Journal Vent Space: if you relate, lets cry together

What type of schooling did you get growing up? (Or are in)

  • Public schooling

  • Onlineschooling (online classes)

  • Homeschooling (see rant below)

  • Other

  • Went to college afterwards

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Rant numero uno (topic: Homeschoolers vs Onlineschoolers)
  • I’m homeschooled.

    Not onlineschooled like all of the public schoolers during the pandemic that say “oh yeah im homeschooled!” No. You are not homeschooled. You are onlineschooled. I am homeschooled.

    me being homeschooled meaning, teaching myself from a textbook handed to me by my mother, or going to a co-op once a week with other homeschoolers thats run by other homeschooler parents to be taught subjects you cant teach yourself or be taught by your parrents.

    i am sick of lighting up when i hear someone online proclaim they are homeschooled, only to deflate when they say “yeah, i did a bunch of online classes over the lockdowns“ im sick of having the media represent us as “weird, quirky, and misfit” and never showing the actual homeschooling and only “oh i was homeschooled for most of my life, but now I’m going to public school! Hope i make friends!”

    Im sick of public schoolers saying that we have it lucky. im fucking sick of it. We are more isolated than you will ever know, you think the pandemic lockdown in 2020 was bad? Imagine that lockdown being your entire life. (Im speaking from my experience, other homeschoolers may have it differently, but in general we don’t get to socialize as much as public schoolers) it is lonely as fuck.

    we get mental illnesses just like you, we get bullied too (albeit not as much, i wont deny that) we can have shit parents too. But oh wait. Shit parrents! The people who are the ones fucking teaching you when you are homeschooled. You at least have the reprieve of going to school, getting away and hanging out with friends. You have that ability to have a sigh of relief. Or maybe school is just as bad, i wont invalidate that, maybe you dont get a sigh of relief, maybe you dont have friends at school. Maybe school is worse than the shit at home. To which i offer you a hug, i feel you, you deserve rest.

    but everyone else? Fuck you. Don’t you dare say i have it easier.
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    Rant numero dos (topic: my desperate need for socializing)
  • So i feel like I’m possessive and restrictive to the few friends i have. I feel like i drag them down.

    i dont make friends easily and when i click with someone i get too attached.

    RPimg doesn’t help this problem with how much people like to ghost. I get attached to a rp and then when my rp partner goes silent, i cling and check obsessively for a response or sign that they’re online. Hell i fucking stalk anyone who takes interest in my threads, ill check out your profile and snoop around in your post areas. Its not good. I know that. But im so fucking desperate for interaction on any level. Just seeing someone look at my stuff sends me dopamine.

    this is a huge fucking problem i cant fix. Im still a minor with no control over anything. I cant send myself to therapy. I cant talk to the friends that mean something to me and havent left due to long periods of (unwilling, parrent caused) radio silence.

    and its worse now that its the holiday Break. im stuck at home till my co-op starts back up again (in January) and i get the little social interaction of hanging out with aquantences from it.

    im not allowed a phone, and im banned from talking to people online. Obviously im breaking those rules for the sake of my own sanity. Cause i honestly couldn’t survive without the interaction i get from online friends or talking online.

    lets make a list of ways you can get social interaction shall we?

    seeing/hanging out with friends irl (X) (gas, and you kinda need to be invited first)
    talking to friends on the phone (X) (who is willing to do that anymore?)
    talking to online friends (X) (stranger danger, they’ll groom you, figure out your address, and you’ll get abucted)
    going out and meeting new people (X) (gas prices are insane)
    Social media (X) (not allowed to have any but tumblr, and thats only for posting art)
    texting friends (X) (no smart phone)
    talking to family (Yes) (but lets be honest, you can only take so much of just your family for so long)

    now where am I socializing? (Over the break, thats not family) Where in the world is the socializing that i, a human, a social creature, need to stay sane coming from?

    nowhere. Its coming from nowhere. its why i am obessive with checking for messages. Its why i get so happy when i see a notification on this site. its why i stalk forums and online statuses. Its why i figure out when my partners tend to be online so i can respond as fast as i can.

    hell, its why i started this thread. In hopes that i can scream into the fucking void and maybe, just maybe hear someone scream the fuck back.
    Rant numero tres (topic: questioning whether i have adhd and/or autism)
  • My apologies for continuous posts, but i just keep spiraling every time i finish the previous.

    i suspect i ether have adhd or i am on the autism spectrum. Every time i think ive figured it out i discover something that helps the case of the other. Hell i might be both, thats a thing.

    but i feel im just making excuses. I feel that im just desperately scrambling for a way to stand out and get some form of attention with this. Its why i dont talk about it anywhere, i dont want it to become an attention seeking thing. I just want to find out what the hell is wrong with me.

    both effect your executive functions which is why its so hard to figure out which i have. I stim a lot, in various forms and im very forgetful. But that might be from having a repetitive life. Instructions are hard to remember, don’t give me a list longer than three. I dont get a lot of social cues, but that might be from being a homeschooler. (In argument of the homeschooling bit, there are homeschoolers that are perfectly fine on a social level) i go non verbal and find it hard to form words when upset. I burst like a balloon when upset as well, and ive likely had a melt down but just cant figure out what it was. I have a hard time empathizing, which is called low empathy and does not mean im emotionless and dont care, i just have a hard time expressing Emotions. I have a hard time naming feelings and putting feels to words.

    I Took an online screening test (that’s supposed to help you figure out whether to go and try for a diagnosis) for ASD and recived the result that im likely to be on the spectrum. However, i dont have the same experiences as other people with ASD I’ve met, so im still on the fence. friends without ASD say i probably have ADHD, but friends with ASD say i probably am on the spec.

    meanwhile my depressive moods mess with all of this and leave me questioning everything.

    so, im kinda settling on both for the time being. But only giving out the ADHD part till i can go and get a true diagnosis. i just know im not normal.
    Rant numero quatro (topic: unfairness of the sibling dynamic with pain)
  • So, i am currently running a fever. I have been since this morning (its night time where i am now) and im tired. My two siblings, one older, one younger, both don't care. (Im likely exaggerating, im just upset rn, the older one is still sick, which is who i caught it from)

    i hate how my problems dont matter to them. Which, is partly my fault i think. I tend to suck up my issues, physical and mental, and push through whatever i need to do. So over time ive made this unwavering front of “im fine, i dont havve any issues, ill get the job done” (yet ive also got the rep of half assing things, it’s complicated) so, now when i do have discomfort, its assumed to be fake. And unless it makes me physically unable to do things, i have to ignore it.

    For example: A few days ago, my little sibling (11 years old, almost 12) gets a scrape on their knee, is bleeding but not all that serious, and ends up able to lounge on the couch all day because they have a low pain tolerance. Meanwhile, the same day, i trip and fall in the parcore course that is the garage while getting out burger buns for dinner from the freezer in there. I could have broken my leg, foot, neck, or arm, and I definitely went back into the house with forming bruses. I get very little sympathy from siblings and mother. if i hadn’t said anything about falling, i would have gotten none, and no one would have noticed i was in pain.

    i literally am more likely to swear then cry if im hurt. if i scream or am in tears from pain? My family knows shit is bad and ill get their help. My mother is more kind in this aspect, as much as i dont want to compliment her, but she does tend to be more caring then my siblings are when im in pain.

    Today: Ive got a head spilting headache and am woozy when i stand, im getting snapped at for not doing my chores by the older sibling. The only one who really cares is my mother, in her mothering hen way when we’re sick. So my mother snaps at older sibling, but i can‘t really hold a lot against my older sibling, we’re the same way and we both don’t like the other when we cant suck up everything. Both of us are in pain, but im the one in worse condition, so they end up doing my chores.

    im still pissed off though, because our little sibling gets a free pass for eveything when they have the slightest discomfort and i have to pick up the slack all alone now. Anyway enough of this rant.
    rant numero cinco, (misk, but generally about my childhood and how someone should have realized I'm autistic sooner)
  • ayo, this rant is in the style of songs by The Narcissist Cookbook, (go listen to gendered teddy by them and you'll get it)

    When i was nine years old,
    I snuck and stole the old ipad my family had and never used
    I hid it in my room and I got away with secretly using it for two whole weeks
    before i fucked up and was caught on it.


    This was the start of a downward spiral,
    Every opportunity I had to sneak onto a device and use it, I could
    And every time, I was caught.
    I never learned the lesson to just, Stop.
    Every time I saw an opportunity, I had to take it.
    And I still was caught in the end.

    I felt like a puppet on strings.
    I couldn't say no to it.
    I fought with myself so many times
    So, so many times
    And I couldn't ever overcome the urge to take.
    The joy of the internet was so rewarding that it was worth the yelling

    I would spend my time playing io games and app games
    Eventually stumbling upon a roleplay site at the age of 10ish.
    This changed everything
    I wasn't just playing games anymore, I could write and partake in stories!
    The stories in my head that i would act out all the characters’ part of in real life
    could now be shared with another person!

