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Introduce Yourself!

Hello I’m Shen. I’m huge into The Untamed, a Chinese BL drama. I am 26 years old with 5+ years roleplay experience, advanced literate 2000+ words is my skill level. I speak 3 languages fluently, my native Mandarin, English and German. I hope to make many friends on here and many great roleplay partners.
My name is Leif, I am NB (they/them pronouns pls) and I'm semi-lit with about 5 years of experience.
I can do most any genre: fantasy, slice of life, sci-fi, but fantasy is a favorite of mine. I mostly only do MxM, but it depends on the genre, to be honest.
Outside of roleplay, I like Animal Crossing, Vocaloid music, and rhythm games (Taiko no Tatsujin/Project DIVA specifically).
I joined RPNation because I needed a better way to find roleplay partners besides Reddit, haha.
So, yeah! That's about it! Feel free to hit me up anytime! Bye!

- Leif
Heyo! The name's Akeru.

(Honestly, the name I go by is subject to change.)

I've been on the roleplaying scene for awhile, somewhere around seven years? Using years makes it feel so small, but it feels like it's been forever. Roleplaying is a passionate hobby of mine. of course, at the beginning of my...career? Hobby?? Whatever you would call it, I wasn't very good. However, I feel that I've definitely built up my writing abilities over the years.

Interests within roleplay, hm? Well, I definitely favour romance above all else, but I love intermingling fantasy to just plain ole' slice of life. Generally, I prefer MxM & FxF pairings over FxM. I dunno, they just don't interest me all that much. In regards to to response length, I enjoy having semi-literate to literate responses. IMO, the longer (and detailed,) the better! Also, not sure if I need to specify this, but 3rd POV is much appreciated lmao. I also have no issue with using "canon" characters as much as using OC's, as I'm equally likely to lean either way. It's just how it be sometimes. Interests outside of roleplay have to be just generally writing (working on that first draft of my manuscript,) reading fanfiction, playing video games, stuff like that. My top 5 favourite games of all time would have to be:
  1. Okami
  2. Kingdom Hearts 2 or 3
  3. Persona 5
  4. Spider-Man PS4
  5. Uncharted 4
I joined RpNation because I'm bored in quarantine and I miss having multiple Rps going at once. Dunno if I have any fellow Geeking Veterans out here, but I was super active back in the day until the Great Tragedy of 2018. Of course, I'm kidding. Geeking went waaaaay down hill and I'm not sad that it was shut down. Not really. It was, though, my only place to roleplay so my options have been very limited. I'm interested to how different it will be here! I really do just wanna rp again. I miss it. And I'm glad to see that this community seems to be such a safe space.

But ye. That's all.

Please take care of me :)
Hello! I’m Isaac! I’ve been rping since I was 11, I’m 19 now. I mostly do original characters and no fandoms but I’m not opposed to rping within a fandom
Ave! Have been roleplaying for years now and finally hope to find a RWBY group on this forum! I love making OCs and find the asterisk style tragic :'D
hey all!

my name is mala and i’m almost twenty-one :-)

i’ve been roleplaying on and off for about 6 years now which is super crazy ^-^’

i love creating unique characters and the plots and twists that come about from collaborating with someone – so much better than writing alone!

i’m super excited to get stuck into writing some juicy stories :-D

hope everyone has a gucci day hehe
Hello everyone. :) I'm off work for a little bit and have some time on my hands! I'm almost 27, female, and love to play video games in my free time. I'm hooked on Fallout 4 right now! I don't roleplay very often, only when I really have a craving for a fandom related roleplay. This seems like a nice and active place, so definitely hoping to land a Fallout 4 roleplay soon. Thanks for the read. :)
Hello there!
Been a DM for 9 years!
My games are heavy on the roleplay/story, but light on the rules.
I've been acting for more than 20 years, and I love to write music as well!
I'm here because I'm looking for RP-focused players, and this seems like a good place to do it!
I hunger for a different kind of RPG experience, because the "not-roleplay-heavy" experience is already abundantly available and easy to find lots and lots and lots of. DMs who run games with little real focus on character roleplaying are many, and easy to find.
I have a cat named Cheddar who snuggles on my lap while I run the game. :)
Hello, my name is Emanon. Been rp-ing mostly in d&d and other tabletop rpg, i am new to everything forum related.
Asides from rp-ing im a hobby artist who is looking for comic inspiration.
Hi! I have some fun ideas for role plays! I've really been liking vampire diaries so I'd like to do something with that. Nice to meet you all!
Hello, I've been doing a DnD rp for about a year now. I'm interested in anything really. Outside rp, I would say I'm really interested in violin and acting. Other than that, I play and watch all sorts of stuff. This is not really part of the introduction but I really recommend watching Jojo. Anyway, I decided to go to this site because the people in my session currently urged me too. Despite having a one year experience in rp, I've only created two characters. So I hope my experience here will make me learn new stuff in regards to writing characters better.
Peace, food, and love everyone

I'm Mindicree. My friends just call me Mindi. I've mostly been into TTRPGs for a number of years across more systems than I can count, involving a multitude of genres. I'm very new to the world of online RP, though it always seemed interesting. Looked online and saw a lot of recommendations for RPNation. Finally started reading some stuff today and am really into it.

Outside of RP, I like to write, record, and play music, watch anime and read manga, eat burgers and steaks, and play video games. I'm heavily into fantasy for all of these (except for the eating burgers part).

Hope to have some fun!
Yo yo! I'm Jalapeño. I roleplayed loads yearrsss ago, we're talking like 8 years. But I've been thinking recently about how much I enjoyed it, it'd be the main thing I'd devote my time into and what I looked forward to most- so I wanna get back into it! I'm open to anything really, and like the idea of building a community of role-players- this seems like the perfect place. Hit me up! I'd really like to get to know new people!:closed eyes open smile:
Hi I'm Veil. I'm an old veteran of roleplaying, though I stopped for a while. I'm looking forward to meeting people and improving my writing. I enjoy writing fantasy and comic book style rp's, though I'm down for anything involving creative people.
Hey folks! I'm Sec and I've been roleplaying both online and in-person for about eight years now! I've been missing forum-based RP and community for the past several months and I'm super excited to jump back into writing collaboratively again. When I'm not online, I'm a full-time student and part-time health researcher who enjoys getting lost in the woods, roadtripping, playing otome games with my five roommates, collecting animal bones, and wearing lots of terrible flannels!

I'm super hype to meet new people and I'd love to chat with anyone who's down for psychological horror, fantasy worldbuilding, magical realism, romance, or any of those really complex premises that you've been building up in your head for years!

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