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Introduce Yourself!

Hello everyone!!

I’ve been role playing on and off for the past 10 years. It’s been a good while since my last one. Basically I love to write stories and create deep to the soul plots. I love to read too, so anything that sparks the senses and gets the mind and emotions flowing I’m excited for. In general I stick with modern slice of life stories with well rounded but equally flawed characters. That’s reality right? I’m a sucker for romance and I mean real romance, not all the physical you see in a lot of stories. Don’t get me wrong there is a time and place for that stuff but again I strive for deeper stuff than just that. I want to create characters and stories others can fall in love with and enjoy as they read along.

I might be using this site to put my writings out there and not necessarily role play but I’m always interested in a good story created between two artistic minds.
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Hello everyone! I'm Keyta/Kat! I may be new here but I've been rping with a close friend of mine for about 5 years now! Growing up I always loved to write stories with many characters and thought-out worlds. But it wasn't until my friend told me what an OC was that I understood and was shown a wonderful world where people can make a story together. Most of the rps that I've done with my friend involve some aspect of magic or in-human aspect (because human lives are boring lol). I'm usually the one that comes up with a lot of the story ideas but I'm up for any ideas! I only really rp in 3rd person. The main reason I joined was because my friend has gotten quite busy and never has the time anymore. So I'm looking forward to satisfying my craving! This is my first time rping on a website though. I can't wait to learn!
Hey, I’m Toast and I’m new to the site but not new to RP; I’ve been RPing for the better part of 20 years, having started WAAAAY back in the AOL chats like Red Dragon Inn.

I enjoy creating OCs in canon universes but I also play those canon characters. I really enjoy Fruits Basket, Legacy of Kain, and Final Fantasy VII, just to name a few.
hello ! you can call me sage . my pronouns are he / him , and i'm a literate role - player . i mostly do fluff ^-^ and prefer original storylines / characters over fandoms ^-^
𝑛𝑒𝑤 𝘩𝑒𝑟𝑒 𝑏𝑢𝑡 𝑛𝑜𝑡 𝑛𝑒𝑤 𝑡𝑜 𝑤𝑟𝑖𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑔.
if you're interested in slice of life ; psychological ; forbidden romances and darker themes >
message me.

is this introductory enough?
i suck.
Hi, I'm LemonKitten, I have been role-playing since I was in middle school. I have dipped my toes into a lot of different Roleplays. I love supernatural, horror, romance, mystery, and adventure Roleplays. My favorite species of Creature to play as is actually werewolves (the way they are represented in horror movie), I don't know why but something about a seemly normal person shifting into a furry monstrosity that has little to no humanity is fun to play as. I know I'm weird. I plays some Fandom Roleplays in the past, but nowadays I don't play them.

I have 3 cats, names are Socks, Oreo, and Chunky, 3 dogs whose names are Layla, Jackson, Shasta, a bearded dragon Named Dart, and a Ball python named Jenny. I love to draw and animate during my spare time, as well as write.

Two truths, one lie. I write supernatural stories, I like to cook and bake, I like to read the books before the seeing the movie.
Well hello there everyone!

Coffee addict here, new to RP but not to writing. Accidently sort of kind of fell into one one day aaaannndddd hooked! Love to chat (too much, honestly gets me in trouble some days as my filter is broken) Hope too find a few RP friends on here!

'Speak' to you soon (fingers crossed)
hello! yeah, i honestly am just posting here to meet the minimum to send PMs, lol. i've been rping for multiple years now, though i did stop for a period of time and now i'm looking to get back into it. i like writing in any form, but something about doing it collaboratively is really enjoyable, especially when it's with someone who knows what they're doing.

i love original characters and storylines, and prefer them to fandom stuff pretty much all the time, though ocs in fandom universes can be really fun too. feel free to shoot me a pm if you're a good writer but a casual roleplayer, who's more focused on meaningful engagement and development than meeting minimum wordcounts.
Hello, hello...

I'm new to the site and hope to improve in my Rping skills. Usually Rp in a 3rd person perspective because it feels much more comfortable to me. So yeah fandoms and whatnot, I shall try my utmost to be as active as possible.

hello! i was recommended this site, so i thought i would give it a try! so, new here but not to writing! i've been writing off and on for about 10+ years? i love a little bit of everything. though i can be heavy into fandoms, i love original content just as much! i like reading, drawing, and playing games in my free time. when i'm not doing those things, usually i'm working or sleeping.

as far as my writing style goes, i write 3rd person, multipara-novella, and can double or focus more on 1 x 1. depends on the mood or what my writing partner is looking for! i love plotting and world building. some personal favorites are fantasy, supernatural, specific eras, basing original content off of already preset worlds (ie dragon age, fallout, mass effect). and i have a variety of tropes i tend to swoon over. so yea! hope to write with some of you lovely people soon! ♥️

