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Introduce Yourself!

Hi there! I’m super brand new to this site in particular, but I’ve been Roleplaying for about four years now!

my preferred name is Galaxy (Gal for short). I’d appreciate if you used she/her and they/them pronouns with me!

I have a deep love of fantasy and anime related roleplays. Especially since anime is what got me into Roleplay. I can be slow to respond at times. Mostly because I have some anxiety and I want to write the best response I’m able to!

I find it more comfortable to play female or feminine aligning non-binary characters. And love working with sapphic plots too.

Sorry if this was too long or I rambled!
Greetings and Salutations RPN!

I hope everyone is staying safe, happy and healthy during this dark pandemic.

I am looking forward to Roleplaying various roles and "getting away" from life. Even for just a short while.

I am looking forward to hopefully many wonderful Roleplays.

Will be getting an image for myself tomorrow, as for me it's passed 9 at night.

Stay safe, happy and healthy!
Hello Everyone--
I'm honestly bored out of my mind right now. Quarantine has definitely done something to me.
Let me know if anyone wants to rp!
Stay Safe and Healthy!
Hey guys!! Agent 8 the Octoling here!! Quarantine has me beat so I learned to use the pc!!! Hope everyone is staying safe and I hope to be rping with yall soon enough.

This account is a few months old but a friend gave it to me after using it for a bit so i changed the name.
Hello~ I guess you could call me Scribe, i'm new to the site and not at all new to rp
Happy to meet you all, and excited to see where the text bubbles take us~
Fellow Mortals of Earth,
We art the Unsympathetic Moron, The God of Hammers.
We art pleased to meet thee and hope to foster excellent relationships with thyselves.
I shall end this introduction with my word of gratitude to RP-Nation.

Hello, hello!
Not exactly new since I was a frequent user of this site a couple of years ago, but everything seems to have changed so much that I might as well be. Did you guys overthrow the staff while I was gone? Since taking a bit of a break from roleplaying, and now recently being stuck home with only studies to keep me company I've been itching to start writing more again. So even though I'm horribly rusty - both my writing and my English skills sure could use a refresher- I'm here! With a new account and everything (bye bye cringy old rps).

I usually do 1x1 rps, but I really used to enjoy playing two (or more) characters each. I also really enjoy world building and character creation. As for favorite themes I'm always a sucker for historic themes and settings, mythology and, of course, fantasy.

I might be a bit of a slow poster, since I prefer to write lengthy replies but I am also busy with many other things during the day, mainly university. But I also play badminton, draw, play video games and practice cooking when I get too tired of writing case briefs. So that's a bit about me I guess! It feels good to be back.
Good morning,

I've never heard about this site before. Where to begin? I enjoy art (how novel!), particularly painting, Photoshop, and I write fiction. I love Korean Soap Operas, Timothy Olyphant, and Fiddle music (well mostly any music really). Ask me anything.
Hello~ I'm Bre and, a 20 year old female in college. I love to roleplay, I have about 7 years of roleplay experience. I tend to do anywhere from 5-20 computer lines (It depends on how much my partner writes and how into the rp I am) and I do descriptive third person rp, but I can do other styles, just no script or text talk. I do OCxOC and CANNONxOC. I have no triggers and will do BxB, GxG, and GxB. If you want to rp, feel free to send me a message. My timezone is EST (Eastern Standard Time).

My fandoms are:
Sailor Moon
Diabolik Lovers
Attack on Titan
Harry Potter
Kamisama Kiss
The Vampire Diaries
The Originals
Kamigami no Asobi
Uta no Princesama

I also enjoy doing original storylines.

There are others I can't think of, so if you have one in mind just ask.
Hello~ I'm Bre and, a 20 year old female in college. I love to roleplay, I have about 7 years of roleplay experience. I tend to do anywhere from 5-20 computer lines (It depends on how much my partner writes and how into the rp I am) and I do descriptive third person rp, but I can do other styles, just no script or text talk. I do OCxOC and CANNONxOC. I have no triggers and will do BxB, GxG, and GxB. If you want to rp, feel free to send me a message. My timezone is EST (Eastern Standard Time).

My fandoms are:
Sailor Moon
Diabolik Lovers
Attack on Titan
Harry Potter
Kamisama Kiss
The Vampire Diaries
The Originals
Kamigami no Asobi
Uta no Princesama

I also enjoy doing original storylines.

There are others I can't think of, so if you have one in mind just ask.
Yo yo, excited asf to rp here. I've been rping since late 2013 and was suggested this site by a friend group : ) I've previously only done rp on discord but I'm looking to broaden my horizons a bit considering the quantity > quality there tbh
What kind of rp's do you like?
Action/Slice of Life with a bigger emphasis on the action and fighting stuff with really powerful characters being possible, the setting is really open for anything. I will never do fandom rps though preferring to only use ocs.
Though the upmost important thing to me is to be able to tell/make a story.

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