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Roleplay Availability
fluticasone fluticasone
"You stand here today for your skill and prowess. Sent by your nation, or recruited by an agent of the White Lotus, you are here for a reason." A grey-haired man addresses a crowd of dozens. Warriors, healers, inventors, some even thieves and crooks. "You will be trained and tested. Only the best of you will be chosen to aid The Order of the White Lotus in our efforts to maintain peace and prosperity in this world. You may not yet understand what this means, but fight hard and you soon will."
The compound in they were brought to resides in a remote area. None who were sent, or recruited, are aware of exactly where they are. All they see is mountains and forest. Secrecy aside, it is beautiful.
"My name is Yuzhe. I will be one of your masters throughout this trial." White, unseeing eyes drift across a sea of faces. "I was once a soldier loyal to the Fire Nation, now I owe my allegiance to the White Lotus and this world."
Spring has begun to emerge, bringing gentle winds and blooming flora to the compound. It is quiet, perhaps even serene. Far removed from the noise of any city. The structure itself is quite large and expansive. Although the group has yet to see any servant, it is clear everything is well maintained.
"State your name and allegiances as I have done," Yuzhe orders. "And we will see where your loyalties lie by the end of your trials."


Well. Bao had assumed that he would be spending most of his spring amongst nature- a bit of peaceful reading here, a few treks to find new herbs there. Not, well… in an unidentified, undisclosed location who-knows how far from home. Apparently he’d been too hasty when he’d accepted the proposal to further efforts for peace.

Still- Bao hadn’t expected this! Blindfolds? Hush-meetings? Obscured locations? You’ve got to be kidding him!

Well… at least the scenery is beautiful, undeniably so. That’s a positive- he can at least see now! Optimism! He gives a brief glance to try and peer at those beside him without drawing much attention as he just sort of… stands there politely, hands clasped in front of him. Quite the array of individuals!

At least he’s here for his “prowess”, this man says- ha! Call him skeptical of the methods, but what a compliment! They should’ve gone and gotten Dawa if they want real prowess, but he’ll take it!

Bao squints, rather concerned by the concepts of “finding true loyalties” and “trials” and whatnot- but oh well. He’s not the super-secret organization, so best to digress.

“Ah, well. I am Bao,” he starts, clearing his throat, tone more as if he’s introducing himself over tea than being ordered to state his purpose. “I'm no waterbender, but I thought I'd start and be the... icebreaker," he chuckles, then continues. "I am from the southwestern Earth Kingdom… uh, lovely to meet everybody!

the icon
ba sing se ― home
??? ― ???
yuzhe, ruli,
jianli (alluded to), bao
whole group moment
Not so long ago, Yixia stood at the entrance to his family’s estate with faux determination. Lingering in his ear was a request; a call to power, so to speak. One he had actually responded to, much to his own surprise, though that surprise didn’t take long to phase into a quiet unease in the pit of his stomach… Oh, why did he agree? Refusal would have been easier than acceptance, and he knew that better than anyone, so he didn’t really understand why things transpired the way they did.

Surely, it was because he overheard this “White Lotus” talking to his mother as well, and that certainly meant there was an illusion of choice, here―if he said “no”, well, she’d just make him go, anyway. Perhaps he subconsciously knew this, which is why, right?

That’s what he’d settle on, regardless.

Afterwards, the rendezvous with the White Lotus agent resulted in what may as well have been a kidnapping. Not only did he experience being blindfolded for the first time in his life, but these people also felt the need to dampen his hearing so that he could truly, without a doubt, have no clue on where he was being led to. Maybe it was simply to his demise, and everyone completely missed the signs when they agreed to the proposition. “White Lotus”? Really?… They’re named after a funeral flower, of all things.

… Or was he thinking about white lilies? Ah… Suppose it doesn’t really matter.

Yixia’s hands ran cold and there was an obvious hesitance in his step, but he had faith that if things really did pivot south, he could… probably slip away just fine. Maybe. It’d also be pretty cool if this whole thing turned out to be some kind of secret party instead, which would be the best-case scenario, if you asked him.

Eventually, after what felt like an indefinite trek, Yixia found his senses returning to him all at once, which marks the current point in time. Two-toned irises glanced from the surrounding forest to the ornate compound, taking in the admittedly pleasant scenery he found himself to be apart of, and if he had to guess, this area was just about as secluded as it could get. He could neither see nor hear anything nearby that would suggest otherwise, save for the presence of some others who were not around when the kidnapping first started.

One of these people was an older man, notably well-built in spite of his years, who went on to introduce himself as Yuzhe. His talk about preserving the peace of the world and the group undergoing trials reminded Yixia of a book he’d read once, though the title failed to come into mind. Maybe Ruli would remember… and speaking of, he caught a glimpse of the earth bender from the corner of his eye. Wow! Since she’s here too, maybe everything will end up okay after all! Not to mention, Ruli wasn't the only familiar face here. So much reliability in one spot...

Next to introduce themselves was yet another older man, this time a more positive-aired individual based on his tone of voice. Bao, as he was called, said something about water benders and breaking ice, whatever that meant―as far as Yixia could tell, there was no ice around to break at all. You know, unless he meant the ice that might be on the peaks of the mountains way off in the distance, but it was no use thinking about that now. Since Yixia stood next to him, it seemed as though the next one to speak was already decided upon.

“I don’t really want to climb a mountain to break ice,” he stated mindlessly, voice somewhat quiet and without much direction. Was it supposed to be a response to Bao, or was he just talking to himself? It was difficult to discern.

Nevertheless, he continued, an unsure smile tugging at his lips. “So… I’m not a water bender or an ice-breaker, but I’m Yixia... also from the Earth Kingdom. Nice to meet you all,”
coded by natasha.
fluticasone fluticasone
  Ryosuke | the guardian
Standing to attention was a motion Ryosuke was all too familiar with. One foot out of place earned a soldier a lick of flame at their boots, and he was quick to learn to keep both feet together and eyes straight ahead. Ryosuke didn’t follow that lesson now, with his eyes jutting left, then right, at the rows of bodies who stood alongside him, some more fidgety than the Fire Army would ever allow.
But as the elder addressed, they were all here for a reason. Handpicked and put in neat little rows, expected to play soldiers for The Order of the White Lotus, whatever that entailed. Everyone had a different opinion on how to maintain peace and prosperity within a nation. He was not sure what this Order’s methods were yet.
The tinge of sickly-sweet flora brushed past Ryosuke’s nostrils, and he could not help but think of the Fuji tree that grew in the Ichiba residence. He already longed for the home that would only ever be temporary.
Ryosuke expected to be called back to action, waited for it even. By the time he received his summons from the Fire Army, he was already packed. Jun joked about how Ryosuke couldn’t wait to get away from the boring, idyllic fights they had over a Pai Sho board and the routine training under the Fuji tree.
“Would you not think of staying?”
The question sounded like his ward wanted him to stay. Ryosuke knew better than to assume his meaning at the surface of such questions.
“If I receive the call, I must answer it,” Ryosuke answered. Jun frowned, but then hummed. It was not quite the answer he was looking for, and both men knew it.
Ryosuke only answered completely before he left, when Jun had gone to break their hug, and the man held onto him.
And now, here he was, standing here with so many others, while this man spoke of using their skill and prowess to maintain peace and prosperity. Ryosuke did not fully understand what was going on. He had agreed to his superiors’ instructions to go to his rendezvous point, to not resist any orders given to him, even if the secrecy made him uneasy.
As Ryosuke noted the calm and the distinctive array of people gathered in the compound, his face softened in recognition as the man introduced himself. Yuzhe. He heard the name bounce off the lips of several soldiers in the army, often in admiration. He couldn’t say he knew much more of him other than his skill, and his reputation for speaking out.
He supposed one needed that to be a protector of the world.
A few others tarted to introduce themselves, some already wildly different from each other. He could not judge their talents from their initial appearances, and believed it was better not to for now. Not everyone could be a soldier or a bender, nor young and strong.
Ryosuke’s hands formed the familiar flame-like gesture, a closed fist against an open palm. He bowed as he introduced himself.
“Ryosuke, denizen and loyal soldier of the Fire Nation. I must thank The Order for this opportunity, and I hope to exceed your expectations.”
Do not touch me!” Her voice was a whip, sharp enough to the man holding the blindfold to pause, even if she refused to back up. She lifted her gaze from the strip of fabric, to meet the man’s eyes. “You are a bender, are you not?” Those callouses might have been from weapons, but in the Earth Kingdom, it was a likely bet. “Block my eyes with mud if you must, but do not touch me.” Though there was a warning in her tone, there was no fear. She was living on borrowed time. If now was when she had to return what she owed, she just wished the curse died with her.