    Fast forward to when I was inevitably caught again.
    This time being yelled at and the device of the month being taken away hurt more.
    I was yelled at for talking to strangers online
    For risking my sisters to being abducted
    Because people could hunt you down and find where you live
    Because people would manipulate you and get your address from the little details in small talk

    It didn't make sense to me.
    It didn't scare me
    Looking back, it still doesn't,
    So i continued sneaking onto roleplay sites

    And every time, I was caught eventually.
    And the yelling would come.
    At the time i didn't know why i did this,
    I didn't want to get yelled at and i knew that sneaking would get me yelled at
    But i couldn't stop myself from moving and grabbing the devices

    So, at this point i learned not to defend myself or try to explain
    It would only make her yell for longer
    I was never hurt.
    I want to make that very clear.
    Nothing was ever thrown at me
    I was never hit.

    But I was punished.
    After around a year of the same cycle of sneaking and getting caught,
    My mother decided I needed to know why it was such a danger.
    Since apparently nothing else was getting through to me.
    So i was sat down with my older sister and my dad and we watched a documentary on sex traficing.

    I was 12. Or 11, i'm not sure anymore. But i was just starting 7th grade i believe.
    It didn't show private parts, but it was heavily implied what went on
    And do you know what i felt?
    I viewed it like a story was being told to me.
    We didn't end up watching the whole thing
    And the one thing i remember
    was being upset that i didn't get to find out how the documentary was going to end,
    but not showing that because i knew that wasn't what i was supposed to feel

    Which, in my defense, I should have realized was a sign earlier.

    Im probably autistic
    Im probably autistic

    My sister jokes about it every other day
    And I should have realized sooner
    But when i was younger i was “too smart” for someone to say

    Im probably autistic
    Im probably autistic

    I flap my hands rambling on an on
    fixating on weird topics no one ever dares to portray

    My sister jokes about it every other day
    And well, I should have realized sooner
    But my “quirks” were too unquestioned for someone to say

    Im probably autistic
    Im probably autistic

    I can't name my feelings
    Or express them in healthy ways

    My sister jokes about it every other day
    I should have realized it sooner
    But things were too okay for me to say

    Im probably autistic
    Im probably autistic

    I should have realized it sooner
    But now my problems make it obvious for me to say


    I likely have ASD
    Which stands for Autisim spectrum disorder
    and is heavily surrounded with ableist stigma against it.
    It was so hard to find a way to tell i had it
    Because all the sites I went to were directed towards parents with an autistic child,
    or a fully grown adult.

    Not to mention I had no way to send myself to a therapist for a screening as a teenager due to being homeschooled.
    I also had no way to relate to the school setting related questions either.

    But i knew, i knew that something was wrong with me.
    I would obsess over topics and learn everything i could about them
    Spewing the information back out
    To anyone who would fucking listen

    I had a hard time keeping friends
    And a hard time giving comfort or showing the right emotion to someone going through shit
    I can't hold back from smiling even though i shouldn’t be
    I freeze up and cant speak when stressed
    I didn't like crowds because i couldn’t tune out other people's conversations
    I fixated on the robotic or “weird” characters in shows

    Hell, i wished i were a transformer because i felt like i would belong
    I wished I were an android or AI because I hated being a human
    I hated being a fleshy organic thing that needed to eat and drink
    I hated not understanding the other people of a species i was supposed to belong to

    All i cared for was learning
    Learning how the world and people worked so I could fit in.
    So i wasn't the quiet teen in the corner no one wanted to talk to
    When I was a toddler I was apparently so quiet and content playing by myself that my mother had to check I hadn't died.

    So many things are different about me
    And all i got in return for trying my best to be normal was shouting
    Or when it reached a breaking point.

    and I call it the “you’re fucked up speech”
    I’ve heard it twice.
    Once when i was young i don't remember my age but before double digits i think
    And the other when i was 14
    I had fixated on researching Cults, and I had left open a tab on a video that was satirically telling the viewers about cults.
    “Why in hell would you find this interesting! This is disturbing!”
    Then they looked through my art.
    “Why did you draw this? Why do you draw such dark things? This guy is bleeding everywhere, why did you draw this?!”

    At this point I knew I was messed up,
    I had been told this before from my mother.
    and I could tell by how people looked at me when I rambled about dark things
    But the second time,
    my dad was there as well.
    He agreed with her.
    And it shattered my view of him.
    I thought he didnt think me obsessing over dark things was bad,
    I thought he didn't care about that.
    He had always defended me against my mother before.

    Parents arent perfect.
    They aren't, they’re human.
    I don't hold that against them.
    But that was when I realized I didn't know people.

    I would like to note that, me and my parents have a complicated relationship. We have (somewhat) made up about my dark art and writing, with mild jokes about me being the next Steven king. It was joked a lot when I was younger that I'd grow up to be a serial killer. This was genuinely said to me by my mother and a few times by my dad, it fucked me up inside a bit. Cause I was actually curious about death and what it felt like to die or kill someone, I can list off many ways someone could get killed and how to get away with it. There is a reason I dont call her 'mom' and call her Mother, its not out of respect, but out of lack of closeness.

    She wasn't absentee--- i'm homeschooled for fucks sake, someone had to teach me--- I just dont see her the same as I do my dad. Though I have my issues with him, we get along better and I have more happy memories with him than my mother.
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    rant numero seis (insults, my mother and sister, aka reasons why I kin Yellow guy from DHMIS)
  • I can't understand how quickly people let go
    My mother would yell at me for one thing,
    Then id think i’d piss her off again if i asked to do something
    Because she’s obviously mad at me isnt she?

    But, Let's say i was yelled at for staying up for too long writing
    And when i work up the nerve,
    To ask if i can use the computer to write again,
    “Yes, of course you can!”
    Is her response,
    And I'm left confused.
    But then in a different circumstance,
    Like with watching TV
    “No, you’re still in trouble”
    And it never makes sense.

    I get yelled at for not asking before I use things,
    but when I do ask, I'm told
    “Of course you can!”
    which doesn't make sense to me.
    I thought she already gave me the green light?
    Or I use the thing I ask for, for too long.
    You never said I had a limit!
    I was given permission to use it,
    ‘Why am i getting yelled at’
    ‘I'm confused’

    Or, i’m asked to do something.
    But i did it wrong apparently
    One instance that i remember was the time i was told to preheat the oven for the chicken
    Every other time, that meant 350 degrees fahrenheit,
    But this time, I hadn't known I was supposed to check the box of what we were making for the temperature.
    So i was yelled at by my older sister, told i was stupid,

    “Dumbas, why didn’t you check the box?!”
    ‘You said chicken! How was I supposed to know!’
    “You’re always supposed to check the box! You’re so stupid!”

    Mind you.
    Our family calls each other stupid
    and makes fun of eachother all the time.
    Me included.
    Is that healthy? Probably not.
    But it was normal,
    That time it hurt though
    Because she gave me instructions and I did them the best I could with what I knew.
    But that wasn't enough and i got blamed even though she didnt give me enough information to do it properly.
    Im called stupid if i ask for more instructions than just that
    Im called stupid if i improvize with what i was told and get it wrong
    I can't win at this fucking game
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    rant numero siete (the one thing that can make me violent)
  • One thing that can set me off is someone cutting off what im talking about with
    “Shut up, i don't care” or a variation of it
    And continuing to repeat it as I start speaking again.
    It hits me somewhere deep inside
    And i tend to react violently
    My older sister tends to be the one who sets me off with this the most
    And I've shoved her, thrown something at her, smacked her, etc, because of it.
    I don't know why being cut off repeatedly makes me turn to violence
    It takes everything in me to swallow the hurt and rage so i don't lash out
    Most of the time it doesn't work

    I think i react this way because
    You won't let me speak
    You won't let me defend myself
    You won't let me explain
    words obviously aren’t working
    I can't get you to stop cutting me off with words
    So I turn to a physical solution.

    I also think it hurts and sets me off so much because i wasn't listened to a lot
    When my mother would yell and i defend myself with words
    I struggled to get my point across
    And she would jump to conclusions
    And she would cut me off without letting me finish trying to get my point across
    Words wouldn't work in that situation.
    I couldn't explain to her why i did things
    Cause i didn't know why i did them ether
    In her words, ‘“i don't know’ was your favorite phrase”

    And i had to know, didn’t i?
    “You couldn't have not had a reason for doing ____”
    Couldn't i?
    Im 10, i was never taught how to handle emotions or urges other than being yelled at.

    “Why did you ____?”
    “Why didn't you ____?”
    “Why would you ____?”
    “Tell me why”
    Fucking “WHY”
    Was her favorite question to ask me
    Which i had no answer for
    Cause “I don't know” isn't an acceptable answer
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    rant numero ocho (Suicide, an OC, ways of doing it, and a time when I was younger)
  • NOTE:

    I get really dark this time, so im putting it in a spoiler for those who may not want to read this for the sake of their mental health.

    I describe various ways to kill yourself, some of which are pretty in depth, a past (and the only) attempt of mine, along with a little tangent on depression.

    so again, warning for that.

    the overall topic of this is suicide, you've been warned.

    if any of this bothers you, please do not read. I dont want to cause anyone's breakdown or dark thoughts.

