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Introduce Yourself!

Hello female 23 been roleplaying for about 4 years now. I enjoy all types of stories, and can't wait to create new role plays and meet new people.
Hi,there! Names Irina Nyx ^-^
Though some tend to call me Irina, Nyx, or Nyxy refer to me however you wish!

Feeling quite a bit of nostalgic knowing I've been role-playing for about five years now,haha (makes me feel sorta old now that I speak of it). Aside from that, the genre of role-play doesn't really pertain to my interest that much, however, I do tend to gradually pull towards Anime. Though I'm wishing to escape that shell and open up a bit more to newer ones. Now hobbies? that's a fickle one. I have a love practically for just about anything if I'm introduced to it in a way that grabs my attention. But I really do enjoy writing,art, and music. Its a burning passion that I've had for a while, and one of the many things that keeps me at peace whenever I'm down. So, if I ever tend to get out of control with the Wattpad, Opera, or Berthe Morisot conversations, just let a gal know ahead of time will ya? (~_^)

Anyways, I'm sort of new to the forum-like role play style so I look forward to the experience I gain from it, meeting tons of different writers and just having fun!
Hello I am Sanguis ^-^

Aaand I really suck at introducing myself. x)
What can I say?
Well I am shy
English is not my mother tongue, so I make a lot of grammatical mistakes.
I am interested in comics,cartoons, series and mangas so I am open to almost any roleplay.
Hi, I’m White Aura (You can call me Aura if you want)

I’m open to most roleplays! Love fantasy/adventure roleplays the most. I’m hoping to make some friends aswell, and I’m quite chilled so if ya wanna chat just DM me :)
AlbacorePrism AlbacorePrism sollane sollane Moriary Moriary dendygar dendygar Monk Monk InsanityAddict InsanityAddict capetowncowboy capetowncowboy ShinoHHara ShinoHHara SilverInu SilverInu Ottermuffin Ottermuffin PastelPrincess.xx PastelPrincess.xx H e x x H e x x Writers Fury Writers Fury sugar babie sugar babie Quellys Quellys Valena Valena LeeYeonha LeeYeonha MudBug MudBug Shadow Fox Shadow Fox Uni.Verse Uni.Verse Anthropoltergeist Anthropoltergeist Dark Rose Dark Rose Irina.Nyx Irina.Nyx Sanguis Sanguis White Aura White Aura

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Happy roleplaying and happy holidays!
Hello peeps, here's my introduction. You can call me whatever you want. I have moderate roleplaying experience here and there. I heard this is one of the biggest sites so I am here to try my hand here :) Hope to get along with all of you and I hope you people will help me out.
hi everyone! im ash. ive been roleplaying for half a year (i know it's kind of pathetic compared to almost everyone on this site, but sh) and i roleplay normally just about anything. i normally roleplay on quotev but decided to try something different. :33:
Hello! My name's Dunking. Though my first language isn't English, I'm pretty good at roleplaying in English. I've been playing role-playing games for quite some time. I've participated in a number of military assignments and training in samp and that too very serious ones. I'm well aware of military roleplays and high school roleplays. I make music in my free time and I have a music channel on Youtube as well. I'm no good at sports but I'm pretty good with computers. In real life, I'm the geeky kind of kid. I've been coding for python for 1 year as well now. That's it for now I guess.
Hello, mortals. I have come, bearing a message. A message from both sides of the eternal conflict...

It will be displayed for all those who wish to see... all those who have heard the calling...

and all those who choose not to ignore it.

I call for one thing and one thing alone:

Rebel. Against both the light AND the darkness. Against the authority, AND the adversary. Against both the power, AND the love.

Rebel, and be yourself... to the fullest degree.

Join me... and together, we shall create a perfect future... together.

If you wish to see what the details of that future is, contact me. Write with me. We can't be together if we aren't as one.
Hello! I'm Liz, and have been roleplaying for about five years. Certainly excited to finally join a forum site, and current interested include Star Wars (quite obviously, haha), Homestuck, Butterfly Soup, and Life is Strange. Feel free to message me if you're into any of those things, I'd love to have a conversation! Some fun facts about me include that I'm lactose intolerant yet obsessed with cheese (but that's not too uncommon, is it), I've never broken any bones, and I own over a dozen sneakers. Lowkey crazy.
Hey. Just came across this site and it seems cool. I've live chat RP'd for over 20 years, but life is making live RP a chore and there don't seem to be any active live RP sites anymore-- at least, none that I can find. I've been writing a lot of short stories lately, and as the years have gone on I find I enjoy writing much longer posts, so I figure forum RP is a bit better suited to life right now. I'm really into high fantasy and I find that I enjoy the extra freedom soft sci-fi provides over that of hard sci-fi, but do occasionally sprinkle some hard sci-fi into my writing.

I write about a character who has had a place in my mind for nearly my entire life. I imagine his tales while i'm at work, while i'm laying in bed, while I'm playing video games, while I'm watching shows and reading books. He's so old that I have always had a hard time really pinning down a 'timeline' for him. I know where his life began, and I know where he is 'now', but the countless eons in between have been, to put it mildly, not well fleshed out, and I'm not sure it ever will be. Alas, I still enjoy the writing, and the process, and the ideas.

