Other Your favorite RPG class?

Warrior Spirit

Junior Member
I go first.

It's a tie between a warrior (DPS or tank, as long as he's melee) and an archer/ranger/marksman.

I love hanging out with healers, but the idea of me healing disgusts me. I still do it but only on alts. My main character in an MMO is never ever a healer and healer protagonists don't exist in single player RPGs.

I love monks too but they are rare to find nowadays. Most D&D type of games never have monks. Only Korean and JRPGs have monks because they want to show off their Chinese Kung Fu Chakra Shaolin Dragon Kicks.
Mage. I enjoy playing long range magic dps glass cannon. I'd always choose a mage as my 1st/main character in MMO or single player, if there is a choice of classes.

Healer would be a close 2nd. That's probably mostly for MMO. Sometimes I'd pick a healer over mage in MMO if I enjoy the healing system there.
I suppose, if there is no healer class in single player rpg, there could also be something like Paladin, that can self heal and do holy magic 😆

And I never pick melee classes if ranged classes exist in the game. Lol Just prefer doing stuff from afar.
Mage. I enjoy playing long range magic dps glass cannon. I'd always choose a mage as my 1st/main character in MMO or single player, if there is a choice of classes.

Healer would be a close 2nd. That's probably mostly for MMO. Sometimes I'd pick a healer over mage in MMO if I enjoy the healing system there.
I suppose, if there is no healer class in single player rpg, there could also be something like Paladin, that can self heal and do holy magic 😆

And I never pick melee classes if ranged classes exist in the game. Lol Just prefer doing stuff from afar.

It is so satisfying to bum-rush vulnerable mages in any game and one shot them before they can finish casting. It gives me nostalgia in playing Civilization 5 and reaching within punching range of literal glass cannons and obliterating them quick before they start destroying my cities. lol.
Healer, more so Darkest Dungeon style cleric where I can cast spells and bash something in the face with a mace, or in FF14's case the White Mage and it's good damage. I used to not care for healers, but as I got older, remembering long rotations for DPS classes (FF14) just got to me, and I recall something a black mage that knew my temperament well said "You would like healing it would suit you." "Nah, hell with casters I like being up in front of things and beating them down." "You don't understand, as a healer you get to decide who lives and who dies, you would enjoy that kind of power."

And yeah, he was right 100%, I also do tanks often, whatever one can put out the most damage and can sustain itself a bit.

In RPG's I tend to follow some form of meta, or I do my own crazy class mix, heavy/medium armor, heavy automatic weapons or double swords and I'll use sneak to strike my first blows then use heavy attacks/automatic fire to beat what survived the first blow.
In most MMORPGs, I tend to lean healer. Then I started playing ffxiv and I branched into DPS. I have a lot of fun with ranged casting classes.
Always DPS, preferably whatever class beats enemies up with objects you're not supposed to beat people up with. Musical instruments. Books. Cards. Paintbrushes. Stuff like that.

Second place would be explosions everywhere (had a literal blast playing Purifier in Grim Dawn).

Third place is skyrim-style sneak archer.
I'm a simple gal, I like to pick Barbaric-styled classes. Simple weapons, simple armor (if ANY armor), and no real gimmick to speak of. I don't really like to deal with the whole overture of magic or creature affinity or complicated gizmos. That being said, I don't like the whole "raging berserker" trope that is commonly acquainted with Barbarian classes (this is common in High Fantasy settings). I prefer the more mundane, simple brutality that doesn't come with a boost/cost dynamic.

Of course, I'm speaking more about character concept, and less about Video game terms.
I like any class that falls under "brawler". I love characters that rely on their fists and utilize martial arts in general. I think gauntlets, bracers, and katars are pretty cool too, as they usually play well into this style. Other than that? Love healers and axe wielders. Together or separate, you decide.
Naturally a question like this is quite hard to give a straight answer to given RPGs and the like have such different options and even the same term can mean something wildly different across them. Warlocks are one of my favorite classes in DnD 5e, on account of their flexibility in building, having at-will features, being charisma-based and their flavor potential, but in most RPG-esque things they seldom appeal to me very much. Also of course, there's a matter of the lore/flavor of things.

I do have some general preferences. I like casters over non-casters, and I very much appreciate flexibility and utility features. The actual combat tends to be a secondary thought for me and I'm more concerned with the cool stuff I can do even outside of combat. I like gimmicky abilities, especially those that match with a power I like, like shapeshifting or mind control. Naturally I'm quite prone to multiclassing where that's an option. While I typically want healing, I don't want be a healer per say - I'm mostly just looking for a way to do away with damage my character is dealt.

Then there's the video-game / tabletop / writing divide. In video games I tend to favor solo-oriented builds and in particular enjoy classes with minions of some variety. Minions don't require me to aim and will keep doing stuff even if I get distracted or lag. Plus sometimes they match those gimmicky things I was talking about, like with taming.

In writing or TTRPG terms, I have really grown to love item crafters.

So my favorite RPG class? Hard to say. Gun to my head, probably artificer as it has the most potential to tick those boxes.
Almost always a melee class of some kind, I've never enjoyed 'archer' classes, ever. Something about it is just inherently unfun to me. Ranged casters are 'okay', but rarely something I do just because there is something very appealing about getting right up in someone's face, so melee is where the fun is at.

I don't have a preference for DPS or Tank, I enjoy both roles and have done many characters in many games that have been either/or. I have a preference for blunt weapons over slashing, so if its an option, I almost always go hammers and maces over swords [Kingdom Come was hilarious with maces. You can learn all the tricks with a sword, all the fancy swings and half-swording, or you can just bonk someone in the head with a mace for a one-shot solid thunk]. But I always love heavy armor. Why wear gambeson or leathers if you can roll around looking like a Metal Album Cover?
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I almost exclusively take on the role of a healer! Being 'better' than something else, or 'besting' it, isn't something that I enjoy. I would much rather support others! Even when I used to play Fortnight, I remember being the person who always carried healing potions and bandages, that was the most fun for me! It's a shame that single player games generally lack that 'healer' option though!
Maybe not a ” class” per se but I tend to play back-end caster/healer/management types or tricksy guile characters. In the realm if multiplayer rpgs I tend to go with healer. I like looking at the big picture, trying to anticipate where my skills will be needed and such. It’s usually a pretty in-demand route so easy to find people to play with. Sometimes organizing the party is a bit like herding cats but that is part of the fun I think😊
It’s honestly a toss up. I’m playing a barbarian as well as a monk and wizard that I swap between (long story) in D&D 5e. All 3 of these classes are incredible to me. I usually choose a class that can punch/use a big weapon because it’s great just being the big old lug of the group or getting to fight enemies DBZ-style.
Healer, probably. Or mage.

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