    (I would also like to note that I'm not planing on killing myself, I just need to get this ramble/rant out of my system)

    Y’know, ive thought about it

    Killin myself

    (Ooooo so melodramatic, I know)

    And, no, i dont wish to kill myself right now, dont worry,

    It's just,
    There’s an oc of mine that i was thinking about,
    At a certain point of his story,
    He’s suicidal,
    And it's hard to RP him that way,

    Not cause it doesn't fit his personality,
    It does, it very much does,
    or that I dont know how to write it,
    I do, too much so, that's the problem.

    It reminds me too much of myself,
    A lot of the character reminds me of myself,
    But he’s not me,
    He’s just got a little piece,
    The other bits remind me of my mother,
    that's a whole other ball of wax,

    can you tell I like to psychoanalyze myself using how I write my OC's?

    I once had a breakdown while RPing him a few years ago,
    (He was actively trying to kill himself, and was being stopped)
    Cause it made me think of a time when i was younger

    I had just been yelled at for around three-ish hours for RPing on a site
    And, i remember crying and telling my little sister-
    Who had the bad luck to check on me,
    -To get me a knife,

    She actually got it for me,
    She was six or seven years old,
    She had no clue why i would want it,
    But got it for me anyway cause she trusted me,

    My older sister wasn't as naive,
    I think she saw my younger sister enter my room with it,
    I don't know,
    i either never found out or forgot how she knew,
    But she snatched it from me,
    And i distinctly remember her terrified face,

    She told me to never do what she knew i was gonna do,
    And that she had friends who wanted the same,
    Then she left my 10 or 11 year old self to their numbness,

    That is the closest i ever came to doing it.
    Cause every now and then,
    I do think about how i could kill myself,

    About how easy it would be to open my window,
    Tie my hands behind my back,
    And sit on the sill,
    before leaning and losing my balance,

    Or about how i could use a purse strap and my bedroom door to hang myself,
    How I could break my mirror and cut an artery with the shards,
    Or take all the medication in the kitchen cupboard that's there for emergencies,

    I could do it any which way i imagine,
    Doesn't mean I will.

    Ill never get any place past thinking about it,
    I'm too much of a coward to do it.


    That time when i was younger,
    I don’t know if i wouldn’t have done it if i wasn’t stopped,
    And that scares me,

    It scares me cause i know i get depressed,
    I know, because i push people away and curl up in my bed
    I know, because everything becomes so hard to do,
    I know, because i cry for no goddamn reason at these times
    And sometimes, i do know the reason,

    But i lose all my motivation,
    I lose all satisfaction from things,
    I lose wanting.
    Sleep and music is all i need when im like this,
    Food is a frivolity

    though, I do get better with time,
    I find my motivation again,
    I talk to my friends,
    I laugh,

    I cry,
    It’s just so hard to re-find that and feel better when i live the way i do,
    And i fear that i'll approach that line
    And cross it with no one to stop me one day,

    But that’s not today,
    And that oc isn’t a “sad emo boy uwu angsty”
    He’s a person beat down by circumstance and life,
    Who just wants to be with his brothers.
    And that's where mine and his motivations differ,
    But they still are similar,

    He has the hesitation,
    The knowledge of how,
    And constant thinking of how,
    But never having the guts,
    The want to be happy again,
    but being unable to,
    And instead deciding to stop hurting,
    The frustration of having a “but there’s so much to live for!” speech thrown in your face,
    with the same person completely disregard your reasons and refuse to listen.

    But also wanting to be with someone who you believe to be dead,
    That’s not something me and the character share,

    But it’s how his story gets better,
    his brothers aren’t dead,
    he just believes them to be,
    So when he finds them,
    he loses the motivation for dieing,

    Doesn't mean “Yay! He’s cured of bad thoughts!”
    That’s not how it works,
    There’s still issues that need healing,
    But he regrets thinking the way he did and occasionally still does,
    and eventually feels better than he did,

    I would like to reiterate im not suicidal,
    I was, but I plan on living, RPing, and doing art for a long time.

    thank you for reading, and I hope that if anyone feels how I did, that you find a kindred soul in me and comfort in knowing you are not alone.
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    rant numero nueve (psychoanalyzing my writing, + a bit of my youth)
  • I never realized just how much I draw upon myself for my writing.

    This is something i wrote for a creative writing assignment,

    The sun began to set over the town of Flurmere. Flurmere was populated by a winged race and a child of this race sat on a roof humming a tune as he watched the setting sun. Singing and performing was this boy's passion. But most of the other townspeople frowned upon his passion, saying that it was a waste of time and energy and that he should focus on other things. He didnt care what they thought of it, singing brought him joy.

    “Flame! Come inside!” Called a voice from below. The boy halted his tune and leaned forward, angled down towards the voice.

    “Be right there!” He called back before turning his focus to the sunset again. It was almost over and Flame wanted to finish watching it. The breeze was chilly, even through his crimson sweater, and there looked like thick snow clouds blowing in from the north. The prospect of a town wide snowball fight on its way made Flame smile.

    The sun touched the horizon just as he heard the sound of someone landing beside him. This person was his twin Icey and he was identical to Flame, the only things differentiating the two were their outfits.

    “Auti can't start dinner till you light the stove, you know he never gets it to work without your magic.” Icey huffed, crossing his arms. Flame let out a sigh.

    Flame started to protest, “Can't sammy—“ but was cut off by his twin's clipped response.

    “He already tried, didn't work, now sleeping off the drain”

    Yeesh, Icey must be pretty tired if he’s only using the bare minimum of words.

    “Ok, ok, geez, I'm coming, don't get your wings in a twist” Flame grumbled, making a show of standing up. Icey rolled his eyes, vaguely amused, before throwing open his wings and gliding down to the ground. Flame gave a glance at the forest to the north and the oncoming clouds as he jumped down from the roof.


    Later, after dinner was finished, eaten, and cleaned up, Flame pulled on his winter coat and snuck out. Snowflakes lazily drifted down as he headed to the one place that let him perform and sometimes even pay him when the crowd was large enough.

    He greeted the tavern owner and pulled himself up and onto the small stage. A gleeful grin crept onto his face as he began his usual set of songs. But panic threatened to overtake Flame while he started the last song. Autumn was at the edge of the crowd. Flame hadn't expected his older brother to peek into the tavern, now he was going to be in a heap of trouble for sneaking out.

    He continued the song, playing off the stumble his panic caused as intentional and swept into a twirl. Then, even though Flame was hesitant to finish the song, he ended the performance anyway and hopped off stage. Once offstage, Autumn immediately rounded on him.

    “What in the name of Light are you doin’ here?!” He hissed to Flame while pulling him outside.

    “I'm singing!” Flame nervously grinned, “and sometimes getting paid too!” Hopefully he wouldn't get in too much trouble if he made sure his brother knew it was basically a job. Flame shivered at the cold, his coat was still inside the tavern.

    Autumn rose a doubtful brow, “At a tavern?” he questioned.

    “Yeah…? I'm not drinking anything” Flame answered with mild confusion. Where else was he supposed to sing for a crowd? And, other than the fact that he had snuck out, what was the issue as long as he wasn't drinking alcohol?

    Autumn moved his glasses up and pinched the bridge of his nose.

    “You are twelve, you shouldn't be hangin’ around taverns at all! let alone at night,” he countered. The expression on Autumn’s face was complicated and confusing, Flame couldn't read anything from it other than that his older brother was upset.

    Flame shrunk in on himself. It didn't make sense why being at a tavern was bad even if he didn't drink anything. A gleam of recognition flashed in his older brother’s eyes.

    “Speakin’ of which, you’re grounded for two months” Autumn added, his tone seeming to hint that the punishment was non-negotiable. But Flame didn't really catch that before his emotions flared.

    “What!? Why?!” He screeched in shock. Sure he snuck out, but last time he got caught it was only a week.

    “Because you snuck out and went to a tavern” Autumn snipped bitterly, but why? Why couldn't he be at a tavern? Other kids told stories of having been inside of a tavern and he’s been fine every time he's sung here. Flame didn't get it, he wasn't drinking anything. He was just singing. Two months for sneaking out to a tavern didn't make sense.

    “I jus’ wanna sing for people!” Flame cried as he pulled at his hair, “It's not fair!”

    He took off before his brother could respond or catch him. Everything was too much and he wanted to get away. The cold air blew against his face as he flew, Flame not caring where he ended up as long as he could be alone.

    When he was calm enough to pay attention to his surroundings, there wasn't anything familiar and Flame found himself in a forest. Snow crunched under his feet as he landed and a shiver coursed through him as some got in his boots. The snow continued to fall around him and his breath clouded when he exhaled.

    Wiping his hand at the remnants of inky tears on his cheeks, he wondered where exactly he was. Was he in the northern forest? He had to be, there wasn't any other forest near that tavern. All these trees looked the same and Flurmere was nowhere in sight. He was definitely lost. Flame grew anxious at that and shivered.

    His sweater could only do so much against the winter’s frigid wind and his feet were practically icicles from the snow slipping down his boots with every step through the deep snow. Flame silently wished he had gotten the time to grab his coat before Autumn scolded him. The flakes of snow blown into his face stung and the wind sapped the bare warmth he had.

