Other Roleplay Pet peeves

The Dark Wizard

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Nice to have this back :D

I recently had the experience of getting invested in a roleplay someone posted an interest check for, added into a group with 10~ other people, for the gm to finally leave. That was upsetting, no hate to them but ): I was really into it! There's my pet peeve <3
Unrealistic reply times placed on me. I cannot and will not reply every day. I can't stress how many times I've made this perfectly clear up front and yet I still have problems with people understanding that to the point of getting angry.
loosing creativity on something I was really looking forward to 😭
I still don’t get changing a canon character into something that it unbelievably out of character for them. I dropped rps for that.
when people seem to only vaguely read my responses… like, responding to just one or two things that happened in my reply. it feels so disconnected, like my character may as well not even be there.
I made at least three posts. My partner didn’t give me anything to work with not even reactions to my character talking to them. I guess I was role playing by myself.
*Please DO NOT comment on my request thread, PM me instead* is written clearly for all to read and yet people STILL comment. If you don't respond to the comments, they bump the thread with another comment to get your attention.

The people that get mad when you ask them if they actually read your request thread because it's clear by their first message they have not.

The *I'm interested in this!* only messages.
Okay. Interested in what exactly? Why do I have to be the one to pull out from you what it is you are interested in?

The *Let's have our characters be in a toxic angsty relationship* because those always work out so great in the end.

*Wanna rp?*--nothing else other than that.

Edit: Forgot one.
The whole *you're ghosting me* thing after only one day has passed.
I definitely would never stand for being badgered to post too often, and I completely understand why that's a huge issue.

But MAN is it rough when the pendulum swings opposite. I'm really jonesing for this RP and it's hard to get any sort of momentum when I only get a paragraph's reply once a month 🥺 SOS
Made up names or names that don’t fit the setting.

Your Italian character is not gonna be named Bob. I’m sorry they’re just not.

And if you name your character Apple it had better be either a joke or because your playing an animal.

Cuz a human being named after a fruit is weird. I don’t care if it’s happened in real life it was weird then too.
Uh oh this is back.

Well I’ll say mine, idk if anyone has said it yet.

When people try to control your characters. Like bro, hands off plz.
Mixing tenses.

Writing scenes that cover an extended period of time that other characters could have interacted in.

Not reading the lore intended to make a game unique / immersive.

Stacking an enormous amount of traits on a character, made worse by keeping them shallow instead of exploring them.


Over-used tropes for $500, Alex: "Photographic Memory"

"My post is trash" in regards to a wonderfully written, enjoyable post to read.

"I made a character" is 95% coding for an admittedly beautiful / impressive looking sheet, but content about said character that makes a 5e sheet look like an encyclopedia by comparison.
Being into obscure fandom and not finding anyone who even heard of that fandom, let alone willing to rp it.

Actually finding someone who knows the fandom you wanted to rp, except that you wanted to rp it 5 years ago and lost interest by now.
"Pick me" characters. I've noticed some people will just interject their character into what others are doing without warning. Then they start forcing the dialogue or plot towards themselves. Really irritating.
Used to have a partner back in the day whose characters always had to be in the right when our characters had any form of disagreement. Now, don't get me wrong I do enjoy writing characters who are flawed and jerks and who often are in the wrong. But when it's every single time about literally anything, it begins to wear you down. Especially if it bleeds into ooc discussions. It was just so bad and frequent that even to this day I sometimes find myself getting rubbed the wrong way and feeling defensive when characters get into fights about things and it isn't a black and white kind of situation with a clear bad guy.
This had me scratching my head to this day. This rper in their ic post wrote that a vocaloid is stronger than Sephiroth’s remnant. Like no? I wonder if they even played the original game, crisis core, or seen the movie.
When I have to scroll so far down or go to the Character Sheet page to find out the roleplay is anime face claims only. 😔
people who never use commas. i would say run-on sentences, but i tend to use them sometimes and don't really mind seeing it in other posts as long as there's a break. if somebody writes a massive sentence with no commas or semicolons, i'm sorry y'all but my brain is gonna be out of breath. i'm also not a huge fan of a bunch of short, choppy sentences that could easily be compound or complex to give the words some character
Metric tons of dialogue.

I love dialogue. It's cool and fun to write, but sometimes, particularly in 1x1 RPs, characters go on rambling tangents that other characters would probably realistically interrupt long before they get going.

Bonus points if at the end of said dialogue that their character just leaves and/or otherwise does something that makes it so that they get the last word on top of everything else.

Tired Oh No GIF by Liverpool FC
Just trying to find RP partners period. It's hard when you have niche interests. Or you find something that's related to a fandom you like and the other person only plays OC x Canon or Canon x Canon (I only do OC x OC).
Fandom and multifandom group rps with canon characters. When I think I'd like to try one, the canon characters I want to play are always taken.
fixating on a very specific oc or character, but having nowhere to use them in. most threads are too specific regarding the type of characters they want, it's hard to find anything that works with a character that doesn't necessarily "fit in", i guess?

once again i am missing multiverse/multifandom threads 😔
Always gets under my skin when I plot with someone on a roleplay, it has great promise, then three posts in they're trying to romance my character completely forgetting about the actual story.
(Original post deleted because I responded to someone, sorry.)

Please don't expect me to reply to the roleplay every single time I'm online! Sometimes I just have time to swing by and chat OOC; it takes way less energy and focus than writing a response, especially since I tend to be critical of my writing and I want to make it an enjoyable read for my partner. Just because I'm talking to you and not responding doesn't mean I'm not interested - my motivation levels are just in a constant state of flux and situations IRL might mean I don't have time to sit down and bang out a post. I'll let you know if it's not doing it for me anymore, so please stop pushing me.
I won’t understand forcing kids in plot points where it doesn’t make sense for them to be there in the first place.

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