She did not flinch as the mud hit her closed eyes, welcoming the darkness. Her head cocked as the air beside her ears began to buzz. An Airbender as well? Perhaps the promise of better healing techniques was true. Airbenders knew as much about the spirit as the Elders.

For a moment she felt alone. More isolated than she had since leaving. But her bare feet upon the grass reminded her. The plants around her felt more alive. They called to her, like her friends of old in the forest. She did not answer the call. Merely relaxed as she stepped forward, following the rope in her hands like a well trained mule.

Earth crumbled from her eyes, dust falling from her lashes with every blink as she slowly adjusted to light once more. People. More people around her than she’d had in, well, years. Her skin crawled. She knew, while outdoors, without touching any of them, they were safe. But she still tensed, then with the grace of a waterbender, shifted to the back of the group as the old man was speaking.

She was listening. In the shadows of her hat, Hae frowned. This…was unexpected. She was no fighter. Oh, she could defend her patients, but she was a healer. She took care of those ill or injured. She cared not what squabbles they had. Yes, it would be better if they did not fight, but idiots were abundant. She had been to no war zones. Instead nature caused the most injuries she faced, but it was those whose source seemed less visible than air that she fought the most. Sharing techniques for childbirth or wrapping a wound were the easy parts of her days.

The promise of new healing techniques however, kept her protests quiet. She’d learned a lot in the near decade she’d been…gone. She understood which herbs in the Earth Kingdom helped and how. She knew the body inside and out. But her knowledge had been limited by her location. She’d already been planning to travel. This was an opportunity.

Her eyes trailed over the backs of heads, as the first people begin to introduce themselves. One looked familiar, but impossible. Naran would never be banished from the tribe. Nor would he abandon it. The first two were also of the Earth Kingdom, though they did not say they were benders. Glancing at the man in front, she realized, neither had he. The fire nation army included non-benders, she believed. A young man spoke third, again without mentioning bending.

Hae knew non-benders were important. It was rare to find another Waterbender in the Earth Kingdom, so the healers she’d taught were usually non-benders. They certainly could fight, but if she were to pick out the most elite fighters, she knew she would go for benders. Perhaps it was part of their clandestine nature? Hae did not care for the particulars. She would heal those who were sick or injured and learn. If they felt their destiny was grander, let the Spirits guide them. She knew her path.

Raising her head so that the sun could reach her face, she spoke next. “I am Hae. A traveling healer in the Earth Kingdom.


the hammer



eager, proud




location here


interactions here


tags here

He’d begun his journey with hands and feet bound together by rope, a necessity when he’d ripped the blindfold tied around his head off after only half an hour. Jianli still struggled against the bindings, to the point that the ropes frayed and his skin burned red. Yet the people who had blind folded him took extra care to make sure that he would not escape his bindings a second time. Scolding words and slaps to the back of his hand whenever he made a move to free himself or reach up for the fabric across his eyes.

One would not have suspected Jianli agreed to come on this journey willingly from the way his transport brought him in. But as they came to a stop, the bindings were cut from his body and his feet were allowed to find the earth. Step by step he used his earth bending to get an idea of where they were. Nowhere close to where they’d started. Yet still on solid ground. It was reassurance enough.

This time when he went to pull his blindfold off, no one stopped him.

The scenery was stunning. For a boy who’d never left Ba Sing Se, he found himself entranced with the landscape behind the old firebender that was addressing the cluster of them. The expansive of wide open land, forest and trees unobstructed by walls of any kind. His heart beat eagerly in his chest at this first taste of real freedom. It was only the lack of anyone else moving to explore that stopped him from doing so. Even as he itched to sprint through the trees and see how far he could go without hitting any sort of barrier.

Finally, the old man seemed to be directing a question at them, instead of just speaking at the group. Jianli turned his attention back to the people around him. Their ages varied as much as the nations they came from, and that was when it truly started to sink in that this White Lotus group he’d agreed to help might actually have been exactly what they said they were.

At the mention of allegiances, though, he hesitated. Did he hold such things? As he listened to the others speak of their nations and homes, Jianli was uneasy with his own potential answer. Or rather, his lack of one. His worries were interrupted, by the first man cracking a joke about waterbenders that had him letting out an easy laugh. From there, it was much easier to introduce himself.

“Jianli, of Ba Sing Se.”
He answered, that part coming easy enough.
“I have no allegiances though. Not to that city, nor to the King who runs it.”
He stood taller as he spoke, proud of his words and owning them entirely.

Of course, he faltered a bit at the recognition of two familiar faces. But, as the introductions continued, he simply kept darting his gaze towards them. Curious, dying to know how they ended up here, but certain that the old firebender might take his head off should he interrupt. The old people of the White Lotus seemed to have no qualms about using violence, he noticed. Jianli respected that.

♡coded by uxie♡

✦ the successor ✦


— the ashes call my name




the general vicinity



Orders from the Fire Army's commander-in-chief are never negotiable. This, for the military, is something that reigns as certain as the rise and fall of the sun each day—and it's with this understanding that Yujie stands before his father, hands folded in a flame-like salute as he awaits his orders. They're orders he's expected to receive for some time now, having heard stirrings from his family about their cooperation with the White Lotus, and they're ones he'll do everything to execute.

In Yujie's case, there's more to this mission than solely what the White Lotus commands. Protecting the peace and balance of the world aside (which, frankly, is not his obligation to be concerned about), Shoko's disappearance had been a direct reflection of the Fire Nation's control over her, or lack thereof. This shame—this failure—was only further exacerbated when she reappeared years later, this time with an army in tow and war on the horizon. Bringing her and her troops down, Yujie knows, is paramount for reestablishing the Fire Nation's unchallengeable reputation that's been shaken by her insolence, for losing visibility over Shoko is a fault that ultimately rests on their shoulders, and their shoulders alone. Regardless of whether or not the other kingdoms have denounced them behind closed doors, the Fire Lord will not tolerate Shoko and her followers tarnishing his dynasty's name any longer.

