Wild Wild West


Junior Member
Character Format:







Other(if you are a tracker and have an animal it goes here):
Name: Jackie Cove

Age: 42


Class: Sharp Shooter

Background: He has been wanted for 7 years and they have never caught him. He killed his brother and ran off after that. The sheriff just decided to give up but nothing could stop his brutal crimes. He decided that the town was no fun and he ran off to a different place.

Personality(optional): Grumpy,Very violent when it comes to guns,Brutal

Other(if you are a tracker and have an animal it goes here):
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Character Format:

Name: Jessica Jane Parker; J.J.

Age: 24


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_12/image.jpg.22ac2e9f98ad06327f82b80be6334f50.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="10673" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_12/image.jpg.22ac2e9f98ad06327f82b80be6334f50.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Class: Tracker

Background: Jessie was born and raised, the youngest of five children, on a cattle ranch in east Texas. Her mother passed away shortly after giving birth to her only daughter, starting what would seem to be a long line of bad luck for the Parkers.

When Jessica had only just turned ten, her brother that was closest to her in age fell sick with "the fever". He struggled for three long months before losing his battle against the disease. Four years later, the two middle Parker brothers had gone to town to make a deposit and run errands relating to the business end of the ranch, only to be shot and killed in the only bank robbery that sleepy little burg ever experienced. In rage, Jessica's oldest brother, Carter, set out to bring his siblings' deaths to justice. He hadn't been seen for two years by the time that Jessie and her father got word that Carter had strayed and gotten mixed in with a few bad people.

Jessica stubbornly decided that if anyone could find her brother and set him on the right path, it would be her. Dressed in male clothing and under the new nickname of "J.J. Parker", she set out in search of Carter. It was four years of zig-zagging across Texas, Oklahoma, and New Mexico before she gave up in her quest. J.J., then twenty years of age, shed the facade of her brother's clothing and short cropped hair and started the painful journey back to her father. Along the way she was hired for a few shady, odd jobs and discovered that she could find just about anyone or anything, except Carter. Of course, he'd taught her everything she knew about hunting and tracking therefore knew how to hide from his own tricks. These small time outlaws? They didn't.

Jessie never has returned home. Still operating under the title of J.J. (however, now not bothering to conceal the fact that she is a woman), has worked up quite the name for herself. If she can't find it, it's lost for good. She only hopes that statement isn't true for her brother.

Personality: J.J. has always been hard headed with strong opinions. If she thinks you're wrong, she will not hesitate to let you know. Rough around the edges with a sarcastic tongue, she places a wall between herself and most emotions. Jessie has known far too much death in her life for it to bother her much anymore. When not on the job she can be found with glassy eyes and a frozen stature, only resembling a shell of her usual self. Her greatest grief resides in the idea that she has one sibling left and has failed to save him from himself.

Other: In her travels to New Mexico, Jessie discovered a coyote who insisted on tagging along behind her. Now he rarely leaves her side and she's given him the pet name of "Ringo".

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_12/image.jpg.580b1ac767f145d0e60b1326dd9652b5.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="10672" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_12/image.jpg.580b1ac767f145d0e60b1326dd9652b5.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Name: Blythe Faith Gareth

Age: 22


Class: Tracker

Background: Blythe's mother had been raised as a tracker while her father was constantly drunk and angry, her mother taught Blythe at the young age of 4 years old how to take care of herself out in the wild and how to think like an actual tracker; Blythe went onto journey's with her mother and sometimes had to dress up like a guy because not many people were kind to females traveling alone without a few men. After coming back from one of their journey's Blythe returned home to see that her father had been killed in cold blood and even though she could've gone to look for his killer, she felt as if he deserved his death and refused to help with the revenge her mother wanted. Blythe went on her own adventures but would stay home a bit more often to wait for her mother to come home... she never did so Blythe left on her adventure and refuses to grief over the death she knows came upon her mother because if Blythe knew anything about her mom, she wasn't someone who would desert her own flesh and blood.

Personality(optional): Blythe is careful about many things and trusting people is one of them, sure she can easily play along as the person who can easily trust people but she was no fool and always had an escape plan. She can be mean and cold at times but there are also times when she's softened up but its hard to tell whether or not if her guard is down because it usually never is.

Other(if you are a tracker and have an animal it goes here):

Bella is a wolf/dog that she bought on one of her journey's, in order to get her companion Blythe had to give pretty much all of her gold; she's had Bella for about 2 years now and she's great help for tracking.

If you want me to change anything, I can:)
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@RollTheBones - Could you give a bit more background to your character please. Why is he wanted and if he is wanted why would he be a bounty hunter himself?

@MissPenny - Accepted!

@Karma200 - Accepted! I won't force you to change your character, but would you mind making your character native american to make this rp just a little more interesting?

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