• Before posting a question, please check our Frequently Asked Questions page as well as previous threads here. Odds are you aren't the first to ask, and you may find the answer without having to post!

Introduce Yourself!

Hello I am waffle I am eighteen years old and am a casual type roleplayer currently I am looking for a tower of God role play but my other favorite fandom is The Mortal Instruments Universe. What else about me well my favorite color is black I would like to create a webtoon but don't have the artistic ability lol and I love to skateboard and am glad to be here
Hello, I'm Sheep I guess??? I've never really roleplayed before but I am looking forward to do so! Hum... I like various animes, but I think that original stories are super cool, so I guess I am up for both fandom and original rps. Nice to meet ya all ;)
Hello! I'm Eve, I've been roleplaying for a while, but have honestly gotten lazy with it recently. I'm 19 from Virginia, looking to meet new people to roleplay with and eventually talk to on discord/call.
I'm basically a big fat loser who has been roleplaying for like a few years but kinda sucks at it. I roleplayed on that KIK shit before it got overrun by pedos and crap and then the entire app was deleted or something. Now I'm bored as hell so why not I guess. You can address me with anything you want, call me poopoo head if you really want to.
Hello, I'm new to this site - I'm not even a lurker. I'm looking to get more into writing, collaborating and learning from others, so I've been trying to find a good site to dive into rp on (And I'm optimistic about this one!) Nice to meet you!
Hello and welcome to RpNation!
Here is where you can make an introduction post and let us know a little about you, while reading the intros of other people like yourself, and maybe making a new friend!

Before you go any further, though, please take a moment to look over our site rules. They aren't very long, and it's best to know what's expected of you before you take the plunge into the depths of the site.

If you have any questions, check out our FAQ. If there's something you want to know that isn't answered there, ask in the Community Hub -- many of our members are very friendly and happy to help. Or, if you have something to ask that you want to keep just between you and the staff, make a post in Staff Contact instead.

Please remember this is to introduce yourself. If you want to just jump into looking for roleplay players or partners please create a thread in Recruitment.

If you need some ideas on what to include in your introduction to the community, you can mention:
  • Your experience with roleplay and how long you have been roleplaying.
  • What interests you have within roleplay, such as genre or settings.
  • What interests you have outside of roleplay; such as a hobby.
  • Why you decided to join RpNation.
  • Write about your pet (if you have one).
  • Or for something silly, two truths and a lie.

You can use those prompts or just introduce yourself as you wish to the community.

While we are happy to have this thread help you meet and make new friends, please remember this isn't the spot to converse about roleplays, in-depth conversations, or taking over the thread with ongoing chit-chat. ;3

I hope you enjoy your time here!
Celestial Mechanist Macha

RPing for 10 years, mostly FE3H right now
I've started roleplaying 4 years ago. It was with one of my friends and we really enjoyed it. We did for almost 2 years, but we were still in high school, we suddenly had a lot of other things to do, and we also had to focus on our private life, that's why we stopped. I've wanted to start it again for a long time, but since she was the one who ended it, I didn't dare to ask her. That's why I'm here.
My favorite genres are romance and thrillers, but I'll do anything if I like the idea.
Hey, I'm Anxiety Riddled NERD! Also known as Yosi if the first name isn't in your tastes.

I'm here looking for RP friends an I'm here because this seems to be the only RP exclusive site where it's possible to Roleplay 1x1, I have been roleplaying for a couple years now.

In the past I roleplayed on sites/apps such as, Kik, Wattpad, Discord, Skype, an even Roleplay.me for a little while.

I wouldn't say I'm the best at roleplaying but at best I can write a lot if really into the topic. I don't really have a favorite genre or setting an while I do like creative original roleplaying I like fandom roleplay as well.

Most fandoms I enjoy roleplaying are small an/or died out but I'll list some here anyway.

Fnaf (Five Nights At Freddy's)
Destiny child (Gacha game, with a really small fandom >~<)
Toilet Bound
Demon Slayer

So! I hope we can RP and become Roleplay buddies in the distant future!
I’m not going to lie I haven’t roleplayed that long. It’s something I’ve recently gotten into. My name is Haydalynn most people call me Hayds. I don’t know what I’m into like I said I just started with this stuff.. that’s also why I came to rpnation.. 😊 I have 2 cat and a chinchilla they are all adorable. My 2 truths and a lie.. hmm well. I am in cheer, I am missing a finger, and I am great at playing COD!! 😃
I have literally been all over this site for years via several accounts. I've had a lot of good experiences with RP, but I learned something over all that time.