Yujie bows when Yuze voices as such, and his salute lifts slightly higher in acknowledgment. The mission sounds simple enough, but its execution, he knows, will be an entirely different matter of its own.
"Yes, sir."

✦ ✦ ✦​

Yujie squints at the brightness when his blindfold is removed, the sunlight hitting his vision just as abruptly as it had been taken away at the beginning of the journey. He doesn't know how long it's been since they departed, but a quick glance around tells him he's no longer surrounded by the familiar architecture of the Fire Nation. All that lies around them is mountain and forest—a scenery obscuring them from the outside world that, in all its beauty, boasts a natural tranquility Yujie isn't entirely used to.

At the center of attention stands Yuzhe, who looks much more aged compared to Yujie's last memory of him. It must have been over a decade ago since Yujie last saw him, back during his teenage years, but even then, their familiarity only went as far as catching passing glimpses of each other during Fire Army meetings. Age and blindness aside though, Yuzhe looks well, and Yujie takes some satisfaction in knowing that a former soldier of the Fire Nation can still prove to be capable even a decade after his departure from it.

Yujie doesn't turn his gaze to the different voices that speak up in introduction—doesn't need to, for he's neither here to fraternize nor extend his interest to anyone past the bare minimum of what will be required of them. Instead, he keeps his gaze trained on Yuzhe unwaveringly, as if the master is the only one amongst the rest who's worthy of his attention, worthy of acknowledgment.

His voice rings out coldly, carrying a commanding sort of sharpness in the single word that's every bit reflective of his equally harsh nature.
"Fire Nation military."



the foundling





water tribe drip






rock yo body

A year into her travels, Yuka returns home to the Southern Water Tribe to celebrate her mother's name day. It is then that she is approached by her chief and mentor about an unusual request. A messenger hawk had arrived a few days prior, carrying a letter signed not by name, but a white lotus. The contents spoke of peace and prosperity, and of the costs to maintain it. The author of the letter requested one, two, or even three of the Southern Water Tribe's most promising warriors. Yuka was an obvious candidate.

It took some convincing, of course, as she was uncertain of answering such a vague and mysterious call. Her mentor urged her to consider it. Yuka had years ahead of her and an adventure was good for the soul. In truth, she couldn't argue with his logic. Yuka had returned to the Fire Nation to grow as a bender and yet she felt directionless on more than one occasion in the past year. Perhaps pursuing this quest for peace would offer her an opportunity, a goal to focus on and aid in her growth along the way.

Yuka and two others from the Southern Water Tribe departed a few days later for the southern islands of the Earth Kingdom as instructed. She didn't anticipate being blindfolded at the White Lotus' meeting place. In fact, she struggled against her instincts to rip the cloth from her eyes and demand to know where she was being taken. Patience, she reminded herself instead. Her mentor always said she struggled with it.

Although she was unsure of exactly how far she had traveled, Yuka knew the journey was a long one. She was thankful to have the blindfold properly removed. She was taken aback by the sight of a large, seemingly empty compound high in the sky and surrounded by mountains. It was a gorgeous, breathtaking view. Yuka had never seen anything like it. She wasn't given long to gawk at the sight. Shortly after her arrival, she was ushered out into a courtyard with dozens of others stood. Yuka quickly realized she was standing amongst people hailing from all over the world. She could see it in the cut of their clothes, the style of their hair, and the color of their eyes and skin. It was a sight to behold.

Again, she was given little time to stand there and stare. A man with long, thick hair and white eyes arrived to address them. Yuka listened carefully to his words. He echoed the same sentiment of the letter. Peace and prosperity. What did surprise her, however, was mention of a trial. Had her mentor chosen to withhold that information, or had it not been mentioned? Either way, the prospect intrigued her. Yuka could never resist a good challenge.

Amber eyes flickered to each voice as they spoke up, answering the man's call for their names and allegiances. She turned her head in surprise to hear Ryosuke's name and voice. It had been many years since she had seen him, but Yuka recognized the young boy she had known as a child in the older man standing a few yards away from her. She couldn't decide how seeing him there, after all the years, made her feel.

She finally stated, looking away. A different name than what he would know her by.
"My allegiances..."
She trailed off, hesitating.
"Southern Water Tribe."

♡coded by uxie♡
fluticasone fluticasone
  Naran, the destined
An ambiguous mission that would take them to a secret location through a blindfolded journey accompanied solely by strangers–it was safe to say the White Lotus hadn’t put forth their most creative or hospitable members when it came to advertising. The messenger in charge of selling this ominous holiday had almost ended up as Catgator lunch long before even reaching the outer markers of Foggy Swamp Tribe territory. Fortunately, a conveniently placed rope trap was there to save him just in time, hoisting him by the ankle into the safe yet sticky confines of the Swamp foliage. Murky, moist and insect bite-ridden, the poor thing seemed in dire condition by the time a small hunting party found him, and he wasn’t out of harm's way yet. A complicated history ruled that outside visitors weren’t favoured around these parts, so he’d first have to endure a fool-proof process of sniffing out danger: stick prods, sub-par intimidation strategies and critical questions such as “Can we trust you?”. State-of-the-art deduction, one might say.
Lucky to have caught a village elder's interest (and pity), the messenger had been allowed to set up camp just outside of tribe territory, where he was provided with food and plentiful not-so-subtle spectators. Considering visitors were a true spectacle for the masses, his tales spread like wildfire. Most believed his request to be equal part amusing as it was strange, but a small handful found unprecedented clarity in its vagueness. Among the more spiritually aligned members of the tribe, some were even bold enough to call it a fated encounter. They had felt the Grove’s energies twist and turn for a long time now. Finally, things would begin to fall into place. The tribe council voted unanimously: they would answer the call of the White Lotus with their best: a hopeful swamp child boasting a ‘gift’ as open-ended as the mission itself.
All circumstances considered, Naran hadn’t expected to enjoy the journey nearly as much as he did. Leaving the Swamp for the first time brought up its fair share of concerns, so to claim he wasn’t a tiny bit afraid of what was to come would be a stone-cold lie. Fortunately, the influx of wondrous new sensations was more than enough to distract his mind from the encroaching homesickness. Not allowing a silly blindfold to come in the way of his exploring, Naran made sure to vigorously sniff, prod and listen his way through the new world that opened before him. Naturally, he saw to it that each of his thoughts was shared in detail with the nearby chaperones. He appreciated their knack for listening. Whether they appreciated his rampant talking, in turn, would be a badly kept mystery.
One thing was certain: what the White Lotus lacked in hospitality, they sure did make up for in showmanship. Naran’s eyes could barely remain in their sockets once he found himself at the final destination. It was near impossible not to look around, to admire all the different visages of the many strangers lined up in uncanny symmetry. The waterbender listened eagerly as the new faces began to reveal their names and loyalties one by one. Fascinating, truly. Some of them mentioned places he had never even heard of, which, given the isolated nature of the tribe, should’ve likely felt less spectacular than it did in the moment. Similarly, none of the names seemed to ring a bell. Well, save for one: Hae. A coincidence more likely than not, but something about the voice that uttered it felt oddly familiar. Perhaps he would have time to explore later on.
As the time came for him to introduce himself, Naran stepped forward and looked to either side, a badly subdued smile resting on his face. “My name is Naran. I come from the Foggy Swamp Tribe.” His voice was bright and confident, seemingly naive to the grandiosity of the scene he now became part of.

the rouge.









