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Introduce Yourself!

hi there to whomever views this :)
Hi there! My name is Whitney, and I've been roleplaying for way too long. I love story-based roleplays, and I love dramatic plots. I am on a MHA binge right now, so all of my current roleplays have been that. <3 But I also like other anime such as Bleach, Jujutsu Kaisen, Fire Emblem: Three Houses, and other stuff.

I am studying to be an English teacher in Japan, I'm married and have a kid, and spend a lot of time baking. <3
Hi there! My name is Whitney, and I've been roleplaying for way too long. I love story-based roleplays, and I love dramatic plots. I am on a MHA binge right now, so all of my current roleplays have been that. <3 But I also like other anime such as Bleach, Jujutsu Kaisen, Fire Emblem: Three Houses, and other stuff.

I am studying to be an English teacher in Japan, I'm married and have a kid, and spend a lot of time baking. <3
I am a mha character if u wanna rp
Guess we gotta write one of these.

I'm Purple, or red, or whatever works I'm not picky. I started off on gaia (in my main cringe, defy my parents by being online until 3 AM teen years), moved to Amino, and am now here. It's taken some time to find a platform that I'm comfortable using regularly.

I've been roleplaying off and on for roughly 10 years, but am feeling a pull to get back into it. I enjoy fantasy, sci-fi, historical, series-based, game based, and original RP genres. If it interests me, basically, I'm in.

Hope to see you guys around!
Hi, y'all!

I'm karma., a FeralFront fiend from years ago (there I was also known as karma for a while). I've spent roughly 9 years on and off the site before it closed down in October this terribly, awful, painfully long year. A couple busy years led to my absence, but lately I've been missing my RP fam.

So here I am! I've missed writing with peeps so much, so feel free to reach out to chat, I'm very friendly, I swear. :)
I love writing fantasy, adventure, action, romance, and a few fandoms. Plus, I'm always open to new ideas.

And because this feels like very valuable information; I have 5 big ol' doggies, an old persnickety princess of a cat, plus another cat who is a spoiled jerk. <3 Pls brag about your pets to me thx.

Hope to see y'all
So, I am a veteran with RP-- it started when I was just a wee 9 years old. Been hooked on it ever since. What/Where I've Played: AD&D (for you youngsters, that's D&D 2.5), D&D 5e (end TRPGs) MMOs: Final Fantasy XIV, The Secret World/Secret World Legends.

I see people as fascinating (and terrifying) facets of everything beautiful and ugly in the universe, often in the same person. We're complex, broken creatures who rarely see what is "beyond". I guess RP in some ways helps me cope with a world that, many times, makes no sense. I've been looking to expand my horizons, both socially and in the methods with which I play.

Honestly, I'm a little confused as to where I need to post my player interest (I'll look back through the readmes, just in case I missed it), but I would like a new 5e group; I would also love to start playing a CoD and/or a Pathfinder campaign.

I have a twisted sense of humor; I often think outside the box; I also truly try to get into the head of my character. Who wouldn't want this piece of sweet at their table? 0 =P
Hello and happy new year everyone. I too am new here but have been here many times over the years (cannot remember my old details!) I'm trying to re-spark my old love for story-telling as writing has been super difficult lately and I miss how easy and fun it was when I first started writing.

Interests-wise I am very passionate about photojournalism; psychology and poetry but I find that during my lows or highs, that's when I write and do other creative activities like painting or mapping out my novel. Anyway - I'm glad to be back! Hope this edit humanizes me a little!

So, I am a veteran with RP-- it started when I was just a wee 9 years old. Been hooked on it ever since. What/Where I've Played: AD&D (for you youngsters, that's D&D 2.5), D&D 5e (end TRPGs) MMOs: Final Fantasy XIV, The Secret World/Secret World Legends.

I see people as fascinating (and terrifying) facets of everything beautiful and ugly in the universe, often in the same person. We're complex, broken creatures who rarely see what is "beyond". I guess RP in some ways helps me cope with a world that, many times, makes no sense. I've been looking to expand my horizons, both socially and in the methods with which I play.

Honestly, I'm a little confused as to where I need to post my player interest (I'll look back through the readmes, just in case I missed it), but I would like a new 5e group; I would also love to start playing a CoD and/or a Pathfinder campaign.

I have a twisted sense of humor; I often think outside the box; I also truly try to get into the head of my character. Who wouldn't want this piece of sweet at their table? 0 =P

Ooooh - same here. I am currently writing a book where all characters are wonderfully flawed and all have very sordid pasts. I love using role-play to explore those themes, I really think they can help us in our own lives.
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Hi! I'm Scythex, and I'm new to the site. I've been roleplaying on Amino for a long time, though I don't use it anymore. I actually stopped using it a long time ago, so I guess I'm returning to the world of roleplay again. I'm also an aspiring author so I gain inspiration from roleplaying.

I'm new here and eager to roleplay! I'm 21 years old and I've roleplayed on and off since I was about 12 so a true roleplay veteran here. I haven't roleplayed in a while but something sparked up that interest again - and since I have a lot of free time now why not. English is not my native language so I will have mistakes here and there. I love fantasy, action and anything with an interesting plot. More info on my profile about section. Feel free to message me!

One question: Is it standard here to have your OCs somewhere on display or something? The latest platform I roleplayed on was Amino and there you would usually have thorough description of your OC for everybody to see.
Hi everybody. I'm Anakim Skywalker. I'm a big star wars and I can't wait to start roleplaying.
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Hello I'm jude! I have been roleplaying on and off for a couple of years no. I have found myself with a lot of free time currently, so I decided to try and get into roleplay full time. I'm a very descriptive person when it comes to writing, I like to have a lot of detail and when I'm really inspirited I can write a lot more then I usually would. I really enjoy looking at funny videos, everyone could use a good laugh every now and then. I'm huge on visuals and I love love putting together mood board and aesthetic boards, so if you roleplay with me you will be getting some mood and aesthetic boards. Anyways that's enough about me, I have never been good at introductions so I'm sorry if this one sucks. Have a wonderful rest of your day or night! <3
Hello, I'm Noah. I'm 23. I'm not exactly new to roleplay, been doing it on and off for about five years now. I'm literate, usually managing a paragraph or two on a good day. I like to write detailed RPs, both fandom based as well as original content. The fandoms I currently write for are Tom Clancy's The Division, as well as Ubisoft's Far Cry 5. Looking forward to writing with you all!

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