• Before posting a question, please check our Frequently Asked Questions page as well as previous threads here. Odds are you aren't the first to ask, and you may find the answer without having to post!

Introduce Yourself!

Hallo! I'm new here, Crispin sent me. But I've been RPing on various sites for years, and really started with Gaia's abortive attempt of Tentacl. That said, I've been on Star Army for the last few years, and am hoping to find and reconnect with old friends, making new ones along the way.

I primarily write scifi, with a love of science and exploration that carries into my characters.
Hi! My name is Aurora but I go by Ro or Auro. Long-time literate roleplayer. I most commonly do angst, fandom,and Romance roleplay but I'm ok with rping almost anything.
Hello! Call me Dale!
I used to roleplay and write a whole lot back in elementary and middle school (my parents gave me early internet access to keep me entertained which is both a blessing and a curse) but stopped around 8th grade due to extreme depression. I am now graduating from high school and while I still occasionally write I want to get back to roleplaying and this site seemed like a good fit!
I have a lot of lame interests like kpop and overwatch and misc anime and other media. I want to get into literate roleplays but I am VERY rusty and need some warming up. I'm cool with any genre really!
I have no clue what I am doing and still gotta get back into the swing of things so wish me luck D:
I hope to write with everyone soon!
Hi, my name is Sinchi (male 33 yrs old, call me Sin for a short)

I have been rping mostly in private between friends, this is my first time joining an official community for rping, so I hope i could fit in

I am interested in rping any kind of genre, like romance, mystery, fantasy horror.. Etc.

I have hobbies of watching animes and playing games on PC other than rping, i do translate managa too into my language to boost my English and vocab

I don't have a pet tho i wish i could have a kitten

I guess that's all about me, thanks
Hi! Please call me Joan for now! I've been roleplaying for a good three years, and consider myself to be a semi-lit to advanced literate roleplayer ^_^

I've been roleplaying for about five years but I don't actually know if that means I'm experienced. Can't wait to start writing with some of you!
LonelySomebody LonelySomebody YunaRen Leader YunaRen Leader TheUnknownWriter2005 TheUnknownWriter2005 angelfairy angelfairy Severinus Severinus Crucialkitten19 Crucialkitten19 Niskey Niskey Edenroth Edenroth see sora run see sora run xthaitea15 xthaitea15 baktic baktic asgardian_1 asgardian_1 KhaosRiivy KhaosRiivy limetree limetree HarperMadi HarperMadi Auro_Ro Auro_Ro Tomo Tomo LittleMissTinkerbell21 LittleMissTinkerbell21 fever dreams fever dreams Sinchi Sinchi Finnanut Finnanut hurleyquinn hurleyquinn Joan Of Arc Joan Of Arc Hopper Hopper

Welcome to RpNation; A Nation of Creation!

We have a helpful guide to assist you: A Comprehensive Guide to RpNation. We know it's a large amount of information and if you have any questions you can ask our Staff or Community for help. You can also take a peek at our FAQ where commonly asked questions are answered.

Happy roleplaying!
I choose two truths and a lie...
  • I only eat meat and/or eggs one to three times a month, sometimes 0 times a month.
  • I believe that substance abuse (alcohol and other drugs) is "cool" and that it doesn't have any long-term side effects whatsoever.
  • I once told a lady she was overweight, expecting her to not freak out and instead to rationally understand that she really needed to lose the weight.
LonelySomebody LonelySomebody YunaRen Leader YunaRen Leader TheUnknownWriter2005 TheUnknownWriter2005 angelfairy angelfairy Severinus Severinus Crucialkitten19 Crucialkitten19 Niskey Niskey Edenroth Edenroth see sora run see sora run xthaitea15 xthaitea15 baktic baktic asgardian_1 asgardian_1 KhaosRiivy KhaosRiivy limetree limetree HarperMadi HarperMadi Auro_Ro Auro_Ro Tomo Tomo LittleMissTinkerbell21 LittleMissTinkerbell21 fever dreams fever dreams Sinchi Sinchi Finnanut Finnanut hurleyquinn hurleyquinn Joan Of Arc Joan Of Arc Hopper Hopper

Welcome to RpNation; A Nation of Creation!

We have a helpful guide to assist you: A Comprehensive Guide to RpNation. We know it's a large amount of information and if you have any questions you can ask our Staff or Community for help. You can also take a peek at our FAQ where commonly asked questions are answered.

Happy roleplaying!

Thanks so much! I look forward to roleplaying here! :smilepuff:

I choose two truths and a lie...
  • I only eat meat and/or eggs one to three times a month, sometimes 0 times a month.
  • I believe that substance abuse (alcohol and other drugs) is "cool" and that it doesn't have any long-term side effects whatsoever.
  • I once told a lady she was overweight, expecting her to not freak out and instead to rationally understand that she really needed to lose the weight.

