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Introduce Yourself!

Hey, hey! Name's Jolly! I'm from the tumblr rp scene and have been itching for a new place to stretch the creative muscle. I've got too many interests and stuff I'd like to write here, but I love everything from horror to fantasy to action.

As for me, I'm a nonbinary person with a special interest in puppetry and comic books who's been writing since I was little and roleplaying for years. Lookin' forward to getting settled in here! :bishiesparklesl:
Hi, I'm Tevik. I first RPed while playing World of Warcraft years ago. However, I still consider myself a learner and have mediocre skills. Since I've quit WoW, I'm here looking for some text RP that we can do even on our phone. I did it on discord once and I loved it.
Hello all! I have been RPing for about 4 and a half years, I am Transmasc, and use the pronouns He/It/They. I hope we can all be nice to each other!
Hullo, Ren over here. I've roleplayed a little over a year however it's been a while. I've done a lot of medieval, post-apocalyptic, science-fiction, and action in general. But i'm open to any genre :D.

Looking forward to here since the site I used to rp is no longer with us, so interested in how RPNation does rp 👀. Welp, glad to be here and meet whoever is looking at my post :D.
Moonstress here!

I am pretty new here. I used to roleplay a lot back in the time at roleplaying forums, but I couldn't find any alive nowadays. So far I satisfy my roleplay hunger with some A.I's, but I would love to play with real people.

Nice to met you!
Hullo, Ren over here. I've roleplayed a little over a year however it's been a while. I've done a lot of medieval, post-apocalyptic, science-fiction, and action in general. But i'm open to any genre :D.

Looking forward to here since the site I used to rp is no longer with us, so interested in how RPNation does rp 👀. Welp, glad to be here and meet whoever is looking at my post :D.
hello, riri at your service! i've been roleplaying for 1-3 years and its been six months since my last roleplay, and i roleplay any type of genre. Your message kinda got my attention since you really remind me of my bestest friend [that is no longer near my range of websites], so reply whenever you can!! <3
Hello y'all. My name is Alex and i am new here. I used to roleplay back in Amino Apps, but since Amino has been DDOS striked into the ground and is now unusable, I have resorted to coming here to get my fix of roleplaying. I have been roleplaying for.... I think 10 years? I first used to roleplay on google+ (i cringe when i remember my old, illiterate self), and now I am here. Hope we get along, and if i find a way to get all my ocs in here, believe i will.
Hi everyone, Ill go by clam here. I wrote the same thing in about me. Im new, that is correct but I am not new in the roleplaying community and have been roleplying for roughly six years. Im a very experinced writer with great details and enhanced ideas. I love to meet all of you and roleplay with someone of you. At the moment Im learning how this site works, but Im free to roleplay.
Other than that, Im not sure:) Its good to meet you all!
Clam Chow, out.
hello, riri at your service! i've been roleplaying for 1-3 years and its been six months since my last roleplay, and i roleplay any type of genre. Your message kinda got my attention since you really remind me of my bestest friend [that is no longer near my range of websites], so reply whenever you can!! <3
Welp, this is a bit of a late reply T.T. But hullo riri!
:'D let's go, good evening to you as well!
My back hurts-
Anyway, how you doin'?

{Will reply tomorrow, stay safe my friend.}
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Hi! I'm Aura, I have a few years of experience in RPing, particularly in the Pokemon and DnD setting. When I'm not RPing, I like to swim, make simple sketches, listen to music on a walk, and cook. I joined RPNation to get involved in more RPs. If my name sounds familiar, that may be because I also use Pokecharms alongside this. Anyways, nice to meet you all!
Hi!! I'm Chimera- I'm 19 and it's been, like, a decade since I've done anything close to RP. and yeah that's about it :>
hallooo, i am smitty, and i am new! i love making ocs and having fun, been rping for.. 12 years now? probably more! hopefully gonna find new partners here so yeah!
Hi, everyone!

It is really hard to find a good RP community. I've been roleplaying since the Google+ days. After that shut down, I stopped for a long time. I had some luck on Reddit, but not much, hence my reason for joining.

I love to write in general and I can be described as a "descriptive" roleplayer. I put thought into every response regardless if I'm roleplaying in first or third person.

Feel free to reach out and ask me anything! I look forward to roleplaying here.
Hello hello!! Call me Archivist, until I come up with a better screen-name.. I'm a 17 year old High-School student, so don't expect replies from me to be instantaneous! I signed up to RPnation because I've recently realized just how much I miss role-playing! I was an avid (basically illiterate) Creepypasta roleplayer for 4 years, until I fell-out with my partner and lost all of my templates, world-building sheets, and my characters with the friendship. In spite of the many fears that I have about putting myself out there again, I'm excited to reach out to fellow roleplayers and gain some new experiences!
Doing good! (Just chilling) Hbu!
{ahahaha, i forgot about this-}
My back still hurts but uhh, still alive! Imma be introducing my oc's at Mage Academy today, be there whenever you can!! :bishiesparklesl::bishiesparklesl:

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