Almost no one has what I need in an RP partner. Not because they aren't good enough, or because they're too good.

No. They just tend to be on a different wavelength from me,and because of that, tend to expect the story to go in a different direction than me.

So I made this account for one reason and one reason, alone.

I need a kohai. Someone who hasn't been in roleplay as long as I have, who has potential. Someone willing to learn from me, is willing to take my constructive criticism, and someone who shares my aesthetics.

That way I train my partner from the ground up, and have a RP partner in crime.

If anyone who reads this is interested, let me know by tagging me in a response (if your account is new) or by messaging me (if you have the ability to do so)

I'll be advertising my search in other places around the site later, so this isn't the only chance... But I will only be taking on one kohai... So good luck.
Hello! I'm new to the site and somewhat new to roleplaying! I used to RP for a year then I got a S/O and spent my time with them instead of RPing so after a few years I'm back!!
new to the site not to roleplaying, ive been roleplaying since middle school and im well past that now, my writing seems casual and it usually is occ but i promise im more eloquent and literate when its game time, im 20 years old and ive decided to look around here for a partner to rp with! i prefer discord and havent really roleplayed in a bit so i may be a little rusty but i do my best! decided to join cause a few posts have caught my eye! nice to meet yall.
Hey guys! I'm not new to the site but I haven't been on in a year or so. I made a new account to start fresh and I've made 3 other accounts over about 4 years because i tend to leave for a while and come back only to cringe at my old writing style.

I'm 17 now and I came back because summer vacation recently started and I've been coming back to enjoy old hobbies of mine.
Other than rping I like playing video games on my phone (band girls dream party, dragon raja, harvest town), ps4 (minecraft, overwatch, dead by daylight, gta 5), and pc (starbound, roblox sometimes).

I also watch anime and like to draw either traditionally or digitally. I like playing volleyball and tennis but I haven't played in a while.

Hit me up if you wanna chat on discord (thisorcery #0983), play video games, or rp!
Hi! I'm Uri, I've been role playing for awhile now but I just joined this site, and I'm reeeeaally confused. Hopefully I'll get the hang of it :)
hi all <3
i'm mk! i've been roleplaying for 9 years now. recently had to take a break due to moving and starting school,
but i'm eager to get back into it all again.
hello! I am Sheppard! He/them, I'm a Sagittarius, I love the aesthetic of gold and blue, I've been roleplaying for a couple of years but this is my first time of RPN!
Hello all,
I'm cheshirechat! I've been roleplaying since 2008 (oh god). I'm a lover of cats and books, and my favorite genres are gritty modern fantasy, post-apoc, or straight-up medieval fantasy. Hope we'll all be friends. c;
Hellow Hellow~

I am quite new to this Rp- Neighborhood!
Be aware, non of my complex characters are normal, and so is their creator. My Rp skills may not be the best, but I am no beginner to his topic. Sheer four years— I roleplay over four and a half years.
Call my writing style not unique, unique, weird, normal— but I write a lot. My characters have their own voices, each. I will post their thread sooner or later.

And Grammar is there to he ignored.

I am not a known rper, but I not a social distancing person. If I say “I am open” I usually regard to my own reading to start a new rp :>

Yes, more informations about my roleplay-style. Alright, I prefer genres that contain Fantasy (ancient and modern); Romance (nothing erotic); Comedy; Adventurs, DnD (even though I am a lousy beginner).

So, yes. Good evening :>
Hello hello, I'm Leviathan! Levi preferred but that's just because it's easier. I first started roleplaying in my early teens and while I haven't done in some time (mostly due to a lack of decent groups to rp with) I have roughly a decade of experience. I generally do fantasy or future scifi based rp but I've dabbled in plenty of other genres and may be open to trying new things out if it interests me. Looking forward to seeing how it is here!
I hope im doing this right.

im new to this so i am going to slowly know how to explore this dumb site
:dead: im so dumb it will take me 1m years too figure this out. :3D:

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