Hmmm, the second one is a lie?
Hmmm, the second one is a lie?
I would like to save a little more face and say that the third one is a lie, but you're right.. the second one is a lie. Just so everyone knows, I have never claimed to be a good person... If I claimed it, I would feel obligated to live up to that claim.
Hello I am Cleric of Ravens. Call me Cleric or Raven if you wish. I am not new to rp and am an avid rper from long ago wishing to to rekindle my old hobby and pass time. I am open to all sorts of rp, but I much prefer fantasy settings. In terms of level of Rp I like semi literate to literate
Hello! I'm Stax. I began roleplaying approximately 9 years ago and I hope to broaden my experience even moreso here. I enjoy many genres and can't wait to start RPing here! :closed eyes open smile:

-Stax (:
Bah, I don't like doing intros!

I've been a tabletop role-playing gamer for... uh... thirty two years, when did that happen? I've also roleplayed on various MUSHes, for those who even know what those are these days, and have been involved as an author in a few round-robin style fan fictions on fan forums. Genres I've been involved in include historical, fantasy, superhero, science fiction, horror, cyberpunk, modern, post-apocalyptic, zombie, western... probably tried most things at some point. Not mecha. Yet. I've played various MMORPGs and have enjoyed them, but often find the the role-playing element is given little importance.

I've lived my whole life in the UK (although I like to travel abroad), and English is my native language. I have a lot of hobbies, and most of them include knowledge that is of use in one RPG setting or another.

I'm here in the hopes of finding an outlet for my excess creativity, once I get a feel for the place. Literate posts are my preference; I try to write as I would like to read (and it's nice to know that I could use text-to-speech if I needed to).

My avatar is the ram from my small flock of sheep. One of these years I'll fit him with armour and he can cosplay as a dwarven battle-ram.
Hi, I'm Mickey. I'm an amateur roleplayer, but if you're willing to teach, I'm willing to learn. I've learned recently I'm not too interested in Slice of Life kind of stuff, or pet roleplay. I can write one-liners all the way to multi-para, but it all depends on how much effort my partner puts in, and I'll return the same amount. I have a hard time not controlling other people's characters, so if it comes to that, please be patient with me and just tell me how to do better, don't condescend me or just abandon me over something I can work on. Other than that, I am still experimenting with what I like, and even if we don't role-play, I'm still up for a good chat and making friends. Have a good day. :)
I started back in D&D then left rp for awhile. When I came it was Pathfinder and Starfinder. Started getting a little burnt out and found TftL. From there I have recently found BitD, AW, MotW, Fate core and Kids on bikes. I am in two MotW groups but am recently playing Kids on Bikes. Always looking for some good games to play. Say hi.
Aaah, intro messages... How long it had been since I had done one of those! Forum-hunting, what good times ^_^ But enough about that for now! Let's dive into it, shall we?

Helloooo, people of RPNations♪ The name's Number-428 Lylatt, written as N428-Lylatt, though obviously, Lylatt shall do, as y'all fine folks don't have to share my, uh, questionable enjoyment of machine-like nicknames.
It's also a reference, but I'll get to that whenever someone asks.
So, I'm more of a writer by hobby than a pure roleplayer, but I did participate in Roleplays before! Both tabletop and online; in the latter case, my favorite one involved Yu-Gi-Oh (that one over the top card game featuring characters with, uuuh, suspiciously awesome hair) in which we actually got to play the game while roleplaying duel banter and building a cool story along the way.
I have a Railway deck. Fun stuff.
Speaking of duels, whatever I write, I always specialize in conflict! Be it an actual battle with ideals on the line, a verbal joust or even a mix of the two, I just enjoy conflict in general, for I see it as a catalyst for understanding and evolution! I-I mean, like, if properly controlled, y'know, 'cause a random battle to the death isn't necessarily fun.
Unless it's in Yu-Gi-Oh, in which case, #SenselessSadisticViolence

That being said, uh, don't expect to see me often! I'm definitely the guy to go talk to if you need any pointers or resources related to all forms of conflict (or just to have a chat, provided you're fine with my occasional rambling), but I'm mostly just a wandering loner seeking thrills. I'll get a few of those with a few people, and for the rest, I'll alternate between slumber and in-depth analysis of whatever it is I find cool. Oh yeah, and world-building. Wold-building's fun.

Take care now!


PS: The musical pieces used to help writing this thing were Sneakman by Hideki Naganuma AKA Skafunk, and Cannibal Buffet by Aurelio Voltaire.​
Hey everyone! I'm new here, though have been rp-ing for quite some time now. I refrain from revealing my name, so you can call me J. Love 1on1 Romance and Fantasy rp, but with the right people, group Rp's can be even more fun.
I read storybooks(almost all genres), listen to music (both classical and pop) and play the piano.
Looking forward to meeting some really fun people here. Cheers!
Hello! I'd thought I'd just make it easier to put in bullet points.

pfp is a panel from jjba: sdc's manga and colored by @shwoople on twitter
-Apollo M.
-Alaska Time (UTC-9)
-Absolutely loves shipping and romance, but has explored adventurous, domestic, fantasy, modern, dystopia.
-Only ever tried one-on-one.
-Brainstorm first.
-open to short and extensive literate roleplay.
-oc x canon-friendly.
-open to chat when I can!
English is my first and probably only language and I'm most active when it's nighttime here. In my free time I like to draw but my time working has put me in a real dip and hiatus that still goes on today. Honestly I think it's why I'm going back into roleplay. I've been roleplaying on and off since 2013. I don't have a pet but I wish I had a cat. If I had a black cat I would name them Void lol.

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