Bust :(
Corais here. I've been writing fanfiction for 19 years and doing rp for 8 of those. I exclusively rp 3rd person Past. I'm here to find rps that involve transgender characters or possibly someone wanting to do a long haul fan-based time travel/redo fic for fandoms like marvel/supernatural. basically, the things that I can't find on Omegle type sites.
Warning, my spelling can be atrocious. I have tremors in my hands and so writing is hard. A lot of times Ill swap two letters or miss a space bar. Try to use spell check as best as ican, but that can take a lot of extra time. So expect excellant writing but atrocious spelling.
Warning, my spelling can be atrocious. I have tremors in my hands and so writing is hard. A lot of times Ill swap two letters or miss a space bar. Try to use spell check as best as ican, but that can take a lot of extra time. So expect excellant writing but atrocious spelling.