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Introduce Yourself!

Hey all! My name is Jerry, and I'm new to roleplaying on forums, but I've roleplayed on discord for a few years. My favorite genres are sci-fi, fantasy, and modern. I would love to do a RP soon!
Hi!im Catsout000! I love doing furry roleplays and Warrior cats!!
I need to say send a message before I’m considered an actual member, so hi! I’m a huge fan of just about anything Sci-Fi, especially Doctor Who! I generally post 3 paragraphs before I start describing the weather, sorry people who like entire novels as responses! Be warned, I do tend to say random rubbish and spend half an hour laughing about it. I’m in the UTC timezone, but I’ll usually be on all day and night ( bad habit ) so excuse me if I get tired mid-way through an RP.

You might want to be told fairly early on that I have anger management issues, maybe that’s why I wrote this in such a high energy fashion! Also, my roommates like to drag me around the whole country on weekends, so excuse my absence on somedays. I’ve roleplayed for, how long now.. about 3 years, when my friend got me DnD for my Birthday!

Anyway, I‘m really looking forward to roleplaying here!
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DrunkenSailor DrunkenSailor welcome to the nation! It's in the correct area now so there's nothing to worry about anymore. I hope the weather is well on your side of the world. Sail into safe waters and please enjoy your time while you are here. Let us know if you need help. 😄
Hi. I'm new here. I was searching about what happened to Geeking and I came across this site by chance.

The site told me to introduce myself here, so here I am.
omg another geeking refugee hi there !! i'm from that wretched app too dskhdsk and coincidentally found rpn while searching for different rp sites !!
its wonderful on here, everyones super friendly and youll find ppl w a wide range of interests.
hope to see you around ♥
Thanks! It’s been great sailing into harbour here and I’m really looking forward to immersing myself into the local culture!
Hello there!
I'm a 15-year-old girl from Texas who loves all things animals. Though surprisingly the only thing I don't really like animal themed is roleplaying. I've been roleplaying for maybe a year? Well, not long anyway. I like to consider myself semi-literate and my favorite genres for roleplaying include romance and drama. I've loved to write all my life but for some reason never thought about roleplaying until now. I am very social and like making friends online. I have a dog named Emmy Lou that is about a foot tall and has the emotional range of a peanut. Love her though! ^^ I also have a hamster who I love very dearly. I hate to say it but he's probably smarter than my dog... which is why I'm trying to train my hamster to come and spin and not my dog. One of my biggest hobbies is making Hamster cages, it's an obsession that has cost me kind of a lot of money.

My dream is to marry a loving wife or husband and either adopt twins or have twins, preferably twin girls but I'd be fine with either. We would live on a ranch in a small town and have horses, goats, and chickens. we would live a self-sustaining life and we would either homeschool our kids or they would go to a public school, depending on how good the schools are. I would own a large animal vet clinic and all the other ranchers would take their animals to me. I guess that's just a dream though.

My hope is to make a few friends and find a few dedicated RP partners. Well, anyway, bye!
Hello New world. I'm pretty new to Forum Rping so I hope I don't make a complete fool of myself.

I have been rping for almost 14 years now. But it's all been through table top and larps. I also play lots of board games as well. I don't have a single gaming console. But I do play WoW, Diablo 3, and Neverwinter Nights on my PC. Now, what type of Rping do I like? I can't say there isn't a type I don't like. Well I take that back. Slice of life is a no go for me. Just not my thing. But anything else is very cool and willing to do. How did I find this place you asked? It was a suggestion from a few friends.

Oh, I still haven't said anything about myself? Silly me. Really not sure what to say.
So let's cover the most commonly asked questions. I am female, over the age of 21. Does my exact age really matter? No not really. Location you ask? I live on this Earth with each and every one of you beautiful people. But I'm centrally located somewhere in the US for right now. English is my 3rd language and what I find it easiest to RP/ type at. I feel that I'm pretty outgoing in person. But when I'm in a new place (even online or digitally) I get a little timid. Really hoping to use this opportunity to make some friends and get some Rping in a few days a week. I'm currently in college, going on second semester. Got to pick a major very soon. just not sure what to pick.

Want to know more or simply talk? Please feel free to reach out and contact me.
Hoi hoi all! I go by the name Yagi!~. I've been roleplaying for about 3 or so years now and I feel I've progressed rather significantly from where I've started haha. Most of the roleplays I do are based on anime's that I've watched. Most commonly: Mirai Nikki/Future Diary, Zombieland Saga, Azur Lane, Doki Doki Literature Club, and others I can't think of right now, yes, I know, I'm a weeb.