Hi! I’m the new guy here, very confused about what Im supposed to be doing 😂 I came from another rp site that was much smaller and simpler so if anyone wants to help show me around or give me a little tutorial of how things work here that would be great!
Hi! I’m the new guy here, very confused about what Im supposed to be doing 😂 I came from another rp site that was much smaller and simpler so if anyone wants to help show me around or give me a little tutorial of how things work here that would be great!
Thank you to whoever moved my post into this thread because i could not figure out how to do it 😭
hi!! im mc, and im glad to finally be able to post here. lmao. shoutout to the mods that helped me out, lets get it girlbosses
hi !! im belle. i'm not new to roleplaying, i haven't in like 5 years... so i'm rusty, and awkward, but practice is the best !
i rp basically any style. i prefer 3rd period semi lit/lit, but really am flexible.
i like original characters ! and fandom, though i'm not in any active fandoms rn. . . im expanding though !
fantasy/supernatural and slice of life are my fav genres ^-^ roleplay with me~
A wonderful hello, and a pleasant good morning, good evening, or goodnight, to whichever fantastical place you may reside

My name is Cpax, or you may call me Chance, if you would prefer! I've been roleplaying for quite some time, though I have taken a hiatus, and I am finally getting back into it!

I am very excited to be here, and to weave whimsical worlds and wonderful tales with you all!
Hello everyone! New to this site but definitely not new to RP, as I’ve been RPing for about 11 years now, just on different sites. Crime is my most favorite genre to write, but I’m definitely open to different genres. Besides writing, I love to play video games and read comic books - yes, I am a geek, haha. Decided to join here after somebody had invited me to, hopefully it’ll go well… I seem to not have the best luck with RP sites… Other than that, I have a cat, so I also take care of him.

Hope to write with some of you soon!
hey!! you can call me lev. not new to this site but my interests have changed and my mental illnesses have gotten worse so i figured i'd rebrand 😁😁😁 i'm a full time art major and oc fucker and i'm here to tell stories, original and unoriginal. i'm into genimp (though i don't play much anymore and i'm into crackships), pokemon, kill six billion demons, porpentine's twine games, and any homoerotic webcomic / animanga u can think of + more. genres/aesthetics im into include dark academia, cyberpunk, surreal horror alternate history , urban fantasy (really all kinds of fantasy because im an escapist), and codependent besties in historical settings or really any setting at all (if you've read a separate peace u will know what im talking about) !!

hmu if u wanna be friends (writing or not), u wanna co-gm a group rp, or if u wanna talk ocs !! lgbt and/or poc only though lol xoxo gossip girl
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Hai! I'm Eldritch Peachy Kitten Or Delphi.
I'm 30 years old, been roleplaying for 15 years at least. I'm kind of lazy Lit. most of the time, I really enjoy Horror genre and fandoms. I came here because I wasn't having luck with my Eldritch horror ideas on other sites.
Hello new friends ~

The name is FaddedFox, or Fadded, or Fox, or whatever nickname you decide upon. I have ventured here from roleplay gateway which I have been a member of for many years. It has changed a lot and I find it is no longer the community I remember in many ways. I look forward to my adventure here with you all. Let's see.. I just graduated with my master's degree in social work and am a full-time supervisor with an organization that provides closed captioning on phones, have started an etsy shop, and now searching for a job in my field (and moving. lots of stuff going on lol).

I've been role-playing for many years, my interests mostly in fantasy and science fiction but I like a lot of different kinds of plots and settings and character development. I consider myself a literate role-player, usually preferring several paragraphs in posts and doubling up or using npcs to progress a story further. I tend to use anime pictures to help give a character visual.

I enjoy sculpting, reading, rpg video games such as Dragon Age and Skyrim. I also have a dog, a boxer, named Achilles. He's like my furry baby and I love talking about animals lol.

Sooo that's me in a nutshell. Nice to meet you ~
Oh! That is a good idea. :3 Thanks! I will see about adding some pictures there later.
Hi Folks!

I'm Sailor, I'm 25 and pretty well-versed in writing - RPing has been a while, I'll need to ease into that, but I remember enjoying it quite a bit. I made an account over at the Inner Sanctum too, but I didn't realise how heavily shipping/romance-based it was (that's on me!). I may use it still, but RPNation seems more my speed.

I usually care less about genre and more about premise, I'm very much a long-form writer. And I have a cat! and a wee obsession with certain historical boat shows, I'm sure it doesn't show lol

nice t'meet you all :)
I've been roleplaying for a while ( 4-5 years I think) and recently I found out about this site.
My pronouns are She/Her, and I'm straight (my only exceptions are Kakegurui girls XD. I'm a furry artist, I can draw feral and anthro, and I am also a weeb (my fav animes are Soul Eater, the second is FMAB and I am also a Jojo fan XD). My favorite roleplaying topics are medieval, post-apocalyptic, wild west, and lots more.
I roleplay only as feral or anthro, I can't roleplay as humans, and I also roleplay only as female (I do MxF, or FxF)

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