide variety of campaigns and settings ranging from every D&D edition to Pathfinder to Altered Carbon to Star Trek to World of Darkness and etc.

My reading preferences are Stephen King, Clive Barker, Fyodor Dostoyevsky, John le Carré, Brandon Sanderson, Haruki Murakami, Cormac McCarthy and many, many more. Be it lighthearted or darkness or even comedy, it is all about the characters I create and develop.

So, if you are in need of a character-driven roleplayer you can contact me. Serious inquiries only. I only roleplay characters of my own creation, I do not 'step into' anyone else's nor do I allow anyone to step into mine for any amount of time or action.

I may add more/edit this later.
Hi there!

I'm Kirsten, or Kek, as most on the internet come to call me. I've been RPing on and off for 10+ years now and even when I take breaks here and there, it never fails to draw me back with new adventures and characters. I typically prefer action, drama, adventure, fantasy/sci-fi (modern or medieval), and romance. Or any mixture of those together!

I'm a professional dog trainer so I stay pretty busy driving and training during the day or working my own dogs, and am usually most active in the evenings and am a bit of a night owl! Though I may be able to slip in a reply here or there throughout the day in between appointments. I try to get at least a few replies in a day since I tend to like fast-paced RPs.

I prefer 3rd person, paragraph style RPs, usually anywhere from 1-4 paragraphs depending on the content/my partner's length.

I'm always open to hearing new ideas or even just chatting and making a friend!

Alright, so I suppose I can say I'm not exactly new to roleplay I've been at it for over a decade now. I started out as a young teen writing fandom stories with a friend on yahoo and ICQ (and some even on paper) while waiting for new episodes to air. It graduated to forum based roleplays with long, literate replays after and eventually switched to tumblr for a while and a small stint on twitter and then back to messenger and lately I've mostly been on discord. I've always wanted to join a D&D group too, but I've never managed, so I have very little to no experience with boards and/or dice.
Most of my roleplays have been within fandoms (TV Shows, Movies, Anime/Manga and lately also videogames) with me playing canon characters (I do however have one OC that I played for a little while) but I am always open for a decently fleshed out OC to interact with and I do not mind to take canon characters and throw them in another universe (adapting stories/backgrounds).

I'm not a native English speaker and in the beginning I did write in another language, but I have switched to write in English exclusively a few years ago (even with friends that would share another language with me). My imagination tends to run with English commentary in my head so it is easier for me and while I would never dare to say I am perfect (let's face it my grammar isn't always good, but it's not as if my grammar is any better in my native tongue) it should be acceptable (at least the University did accept my papers in English).

Aside from roleplay, I enjoy being active (martial arts, volleyball, some fitness), I read, occasionally play videogames and I work a lot (hospital hours). I do love cosplay, but it's not my most active past time. And lastly, but not least: I have two little furry troublemakers to share my home with (aka cats).

I decided to join RPNation to find some new roleplay partners and plots to join (or create) since most of my friends have become too busy or we've wandered into different fandoms and things have tapered off on most ends.

And for some fun two truths and a lie:
- I am nerd enough to have named my cats after fandom characters.
- My actual native tongue has no grammar rules or official dictionary and we use a neighbouring country's language (that has been slightly adapted) on official forms.
- I am absolutely horrid at math.
Hello everyone, it's lovely to meet you!

I usually go by Elle online but I respond to my user too. I'm a married, mother of 2. Forever sleep deprived, partially to do with insomnia but mostly because of motherhood. 2021 is my 8th year fully addicted to caffeine.

Let's see... I started fantasy writing/online roleplaying when I was 11 (all the way back in 1999 🙈). Had some breaks on and off over the years, but never fully stopped. My go to genres are supernatural slice of life cross, everyday slice of life, low key sci-fi, and medieval low-med fantasy. I'm a literate writer that can sometimes verge on novelist. Most responses will be between 2-6 paragraphs, depending on the situation.

I am a PC gamer (mostly world builders, some roguelikes and platformers), but I don't get a lot of time to do this much anymore.

Other things I enjoy: Sketching, musical theatre, fantasy books, dark mori fashion, hamsters and small rodents, essential oils and incense, tattoos and piercings, indie folk rock, symphonic metal and baking.

Life is hectic and care responsibilities take up most of my days. I may not always be able to respond for a day or two, but I'll definitely get to it eventually (^_^)
Hi everyone!
My name is Izzy, I’m 23 years old and role playing for quite a while now on a German RP site. Because I’m missing some action and would love to do some RPs in English, I found my way here and hope not to disappoint.

I’m a sucker for romance, especially love-hate-relationships, crime stuff, a little ✨ fantasy ✨ and anything that catches my interest really. Also, I love writing 2 x 2 or double roleplays (not sure how this is called here), because then I don’t get bored that quickly.