    Surely there was something nearby? An abandoned house, a cave, maybe even a hollow log? He would take anything at this point. The unnerving sounds of creaking trees and howling wind put him on edge. Drawing his wings closer and deciding to continue forward in search of shelter, he sped his pace as much as he could.

    He couldn't stay out in this snow. The increasingly strong gusts of wind threatened to blow Flame over. But luckily, it wasn't long before Flame saw the entrance to a cave. He broke into a sprint towards it as the layer of snow on the ground thinned out.

    Once he made it to the cave, Flame leaned against the cave wall to catch his breath. The cave entrance was small, he could easily raise his arm and touch the top. The chill of the air dried out his throat and he debated on eating a handful of snow.

    Flame took a few moments to think, but the uncomfortableness of his throat won out and he picked up a handful of snow to eat. Perpetually shivering, he scrounged through the dark area for any branches and twigs that could litter the cave. There didn't end up to be much, but he could still get a small fire going with what he found.

    After arranging the fuel far away from the cave opening and the forming storm, he snapped his fingers together to let out a magical burst of sparks. The sparks lit up the cave for a second before they faded, not affecting the few twigs they fell on. He grit his teeth in frustration, the sparks didn't take a lot of energy but over time they would tire him out. He could magically form a flame, but that would quickly exhaust him if he had to keep it up.

    The sparks were the safer option energy wise, but they had a very small chance of lighting the wood when compared to making a flame. With a deep inhale, he stuck his hand under the pile of sticks and lit a small flame. The leaves swiftly caught fire and the twigs soon followed. Flame pulled his hand away before the natural flames could overpower his magic and burn him.

    He felt drained as he gazed around the now mildly lit up cave. There were a few larger branches that Flame could now see with the light so he stood and pulled them over. Breaking the branches into shorter segments, the fire grew as he fed it the pieces. Soon it was stably burning, so Flame pulled off his boots and set them near the fire to dry them out.

    A voice of doubt whispered in his head, you know, no ones gonna find you out here in a random cave in the forest. Flame quickly stomped it down. Everything was going to be okay, Autumn probably ran after him and soon his older brother was going to catch up and take him home. Flame let out a yawn as he absorbed the heat from the fire. With his self reassurance in his head, the grounding crackle of the fire lulled him to sleep as the storm continued to rage outside the cave.

    When Flame awoke it was pitch black. There was no wind blowing and it was dead quiet inside the cave. His increasingly rapid breathing being the only sound he could hear. He felt around in a blind panic for anything he could use to start the fire back up again. Feeling his hand brush something that wasn't stone, he snapped his fingers frantically so he could see what it was.

    The brief light from the sparks revealed the items as a few random leaves. Flame brushed them into a pile and rapidly snapped his fingers over them in an attempt to restart the fire. Sparks fell against the damp, unaffected, leaves and Flame continued snapping for a couple seconds longer before giving up and curling around himself.

    Flame sniffled, “I wanna go home..” burying his head in his knees and wrapping his wings around himself. The unresponsive, echoing, silence broke whatever was holding his tears in and he let out a wail.

    He missed Autumn, Icey, and Sammy. Why did he have to run off like he did? It was such a stupid thing to do. Everything was cold and he couldn't get the fire going again. If someone told him that he could instantly be back home but be grounded for a year, he would gladly agree. Then he remembered the calming thing Autumn taught him. So, while taking deep breaths and holding them a few seconds before letting them out, he focused on the texture of his sweater and combed his fingers through a small bit of his hair.

    It worked just enough for him to think clearly but he was still stuck in this cave. Why was it so dark? It surely couldn't still be night time? He just had to find the entrance again, right?

    With a few last sniffles, Flame wiped his eyes and snapped his fingers for light. He noticed a few objects so he snapped his fingers a couple more times. Now with a better view, Flame realized they were his boots. Luckily they were dry from sitting in front of the fire and he eagerly slipped them back on.

    As he felt his way to the entrance, Flame realized why it was so dark. The entrance was completely snowed over. He felt himself start to panic again so he repeated the calming thing.

    Flame just had to dig out the snow now, that's it. He found the entance, now work on the new task. He made more sparks and looked around the cave. There were still some branches he hadn't broken up for the fire that he could use as a shovel. Once again snapping his fingers for sparks, he located one of the branches and stood determined in front of the wall of snow.

    “I can do this.” Flame told himself confidently.

    He started at the top and found that the snow wasn’t piled up too tall and that it was daytime. The blaring sunlight that poured through the hole he dug out made that painfully apparent. He continued to dig till there was enough space for him to climb through.

    As he crawled out of the tunnel he dug, packing down snow to stand on, he faintly heard voices calling out for him in the distance. Hope now fueling him, Flame scrambled to his feet and called out for his brothers. The voices stopped and Flame’s heart fell. He called out a few more times before they started up again, this time more frequently and louder.

    Two figures sped over a hill and the one decked in purple turned and picked up the one in pink before sliding down. It was Autumn and Icey. Flame stretched out his wings, waved his arms and stood on his tiptoes to get their attention as they rushed over.

    “Flame? Oh sweet light, we found you!” Autumn exclaimed, sweeping him into a hug before he could respond. Icey practically tackled the two of them and Flame felt the oily slickness of past tears on his twin’s face as he was vigorously nuzzled. Flame buried his head in his older brother’s soft coat and clung tightly to both brothers.

    “s’rry, Awti, ‘m s’rry,” Flame mumbled, his words were muffled from smothering his face in Autumn’s coat.

    “Don't–” Autumn choked on his words but quickly recovered, ”Don't you ever run off like that again.” he finished softly, holding both Flame and Icey close.

    They sat, relishing in each other's presence, till Icey spoke up.

    “I'm cold” He complained, and Flame nodded in agreement. He would have agreed verbally, but his brothers felt warm and he didn't want to lose that by pulling away and un-smothering his face.

    Autumn sighed, “We should get home, Sammy’s probably drivin’ Holly up a wall.”

    Flame giggled at the mental image. Holly was fun to mess with and Sammy hated being left with a babysitter.

    He protested when Autumn abruptly pushed him off, but then Autumn unzipped his coat, took it off, and bundled Flame in it. The fabric was warm from being worn and Flame eagerly soaked in the heat. A startled squeak escaped him as Autumn picked him up and carried him.

    “Icey? You gonna be okay with flying again?” Autumn asked once he held Flame in a manageable position. Icey nodded. The mild tickle of his older brother's magic danced over Flame’s skin and he felt a lot lighter. So that's how Autumn got here without sinking into the snow.

    “Well, ‘ight then, home we go!” Autumn announced, spinning on his heel. He began walking with the sun on his left while Icey took to the skies and glided southward above them. Flame settled into his brother’s hold. Despite the fact that he’d slept in the cave, using his magic and digging himself out of the cave spent the little energy he had regained from it, he fell asleep to the rhythm of Autumn’s steps and warmth of the coat.


    A lurch jolted Flame awake and the first thing he noticed was the door of his family’s house.
    “Sorry, steps tripped me up,” apologized his older brother, who was currently setting him down. Flame stood while Autumn unlocked the door and Icey wrapped his arms around Flame from behind. Flame let out a yawn and rubbed the sleep out of his eyes, but in doing so, he was caught off guard when Icey pushed him into the house.

    Then he heard a squeal and that was all the warning he got before being leapt onto and grabbed by a kid younger than him. With Icey behind him, the added support prevented him from falling over with the momentum.

    “Dont ever do such a stupid ever again!!” shouted the kid currently latched onto his front. Flame gave his little brother an affectionate pat on the head and sat down to let Sammy hug him easier. Icey sat down with him and moved so he was leaning against Flame instead of behind him.

    “Auti’ was freaking out this morning and came home after the sun was up, y’know.” Icey admitted in a quiet whisper, as their little brother incoherently scolded Flame. “I was really scared, you weren’t in the house an’ the snow was really thick outside.” He added, tightening his hold on Flame.

    Flame felt really horrible about running off now, all of his brothers had been really worried. He could have froze to death and they would have had no clue.

    “Im sorry, I promise I won't run off again, it was a really stupid thing to do,” Flame responded, to both Sammy’s scolding and Icey’s admission, while wrapping an arm around Sammy and nuzzling his hair. Flame was worried they would still be upset, but Icey and Sammy both seemed to accept the apology.

    The three younger brothers then shifted into a pile with Icey curled around Flame and Sammy draped over the twins with his wings spread out. Sammy switched from scolding Flame to rambling about what he did while Holly was babysitting him.

    While Sammy rattled on about what games he and Holly played, or more accurately, how he had messed with her and pushed her buttons, Flame found that he didn’t care whether or not he’d be grounded after this, he was just glad to be home with his brothers again.