Someone once told him that life's journey would lead him to various places. At the time, it sounded like a worn-out ancient proverb, its true meaning lost over time. Rahan had dismissed the person, whoever they were, with a roll of his eyes. Yet now, their words seemed strangely relevant as he found himself in this predicament. How long had he traveled blindfolded in this creaky carriage, moving across unfamiliar terrain? He couldn't say, and he despised it. Even after confronting his pursuer, unease lingered within him.

- flashback-

He was accustomed to being followed, but this was different. No matter how he tried to shake them off, they stuck to him like glue. These weren't amateur thugs after his bounty; they were skilled. Darting through food stalls and dark alleys, he couldn't lose them. Panic didn't set in; there was only the cold certainty of death if he didn't find the answers he sought.

Rahan caught his breath as he slipped into another alley, pressing himself against the wall, concealed by shadows. He knew whoever was following him would see him reach this dead end. His weapon felt reassuringly heavy in his hand. As a hooded figure turned the corner, he lunged, pinning them against the wall with a swift motion. The wooden panels creaked under the sudden pressure. They offered no resistance, only raising their hands in surrender. Rahan pulled back their hood, letting the moonlight reveal their face.

"Hello, Rahan. I've come with a proposition." He grimaced at the realization that he'd been found, not just by anyone, but by Earth Kingdom officials. His eyes scanned the surroundings, finding nothing familiar.

Rahan shifted his weight, listening to someone addressing the crowd. He observed the old man, his milky eyes betraying his blindness, yet Rahan knew better than to underestimate him. He bore the mark of experience himself. Yuzhe issued his commands, and Rahan crossed his arms.

The scent of blooming flowers wafted on the spring breeze, though he couldn't see them from where he stood. It reminded him of home, of the Earth Kingdom he fled at seventeen. His arms dropped to his sides as it came time to respond. There was little hesitation in his voice as he stated,
"Rahan. My loyalties lie with myself. No one else."
His gaze remained fixed on Yuhze as he crossed his arms again. If Yuhze thought he could change his allegiance, he was mistaken. Putting anyone above his own survival meant certain death. Rahan knew this truth intimately, feeling it in his bones every night he spent alone, every time he fled from his crimes.


— R E I K O






@ none

Initially, Reiko had wanted to refuse. As far as she was concerned, it wasn’t her problem. She had secured her spot in a life of comfort, even during trying times. Days spent schmoozing and nights spent performing for the affluent had marked her as one of them. A step above the lowly village she grew up in. The unrest in the world didn’t concern her. Money could buy happiness, or in her case, the ability to ignore the unsavory turn in the world.

Reality nagged at the back of her mind, pushing her fears and doubts to the forefront. If word got out that she declined such an opportunity, she may lose the admiration of her fans. Her carefully crafted brand of humility and grace could fracture and trickle into something bigger. One she couldn’t shoo away with sweet smiles and rehearsed words.

Reiko grimaced, the taste of blood invading her senses. Her tongue prodded over the sensitive spot on the inside of her cheek as she scolded herself. No use in dwelling on the idea and harming herself with worry. Her decision was already made.


Reiko hesitated as a woman approached to blindfold her. Her fingers brushed against the fabric, moving it away from her face.

“This won’t be necessary,” Reiko said, flashing a gentle smile. The woman, who still hadn’t introduced herself despite Reiko’s repeated inquiries, responded with a dry laugh before proceeding to blindfold her once more.

A disgruntled noise left Reiko’s throat, but she made no further move to protest. Instead, she resolved to focus on each turn the cart took as it traveled to their secret destination. A resolve that faltered as the moving cart lulled her to sleep.


Reiko squinted, her vision adjusting to the removal of the blindfold. Her stomach dropped, seeing herself standing among a group of strangers.

An older gentleman stepped before the crowd. “You stand here today for your skill and prowess.” Reiko’s eyes widened, and his voice was commanding and clear. In a different life, he would have been a perfect fit for the stage. A nervous feeling gnawed deep within her chest. Her skills and prowess lie not within fighting, healing, or strategy. Just what was she doing here?

The man introduced himself as Yuzhe, a former Fire Nation soldier now loyal to the White Lotus. Neither the man nor the organization meant anything to her, though she couldn’t deny their importance was clear.

“State your name and allegiances, as I have done,” Yuzhe orders. “And we will see where your loyalties lie by the end of your trials.”

Others in the crowd had stepped up to the mantle first. Introducing themselves as instructed. Grateful, Reiko was relieved to not be the first one. It gave her time, while not a lot. It was enough. Slowly, she pieced together the character she was about to play. So close to the one she had perfected over the years but tweaked ever so slightly to fit the situation.

As the gauntlet shifted to her, she cleared her throat, hoping her voice could capture the same captivating and clear incantation as Yuzhe. “I am Reiko, a performer from the Fire Nation, and my loyalty lies with the innocence of this world,” She said, the lie rolling easily from her tongue. Even if Rahan, who had introduced themselves only a moment ago, was bold enough to speak the truth. Reiko would never utter aloud that her loyalty are only to herself.

♡coded by uxie♡
these chains never leave me

i keep dragging them around
the adrift
one life with one dream on repeat
purity ring
mood: hungover
location: ?
interactions: everyone
Sachi woke to a pulsating ache, one that threatened to split her head in two, and for a few seconds this pain was all she could notice. That was, until she realized the darkness that covered her eyes was not a natural one, feeling the foreign cloth against her shifting eyelids. Through its opaque fabric, she could see it was light out, hazarding a guess that she was likely somewhere in open air. Once it was finally lifted, she stared blearily at bright, unforgiving sunlight, trying her best to blink away the sting.

What had happened last night? Alright, perhaps she might have gotten too carried away again, gambling what little savings she had on a backalley game of mahjong. But she was well-liked in those parts of the Si Wong desert, surely she couldn't have pissed someone off enough to get herself kidnapped? The Dai Li...

...were years behind her. She shook her head tiredly. I was foolish for even thinking. No, this was most likely the work of the White Lotus, though Sachi would have liked to think that their methods were less provoking. She didn't particularly know why, but she expected to be handled with kid gloves when she agreed to join their mission to settle the discord between the twin Avatars, like precious porcelain cargo meant to shoot her arrows from a distance. Sachi could respect this kind of rough-and-tumble attitude, though. It almost made her believe that no one here cared about playing it safe, something she'd been doing for too many years that it had caused something to rot away inside her.

In a way, she was waking from a dreamless, decade-long sleep, and now that she was awake, she realized she'd lost almost everything that made her who she was, having traded pieces of herself for a thousand shiny, elaborate masks. Who am I...? Nothing but empty air came to meet her.

She swiveled her head upon hearing garbled speech, realizing that multiple people were currently taking turns talking, the varied intonations and accents informing her that these strangers came from across the nations. Not many of them were familiar to her, perhaps a few faces she could have come across in a crowd once upon a travel. Her bleary gaze caught itself on familiar orange robes, and immediately, she shrunk into herself, eyes darting away, then back again. Were those- ribbons? Could it be one of those flashy Eastern Doves? And a little off to the side, ah, there it was. That offensive glare of light bouncing off the shiny bald head of Choimpel, one of the only fellow airbenders Sachi still respected enough to strike a civil conversation with. She smiled to herself, pleasantly surprised with the White Lotus' selection of air nomads.