Outside of Roleplay I don't do much, I watch anime, do Marching Band stuff, or draw/write stories! And of course, play games. I came on this site to hopefully expand my search for a partner as I can't seem to find much interest in my rp's when I post on other platforms. Hopefully I'll get a bit more of am answer on here!
My name's Punkypine! I'm a bright young lady born in New York. With the quarantine keeping me from having fun outside, I decided to take yp roleplaying. Open for a lot of things!
There's not much to say about myself besides from I've been roleplaying for years and I mostly go for dark plots. Really easy to talk to.
Hello, everyone!

You can call me Wander if you like. I've be rping off and on for quite a long while, but I've been more off than on lately. I'm here in hopes of changing that! I have a couple of original characters that I used to play in private rps that I would love to put back into play now that they've been updated. I'm more than happy to make new characters if needed, though! As for types of rps I like, supernatural and fantasy are definitely my favorite.
Hello, I thought I’d give another RP website a go after stopping for a long while, so here I am. I tend to gravitate towards fantasy and anything detached from slice-of-life type roleplays. I consider myself to be literate, and able to immerse myself within the world we build together.
Hey there, I’m syo! I have 9 years roleplaying experience and I tend to lean towards fandoms for Roleplay but I also do some original Roleplays as well. Huge Danganronpa fan right here I am! Uh... that’s it I guess? I’m happy to be here!
Hey .emma. .emma. , welcome to the site! I love the artistic style of your profile picture. We hope you have fun during your time on the site. Please let us know if you need anything. 😄
hello im Scorpion . not that Scorpion from MK X3

im super friendly childish and hyped meet new people!

i love rping!!!!!

i love fantasy roleplays and romanceeeeeeeeeee

i can rp with boy or girl dosent matter ! im clean as well ^^

im looking forward with you all have fun! :3 peace!!!

oh and im new
Hey guys! I'm Minnie! I'm new to this site and I thought I'd introduce myself! I'm 24, F, and am in the EST time zone. I've got a lot of extra time on my hands while the pandemic is still raging on, so I thought I'd get back into rp-ing!
Will writing here count as making an introduction? Idk but here goes:
Call me Morpho, I came here because I heard it was the top rated rp site. I have many fandoms, but I’ll also rp with ocs (I have 80+) I hope it’ll be nice here.

Second post here in more detail:
I only recently discovered the greatness that is role playing, but I’d say I’m pretty good at it. My favorite types are ones that are descriptive, but not tedious. Once I’m able to have regular posts, I’ll list the fandoms I engage in. I’m very excited to meet you all, and I hope you’ve been having a great day! See you later! 👋
Hello! I created this account a while ago, but never used it properly, so now I am finally trying to get into things and have a good time here <3
There are so many people!

Hello, I am new. :) I remember falling in love with roleplaying when I was in grade school. I love all things fantasy, and can appreciate the fascinating process of world building with others.

Most of my role playing has been in established universes, but I think I'd enjoy playing around with original content. I'm not very good with graphics and imagery, and I would hope that floral descriptions make up for it.
Hey, I'm Phantom Phoenix. New to this site but I've been roleplaying for sixteen years now. I thought I would give it a go again after taking a year away from it. Thanks for having me here.
Hi there!!
U can call me mandara! I love to RP and haven't in a while so I'm excited to get back into it. I mainly do fandom stuff but original content is always fun! I have a dog, she just had puppies. I live with my boyfriend and I dont have a care (yet!) Idk what else to put but im excited to be here:)
My name is MrCyberly, or I would like to either go by Cyber or, rarely, my real name: Patrick Ryan lawson. I'm a 21-year old college student with not just autism and ADHD but also a passion for drawing and writing. If you get to know me, you'll see that I'm a pretty nice guy. Besides, I'm nice to people.

I'm not only here to make some new friends, and also show everyone my art, but to also look for some other roleplayers to roleplay with.

Yes, I am a huge fan of roleplaying, which is one of the ways I would like to get inspiration to create even more things and not just from listening to music. I usually like to roleplay superhero, sci-fi, other-worldly fantasy, or humorous. I can even do other scenarios, which honestly depends on whether some of those scenarios are a good idea or not. I like to write my roleplays in paragraphs because I believe it looks pretty legit that way. If you want to roleplay with me, don't be afraid to ask. I won't bite! But I must warn you before we roleplay. In the words of Jumanji and Zathura, adventures beware! It's because I tend to go deep as heck into detail when writing our roleplay adventures.

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