• When posting, please be aware that artistic nudity is still nudity and not allowed under RpNation rules. Please edit your pictures accordingly!

    Remember to credit artists when using work not your own.

Resource sugar coded— (free shop)

How does one replace the photos or is it not possibly due to the background?
If you're talking about the photos with 'relationship' written under them, then I believe if you go to this area here (it's after the first two paragraphs of code)

--main: url(https://imgur.com/DhPIIs8.png) top no-repeat;

--t1: url(https://imgur.com/DhPIIs8.png) top no-repeat;
--t2: url(https://imgur.com/DhPIIs8.png) top no-repeat;
--t3: url(https://imgur.com/DhPIIs8.png) top no-repeat;
--t4: url(https://imgur.com/DhPIIs8.png) top no-repeat;
--t5: url(https://imgur.com/DhPIIs8.png) top no-repeat;
--t6: url(https://imgur.com/DhPIIs8.png) top no-repeat;
--t7: url(https://imgur.com/DhPIIs8.png) top no-repeat;
--t8: url(https://imgur.com/DhPIIs8.png) top no-repeat;
--t9: url(https://imgur.com/DhPIIs8.png) top no-repeat;
--t10: url(https://imgur.com/DhPIIs8.png) top no-repeat;
--t11: url(https://imgur.com/DhPIIs8.png) top no-repeat;
--t12: url(https://imgur.com/DhPIIs8.png) top no-repeat;
--t13: url(https://imgur.com/DhPIIs8.png) top no-repeat;
--t14: url(https://imgur.com/DhPIIs8.png) top no-repeat;
--t15: url(https://imgur.com/DhPIIs8.png) top no-repeat;
--t16: url(https://imgur.com/DhPIIs8.png) top no-repeat;][comment]

and replace the URLs you want to, it should work, (I'm unsure if there are size limitations). The first piece of code labelled 'main' is the image of the main character, and all the other ones are the characters that have a relationship with the main character. If you go ahead and replace the URLs above you can see a visual representation.
For example

--main: url(https://static.thenounproject.com/png/214763-200.png) top no-repeat;

--t1: url(https://thenounproject.com/api/private/icons/1545789/edit/?backgroundShape=SQUARE&backgroundShapeColor=#000000&backgroundShapeOpacity=0&exportSize=752&flipX=false&flipY=false&foregroundColor=#000000&foregroundOpacity=1&imageFormat=png&rotation=0) top no-repeat;
--t2: url(https://imgur.com/DhPIIs8.png) top no-repeat;
--t3: url(https://imgur.com/DhPIIs8.png) top no-repeat;
--t4: url(https://imgur.com/DhPIIs8.png) top no-repeat;
--t5: url(https://imgur.com/DhPIIs8.png) top no-repeat;
--t6: url(https://imgur.com/DhPIIs8.png) top no-repeat;
--t7: url(https://imgur.com/DhPIIs8.png) top no-repeat;
--t8: url(https://imgur.com/DhPIIs8.png) top no-repeat;
--t9: url(https://imgur.com/DhPIIs8.png) top no-repeat;
--t10: url(https://imgur.com/DhPIIs8.png) top no-repeat;
--t11: url(https://imgur.com/DhPIIs8.png) top no-repeat;
--t12: url(https://imgur.com/DhPIIs8.png) top no-repeat;
--t13: url(https://imgur.com/DhPIIs8.png) top no-repeat;
--t14: url(https://imgur.com/DhPIIs8.png) top no-repeat;
--t15: url(https://imgur.com/DhPIIs8.png) top no-repeat;
--t16: url(https://imgur.com/DhPIIs8.png) top no-repeat;][comment]

obviously, the code is not mine it's Sugarnaut's! and the images are from this website: Stock Icons - Free SVG & PNG Stock Images - Noun Project
i hope i helped a little
If you're talking about the photos with 'relationship' written under them, then I believe if you go to this area here (it's after the first two paragraphs of code)

--main: url(https://imgur.com/DhPIIs8.png) top no-repeat;

--t1: url(https://imgur.com/DhPIIs8.png) top no-repeat;
--t2: url(https://imgur.com/DhPIIs8.png) top no-repeat;
--t3: url(https://imgur.com/DhPIIs8.png) top no-repeat;
--t4: url(https://imgur.com/DhPIIs8.png) top no-repeat;
--t5: url(https://imgur.com/DhPIIs8.png) top no-repeat;
--t6: url(https://imgur.com/DhPIIs8.png) top no-repeat;
--t7: url(https://imgur.com/DhPIIs8.png) top no-repeat;
--t8: url(https://imgur.com/DhPIIs8.png) top no-repeat;
--t9: url(https://imgur.com/DhPIIs8.png) top no-repeat;
--t10: url(https://imgur.com/DhPIIs8.png) top no-repeat;
--t11: url(https://imgur.com/DhPIIs8.png) top no-repeat;
--t12: url(https://imgur.com/DhPIIs8.png) top no-repeat;
--t13: url(https://imgur.com/DhPIIs8.png) top no-repeat;
--t14: url(https://imgur.com/DhPIIs8.png) top no-repeat;
--t15: url(https://imgur.com/DhPIIs8.png) top no-repeat;
--t16: url(https://imgur.com/DhPIIs8.png) top no-repeat;]-->
thank you! it was the main profile i was struggling with hehe
these are actually so adorable! I could never imagine learning how to code, but these are so pretty

Closing down my Free Shop in Support of the BIPOC and LGBTQIA+ community.​

I've been contemplating this for some time after seeing dog whistle after dog whistle... I can not with good conscious continue providing free content on this site knowing my service indirectly promotes prospect users to join, as the amazing and inspiring coders here were one of many reasons why I migrated to RPNation in the first place. I love the community so much and it pains me to have to make a boundary at a turning point in my coding skill improving. I am so grateful for anyone who has deemed any of my codes worth using, I love seeing them in the wild.

Happy roleplaying,

Any code posted above will stay available to use.
Troubleshooting is open in DMs always or in this thread. Just ping me.​

Hey, I'll keep this super short and simple. I made this a while back and I've cleaned it up just enough to release it.
I am obsessed with "all-in-one" codes, so enjoy this while the site supports this coding language.
I can't promise you any troubleshooting since this isn't my main site to rp anymore. I just code in my workshop.
Music player is hit or miss in my testing, so it will most likely won't work.
If you would like a transparent / non-tab version, I have it but it's not cleaned up for easy editing.
I also have a placeholder if anyone is interested. Just comment and if there's enough interested, I'll release them.

Get the code here: Boys.

Dedicated to Gao Gao because you're so lovely.



Charli XCX

Text Goes Here
Text Goes Here
Text Goes Here
Text Goes Here
Text Goes Here


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