• Before posting a question, please check our Frequently Asked Questions page as well as previous threads here. Odds are you aren't the first to ask, and you may find the answer without having to post!

Introduce Yourself!

Hi I’m Mandolin!!

I’m 25, but I’ve been roleplaying on and off since I was 12, a majority of those years being 12-20. I’m an illustrator, so I’m always drawing my characters (I’d be happy to draw yours if we click ☺️)

I’m currently waiting to hear back from Berklee on my application determination so I can go for sound design and music business! Seeing as I’ve been making characters and stories since I was young, I want to paint that with music and cinematography as my career!

I love all genres of rp, I am more interested in original characters and content, but I’d be happy to rp a canon fandom(only on rare occasions do I rp canon characters)

I have a pup named Koda!

two truths and a lie:
• I stan BTS
•My favorite animal is the kangaroo
•I would like to climb Kylo Ren like a T R E E

Thank you for your time ☺️ I’ll be posting my character designs shortly, I look forward to getting more involved with this community!
Hello and welcome to RpNation!
Here is where you can make an introduction post and let us know a little about you, while reading the intros of other people like yourself, and maybe making a new friend!

Before you go any further, though, please take a moment to look over our site rules. They aren't very long, and it's best to know what's expected of you before you take the plunge into the depths of the site.

If you have any questions, check out our FAQ. If there's something you want to know that isn't answered there, ask in the Community Hub -- many of our members are very friendly and happy to help. Or, if you have something to ask that you want to keep just between you and the staff, make a post in Staff Contact instead.

Please remember this is to introduce yourself. If you want to just jump into looking for roleplay players or partners please create a thread in Recruitment.

If you need some ideas on what to include in your introduction to the community, you can mention:
  • Your experience with roleplay and how long you have been roleplaying.
  • What interests you have within roleplay, such as genre or settings.
  • What interests you have outside of roleplay; such as a hobby.
  • Why you decided to join RpNation.
  • Write about your pet (if you have one).
  • Or for something silly, two truths and a lie.

You can use those prompts or just introduce yourself as you wish to the community.

While we are happy to have this thread help you meet and make new friends, please remember this isn't the spot to converse about roleplays, in-depth conversations, or taking over the thread with ongoing chit-chat. ;3

I hope you enjoy your time here!
hello everybody! I’m maple!

I am 18 years old and I have been roleplaying since I was 12 years old! I draw, read, and write various stories online or on paper!

I have 3 cats named Viola, BoBo, and Winston and and 2 dogs — a 17 year old ShihTzu Poodle mix named Molly and a 1 year old very rambunctious hyperactive Chihuahua Terrier mix named Walter. I also have a betta fish named Negan.

Anyways, I’m very glad to be here! ☺️
Hello all! Was excited to get back into roleplaying and then realised I could no longer find the website I previously used so here I am!
Hello everyone!

I'm Vel and I've been roleplaying for a little over four years on various sites and apps. I'm in college, have three cats and a dog, and I write fanfiction in my spare time. I'm an artist/character designer for several fangames as well, and that tends to take up a lot of my time.

As far as roleplaying is concerned, I enjoy a wide variety of settings and genres. My favorites include psychological or crime thriller, contemporary fantasy, romance, and a little action/adventure. I also love fandom roleplays and will happily write as canon characters or OCs.

Anyway, I'm excited to be here and I look forward to getting to know you all!
Greetings. I've been a lurker for a good long while, and I decided now was the time to actually make an account on this damned thing. So hey, hope you're doing well, and I'll meet you on the battlebus in Fortnite.
Hello, new here, not new to role playing. I’ve been roleplaying on and off since 2009 (started on FooPets of all places) and was recently on the search for a more active forum website. My pronouns are she/her. I graduated university last year (good timing heh,) and am working full time in a really chill office doing some fun marketing work.
I own two dogs, a 5 year old white chihuahua mix and a 5 year old chocolate lab, and an 18 year old Anglo-Arab chestnut mare. They take up quite a bit of my free time. I’m also married, but he doesn’t really take up roleplay time lmao.