Sachi's tone was inviting and warm as she mustered up the energy to wave a covered hand in greeting at her surrounding peers, "I am a woman of many faces and names, but you may all call me Sachi." She realized a few moments before her introduction that there needed to be a level of trust for this group thing to work out, so she will at least be forthcoming with this one thing. Her true name, the one gifted to her by her elders back when she was still something to be admired. "And I guess... I am currently in allegiance with the White Lotus?" She nodded, quite seriously. "Yeah, I think the blindfold and capturing thing really cemented that choice for me. So here we are!"
© reveriee
fluticasone fluticasone
Yuzhe walks the perimeter of the courtyard as each of them provide their answer. He remains quiet, except for the occasional hum of acknowledgment. His pale eyes remain fixed on the ground beneath his feet. With the final answer given, Yuzhe clasps his hands behind his lower back. He slows to a stop and lifts his head to face the sun.
"Allegiances are a fickle. Many of us devote our lives to our nations simply because we are born within its borders, rather than for what beliefs and ideology our kings or emperors believe in." He pauses, inhaling deeply. "My hope is that throughout your trials, you begin to question the motivations behind your allegiances if you have not already begun to do so." Yuzhe turns to face the group. "And perhaps you will see yourselves aligned with The White Lotus and what we hope to achieve."
Raising his hand, Yuzhe chuckles. "But I am getting ahead of myself," he states. "Let us continue to get to know one another, shall we? You have spoken your allegiances, now I seek to understand each of you individually. Speak to me of your strengths, your weaknesses, and the skills you have developed and refined over the course of your life."
Yuzhe returns to stand in front of the group. "It is only fair that I begin. I am a Firebender, and like many of my peers I find strength in passion and ferocity. My combative skills excel in the heat of the moment. As you may imagine, this can also be my weakness. It has taken me many years to learn to understand that my passion does not need to dissolve into recklessness and impatience. Even now in my old age, I struggle to remember this." He hums in thought and smiles. "I believe my skillset includes strategy, leadership, compassion, and... well, I have been told I am an excellent painter."


the foundling





water tribe drip






rock yo body

Yuka is surprised by the diversity of the group. Back home at the water tribe, it is rare to see someone from any neighboring nation. This past year spent in the Fire Nation has reintroduced her to the diverse array of people she could encounter, but even then everyone was predominantly a native. Never before has Yuka met someone from the Foggy Swamp Tribe and now she can not help but keep her eyes glued to him. She wonders if he is a waterbender, and how greatly techniques may differ between their two tribes.

She returns her attention to Yuzhe as he begins to speak again, reflecting on the notion of allegiances. Yuka understands his line of thinking. It took her many years to let go of her allegiances to the Fire Nation and embrace the Southern Water Tribe as her new home. Even now, she feels caught between two worlds. She is curious to know how she will feel by the end of these so-called trials. If it is the intent of The White Lotus to expand their horizons, then Yuka is willing to offer an open mind... for now.

Yuka steps forward as Yuzhe finishes. She stands tall and rolls her shoulders back.

"I am a waterbender. I have an offensive fighting style. I consider my strengths to be my physical prowess, adaptability, and my mixed bending techniques. I am weak in ranged combat, and..."
She hesitates for a moment and decides to swallow her pride.
"Maintaining my composure and a level head."
Yuka raises her chin and continues,
"Some of my skills include close quarter combat, sailing, fishing, hunting, and well, I've been told I can be intimidating."

♡coded by uxie♡

— R E I K O






@ none

Reiko loved crowds. The added pressure of needing to maintain perfection only bolstered her resolve. It was the intimate moments in which Reiko faltered. The separation of the stage—her secrets laid bare. The cracks in her facade, visible when not kept at a distance, were now more obvious than ever.

While the current situation was unusual, it was something Reiko could work with. A song and dance similar enough to the one she had been performing all her life.

Clearing her throat, she stepped forward. A practiced smile graced her features, and a hand was placed over her heart in a gesture of earnestness.

“As I stated before, I am Reiko. Within the Fire Nation, I am known as a performer.” The hand placed behind her back waved an ornate fan she had tucked into her belt. Her movements weren’t grand nor extravagant, only a small showcase of fluidity.

“While I may not look the part of a warrior, and I certainly am not a skilled fighter, like I assume much of you are,” Reiko said with a laugh—her cheeks painted in soft pink. The fan moved to cover the lower part of her face as if the scripted bashfulness was unintentional. “I do think we share a number of the same traits. After all, dedication is essential for a performer to be successful. As is adaptability and courage.”

“Regarding my personal talent, I am observant and quick, both in movement and wit.” She said, closing the fan with a quick snap before flourishing it out again. “What I am most proud of and consider my greatest strength is my ability to captivate an audience.” The words slipped from her tongue with ease. A statement so simple that she almost believed it herself. Yet, Reiko knew her greatest strength was her ability to tell the sweetest lies. “You would say I’m quite good, right?”

♡coded by uxie♡
fluticasone fluticasone
  Ryosuke | the guardian
Ryosuke noted a group of those who spoke, though, the rest began to merge into one another, reflecting on being from the same nation, being of a similar bending creed. The White Lotus had been hard at work, gathering a plethora of souls from the world and ensuring each one was more diverse than the last.
He was confident in his abilities, but he had to wonder why he was chosen, why there were swampbenders, performers, philosophers. Why such a mix?
Yuzhe’s musings turned to allegiances, unwavering loyalty to one’s nation. Ryosuke was already stiff, or rather alert, as he was taught to be, but he felt his shoulders tense at the blasphemy so freely spoken. Yuzhe could do that. He was of the White Lotus, no longer aligned with the Fire Nation, even if it was home, even if he had served.
He was not sure whether to be relieved or wary of the idea of abandoning the ideals of his home, or rather, the Army.
The older man moved onto painting a clear picture of each one of them. Of their strengths, their weaknesses, their fighting styles. Ryosuke could not help tilting his head. Perhaps it was something the White Lotus had to note, the judges of their hopeful achievements in this diverse lot, but to announce it in front of all those who gathered here?
It was not ignored, nor questioned. The waterbender, Yuka, was the first to step forward, and bare all to the world in front of her. He glanced back, at first, listening intently, though, a thought intruded his concentration the longer he looked at her. She was the picture of every waterbender, from her clothing to her colouring, but that all paled to the gold shine in her eyes.
Eyes from the Fire Nation.
She was the image of Syou’s sister. The resemblance was striking, uncanny even.
He had a feeling he could not shake.
Reiko stepped up soon after, speaking of her adaptability gained from being a performer, full of wit and just as agile. He could not focus so much on her briefing, preoccupied with other thoughts, to catch any indication of untruth.
The man eventually forced himself to step forward also, reverting to his attentive soldier persona. “I, unfortunately, was not gifted with any kind of bending. Though fire does not burn at my fingertips, I have the endurance and strength to withstand a beating from benders, even if I lack the speed and stand out as I am. I have extra weaponry and tools at my disposal to hold my own with in battle, and should it come to it, many others.”
He debated mentioning his other skills, such as making a mean ramen bowl, though, he closed his mouth, and stepped back into line.
Hae let her hat cover her face once more, as she listened to those in the group continue to introduce themselves, knowing she’d have to heal the bunch. In the safety of its shadow, she rolled her eyes at the rumbler. She found all fighting pointless, but fighting for another’s pleasure? There was no honor there. Perhaps desperation, that she understood, but if he was skilled enough to attract this White Lotus’s attention, he likely could buy his way out. Or flee. Another two earthbenders spoke, one who had no allegiance to the city he claimed, while the other was another soldier this time for the Earth Kingdom’s army.

