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Fandom Superheros and Villains

Link gripped the Master Sword on his back

"Please no flirting here." Dana said. She looked down at her phone as a text came up. "Looks like Allyson is free from Blackmorph's hold. Shes trying to get her lantern ring before someone else gets it. "

Alexander smiled."glad to hear shes good. "He nods. "I can stay here. I'm fine with this sword. Should do better since I'm prepared for a fight this time." He zoned out for a second and when he comes back he looks at Hunter and Tyson, words coming out of his mouth without thinking. "StarryNight and Phoenix..lights in the dark but both full of ash.."

Hunter chuckled. "You kind of sound like one of those paper fortune tellers filled with things that dont make sense. Hmm I like that as a name for you."

Alexander didnt say anything from that. He had look of sadness on his face but quickly changed it to a more serious one as he grabbed a earpiece from a table. "I'm off to find Ka'imi. " he starts walking out.

Meanwhile standing on a building near by the botanical garden, Kala just looked at it before turning around to face her student Misty who sat on a blanket that was laid out on the roof, the blanket had potions and books laid out, a wooden bowl with what someone might guess to be paint or ink with a feather dipped in it "Think of this a test Misty. I want to see how you improved. " Misty nods putting a few items in her bag, she was just in her normal jeans and a teal tshirt. "Are you sure? Something this big might be better off with you fighting. " Kala shook her head. "Just trust me. I'll be here watching. Others will show up soon."
Silvahna sees the heroes approaching from various locations and smirks. "Finally. Something more entertaining than those....what are the called again? Police officers? Annoying peasants. Now, I have a REAL audience, including one of my own." She fires a spider web that hits Ka'imi, sticking her to the ground. "YOU! Witness the TRUE potential of Naturia's power!" Silvahna holds her hands up in the air, forming a ball of rose vines. The vines shoot out their thorns, causing it to rain thorns all around her.
"Please no flirting here." Dana said. She looked down at her phone as a text came up. "Looks like Allyson is free from Blackmorph's hold. Shes trying to get her lantern ring before someone else gets it. "

Alexander smiled."glad to hear shes good. "He nods. "I can stay here. I'm fine with this sword. Should do better since I'm prepared for a fight this time." He zoned out for a second and when he comes back he looks at Hunter and Tyson, words coming out of his mouth without thinking. "StarryNight and Phoenix..lights in the dark but both full of ash.."

Hunter chuckled. "You kind of sound like one of those paper fortune tellers filled with things that dont make sense. Hmm I like that as a name for you."

Alexander didnt say anything from that. He had look of sadness on his face but quickly changed it to a more serious one as he grabbed a earpiece from a table. "I'm off to find Ka'imi. " he starts walking out.

Meanwhile standing on a building near by the botanical garden, Kala just looked at it before turning around to face her student Misty who sat on a blanket that was laid out on the roof, the blanket had potions and books laid out, a wooden bowl with what someone might guess to be paint or ink with a feather dipped in it "Think of this a test Misty. I want to see how you improved. " Misty nods putting a few items in her bag, she was just in her normal jeans and a teal tshirt. "Are you sure? Something this big might be better off with you fighting. " Kala shook her head. "Just trust me. I'll be here watching. Others will show up soon."
"I like the names too." Tyson agreed. "Rob's on his way with a jet to fly us out to Egypt. Got everything you need?" He glances over at Dana. "Lantern ring? A scavenger hunt perhaps?"
"sounds like a good plan. There is a guy who owes me a favor. He usually has all kind of parts " she said as they exit the forest. She heads in the direction of the warehouses in the city.
"Okay then,lead the way."
Silvahna sees the heroes approaching from various locations and smirks. "Finally. Something more entertaining than those....what are the called again? Police officers? Annoying peasants. Now, I have a REAL audience, including one of my own." She fires a spider web that hits Ka'imi, sticking her to the ground. "YOU! Witness the TRUE potential of Naturia's power!" Silvahna holds her hands up in the air, forming a ball of rose vines. The vines shoot out their thorns, causing it to rain thorns all around her.
Misty appeared in front of Ka'imi. She held her hand out and a golden shield appeared around them blocking the thorns that rained down. Three symbols appeared on her arm, all giving off a glow. One vanished. Misty smiled. "Nice the protection glyph worked." She looked at Ka'imi. "You ok?"
"I like the names too." Tyson agreed. "Rob's on his way with a jet to fly us out to Egypt. Got everything you need?" He glances over at Dana. "Lantern ring? A scavenger hunt perhaps?"
"Not much of one. She knows where its gonna turn up." Dana nods. "If you want to get there quickly we do have a teleporter. We use it from time to time."

Hunter nods. "I'm ready to go."
"Okay then,lead the way."
Maddy nods. "Ok." After a few minutes they get to a warehouse. Maddy knocked on the door. "Hey open up. I got you a customer?" The door opened and a short guy with red hair stood there. He wore grease covered jeans and shirt. "Hey Doc. Havent seen you since I last went to the ER. Come on in. What are you looking for?"
Misty appeared in front of Ka'imi. She held her hand out and a golden shield appeared around them blocking the thorns that rained down. Three symbols appeared on her arm, all giving off a glow. One vanished. Misty smiled. "Nice the protection glyph worked." She looked at Ka'imi. "You ok?"
Ka'imi looks up at Misty. "Yeah. Thanks for saving me."