As far as roleplaying goes, I write around 500 words, but am desperately wanting to write longer posts with more experienced writers. I love character development and world building. Right now especially, I enjoy reality escapes in fantasy worlds with no covid-19.
I’m disabled and it does in fact impact my everyday life, including roleplaylong somedays. I tend to reply 1-3 times a week. Sometimes once a month but I will give a heads up If it’ll be longer than a week (if I know I’ll be slow). I am really pretty chill though and just want to relax with some new friends.
My name is Em. I'm an aspiring writer who got the sudden desire to jump into a zombie role play all of a sudden. I prefer they/them pronouns and I exist on both Fiction Press and AO3. I think that's about all the interesting things about me...
Hello! I go by Lizzy, and I have been told I am approachable :) So, I have been roleplaying for about 7 years now! And I'm here to meet some new long-term roleplay partners! So don't be shy to message me!
Hello. New to the site but not to roleplay. Considering this place for the new writing opportunities. I love to write comics, mostly, but have various other verses I am interested in as well.
Hi Guys,

I prefer to go by Beetlebuggo, and my friend introduced me to this place and I am completely new to Roleplay, as I found intrest in it a few days ago. Another thing about me is that I can be somewhat of a car enthusiast (Hence the Profile Pic!) but other than that I can have a bit of an overthinking habit that stalls my progress in writing, Hope to feel Welcome!
hi howdy hey! i go by a lot of names, though most commonly people call me sirius or eldritch. i have a lot of interests (mostly anime stuff, hehe), so. yeah. i'm new to this site but not to roleplaying in general.
Uh, hello! I am RayneIlStorm, though you can call me anything you'd like as long as I will know that you're referring to me! I'm obviously new here, but I'm not new to text RPing, though I don't do it often because I'm shy and finding partners is difficult for me. I also find forums very difficult to navigate, but hopefully I get used to this one!

I have a bunch of OCs that I would love to develop, and I thought that RPing would help with that.

Also, an embarrassing confession: I had no idea where I needed to go to post a reply for at least 5 minutes until I scrolled all the way down the page *sweats*
Nor is he early. He arrives precisely when he means to. And here he is. Call me the Wizard. I'm a 35 year old man living in Appalachia where the wild things are. My favorite things are heavy metal, but I like more than just that, singing, art, nature, my dogs, and studying. I've been studying religion, mythology and philosophy for years. I'm as passionate about that as I am singing. I've recorded some music with local bands and friends. Anyway... I also enjoy world building, writing and sharing my imagination with others. I haven't role played in nearly a decade, but I am ready to jump back into it. Please continue for a little bit about my interests and what you can expect.

I am literate. I write a lot. I like when you write a lot. I think we should probably write a lot. High fantasy is my absolute favorite setting. That doesn't mean I won't do other things. I really enjoy an imaginative story with interesting characters, and I will do what it takes to please you. Count on that. I'm wildly interested in werewolves, or just wolves in general. Knights, paladins, dragons, elves and fairies, demons and dark lords, enchanted accessories and whatever else you can imagine. I've got loads of ideas filed away in my mind from years ago, and I'd love to see some of those become really engaging games while I'm here.

I am looking to role play with an intelligent, literate and imaginative female around my own age. I am very mellow and easy to get along with, and also enjoy OOC chatter. I work long hours, and frequently, but I'm never going to be too busy for you. If you respect me, I'll respect you, and if we can make time for each other, that's great. I work overnight shifts, so I may be an ideal partner for someone on the opposite side of the world, or just another night owl like me. I'm happy to befriend you and lend an ear if you just need someone to talk to. Honesty, respect and kindness are what I'm all about. I can't wait to meet some of you and get to know you, as well as get involved in some co-creation with you. Don't be afraid to approach me to discuss stories, or even just to chat. I welcome all of you.

Please feel free to send private messages! Still learning to navigate this site. Can't wait to hear from you!

The Wizard
Hi! I'm Emmalie (Not my real name), and I was introduced to roleplaying 3 years ago and am always looking for a new person to roleplay with!
[Preferred Name:] I respond to Gavin so that works sense I don't really have a nickname
[Age:] Minor
[Pronouns:] Any Pronoun
[Roles:] Gavin Reed, Conan, Connor, Deku, Bakugo, Ticci Toby, etc. Those are just my favorites.
[Information:] Just a nerdy fanboy/roleplayer looking for friends and rp partners.
Greetings, mortals!

I go by many names, but have taken a special liking to Mantarok. I was summoned to this plane of existence by cultists, erratic fellows, they are, and was sealed within a mortal vessel. Do not fret, I am not one of those eldritch entities with malicious intent. Quite the contrary, mortals fascinate me. While observing your kind, I stumbled across this website and have been enraptured by the boundless creativity of the mortal mind. Thus, I shall throw my own interests and conceptions into the pot and see what entertainment this provides me! Even eldritch beings get bored, you know. Let us craft tales that may be as timeless as I!

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