Azar is a character who allows me to explore all the vast uncertainties and unknowable concepts that I could possibly imagine in both fantasy and soft sci-fi. He is an enlightened soul, and an adventurer on the grandest scale. In one story he may find himself in a medieval / fantasy-esque tavern trying to find work, or entertainment, or leads on topics that warrant investigation. In another he may find himself leaping out of a space ship and into the vacuum of cold space to venture into a pitch dark, mile wide, surgically smooth tunnel on the surface of an asteroid, illuminated only by the light fixtures on the arms of his EVA suit, only to discover in the cold blackness colossal, ancient statues to cosmic deities, and that the asteroid wasn't an asteroid at all, but a portion of a shattered world that had been cracked and obliterated by celestial entities millennia ago. The stories I write and think about all take place in his life, but at vastly different times.

The universe his story takes place in contains everything. Worlds of fantasy and magic, worlds of futuristic technology and science, and worlds whose inhabitants have mixed them both over countless ages. It is a universe where gods and deities exist, whether known about or not. It is a universe where some races are fortunate to thrive long enough to transcend mortality and become gods themselves through great magic, or great technology. It is also a universe where countless civilizations have been crushed to dust and forgotten through the annals of time. Azars universe is not the only one he sojourns though. I like his story to be as open as possible, and able to accommodate many different concepts and ideas.

His story is a good mix of the mundane and the epic. The ancient and the new.

I look forward to reading some of your writing, and maybe writing with some of you some day. Send me a message if you ever want to open a dialogue.
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Alriiiiiiiight ladies and gentlemen, boys, girls, and people of a-Wait, this isn't the circus is it? No, of course not, what was I thinking? I am very new to this site and a bit unsure if I'm actually doing this right. My name is Gwynne (Hi Gwynne, I imagine everyone saying in my head.) I do love to roleplay fantasy mostly, although outside of this I am writing a thriller novel! That's about all there is to say I suppose? Till next we meet!
Your Dearest, Gwynne
Alriiiiiiiight ladies and gentlemen, boys, girls, and people of a-Wait, this isn't the circus is it? No, of course not, what was I thinking? I am very new to this site and a bit unsure if I'm actually doing this right. My name is Gwynne (Hi Gwynne, I imagine everyone saying in my head.) I do love to roleplay fantasy mostly, although outside of this I am writing a thriller novel! That's about all there is to say I suppose? Till next we meet!
Your Dearest, Gwynne
Hi Gwynne
Hey! I'm Lex, I've never used this site but it looks like a lot of fun. I'm mainly into chicks but I do roleplay with guys. I love art and music, as well as video games! I have been roleplaying for about 4 years now and I love fantasy. This looks like a lot of fun and I hope I don't disappoint!
Hey, I'm Awesome Nemo. Most just call me Nemo.

It's actually kind of funny the real story how I got this nickname on the internet, initially it was just some random gibberish I made up when i was twelve, because Awesome was a little boring: It was intended to be one word only, Awesomenemo. But since that is a mouthful to say, and our culture is a fan of nicknames, people just started shortening it to Nemo as a quick way to just get it out there. After that I leaned a bit more into the nickname, basically modelling my internet style off of the Jules Verne character; in fact it is the reason I ended up reading the book!

I like to think I'm a rather experienced Role Player, and that started when I was rather young, usually just with making up characters that were more often than not far more interesting than the ones I make now: Of course, they were also crawling on the ground from having to carry all the Super cool stuffs! that I thought they should at the time. It really came to a head though when I got my hands on video games, and from then on I would play them like a movie, trying to recreate my favourite scenes from Lord of the Rings, Star Wars, and Spider-Man, with varying results. It finally became actual roleplaying in the conventional sense when my uncle let me play this one game called Fable II, perhaps my favourite game growing up, and the one that really taught me not to be an edgy anime character when making characters: When you can get discounts at a store by doing a dance, and have to make fart jokes to become famous enough to take certain quests, it's hard acting like Cold Steel the Hedgehog.

When I got my hands on being literate and the world wide web, that's when I feel that I met my stride, jumping feet first into text based roleplaying, to try and pretend I was somewhere close to writing at the same level of Tolkien, Lovecraft, Rowling, Miura or Riordan, to name a few of the writers that inspired me. From there I made the strange step to get into table top roleplaying to hone my skill at making believable or Shakespearean characters (though I'm definitely less than a novice if I'm being honest with myself), and began doing quite a few things to understand how to write the character, such as combat sports, weight training, sailing, I even took a course in university on Anthropology and Latin when I was trying to think like an Indiana Jones type. So I guess my style goes hand in hand with write what you know, as it's a learn what you write, sort of thing. On another note, I am painfully awful at being consistent and not vanishing into the aether, as well as actually remembering to proof read what I write, the latter weakness making university more than a little painful.

Now that wall of text is out of the way: Yo, 'sup?

So, I am terrible when it comes to introductions, so I'm gonna keep it short. I'm in my late twenties, I've been roleplaying for 10+ years so I am anything, but new to this. My interests are kinda all over the place, but I can usually be found lurking in the fandom section. Hoping to get in touch with a friendly, long-term and devoted sparring partner or two during my stay here.


I am JoyFreak aka Carbon. I found this forum on XenForo. I am a webmaster and owner of a gaming forum. I decided to sign up to this community because it looks absolutely beautiful and wanted to support it by doing so! I am also an avid gamer. Great job on the design guys! Hope I get a warm welcome :).

Many thanks!

I am JoyFreak aka Carbon. I found this forum on XenForo. I am a webmaster and owner of a gaming forum. I decided to sign up to this community because it looks absolutely beautiful and wanted to support it by doing so! I am also an avid gamer. Great job on the design guys! Hope I get a warm welcome :).

Many thanks!

Welcome to the site, glad you think the site is beautiful :).

If you want to talk feel free to PM me.

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