Silvahna looks at them. "That shield won't protect you forever!" She starts throwing rose bombs at them.
Ka'imi looks up at Misty. "Yeah. Thanks for saving me."

Silvahna looks at them. "That shield won't protect you forever!" She starts throwing rose bombs at them.
Misty pulls a vial out of her pocket and pours it on the webbing, disintegrating it. "No problem. My mentor sent me to help. Names Misty. I'm the wild mage of the area. So do you have any skills? " the shield flickered with every bomb that got thrown. It wasnt going to last long.
"Just down the hall." Dana said. She looked at a few of her monitors. She calls Eris and Peter. The Wordsmith Myth The Wordsmith Myth

Hunter finds the room and it was all set up for them. The worker motions them to get on the platform. Hunter got on. "Hmm wonder if what Alexander was saying is suppose to be a warning.."
Eris answers her phone with a yawn. "Helloooooooooooo!"

Tyson thinks about what Alexander said. "It probably is. Question is, what was the warning about?"
Misty pulls a vial out of her pocket and pours it on the webbing, disintegrating it. "No problem. My mentor sent me to help. Names Misty. I'm the wild mage of the area. So do you have any skills? " the shield flickered with every bomb that got thrown. It wasnt going to last long.
"Nice to meet you. I'm Ka'imi, and I have a few tricks up my sleeve." Now that she's free, she takes out her bow and loads an arrow into it. Just as the shield was about to fall apart, she fires an arrow that goes through it and a few of the bombs, causing them all to explode and send Silvahna flying back a bit.
Eris answers her phone with a yawn. "Helloooooooooooo!"

Tyson thinks about what Alexander said. "It probably is. Question is, what was the warning about?"
"hey Eris,there's someone with similar powers to yours endangering the city, we probably could use peter and yourselves help in the matter" Dana said

"No idea it was pretty weird. " hunter shrugged. Once tyson was on the platform they were transported to Egypt.
"Nice to meet you. I'm Ka'imi, and I have a few tricks up my sleeve." Now that she's free, she takes out her bow and loads an arrow into it. Just as the shield was about to fall apart, she fires an arrow that goes through it and a few of the bombs, causing them all to explode and send Silvahna flying back a bit.
"Oo nice hit." Misty smiled and whistled, a cloud came over to her and she hopped on.
Maddy nods. "Ok." After a few minutes they get to a warehouse. Maddy knocked on the door. "Hey open up. I got you a customer?" The door opened and a short guy with red hair stood there. He wore grease covered jeans and shirt. "Hey Doc. Havent seen you since I last went to the ER. Come on in. What are you looking for?"
LW steps in and looks around "You got any parts to fix a jet to flying order?"
"Just down the hall." Dana said. She looked at a few of her monitors. She calls Eris and Peter. The Wordsmith Myth The Wordsmith Myth

Hunter finds the room and it was all set up for them. The worker motions them to get on the platform. Hunter got on. "Hmm wonder if what Alexander was saying is suppose to be a warning.."
Peter answered. "Hello?"
Silvahna sees the heroes approaching from various locations and smirks. "Finally. Something more entertaining than those....what are the called again? Police officers? Annoying peasants. Now, I have a REAL audience, including one of my own." She fires a spider web that hits Ka'imi, sticking her to the ground. "YOU! Witness the TRUE potential of Naturia's power!" Silvahna holds her hands up in the air, forming a ball of rose vines. The vines shoot out their thorns, causing it to rain thorns all around her.
Link pulled out the fire rod and shot fire at the thorns
Ka'imi looks up at Misty. "Yeah. Thanks for saving me."

Silvahna looks at them. "That shield won't protect you forever!" She starts throwing rose bombs at them.

The shadows grew and grew, devouring the bombs before the shadows at Silvahna’s back tossed them all back at her
Musicnotes Musicnotes

After getting everything they need, thor had provided the decrypted coordinates for Alex to hunt down the man that took Killian. The coordinates led Alex and X squad to a deserted island in the middle of the Atlantic
The shadows grew and grew, devouring the bombs before the shadows at Silvahna’s back tossed them all back at her
The bombs hit a giant leaf and blow up. Silvahna sees the shadows. "Interesting......those aren't like the shadows I'm used to seeing. This realm gets more impressive by the moment."
"hey Eris,there's someone with similar powers to yours endangering the city, we probably could use peter and yourselves help in the matter" Dana said

"No idea it was pretty weird. " hunter shrugged. Once tyson was on the platform they were transported to Egypt.
"Similar to mine!? I'm on my way!" Eris said.

"I'll look....we can look into it when we're done here." Tyson said.

When they reach Egypt, it's in shambles. People panicking all over the place while a muscular genie terrorizes all of Cairo.

Tyson points in the distance. "Looks like it'll be easy to find Inaros. He's over there."

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