    And my friend asked if the main character was autistic?
    The friend is autistic,
    so i didn't take it as a mean comment,
    but as a genuine question,
    And it made me look at what i wrote with a different lens,
    Cause i didn't intend for the character to come off as autistic,
    I just wrote how the character was reacting,

    Mind you,
    i wrote the assignment before i thought of myself as autistic,
    And was still on the fence about it,
    So i was caught off guard by the question,
    I told my friend that i hadn't realized,
    and we (positively) laughed about it

    But then after we went our separate ways,
    I reread my story.

    And the conflict in it was basically how me getting caught sneaking played out
    It was a near exact copy of a thing that happened,
    If you change the circumstance and characters of course,
    The ending obviously didn't happen for me,
    But i did run off and end up outside in the freezing cold,
    Without proper winter wear for night time,
    While my mother panicked (but still pissed as hell) and searched for me in the house.

    And the confusion the main character had while the argument happened,
    was definitely mine from in real life,
    I even grew uncomfortable with how much the older brother sounded like my mother,

    (note, this is the same character from the previous rant)

    He had been a character that had a very sensitive piece of me part of him
    The dynamic the main character and the older brother have
    Is basically a more sugar coated version of me and my mother

    “Why cant i?”
    “its not fair!”
    “I just wanna ___!”

    These were my cries when i was younger,
    The fucking hair pulling the main character does,
    The sneaking out,
    The “maybe if ___ i wont get in too much trouble”
    The “what’s the issue as long as ____”
    Even the fact that i made the damn character twelve doesn’t help,
    Thats me, that is my twelve year old self,

    This isn't a fictional story,
    This is a dramatic retelling of a traumatic event i had,
    Using characters as pseudonyms for people in my life
    For a fucking school assignment.

    Sammy is my little sister,
    Icey is (very loosely, but they have the role) my older sister,
    Autumn is my fucking mother,
    Flame is me,

    The story ends far too happily for something i wrote doesn't it?
    First, it's a school assignment,
    Second, its how i wished my life had been

    Wanna know how that story really ended?
    Tears and avoidance.
    I was yelled at some more for scaring her (mother) like that,
    And the yelling for what i’d gotten in trouble for continued from where i left it,
    Eventually i was dismissed to my room,
    More tears fell while i stuffed myself in my closet for comfort,
    Blasting my music in my headphones,
    and everyone else in my family avoiding each other for the rest of the night.

    Due note,
    I had this realization right at co-op.
    I had analyzed this writing assignment,
    and realized this was me letting out trauma,
    In the hallway of a church walking to my next class,
    Two months ago.

    the previous rant made me remember this,
    So i reanalyzed it and thus
    This rant.

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    rant numero diez (the holidays and how they are depressing for me, +attention seeking)
  • I dont know what to say for myself.
    but I have issues.

    I now see this thread as me trying to get attention

    I also would like to note that I try to write out everything im feeling, and that I like being dramatic and express it with a flair.

    do note that I compare emotional abuse to sexual and physical abuse in a harmful way

    im aware of it. and I've tried to change how I think about it. but I can't.

    I wrote the rant last night, and this note is today me cringing at myself

    God dammit,
    it's always the holidays that get me thinking about this.
    But i don't get excited for things anymore

    Remember when as a kid you may have been bouncing off the walls for christmas?
    Or checking the clock constantly for when you’d go treat or treating?
    Or, or! Counting down the days till your birthday?

    I used to,
    I don't anymore,
    Is it cause I grew up?
    I don't know,
    But I miss it.

    I miss being happy and excited for something.

    Time flies so fast now.

    Did you know?
    It's been almost 3 weeks since I started this thread?
    It's been a year since I first made my Angeltown Oc’s?
    It's been three years since the pandemic started?

    Where did the fucking time go?
    Christmas is in four-ish days,
    and I feel no different.
    I dont feel excited for it
    I didnt feel excited for halloween
    I didnt feel excited for thanksgiving

    My mother
    Picked up on how depressed i was on halloween
    When we were carving pumpkins

    *laughs again*
    She asked me if I was being sexually abused.
    Not in those words of course
    But the idea and strongly implied question was understood

    And i shot that shit down fast,
    Cause i wasn’t!

    And instead of oh I don’t know..
    The way our family fights, insults, and puts each other down constantly,
    And the effect that has, coming to mind
    She jumps to SA!

    No matter how much I sometimes wish I had a serious trauma.
    Like SA or being beaten,
    Just so i could be taken seriously when i say i have issues or depression,
    And i know how fucked up that is.
    To wish i had trauma when those with that trauma wish they didn’t

    But i just want someone to notice my bad days
    And to realize they happen for a reason
    I want to be taken seriously when i tell someone i struggle
    Instead of getting brushed off
    And assumed that i'm making a joke

    that's the issue
    Im ignored all the time
    I'm the one sitting alone at a party
    That you come over to pity sit with
    I'm the one wishing they had mental breakdowns in public
    So I could be cared about.

    Nah wait, i'm just an attention seeker,
    Hoping that im fucked up enough to be interesting
    It's why I turned to public journaling isn't it?
    Thats all this thread fucking is,

    I'm so dramatic,
    my life sucks,
    so angsty aren't i?
    Uwu sadness!

    No better than the whiney bitches on tiktok.
    All I have to deal with is yelling.
    Not even anything serious
    Like being hurt or touched

    Welp, mother,
    hope you’re happy,
    you raised an attention seeking people pleaser.

    Fuck, can i not be dramatic for one gooddam second?!

    I don't know why i'm like this,
    Maybe i do it to entertain,
    To get people to care
    I don't know

    But, look on the bright side?
    At least it's not an identity crisis?
    Or is that what this is?

    Not sure,
    Whatever it is,
    Just gotta smile through it i guess
    I started this by sucking shit up and not expressing it
    Gotta deal with the consequences and stick to the status quo i made
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    rant numero once (i time i tryied to run away)
  • NOTE: i wrote this before the previous rant, this spiralled into the previous rant

    I tried to run away once,

    Shocking! Le gasp!

    Yeah, well,
    i was 10 or 11 i think,
    And i'm pretty sure that by now in this thread,
    I've made it obvious as to why i would have wanted to

    So anyway,
    i tried to run away
    I packed my drawing shit up
    My favorite stuffed animal
    I made sure to bring winter and summer clothes
    Along with a pillow
    And a 12 pack of some sort of packaged food
    I don't remember what it was specifically
    And i think i brought some sort of electronic
    It may have just been my Mp3 player

    But for a 10-11 year old,
    I did pretty well to think of all the things i would need
    And pack it all into a single backpack,

    I don't think i was sat down to watch the documentary yet,
    But I may have.
    i dont fucking know the order of all this anymore,
    I suppressed this shit.

    Okay, back on track,
    I snuck out of the house around midnight,
    and walked nearly a mile down the street out of my development,
    hiding in the bushes when someone walked by

    My feet hurt,
    i was cold,
    And i remember thinking all about the “new life” i was going to have
    I was going to take care of myself
    Rename myself rebecca
    And live in a treehouse once I had enough money to buy myself some land.

    Oh you sweet naive child me

    I don't remember why i turned around
    But i did
    And i slipped into the house
    Nobody the wiser to me having left.
    Till i knocked over a bunch of metal wire shelves leaned up in the hallway.

    I hid the backpack in the next room,
    my mother came down to see just me standing in front of the knocked over shelves.
    She thought i had just snuck downstairs to search for an electronic
    I was yelled at for a few minutes
    Then sent back to bed.

    Nobody in my family knows I tried to run away.
    Nobody but my older sister,
    Who I told with an offhand comment about it once.

    I find it funny
    But sometimes i wonder what would have happened
    if i didn't hide the backpack in time.

    I’d like to think something would have changed for the better,
    Or I'd have received comfort.
    But that's the fanfic reader in me

    I probably would have just been yelled at some more.
    rant numero doce (TW: SH and brief mention of Sui)
  • So there's this vent drawing(s) I did, around a month ago
    Based on a confrontation I had with a public schooler

    And its no longer true
    But i didn’t do it to prove the person right
    I did it out of curiosity
    I had found a handheld pencil sharpener
    After a loud argument with my mother
    and out of a morbid urge
    I scrambled to undo the screw holding the blade

    I’ve never been bothered by blood
    So it wasn’t off putting to see
    Rest assured, I did not cut deep
    Nothing worse than what my cat could give me

    But fuck
    It was addicting
    I tried different areas to see which hurt more and by proxy, to avoid
    Upper Inner arm? Stings like heeeell
    Chest, not as much, barely able to tell any pain but it makes me nervous because there could be dangerous veins to avoid and the skin is soft so i don't know if i go deep if i push too hard, but it is less noticeable than on the arm because it can be covered by a shirt regardless of sleeves.
    For me it was like decorating
    Like a form of art
    My skin was a canvas and the blade was a pencil
    I almost tried to play tic-tac-toe with myself
    But i held off from doing more than what i’d tested

    I dont know what to say for myself
    I didn’t want to become part of a statistic
    But i get it now
    Why other teenagers do it
    Its… fun?
    But it scares me too
    Cause i don't want to cut a vein
    And bleed out

    At least i have the perfect excuse and reputation to cover it up
    My family knows that i love turtlenecks and hate swimming
    And this was way before yesterday that this reputation was instilled
    My lungs hurt and feel like they’re being pressed on if i stay chest deep in a pool for too long
    And i just love the comfyness of a turtleneck
    Unlucky rant #13 (TW: SH)
  • I’m fucking terrified.

