• Before posting a question, please check our Frequently Asked Questions page as well as previous threads here. Odds are you aren't the first to ask, and you may find the answer without having to post!

Introduce Yourself!

So hello fellow earthlings, I'm Hannah.. I was an avid roleplayer for 15 years, then my life was rocked by young adulthood and I've been out of it for a little over 3 years. Roleplaying was such a huge part of my life it's hard to believe that I've been out of it for this long. It's also slightly daunting to try and jump back in again. Writing was a lifelong passion of mine, so I'm hoping to find some kind souls who'd be willing to give me a chance as I gain my sea legs. Happy writing! :3
Hello! I am rather new but I am more than excited to roleplay here! I can’t wait to meet fellow role players and exciting things we can all accomplish here!
Hello, all! I'm Jaime, and I am well aware I'm named after a Game of Thrones character (who got did completely dirty, thank you.) I'm happy to be here! I'm from the lovely land of potatoes the general public likes to call Ireland, even though I have no accent and I find that completely unfair. I go by she/her pronouns ^_^.

Most of my roleplaying experience comes from D&D campaigns I do with my friends that last about...two days, and a whole lot of Discord roleplays. In case you wanna know an example of how truly el stupido I can be, I based my first D&D character completely off of Sans: a lazy ass necromancer. My Undertale phase was in full swing back then, and it sort of still is.

My favorite roleplays are fantasy and fandom based ones, and I'll occasionally dip my toe in the realistic pool. I'm quite fine with any kind of roleplay, but overtly serious ones have never been my forte if I'm being honest. I'd much rather be part of something that at least has some looseness, considering a great deal of my characters are snarky bastards who make jokes in the worst possible situations, heavily inspired off of me.... mainly because my dresser fell on top of me when I was five, and all I said was 'squish', then cried. I'd like all my characters to have that disposition.

Outside of roleplay, I'm currently studying to be a zoologist, and I sometimes dabble in photography. A few of my outside hobbies are video games and, subsequently, overanalyzing those video games; I'm like a discount Game Theory, as my sister has said.

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed my rambling disguised as an introduction! Because there's gonna be a lot of rambling disguised as [insert something here] in my account's lifetime :ghostr:.
Hello~ I’m Okio. My experience with role play is limited to D&D, but I’d like to work on my writing and role playing skills.
I love video games and doing Improv.

OOO~. What dnd character you usually play as, and what games?

Hello, all! I'm Jaime, and I am well aware I'm named after a Game of Thrones character (who got did completely dirty, thank you.) I'm happy to be here! I'm from the lovely land of potatoes the general public likes to call Ireland, even though I have no accent and I find that completely unfair. I go by she/her pronouns ^_^.

Most of my roleplaying experience comes from D&D campaigns I do with my friends that last about...two days, and a whole lot of Discord roleplays. In case you wanna know an example of how truly el stupido I can be, I based my first D&D character completely off of Sans: a lazy ass necromancer. My Undertale phase was in full swing back then, and it sort of still is.

My favorite roleplays are fantasy and fandom based ones, and I'll occasionally dip my toe in the realistic pool. I'm quite fine with any kind of roleplay, but overtly serious ones have never been my forte if I'm being honest. I'd much rather be part of something that at least has some looseness, considering a great deal of my characters are snarky bastards who make jokes in the worst possible situations, heavily inspired off of me.... mainly because my dresser fell on top of me when I was five, and all I said was 'squish', then cried. I'd like all my characters to have that disposition.

Outside of roleplay, I'm currently studying to be a zoologist, and I sometimes dabble in photography. A few of my outside hobbies are video games and, subsequently, overanalyzing those video games; I'm like a discount Game Theory, as my sister has said.

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed my rambling disguised as an introduction! Because there's gonna be a lot of rambling disguised as [insert something here] in my account's lifetime :ghostr:.

It's awesome to meet you. ^-^ I wanted to be a paleontologist when I grew up, and I still have a phase of being edgy. :p
Paleontology is awesome :o)! And I can totally relate. My edgelord phase started when I was thirteen and it's still going strong at seventeen :dead:.

Awwww :(. And hell yeah it is! I also love geology, animals, and plants as well. Ohlord--- mine is still going since I was thirteen. 7 years ;-;
Hello and welcome to RpNation!
Here is where you can make an introduction post and let us know a little about you, while reading the intros of other people like yourself, and maybe making a new friend!

Before you go any further, though, please take a moment to look over our site rules. They aren't very long, and it's best to know what's expected of you before you take the plunge into the depths of the site.

If you have any questions, check out our FAQ. If there's something you want to know that isn't answered there, ask in the Community Hub -- many of our members are very friendly and happy to help. Or, if you have something to ask that you want to keep just between you and the staff, make a post in Staff Contact instead.

Please remember this is to introduce yourself. If you want to just jump into looking for roleplay players or partners please create a thread in Recruitment.

If you need some ideas on what to include in your introduction to the community, you can mention:
  • Your experience with roleplay and how long you have been roleplaying.
  • What interests you have within roleplay, such as genre or settings.
  • What interests you have outside of roleplay; such as a hobby.
  • Why you decided to join RpNation.
  • Write about your pet (if you have one).
  • Or for something silly, two truths and a lie.