Earthbending was familiar territory for Hae. In all her travels, she had not left the kingdom’s borders. When she realized she would have to learn how to fight without giving away the tribe’s secrets, it was there that she found her foundation. Sheets of ice replaced rock, and she knew how to stand firmly, an impenetrable force to protect her patients. It was only later, after meeting the few waterbenders traveling through the kingdom, that she learned the fluid grace of most waterbenders. She liked it better, though it was unlike the rigid movements of her tribe. It fit her, dodging and escaping. She only used what little she’d been taught in her own defense: dodging and escaping instead of fighting.

Earthbenders used their body as if it were a mountain. The problem was they were of flesh and blood. Stress fractures of the feet and hands were the most prevalent. They were often ignored. Many didn’t even notice until after she’d healed them. Then the relief would amaze them. She wondered what injuries these people were ignoring. Could she evaluate everyone? Strengthen bones and heal hurts? Her eyes flicked over to their guide. She’d studied the cloudy orbs many elders grew, but had yet to figure out how to fix them. Like disease, age was something she could only fight, not win.

They’d continued introducing themselves. Another from the fire nation’s military. Then one from the Southern Water Tribe. Neither mentioned bending, and unlike with the Earthbenders, she was unable to tell. She did not know either nation’s bodies like she knew the Earth’s. Like she knew the tribe. She was sure they were the same, inside, but the physicality of bending must affect them differently. She was curious to find out.

Then the man, the one she knew she couldn’t have recognized. The one she had kept in her sight since it had returned. He stepped forward. She held her breath as she caught his face through the crowd. Then he spoke. Naran. The one destined for greatness had left the tribe. But he did claim it. He let others know of its existence. Was he in denial? Or had he possibly had the elders permission?

She missed the rest of the introductions. All of her focus was on him. Not really believing he was there. What did she do? She was Outcast, never to see the tribe again. He would not talk to her. She automatically raised her hand to her chest, the pain inside telling her to heal.

She was used to pain. Her experiments often caused a lot of pain. But this was different. Naran had been her friend, once upon a time. The wise boy had disapproved of her bringing him into the tribe: the spirits likely telling him. She should have listened to him. Her heart had opened too far. Harming the tribe. She had learned, just too late. Swallowing, she hardened her heart once more, imagining it icing solid.

She would obey the tribe. She would not speak to him. Prying her eyes away as Yuzhe spoke again, she swore to herself she could survive this too. Forcing herself to focus on the group once more, she took in the first to speak. The Southern Water Tribe girl confirmed she was a waterbender. Hae was surprised to hear her speak of normal tasks, like fishing but she supposed that was a skill.

The next to speak surprised her, distracting her fully from Naran, for now. A performer. Why would the White Lotus want one? She had not said she was a bender. Hae had healed traveling thespians, for all that she had never gone to a show. One had offered for her to travel with, for payment of healing the broken leg of their acrobat, but Hae didn’t accept payment beyond food and lessons. Currency was useless in the forest, where she collected her herbs.

The third confirmed his lack of bending, and instead emphasized his strength and weapons. For Hae, not fighting would be the preference, but she supposed it was wise to learn to protect oneself if one could not bend.

She stepped forward, wanting to get lost in the crowd, not first nor last. “As I said, I am a healer. If you’re alive when you get to me, you will survive. I know the human body. I am not a fighter, I don’t care what you’re fighting over. I will heal you. I know of herbs non benders can use, what helps and what doesn’t. I can help cure illnesses faster, though there are those I cannot yet heal.” She can’t help but look at Naran. “I can help however.” She then scanned the entire group. Her voice changed, sharper, as she looked up from the rim of her hat, her eyes dangerous. “Don’t touch me, and we’ll get along.”

✦ the successor ✦


— the ashes call my name




the general vicinity



Yuzhe might be a respected individual as both a former soldier of the Fire Army as well as a current member of the White Lotus, but Yujie’s eyes narrow slightly as the older man prattles on. Allegiances are fickle? People should question their motivations behind their allegiances and the beliefs that their emperor holds?

Not in the Fire Nation, they don’t—especially not if their allegiance lies with the military. All commands from superiors are absolute; they’ve only grown into such a strong, unwavering nation because of their discipline. Encouraging the recruits to question motivations and beliefs is nothing less than absurd. There’s no need for that when, in a nation like the Fire, carrying out orders is what brings a direct path to victory, and along with that, the earned right to write history.

Perhaps the blind idealism that comes with old age has gotten to Yuzhe; if that’s the case, then Yujie can see why he’s no longer a part of the Fire Army. Good riddance. A fickle heart is a weak one, and if it’s been people like Yuzhe leading the efforts against Shoko thus far, then no wonder they haven’t made much progress. The call for support—for Yujie, specifically—is evidently long overdue.

In his discontentment, Yujie’s words are curt once more at the request for further introduction. He prefers learning through actions rather than speech, though given his quickly-changing opinion of Yuzhe, he’s not surprised the blathering continues. It is what it is for now, he supposes.

"In bending both fire and lightning to my will,"
Yujie begins,
"my strength lies in power: my ability to be adaptable, swift, and brutal."
The last point is the most important, he feels, so it’s good that it’s also his strongest.
"I don’t prefer engaging in combat that requires high endurance or defense, and it’s not often I’m pushed to. The same goes for assignments requiring stealth."
His style is, after all, blazing ahead and razing all to the ground.

"My skills lie in my athleticism and expertise in close quarter combat. I’m proficient with ship navigation as well. And,"
Yujie pauses, his gaze finally shifting away from Yuzhe and towards the tall waterbender stationed a ways away as he echoes her words,
"I, too, have been told I can be intimidating."

And that’s just how he likes it.


the rouge.




answer here


name, name, name


@ user @ user

Rahan shifted where he stood as Yuzhe continued after the last of them finished answering his question. Internally, he frowned. Did Yuzhe really believe that they, especially he, would change their loyalties so easily? How simple it would have been to lie and give a more appropriate answer, both past and present. He shrugged his shoulders back and clasped his hands behind him.

Cracking each knuckle slowly, relishing the small pops his fingers made as he pressed down on them, he agreed that blind faith in nations was a glaring red flag. But what sane person wouldn’t have loyalty to themselves? Despite it sounding rather pessimistic, Rahan would rather die than put someone above himself. Ever.

A quiet snort escaped his nose, and a small smirk played on his lips at this internal revelation. Death was a fickle bitch, but at least it was more trustworthy than humans. Rahan’s truth stood as confidently as he did. His motivations would never align with The White Lotus or those around him. He was purely in this situation because of the possibility of success meant to him.

As he listened to the group's answers, no one sounded grossly overconfident, and Rahan enjoyed everyone's responses. When it was his turn, he stood quietly for a few beats of silence.
“My strengths lie in brute force. Bombarding the enemy before they decide how to deal with my firepower.”
A lie. A blatant one.

Brute force was something he had always felt he lacked. A smile danced on his lips as he continued,
“Close combat isn’t a strong suit of mine despite my fighting technique.”
Another lie. How delightfully sweet they tasted on his tongue. He shrugged.
“But I somehow make it work.”