    I thought it was a one off thing
    I thought It was just curiosity
    I had managed to ignore the urge for the morbid art
    But boredom is a powerful motivator
    So I gave in to urge again

    And it makes me scared.
    Because i don’t want to be addicted to redlines
    I don’t want to find pleasure in feeling the bumps of healing skin
    Or disappointment as those lines fade

    I may say it’s only as bad as a cat scratch
    But how long till I cross another line?
    How long till I go deeper than that?
    Either accidentally or on purpose

    I don’t want to crave a blade
    Or stare at pencil sharpeners
    But I am

    And that’s terrifying
    Fuck you, judgmental bitch (Tw sh) rant #14
  • you know what?
    fuck you
    you people who say
    That im a psycho for cutting

    who say that
    i need to be put in a padded room
    or tied down
    so i cant hurt myself
    by drawing red lines

    fuck you

    im not crazy
    i have a bad coping mechanism
    not insane
    theres a fucking difference

    people who drink constantly aren't called crazy
    people who smoke two packs a day aren't called crazy
    people who turn to sex aren't called crazy
    people who get high or do drugs every night aren’t called crazy

    why the fuck
    am i different from them?
    because i hurt myself in a less acceptable way?

    why am i the crazy one
    when i draw red lines to feel joy
    in having a choice on how my body looks

    i want to have something that shows i survive
    that shows i got through things
    that shows i had struggled with my mental health
    I'm not trying to kill myself

    why wont you people get that
    I'm not a danger to myself
    I'm not going to die
    i just want to have marks

    why do i have to be called crazy for that?

    Why am i the crazy one
    for wanting control over a life
    where i have to beg and plead
    to get the appearance i want

    if i can make my body change how it looks
    and all i have to do
    is mark up my shoulders
    to feel happy that i can do something?

    of course ill chase that serotonin

    So fuck you
    if you think im crazy for that
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    Rant #15 relapsed into my fnaf phase, related too much to a murderer, realized my similarities, had a breakdown
    I get very very very dark this time

    To the point where i don't know if i should even put this up here
    I'm not exaggerating, take this warning very seriously.
    I had a mental breakdown and this is what came of it
    I'm still working through it right now

    Please do not read if talking of death, SH, fear of the self, negative and harmful comparisons of abuse, or detailed descriptions of violence/urges of violence/ways to suicide bother you

    do not come at me if you read this and say you weren't prepared, I hopefully have thoroughly warned you

    I hear the stories of SHers and sometimes
    I wonder
    am I a fucking weak whiny bitch?

    All these people who’ve been through different kinds of abuse
    and I’m over here SHing because I got my fucking “bedtime” enforced
    and cut off from the writing I was working on.

    I threw a borderline tantrum
    In the privacy of my room of course
    I broke my hairbrush
    From throwing it against my dresser repeatedly

    I kicked my door and broke the item behind it

    I tried so damn hard to not turn that destruction on myself

    But now my canvas looks the worse it’s ever been

    And I’ve wanted to scream out all my anger
    but my throat refuses

    I can’t fucking do this
    I don’t want to hurt others ether
    The urge to smack and throw things at my sisters when I’m annoyed and angry
    It’s so fucking strong

    I want to hear the sounds of things breaking
    I want to know I’m destroying something
    That’s what the anger needs to be satisfied
    I’ve had so many thoughts of punching and kicking and stabbing someone
    Sometimes even my own family pictured as the victim
    just cause I’m angry

    I know I turn physical when I’m angry
    I know that
    I don’t want to hurt people
    I just need to BREAK

    So I’m scared of myself sometimes
    Cause I don’t want to be an abuser
    I don’t want to be the reason someone flinches

    Why the hell is my brain this way
    I don’t want this

    Is this why I enjoy those redlines?

    Cause i'm BREAKING with them?
    Im able to BREAK something?
    I'm BREAKING my canvas
    I'm watching red paint dry
    Im seeing destruction

    And i'm not hurting anyone but myself with the destruction
    I'm not being the reason someone flinches
    But i'm able to let out the need to BREAK

    I know how this sounds
    I don't want to cry
    But i am

    I've literally and unironically wondered
    what would it feel like to kill someone
    To watch the blood spill from wherever
    Or what their organs would look like
    And i've thought many times of how i could get away with it

    Ive also wondered what it would be like to die
    How it would feel to stab myself
    To starve myself
    To die of dehydration
    to strangle myself

    I know how it feels to draw blood from yourself
    I'm too much of a food lover to starve myself
    I haven't died from lack of moisture yet
    And I have attempted to strangle myself

    If you can get it right
    Where you feel light headed and black static swarms your vision
    Its terrifying
    Not fun, would not recommend

    If you don't get it right
    Now that's fun
    The pressure is comforting
    Feeling the constriction

    I don't like this side of me
    Its fucked up
    And i know it is
    But it's there

    I used to act out stories in my head
    Of characters being hurt
    Or commiting suicide
    Or harming themselves
    Or comforting a victim

    I would play both parts

    I would throw myself on the ground
    Into a wall
    Press my throat
    I would make myself cry
    because the character was supposed to be crying

    I have drawn gore for fun
    For “anatomy practice”
    I would say
    But i know what it is now
    It was for fun

    I can make destruction
    I can gouge out eyeballs
    I can cut off limbs
    I can tear open chests
    I can hurt
    I can hurt
    I can hurt

    Through creating!

    And if someone hurts me or my friends
    I want so bad to tear them apart
    To make them hurt
    Just as they made me hurt
    Or had made my friend hurt

    But i fear that side of me
    I keep it in check
    I push it down
    I lock up the urge to harm
    And vent it out in healthier ways
    Like drawing
    Or throwing pillows
    and stuffed things at walls

    But also in not so healthier ways
    Like turning that destruction into myself

    Am I crazy?
    I don't fucking know
    Not anymore

    maybe those jokes
    about me being a serial killer
    will be truth someday
    i fucking hope not

    but its times like this
    that I'm scared of the potential prophecy
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    Rant #16 poem?
  • Is it autism?
    is it adhd?
    is it bpd?

    fuck off brain
    stop trying to categorize things

    trying to figure out a label
    trying to pin down a gender
    trying to create a perfect world view

    im tired
    can you not?

    not stalk peoples’ profiles?
    not feel sad when people are busy?
    not fear you’re annoying?

    i beg you brain
    stop doing this

    stop making me over explain myself
    stop making me need to read things four times
    stop making me hate crowds

    why not brain?
    fucking why?

    why do you make me cling to toxic people?
    why do you make me fear long pauses in text message?
    why do you give me such violent urges?

    tell me
    fucking explain yourself

    explain the urge to hurt people
    explain the need to destroy
    explain the desire for redlines

    please brain
    tell me the reason

    the reason i obsess over people
    the reason i don’t get out of bed
    the reason i cant keep myself clean


    please let me stop being paranoid
    please let me live in peace
    please let me catch a break

    For once
    could you please

    shut the hell up
    leave me alone
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    Rant # 17 now, about birthdays.
  • So here's the thing

    When i was younger
    I didn’t care all that much
    When i didn’t get to have a party with my friends

    Cause i still got presents from my family
    And that's all little kids really care about
    The presents

    But year after year went by
    And i still didn't get to have one
    It was okay though in my kid mind

    Cause I understood party places were expensive
    And i couldn't invite friends over
    Due to the house looking like trash

    So i understood
    And wasn’t too phased
    Because i saw my friends at co-op

    Up comes my thirteenth birthday
    I have archery friends and co-op friends
    Plenty to invite to a party

    I'm all excited for this year
    Because my mother said yes
    to a party at home with my friends—

    the ability be excited
    Such a treasure i never cherished

    —and then covid with its lockdowns happen

    And my mother blocks all my friends’ contacts
    Because they’re queer

    I never even got to invite anyone

    My thirteenth came and went
    No party

    My Fourteenth?
    No friends

    Same thing

    Now my sixteenth is coming up
    Its my "Sweet Sixteen"

    I'm going to be Sixteen in nine days
    And ive never had a party with my friends

    Why does this hurt me so much
    Why does it bother me so fucking much

    Oh yeah

    Because I can have a party
    My mother has welcomed the idea with open arms

    But i have no one to invite
    No one my mother approves of anyway

    I'd rather go unalive in my bed
    than have an awkward party/”hangout”
    with two people i'm barely friends with

    That’s how you know you’re close to me
    If i would invite you to a party

    I clung to someone toxic for so long
    Someone who led me to SHing
    Who guilt tripped me
    Till i was strung up in her web with a noose
    Because i wanted A Normal experience
    Rant #18
  • So.

    I dispise the way my brain works

    I’m pretty damn sure
    I’ve been clear about that
    At least by now
    it should be obvious

    But fuck
    Do I hate it

    I hate how
    I’m always worried I’m hurting other people

    I’m always bending over backwards to explain myself
    (Even when it’s not needed)

    I’m terrified that I’m rude

    I apologize for fucking everything

    I stress about whether I’m annoying

    “Do I talk too much?”

