Voodoo with No Return
- Group
- Quests
- Nation Building
- Off-site
Hadley Jones
Hadley and Ionut stood in a makeshift nurse’s area in the Medbay. They were reviewing scrounged together records from a man who was likely pre-diabetic. The man had come in because he wasn’t feeling well, and suspected it was diabetes. As they looked at the notes, a soldier came into the Medbay. He seemed in a hurry, with a worried look on his eyes masked by his steady tone.
“Doctor Jones and Albescu,” PFC. Mueller said. “First Lieutenant Flynn is requesting the assistance of your staff in a newly cleared area. Our men cleared a warehouse across the river, and we’re gaining control of the building for use as a quarantine center. The First Lieutenant wants your team to set up the quarantine center, even if it’s minimal equipment. We have 50 people who need to get cleared. He said your people were free to grab things from other buildings that are cleared later. ”
“Alright, we’ll see who we have that’s free,” Hadley said. Hadley set down the medical notes in his hand, and looked to Ionut. They both nodded and began to grabbed a handful of staff to utilize at the quarantine area:
- Tanner Bishop (Volunteer medic)
- Beau Whitaker (Nurse)
- Avery Hawthorn (Volunteer medic)
Hadley and Ionut, with their team gathered, made their way out of the Medbay to the main road. They turned hard onto the train tracks to the train bridge. The din of distant gunfire and helicopter blades has been so engrained in Hadley’s mind that they don’t make him flinch anymore. Hadley only thinks of the mission, checking those survivors. Hadley and Ionut made it to Checkpoint Charlie in a short time. They had only brought the essentials for an examination: gloves, disinfectant, and masks. This allowed them to walk and jog at a brisk pace. The soldiers stationed at Checkpoint Charlie stepped aside, allowing a contingent of soldiers to ferry the doctors across the bridge. The sound of rubber and leather soles echoed off the bridge's steel. A lonely hymn in a quiet world where steel wheels once cla-clack cla-clacked into the cool air.
As Hadley and company went across the bridge, he stared at the town. There was an eeriness to a town in the throws of death: the lack of honking cars, birds, or people. As Hadley got closer, he saw the only people on the street were dead, or torn to pieces. Hadley looked ahead on the railroad tracks, watching as he neared soldiers. A soldier with a rifle at rest. Another soldier watching the buildings with his weapon at the ready, but the sights of his gun still at the ground. Hadley focused back to where the soldiers were leading him and his team. It was a tall and wide building with a couple floors, perfect for a quarantine building.
Hadley and company entered the side of the building, and were guided through it. Hadley fought to ignore the disintegrated face of a person clearly killed in the raid as it hung on a windowsill. They bounded down the concrete stairs until they reached the ground floor. Hadley got a glimpse of the area he and Ionut were working with: it was dirty, with dust and some smalls spills that had never been cleaned. Checking the survivors would be complicated, probably further complicated by bloody boot prints dotting parts of the floor.
Hadley looked over to Ionut and spoke, “Beau and I will keep going to the survivors who are being held. You, Tanner, and Avery can start setting up the quarantining areas. Even if it’s just cardboard boxes and tape we can live with that for now.” Hadley was eager to get to work. Time was of the essence.

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