He uncrossed his arms from behind his back and stretched his arms leisurely above his head.
“As for skills, I think—”
A yawn cut his sentence short, and he fanned his face rather dramatically.
“Strength, stealth, and some other things.”
This time, he answered with a white lie. Rahan couldn’t help it; he would never outright tell anyone what his strengths and weaknesses were. It felt too easy. Too much of a trap.



the hammer



eager, proud




location here


interactions here


tags here

At the mention of loyalties to one’s nation, Jianli could only let out a snort of laughter. He looked around, assuming that everyone else would have a similar reaction to him. Yet, it seemed he was wrong. There were people around him who seemed to actually have loyalty to their nation, who weren’t scoffing at the idea of being loyal to a government rather to themselves. His expression fell, eyebrows furrowing in confusion. His knowledge of the other nations was minimal, and he assumed that the other three nations like the Earth Nation, failed their citizens.

His eyes lingered on Yujie who seemed discontented by the idea of losing one’s loyalty. He wondered who he was, why he was the way that he was; what sort of nation or life could inspire loyalty to the point of open annoyance? Jianli was curious. Even more so when Yujie called himself intimidating. If he squinted, he could see it. But he couldn’t quite understand it.

It was the sound of another snorting with laughter that drew his attention. Rahan, small and slight, but clearly holding the same mindset as him. Jianli gave an approving nod, resting his hands on his hips and feeling a bit better. Surely Yujie was an outlier then, compared to the rest of them. He felt a bit more emboldened to know he wasn’t the only one who thought such a notion was ridiculous. Enough so that he actually paid attention to the other’s skills. Confident, powerful, intimidating. They all clearly brought something to the table. A lot of them seemed to be somebody, which made the fact that Jianli ended up here all the more amusing.

“I’m an earth bender, I know that you can use sand and lava but I like to use pure and simple earth for the most part,”
he started, flexing one of his arms, the muscle expanding at the gesture.
“Pure offense from me, my strength and endurance are second to none. I’ve also spent a lot of time fighting people in a fighting ring so my hand to hand is second to none.”
He had no problem boasting about himself. He’d trained long and hard for what he had. There was no harm in saying it. He knew no one would know exactly what he or his bending was like from words alone anyways.

When it came to his weaknesses, he rubbed the back of his neck.
“I’m not quiet at all, or really a planner. I go in and bust shit up. Anything beyond that will have to be figured out by someone else.”
Jianli shrugged, keeping his head held high and his chin up. He didn’t like admitting his weaknesses to anyone, let alone a group of strangers. But if they were going to be a team, they’d come out anyways. Not to mention everyone else had, so if he were the only one to not say something it’d look worse, he rationalized.

At the idea of skills, he grimaced. He thought back to Rahan who only offered up stealth, or Yujie who spoke of his athleticism and intimidation, loyal Miu. Did he have skills like that in comparison to the rest of them? It didn’t feel like, but he decided to offer what he did have.
“I’m athletic as well, and have developed my own close-combat fighting style - so I guess those are useful skills.”
At least for what they were doing here. Some of the others mentioned skills that weren’t necessarily meant for fighting either. He hesitated about whether those were worthwhile sharing. Ultimately he decided they would be.
“I can grow and find food basically anywhere, so no one goes hungry around me.”
He sounded proud to say that, standing up straight as he did. Not going hungry was a boon in Ba Sing Se, and one that not everyone could boast about.

Before he stepped back, Jianli did add one last comment.
“Oh, and I've been told I'm charismatic - good with people unlike some of you!”
He teased, letting out a laugh before he stepped back into place.

♡coded by uxie♡

Some are entertained by his jest, some are not. Ah, well. Conversation moves on to the topic of allegiances… and the matter of where they will lie in the future. It seems they want them to stray away from nations and more towards them, though. Bao supposes he can understand the principle, but he's skeptical about the idea of pledging loyalty in this moment. They still haven't elaborated on their exact aims. One could assume, given the organization, but still.

What intrigues him is that they seem to just sort of… be taking their word for it on many things. Stating their strengths and weaknesses- would they not prefer to test it themselves? Confirm they are not overstating, understating, lying or generally incorrect about their abilities? Well, he isn't the White Lotus- who can say, really. Bao isn't going to start giving advice on how to run their organization for them!

As the others begin to state their bending- Bao lets several others speak, giving himself a bit of time to consider what to say. His talent regarding "bending" is a rather rare one- but if he obscures it, many might wonder why he's even here in the first place… which could be a bigger problem than revealing it. Really, his concerns lie with his mentor- Dawa never particularly said whether Bao's new discipline was meant to be obscured or not.

"Well," he begins, "I consider myself more of a defensive fighter, if it comes down to it. I do not enjoy brute force solutions," he clears his throat, "I'm rather good with herbs! Both medicinal and cooking-wise," he chuckles, "I prefer to stop fights before they begin, as well."

He pauses for a moment. "I am not a bender. My skill-set is rather unorthodox- my discipline is able to block bending."

the icon
??? ― ???
??? ― ???
bao moment
whole group moment
It didn’t take long for the others to give their introductions after he did, most, but not all, opting to keep things brief. Perhaps it was because of this that their words managed to latch onto the little cloud in his head that was his brain, despite the looming pressure that came from the inevitability of obligation… or maybe, some of them just had nice-sounding, easy-to-remember names.

On the contrary, when Yuzhe spoke once more, hardly anything seemed to stick. There was something about the vulnerability of their allegiances, but Yixia’s sleepy eyes would only glaze over in confusion―an indication as good as any that he failed to register what the elder’s words might’ve truly meant. In a similar vein, he also wondered if he'd missed a joke, given how a few of his peers did little to stifle their sounds of amusement.

The part he did understand, at least in theory, was the request to divulge their strengths and weaknesses. As a topic, it was relatively straightforward; what were they good at, and what weren’t they good at? Even Yixia knew his answer to some degree, and yet, an air of uncertainty prevented him from saying it outright. In his hesitance, others would begin to fill the space with answers of their own, some speaking with a confidence Yixia suddenly felt none of.

Two-tone irises slid slowly from one distant scenery to another, betraying a lack of total engagement, but nothing else. Should he go next? Going first was no longer possible, so now all he had to do was avoid going last. He wouldn’t be able to explain why, but he knew things towards the middle of a sequence tended to be more forgettable in comparison.

This was a good thing.

The non-bending, the avoidance, but also the combative competence, and the keenness of his ears. His thoughts were all lined up, the only thing being left now was to simply voice them.

“... Funny you mention cooking, Baobao―doesn’t that cloud kind of look like a wok…?” He inquired, the question certainly taking its time in leaving his smiling lips as nonchalant hues gazed upwards. “... You know, the nice auntie who runs the restaurant near my house told me that I’m pretty good at cooking, even though I’ve never tried anything I’ve made… She even said I might run her out of business if I ended up taking over.”

A silence that perspired for just a little bit too long had leaked into the atmosphere, though before it could have been taken as a signal of the next person’s turn, Yixia cut into it once more. “Oh… Also, uh… right before traveling here, I got a sextuple yakuman*! The friends at the parlor said it won’t ever happen again, but I dunno. I could probably do it again…”

Well… okay. So much for lining his thoughts up, huh?

Upon realizing how his answer might’ve compared to the others who went thus far, Yixia ended with a haphazard finale; a half-hearted and notably vague detour. It was almost like he suddenly forgot how to articulate anything.