    “Oh shit I phrased that wrong”

    (No you didn’t, you’re assuming they’ll take it the wrong way)

    I always have an excuse as to why I’m absent even for a single minute

    Because I assume everyone thinks the way I do

    The way I think that people finally got fed up and left
    Or that they don’t really care

    Or it’s because I KNOW how I act.
    I make up excuses and lie
    I lied
    I lied
    I lied

    How do I know others don’t do the same?
    How do I know they aren’t faking it
    Like I tend to do for the sake of the other person’s mental stability

    Even right now,
    I’m worried that people that read this will assume I’m lieing to them in pms

    I’m not, I fucking adore talking to them
    But sometimes my brain just
    refuses to make words work and muster response.

    I’m terrified I’m a piece of shit
    And that everyone is lieing to me when they say I’m not
    I’m terrified that they lie so I don’t feel bad

    Because I do that.
    I plaster on fake words and comfort
    But here?
    On Rpnation?
    In this thread?

    I’m baring my fucking soul
    I’m trying to not give those fake words
    It’s why I can’t muster a response to some posts in here

    I don’t want to be fake.
    I don’t want to lie to people and offer shallow platitudes.

    But I have nothing meaningful to say ether
    So there’s no response

    I’ve grown up a chameleon that changes to please everyone

    Because I don’t like conflict
    I don’t want to be on the reciving side of anger
    I don’t want to be hurt
    I know I will cling to it
    I will become it and spew my hurt at everyone

    I’m spiteful as hell
    I’m petty as shit
    I will fucking hold a grudge

    And I assume everyone is the same

    Since I’ve being lieing my ass off since I was 11
    Claiming I was 18 on an 18+ RPsite because I hadn’t known Rpnation exisited
    Claiming I did my schoolwork
    Claiming I hadn’t snuck devices
    Claiming so fucking much that was lies

    I don’t fucking know what I truely mean anymore

    Am I lieing right now?
    Am I just spinning my life story in such a way that it sounds worse than it is?
    Am I just a fake personality that leeches off everyone?

    Fucking fuck

    I’m not fuckig okay
    I know this
    But I don’t believe anyone who says that is fine
    I’m not fine
    Being not fine is not fine to me
    I’m not fine about me being not fine
    And other people are not fine about me being not fine towards me being not fine

    Is any of this making sense?

    You’re witnessing a live unfiltered me of course
    Why wouldn’t it be nonsense?
    I’m just a bullshiter
    A clown who’s somehow convinced you I’m on your side of the ring

    Ah yes metaphors
    So metaphorical aren’t I?
    So clever
    So smart
    So witty

    Fuck reality
    Fuck existence

    Oops, it’s no longer in threes
    You notice that little drama trick of mine?
    The threes?
    Of any sort of pattern?

    Whoop see fricking do

    Let’s go do drugssssssssss
    Haha no

    It’s 2:20am
    I should sleep
    I’m seeing my best fren tomorrow
    I hope


    God I hope it goes well
    But knowing life
    It wont

    Murphy’s law
    After all

    “Everything that can go wrong, will go wrong”
    Story of my fucking life

    No not really
    I’ve got it better than those who genuinely have had everything that could go wrong, go wrong.

    I should be grateful
    But I’m not
    I’m a selfish little human being
    Who hates what they have
    And looks bitterly at what they want

    Even if that is just having a happy life

    But I’m happy sometimes
    It’s not a sad life
    Except when it is

    And I fool myself into thinking I’ve got it bad

    I’m not abused
    I’m not a foster kid
    I’m not a orphan
    I’m not a disabled person
    I’m not a person of color
    I’m not a person of persecuted religion
    I’m not a kid with divorced parrents
    I’m not a kid with a poor household
    I don’t have any diagnosis for mental issues
    I don’t have any illness
    I’ve never lost someone to death

    Why am I complaining
    I’ve got it ok

    Someone knock me off my high horse
    I complain
    I complain
    I complain

    But I never do anything
    I wait till the last minute to finish assignments
    I lie my ass off about completing my schoolwork
    I can sleep in till 12

    Why am I not okay
    Why the fuck am I not okay
    I’ve got it alright
    I’ve got an ok life

    I just can’t
    Why can’t i

    I should end this one soon
    It’s 2:32 now

    I’m nothing but a storyteller.
    An entertainer for the world
    Something to make you happy
    Don’t ask me if I’m okay.
    I don’t know the answer
    All that matters is you feeling better to me
    That’s all I care about
    So take care of yourself please
    I’ll just be here in my corner hoping you’ll grace me with your presence

    Attention is my drug, keep me addicted please
    rant #18.2 (tw dark thoughts, SH and darkness in general)
  • But wait
    I’m not done

    I’m never done
    Never ever ever ever ever ever
    Am I done

    If I was in public school I’d be a slut
    If I was actually feminine of course
    I’d want to please everyone i could
    Be it with words or body

    I want to be taken advantage of
    I want a reason why I’m so fucked up
    Something to point to

    But I’m not in public school
    So I’m a bitch at interacting
    And a overthinking wreck

    Maybe if I was in public school
    I could have the confidence to try drugs
    Or alcohol

    Never cigarettes though
    I’ve seen the distraction they do first hand

    Maybe I’d be reckless enough to fucking be noticed
    To be a spectacle
    Or something that leaves people changed
    For good or bad

    I want to be cared about
    But I’m a coward
    And a lazy bitch

    I’ll rant and rant here
    But I won’t change anything will I?

    Fucking someone
    Hurt me
    So I can be comforted

    So I’m deserving of comfort
    If I’m hurt I can ask for comfort

    I can be okay if I get hurt and get comfort
    That’s how it works right?
    If I make enough of a fucking racket
    Someone will care enough to see why there’s noise?

    Fucking tell me how this works
    Someone fucking tell me

    Cause I can’t fucking do this anymore
    I want to be okay
    I want to be fine
    I want to be alright

    But it’s just been a long drop
    And I’ll likely start digging
    Hand me my shovel I’m going in, y’know?

    Screaming into the void is odd
    You want so desperately to hear a response
    That you scream into a void
    Where there’s nothing
    And your brain tricks you into hearing an echo

    And you can’t stop screaming either
    Because if you stop screaming
    You face the silence

    And that’s the worst thing
    Knowing that there’s nothing but you

    I’m not alone though
    This isn’t a void
    It’s the internet
    Our man made web
    Of interpersonal connections

    We can talk to people on the other side of the world at the tap of a button
    Yet everyone’s alone now more than ever


    That’s what it always comes down to doesn’t it
    Fucking why


    I don’t know.

    Is this what a manic episode is like?
    Or is this a breakdown?
    Or a anxiety attack?
    Or a mental spiral?
    Or insanity?
    Or depression?
    Or existential crisis?
    Or just me being dramatic?

    Labels labels labels
    Such a human thing
    Putting things in neat little boxes
    For our judgement’s ease

    Funny how people think it’s odd to sort things for fun
    Yet that’s what every human does on the daily
    Black or white
    Male or female
    Straight or gay
    Cis or trans
    Alleosexual or asexual
    Neurotypical or neurodivergent
    Adhd or austim

    Neat little boxes with labels
    Aren’t they?
    We all crave to point at something as the reason

    That’s why folklore exists
    It’s easier to blame the monster under the bed for a child’s nightmares
    Than the abusive parent

    It’s easier to blame the queers for why the children are defiant
    Than the chokehold grip around their neck

    Where was I going with this
    i dont fucking know

    It’s 3:11 now
    I should sleep
    But I wont
    I’ll continue typing

    Because it’s freeing
    And honest
    And dramatic
    And attention drawing

    Isn’t it?
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    Rant #18.3 (previous TWings +mental breakdown)
  • Aren’t I concerning you yet?

    Do I have you worried for me?

    Is this enough to draw your attention?

    What if I cut myself and see how much it bleeds? Its like adrenaline, the pain is such a sudden rush for me?

    How about now?
    Are you entraptured yet?
    Are you fearful for me?

    Do I scare you?
    Haha haha
    Didn’t I?

    What if I tear someone open?
    And play with their organs?

    Will you care then?
    Do you care at all?
    For anyone?

    Or am I just the execption?
    Am I truely a ghost to you?
    How about I make that true?
    Too far?

    Why is it everyone cares when someone is dead
    While when someone was living no one gave a shit?


    Oop there it is again!

    Fucking why!

    Am I crazy enough for you to care?
    Am I insane enough for you to fear?
    Am I “quirky” enough for you to like me?

    Shit, murder it is!
    Blood blood blood violence
    So interesting for people
    With their crime shows
    And sieral killer documentaries

    Is that what I need to do to have someone care? Kill another person?