If you’re interested in writing a cool story and making a new friend, hit me up, because I’m certainly down! ✨
Hi everyone! I'm Keli. I'm a 30-year-old veterinary assistant who got into RPing many, many years ago (probably when I was around 12 or so) and fell out of practice for a while, but I want to get back into it. :D My sister has been bugging me to join this site for quite some time, so... here I am, haha. My primary RP interests are sci-fi and fantasy, but I'm always open to new ideas. When I'm not online, I'm usually buying plants or fostering kittens.
Hello there!

I’m Utop, but you can call me anything, really. Roleplay has been my secret hobby for the longest time— started with chat rooms, then forums, then back to chatrooms… ping-ponging through as each platform started to become inactive or as I became too busy. I tried to return to old forums recently since I’ve been wanting something more lax than Discord but I found it basically dead :(. I’m very glad I found this site because it looks super open and welcoming!

I’ve mainly been a fandom roleplayer, from video games to novels to anime. Playing canon characters is my favorite, but I do try my hand at OCs sometimes! Apart from that, my favorite genres are magic-based, sci-fi, or a nice mix of both :).

Some interests of mine outside of that are writing and math. Looking forward to making new friends here!
And for some fun two truths and a lie:
- I am nerd enough to have named my cats after fandom characters.
- My actual native tongue has no grammar rules or official dictionary and we use a neighbouring country's language (that has been slightly adapted) on official forms.
- I am absolutely horrid at math.
I like your icon.

Umm. . For your game, I'm really hoping that one and two are true. I think two especially sounds really interesting? But anyway, I'm going to guess three as your lie and presume you're actually just really good at math.
I'm Talin.
I am not new to roleplay, but new to roleplaying in English. Until know, I only really roleplayed in my native language, which is German. But I would like to change that. So I sincerely apologize
if my grammar and spelling is a bit off sometimes, I am still learning and will try my best to improve. Because I am an art student and sometimes a bit busy, I am not someone who can reply daily.
I always try to be honest with my roleplaying partners, and I hope to find someone who is friendly and creative.

My interests in roleplaying are:
-fairytales and fantasy worlds
-non-romance roleplays
-witches, wizards, dark magic
-I prefer to write male characters

I am absolutely not interested in roleplays which are about WWII or battle roleplays, sorry. The same goes for fandom roleplays (I am just not very good at writing characters
that I did not invent myself).

Some other things I enjoy: visiting art exhibitions, painting, reading all kinds of fantasy novels, watching obscure movies, daydreaming, collecting strange things I find on flea markets

And for two truths and a lie:
-I can lick my own elbow
-my favourite color is brown
-I am so bad at sports that my P.E. teacher once forbid me to do certain activities because she feared that I would accidently get hurt
And for two truths and a lie:
-I can lick my own elbow
-my favourite color is brown
-I am so bad at sports that my P.E. teacher once forbid me to do certain activities because she feared that I would accidently get hurt
Another one to guess for, hmm? I'm going to guess that your favorite color isn't brown and is either a specific shade of brown or not brown at all. Your English is pretty good for someone who is new at Roleplaying in it, by the way. I have a feeling that you'll do just fine! Oh, right. Welcome to RPNation too!
Hey all! My name is kitty, I'm a NB bean and I'm excited to meet some new RP friends.

its been a long time since I have rp'd despite being obsessed as a teenager. Life gets in the way haha. I'm rusty but im sure with some patience I'll get back into the swing of things fairly quickly.

I'm a huge fan of anything fantasy based, a few fanfiction worlds - to be honest pretty much anything and everything except horror as a genre will tickle me pink.

IRL I am a sideshow/burlesque/drag performer. I eat fire, stapel things to my body and crack whips. That hasn't been happaning a lot with the great pannini but I also do some costume commissions and produce live shows (now online haha). But it does mean I am looking to scratch the creative itch in weird and wonderful ways.

I came here after a brief google search and some excellent reviews so I'm very keen to sink my teeth in. Please be patient with me, while I do spellcheck and proof read my work I am dyslexic so occasionally make mistakes. Kindly point them out and I promise I will do my best to not make it again.

Other fun facts about me - I have two cats (D'artagnan and Kahn), am obsessed with everything pink, leopard print and pink leopard print and love sparkly things. I am definitely a weird goblin/cat hybrid. My ASD brain is very happy rinestoning the heck out of anything I can get my claws into.

So that's me! Thanks for having me here ^^
Another one to guess for, hmm? I'm going to guess that your favorite color isn't brown and is either a specific shade of brown or not brown at all. Your English is pretty good for someone who is new at Roleplaying in it, by the way. I have a feeling that you'll do just fine! Oh, right. Welcome to RPNation too!
Thanks for the warm welcome! And you're right, my favourite color isn't brown, I don't really have a favourite color. You're good at guessing games haha

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