“Haha, and I can swing a stick at people, and such… Something… this and that, but… there’s also weaknesses, and… you know?” There was a pause after he’d spoken as if anything he just said made sense. “…Yeah,”

― ✦

* a sextuple yakuman is the highest valued hand that can be obtained through standard rulesets, where double-yakuman are in play. highly luck-based !! [riichi mahjong]
coded by natasha.
aim your arrow at the sky

leave me where i lie
the adrift
i've been flying for too long
purity ring
mood: hungover

location: ?

interactions: everyone
Everyone seemed so forthcoming with their answers! Now here was an interesting group, worthy of healthy scrutiny, although she was never really one to people-watch, admittedly, often finding herself zoning out instead of attuning herself to the people she observed. This scene was no exception, her lack of attention amplified by her current ailment — Though most of the details flew over her aching head, Sachi's eyes flitted this way and that between each person who spoke, turning up at the corners in curious delight as she realized that most of these people were specialized in their respective crafts. There was pride to be found in how they spoke about themselves, however varied the degree of self-consciousness that came with it.

Some of them have to be lying, the cynical part of her mind told her. There was that familiar suspicion again, it never left really, though she tried not to pay much mind to it. She made a note to approach some of her peers later with some questions, such as the kind-looking old man of the group, Bao, and how he came to learn such a unique (and terrifying) skill. Sachi had certainly never heard of anything like it ever being used before, giving into child-like wonder with the thought that there was still so much left to learn, even after so many years of ceaselessly traveling the world. The thought of a person being able to block one's bending should scare her more, though she already had rather grown used to the idea of losing her bending in recent years ever since her desertion. It was not an easy thing to accept, but she would guess that out of all of her fellow benders, she would be one of the few who were least wary of the possibility that Bao would ever use such a skill against her.

She tilted her head to the side, considering how much to disclose about her situation. It somewhat comforted her to know that a few of her peers seemed to be outsiders like herself, mentally differentiating those who were clearly comfortable with their stated allegiances and those whose loyalties were more... dubious. The healer, Hae, for one, was curt with her words aside from her adamant dislike of physical touch, and Reiko, the one who called herself a performer and certainly presented herself like one with her innocent eyes and flair for dramatics. Neither really stated their explicit allegiances, whether to a nation or an organization like the White Lotus. Were they exiles like herself, she wondered? Quietly laughing at Yixia's endearingly valiant attempt at giving a coherent answer, she cleared her throat, picking up the topic of conversation with ease.

"I, myself, am an airbender," Sachi said, a bit of hesitation creeping into her voice before adding, "But I rely mostly on my bow and arrows nowadays. I like the feeling of being certain that I can hit my target, you know? That being said, my strengths mainly lie in ranged combat, hiding myself where the enemy can't see me, and using the element of surprise." She winked to no one in particular, thinking that she must have sounded so mysterious just then.

"As for weaknesses, I tend to avoid face-to-face confrontations as much as possible, and I have an irrational fear of closed spaces, admittedly." And the bald, she inwardly kept to herself, holding back a smile as she glanced to her side at Choimpel. Then, with great effort, she decided to be truthful once more, shedding thoughts of mistrust in favour of putting her best foot forward, "My airbending is also very unstable, so I prefer to use weapons to supplement my fighting style. Aside from archery, I am also pretty good with my fists. Oh, and I'm pretty good at doing impressions of other people, I guess. Easier to do once I've had a drink or two."
© reveriee
fluticasone fluticasone
  Naran, the destined
Naran’s eyes tightened with unwavering curiosity as Yuzhe’s stalwart voice rang through the crowd again. His way of talking was unlike Naran had ever witnessed: direct and commanding tones weren’t exactly common among his folk, except when it came to making prophecies based on the rough trajectories of falling leaves and the speed of plant growth. All undoubtedly coherent methods, of course.
As interesting as they may have been, Yuzhe’s words were also provoking in a way that inspired unease. His loyalty to his tribe was the very reason he had partaken on this trip. So why now, at the first point of arrival, was he being made to question the use and sincerity of that very bond? Not that he would ever dare to reconsider it. What reason did he have to? The tribe was his home, his family, his everything–why would he ever take that all for granted? It felt strange and confusing, planting a seed of wariness in a mind that was exclusively excited just moments before.
Despite the mood seeming to shift slightly awry, any slivers of negativity were quick to dissuade as the crowd began to respond to Yuzhe’s questions. Naran’s attention shifted wholeheartedly to taking in the welcome overstimulation of his newfound peers revealing more personal details. It was a miraculous sight, truly. It felt like his world was expanding with every voice taking the stage. Words couldn’t quite grasp how wondrous it was to perceive people of so many different walks of life for the first time. Naran wasn’t naive to the fact that he lived a sheltered life, but the feeling of surprise, paired with his desire to learn, was very hard to manage even with that acknowledgement in life. It took a lot not to interrogate every person right then and there. Hopefully, the opportunity would arise soon.
Though each person managed to spark considerable curiosity, it was difficult to dawdle too long given the pace with which the conversation ensued. Paying attention became increasingly more difficult once an eerily familiar voice stepped up, confirming prior suspicions. So it was Hae. Naran choked up, a nervous smile striking his face as he sheepishly looked in every direction except hers as a mix of emotions washed over. What was he supposed to be feeling? Was it the happiness of seeing an old friend be alive and well, or sadness, anger even to see the face of an exile whose actions caused so much hurt? It seemed as if his heart didn’t know either. For now, it seemed most bearable to survive by ignoring the facts at hand. Confrontation could wait, hopefully for long.
After a few more future friends spoke of their strengths and weaknesses, the time eventually came for Naran to do the same. His voice would come after Bao’s, a seemingly kind soul whose alleged ability to ‘block bending’ both puzzled and excited the youthful bender. He’d be sure to ask away later. But first, introductions.
“So, I’m also a waterbender” Naran briefly glanced over at Yuka, eager to kindle kinship over their common ability. “My tribe elders taught me well, so I’m confident I can hold my own in a pinch–well, as long as the opponent is kind enough to keep their distance. I hope no one ever has to watch me throw a punch. I’ve been told it’s painful for everyone except the person I’m aiming at.” He chuckled sheepishly, recalling a plethora of clumsy mishaps.
“Outside of a fight, I can also make myself useful in a few other ways, like–well, I’m good with plants, sometimes I talk to them. I also love to sail and I’m pretty mean with a fishing rod. I might need some help preparing the fish, though, so I’m very glad to hear we have some cooks in our company.” Naran smiled as he looked around the crowd, hopeful that his first impression went well.
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Yuzhe is pleased by the answers provided to him. He sees a wide array of skillsets, no one person is the same as another. Some may not be traditional warriors, but the Lotus has relied on brute strength for far too long. It is time for a more unconventional approach. Yuzhe has high hopes for the group standing before him, but quickly remembers not to get too far ahead of himself.
"Your strengths, weaknesses, and skills will be taken into further consideration. The Lotus sought you all out for some of the skills you spoke of now, but we are eager to delve into what each of you can truly bring to the table," he speaks, smiling softly. "Welcome to one of our many compounds. Your rooms are still under preparation, so in the meantime why don't you all get to know your fellow recruits? You will be spending quite a lot of time together moving forward, even more so for those of you who pass your trials."
Yuzhe bows his head. "I will return when it is time to show you to your rooms."

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