    Hey pay attention
    Don’t fucking leave
    Don’t leave me alone
    Stop ignoring me
    I’ll do it
    I’ll do it
    Don’t fucking test me
    I’ll do it

    Please don’t leave
    Please please
    Don’t leave me alone

    Please dont
    I can’t stand it
    It’s so quiet
    And I’m stuck here with myself
    I don’t like the side of me that comes out
    When I’m alone
    Please don’t go
    Please just stay
    rant #19
  • There no fucking privacy in my house
    The wifi tracks whoever is on it
    Theres fucking camaras in the living room and hallways

    My mother just fucking NEEDS control over every fucking thing
    She logged into my gmail on her phone so she get every notification

    So now every email and google chat message i get
    She gets a notification for
    So now i have to turn off notifications
    And risk being an asshole to my friends

    she recently just deleted all of my "chapter updated" emails from AO3
    which means
    she does look at my emails

    And she wonders why i sneak around
    rant #20 (Topics: likely obsessiveness towards a person, urge to abandon things)
  • oh the urge to just
    fall off the face of the earth
    leaving no trace

    not in a death way though
    run off into a forest and disappear
    making a new life for myself

    I've got four separate people (+roleplay partners)
    that I need to consistently talk to
    and keep up with

    Right now I just want to throw all comunication out
    and sleep
    or draw

    I wanna just restart everything
    get myself a do over
    where no one remembers me
    and I forge new connections

    but then I seem like asshole
    and I dont mean to be
    cause I do cherish the connections I have

    Im simply unsatisfied for no reason
    so the urge to burn every bridge and run off
    or fake my death and move north
    is very appealing

    I wanna run so far from everything
    so I dont have to worry about hurting people Im close to

    I dont want responsibility
    or have my friend's mental health in my hands
    I want to help them
    but I cant

    I dont know how to help
    so im wanting to run away
    but I cant

    I can't just leave them
    to deal with it on their own
    they've helped me
    and friendship is a two way street

    I dont want to just take and run
    they're the only friend
    who seen how fucked up I am and said
    "you're not scary to me"
    and who's stuck with me

    that means so much to me
    they can't even comprehend how much it means to me

    I would literally hunt someone down for them
    I would walk through hell for them
    I would move heaven and earth if the said they needed me to

    its probably not healthy
    its likely for sure not healthy

    but at the same time
    I want to abandon everything
    and leave my family
    my friends
    my home

    I need something NEW
    so I want uproot myself
    And just: Go

    but obviously I can't just
    leave everything

    im stuck
    anchored with these connections
    the strings that I crave to take a blade to

    so instead ill rant and rave
    and avoid people
    Rant #21 (topic: RPing)
  • god im so fucking tired

    ive got two aqauntances/friends wanting to ecsenally role-play,
    (they deny its role-play and call it a "script" but ik what it is)

    and I can't get myself to say no
    or tell them im not up for it

    I took a break from roleplaying for a reason

    cause I was burnt out
    from writing so much
    and now im no longer in a writing mood

    writing just isn't satisfying at the moment
    and ive got no ideas for writing

    ive been drawing more
    because its satisfying like how writing was

    every so often
    I switch from a writing mood to a drawing mood
    and vice versa

    but others just dont understand that
    and Im always scared they think im making up excuses

    and the switch could last for months!
    I could not want to write for six months
    then switch back and regain interest
    in the role-plays I had left behind

    but another thing is
    one of the friends is just
    a shit role-player

    I will not deny it here
    his responses are riddled with god moding and marysue/garysue characters

    I fucking can't RP with that
    it kills my interest so fucking quick


    and I can't just tell them I'm likely in a depressive episode right now

    so now im really tired and craving both socialization and being alone
    I apologize profusely to my Rp partners on here
    ill try to rest and get back to yall
    rant #22 (the depression + SH + friend troubles)
  • ok so now that I think about it
    and look back at previous rants

    im likely depressed rn

    nothing is satisfying
    im pushing away everyone
    I want to just sleep
    im so so fucking tired
    im just picking at snacks
    and barely eating
    because food isn't satisfying and feels like a chore

    this has been going on for the past month or so

    the only thing bringing feeling is SH
    and Im trying to stop that
    the stuff on my shoulder is fading
    and the redness is leaving

    but ive only moved the location
    because prom is coming up

    and fuck im not looking forward to anything
    everything is bad rn
    im fucking sad and shit
    im tired
    oh so fucking tired

    I can't do this
    why do I have to deal with this

    why can't I be happy
    I feel like im a shit friend
    and someone who just takes and takes

    I tell them to ask their parents for help
    to tell their parents that their ocd got worse
    to the point where they accidentally pretty seriously injured themself

    im digging blades into skin
    injuring myself with intent to do so
    and having borderline panic attacks about hiding it from my parents

    im such a fucking hypocrite

    and I can't help them

    I dont know what its like
    to have ocd
    I dont struggle with that

    all I can do is be there and listen
    and I can't even do that half the time
    because im not supposed to be in contact with the friend

    id do anything for them
    but I dont know what it is I need to do
    and I hate that
    I hate that I can't help

    my best friend is suffering and I dont know how to help
    it hurts so much
    that I can't help

    and I get that's not my fault
    but that doesn't change the fact that Im shit at comfort

    and ik im gonna hear
    "you're struggling too! you can't be there for your friend in this state"
    but fuck
    im still gonna feel like shit regardless

    im a people pleaser
    haven't yall gotten that by now?
    I sacrifice myself for everyone else
    I dont matter in my brain
    but I also matter so much

    because you better fucking answer me when I text oh my fucking god answer dont leave me waiting ten fucking minutes or an hour I get you were busy but oh my fucking god I answer every text you send right after you send it why can't you do the same you fucking bitch you've pulled the oh I was busy excuse seven times now- "oh nah its fine, people get busy I understand"

    im just full of paradoxes

    because, oh shit oh shit I missed their text oh fuck they were panicking and coming to me for help oh fuck shitshitshitshitshit "oh shit im so sorry, I couldn't reach the computer, what's wrong? what caused the panic?" shitshisthsithsihtshtithsshtishtithi im a shit friend I missed their text their gonna think I ignored them they're hurting and I missed their text fuck fuckfuckfuckfuckfufckfcukfucfkufkcukcucufkcukukfcukfuck I can't help with this I dont have any thing I could say the would help fuckfufkcufkcufkcukfcukfufkcku k their gonna think I dont care oh shit fuck I can't help I can't help I can't help I can't help im not shit because I can't help right? they helped me but I can't help them of course im a shit friend fuck-

    im doing just fucking fantastic yk

    (im talking about two separate people in this last bit by the way)
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    rant/ramble #23 (dreams and unreality)
  • In case you didn't know
    I have hyper realistic dreams sometimes

    Some to the point
    where i'm no longer sure
    if my memory of it was actually reality or not

    My latest dream i'm very sure its not reality
    Due to me having wings in it
    Everything else was pretty normal

    But i'm not here to talk about that

    I'm here to talk about
    How I remember exactly how having those wings felt

    What moving the muscles
    and how my brain sent the signals to move them felt like
    The exact signals and effort it took
    How someone brushing against their feathers sent shivers
    The shifting and softness of said feather against my back
    As i walked and the wind blew
    How it felt for them to be pushed against a wall as i leaned on one

    Then i woke up
    And felt the phantom feelings of stretching them
    And the joints that were between my shoulders
    How light my back felt with them gone
    The vague sense of Wrong i felt

    It felt like i was genuinely missing a pair of limbs
    That should be there but weren’t

    I know that the memory of those experiences will fade
    That the dream will fade back into my subconscious
    But fuck does that bother me

    They were so fulfilling
    And now they’re gone

    It saddens me to no fucking end
    That i do not have wings
    And never will again

    Or at least never will feel like i do anytime soon
    Because it was a dream
    And dreams can sometimes
    Very rarely
    Play themselves again

    But right now?
    I feel incomplete

    Because I now know this experience i can never have in reality
    I've felt what it was like to fly before
    In my hyper realistic dreams

    You’ll never know what it was like for me
    To just grab two rightly sized sticks and take off
    Or pinwheel my legs like i was riding a bike
    And simply
    Go up

    into the clouds and see the world from so high up
    Knowing i can trust my flight to not let me fall
    To drift on the winds
    And fly above the sea

    Freely able to traverse the skies

    Now though
    i have the memory of wings in my head
    The memory of the muscles in my back
    Moving those wings

    But i never flew in that dream
    I had stayed on the ground

    And oh how i long to merge those experiences

    How i plead to fall back asleep and have the dream i wish

    Maybe i was a bird in a past life

    But in this one
    I wish i was born with wings

    Hyper realistic dreams make me wonder sometimes
    if a realistic dream i have is simply
    Me catching a glimpse of an alternate reality
    They feel so realistic

    I have distinct memories of being another person
    And the thoughts they’d have being thoughts i had thunk
    In the moments that i was the person in my dream

    The very sharp sense of worry for trinemates i’d left behind
    Or the feeling of your wings shifting
    Is simply something others will never understand

    But other times?
    My dream is just
    Me going about my daily life

    The pure fear of not knowing
    What memories of the past are real or not
    When you wake up for one of those

    Is why i hate it when people try to gaslight me
    Simply for fun
    Or for a purely innocent joke
    Because my memory is shit
    And i have hyper realistic dreams
    Which fucks with my shit memory even further