You can use those prompts or just introduce yourself as you wish to the community.

While we are happy to have this thread help you meet and make new friends, please remember this isn't the spot to converse about roleplays, in-depth conversations, or taking over the thread with ongoing chit-chat. ;3

I hope you enjoy your time here!
Hello and welcome to RpNation!
Here is where you can make an introduction post and let us know a little about you, while reading the intros of other people like yourself, and maybe making a new friend!

Before you go any further, though, please take a moment to look over our site rules. They aren't very long, and it's best to know what's expected of you before you take the plunge into the depths of the site.

If you have any questions, check out our FAQ. If there's something you want to know that isn't answered there, ask in the Community Hub -- many of our members are very friendly and happy to help. Or, if you have something to ask that you want to keep just between you and the staff, make a post in Staff Contact instead.

Please remember this is to introduce yourself. If you want to just jump into looking for roleplay players or partners please create a thread in Recruitment.

If you need some ideas on what to include in your introduction to the community, you can mention:
  • Your experience with roleplay and how long you have been roleplaying.
  • What interests you have within roleplay, such as genre or settings.
  • What interests you have outside of roleplay; such as a hobby.
  • Why you decided to join RpNation.
  • Write about your pet (if you have one).
  • Or for something silly, two truths and a lie.

You can use those prompts or just introduce yourself as you wish to the community.

While we are happy to have this thread help you meet and make new friends, please remember this isn't the spot to converse about roleplays, in-depth conversations, or taking over the thread with ongoing chit-chat. ;3

I hope you enjoy your time here!
I'm new at RPing (Maybe 6 months at a maximum)
I mainly do Sonic Roleplays, but may do undertale
Hey there!

So I was recommended this site after having a major struggle getting any roleplays from the discord community, so I’m new here. I’m Britt, and I’ve been role playing since I was 12-13 years old.
Hello Huma...Sentient beings I guess, I’m a person, and I’m good at interestingish characters, but not at dialogue, and that’s why I’m here to get examples. So, yeah.
I’ve been MIA for a brief spot of time while my writer‘s block took full advantage of my brain cells and caused me to fail any sort of writing goals I may have had for myself. So, I’m back, kinda. I’m more or less back for rather intensely specific fandoms.

I’m currently running search threads for:

- Persona [3, 4, and 5, but mostly 5!]
- Hazbin Hotel/Helluva Boss
- The Arcana

And, weirdly obscure anime that never seem to leave my realm of wishing to write for them.

I hope to make friends through here~~
Eyy. Uhhh sup? I sahpose I'm Key or Lime or Pie... they all work ahah.

I like to rp periodically but have not too much free time. Fantasy is always cool. Play rpgs and stream too.
Used to be very big into roleplaying about 15 years ago until life got very busy; looking to get back into a hobby that seems to have changed an awful lot in the last few years!
Hello, I've been roleplaying on and off for the last decade or so. I just finished a private RP with my friends as a DM (first time actually, fully completing one!), and it reawakened the itch. While I'm planning my group's next campaign, I'd love be a player on a more casual basis since I usually DM. My old forum haunts seem to be dead or dying, but RPNation looks to be super active! I'm interested in all kinds of fantasy and science-fiction. RPs based on existing media with existing characters aren't quite my thing. I look forward to RPing with y'all!
Hello and Hiya!!!
So, I'm new to the whole "RP site" thing, however, I have been doing RPs for quite some time. I mostly did them over texts, Facebook messenger, or Discord. However, I just recently moved and don't really have any friends where I live now. And for some reason (no one will tell me), my old friends just kind of like... stopped??... talking to me? The every once in a while "How are you?" Text comes through, but that's about it. I just wanted some friends that are interested in RP as much as I am.
Wanna hang out at a tavern and listen to the Bard play music? Sure!!!
Wanna go slay a dragon and secure it's treasure? Let me gather my supplies.
Wanna figure out why some new disease has caused all of humanity to turn into flesh eating nightmares?? Let's go shoot some stuff and figure it out.
I'm open to every genre pretty much. I LOVE to draw and I am an Author, so I tend to do best with Fiction, especially Fantasy and Post Apocalyptic. I'm always open to new things though.
Just hit me up if you are interested in any kind of RP, or if you just want to get to know me and be friends.
Hello everyone!
I'm TheHoboKingdev, and I like roleplaying, just as much, as everybody else on this site. My favourite genres are: Cyberpunk, Noir, Horror, Action and Adventure, and some low-fantasy. I like magic, but I think, that magic has to be logical too in some way. Well, that's all for now, I hope I can find some interesting partners here^^
Cheers, Hobo
Hello everyone! I'm happy to be here and I look forward to making new friends and getting to roleplay with everyone! I am a 23 year old female and I have been roleplaying for 10 plus years. I have a lot of different fandoms but my favorite one currently is Supernatural!! So I am hoping to find some people to roleplay that with :) I am a literate, multi para role player. So if anyone is interested in roleplaying just send me a message. Thank you!

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