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Fantasy V.A.G.E. ( A 1x1 VillainxHero Rp)


MangoGoGo MangoGoGo

Lilliana had stayed with Tiff at the office overnight since the girl was already sleeping she didn't just want to take her elsewhere. It was nice for Declan to offer taking them home but it was better this way as one: She can get a few things done and two: Keep an eye on the child in case she does happen to wake up. While the young girl did sleep on the couch, Lilliana fell asleep at her desk after a long night of report writings, research, and more. While she had gotten no news from Isaac she could only assume he either didn't find anything, or he had forgotten her second request aside from being on the case she was temporarily pulled from. Luckily by the time she did fall asleep, everything was finished and cleared and all she had been doing was researching the Incident that Wolf had given her. Finding the information was indeed difficult and she was going to have to find someone skilled in digging deeper and getting files that she couldn't get into. Some hunting down was in order, however, that clearly wasn't going to happen right now as she was passed out on her desk like a light. The day was eventful and she was done for the night.

The next day Jeannie had came in and woke her up while Tiff had been asleep "Thanks Jeannie. Please watch Tiff for me. I'll take a shower down in the shower room and I'll be back up. I'll stop by the lunch room for some breakfast for her." Giving her friend a nod, she then stepped out and left her to watch the child. Taking a shower felt great and it definitely woke her up and eased the pain on her back just from leaning on the desk all night. Once finished, she changed into a feminine suit with a tie and placed her dress neatly inside her locker. Pulling her tie loose around her neck and leaving her jacket open to expose the white button up underneath, she headed to the lunch room where she grabbed french toast with strawberries for Tiff and an apple and protein shake for herself before heading back up. By the time she returned, it seemed Tiff was up and playing with Jeannie and James smiled softly Such innocence... I hope I can at least watch her grow. Finding a new thing to hold dearly to her... There was surely plenty of changes that would come to her. When she walked in, she was immediately greeted and of course she fed cute little Tiffany while she happily ate.

While some time had passed, she wasn't happy to finally see her father walking in with his new wife. The daggers that came from her eyes towards the woman were very prominent and there was no way she was going to let up. Hands were in her pockets and she almost looked like a mafia member at this point. While her father tried to talk, Carter talked instead and Lilliana appreciated that. He has no idea how much I'd like to strangle him right now. I'm not happy in the slightest. She felt Tiff holding onto her leg and a hand pulled from her pocket to gently rest on the girl's head. Once the time came where they would retrieve her, James crouched down and handed her a small piece of paper and whispered to her "You call this number if you ever need me okay? I'll always keep my phone on me so when you call, I'll be there." When Tiff nodded firmly and gave her a big smile, she then departed as she went back to her parents. While they both looked at her, she glared at them both and shook her head slightly to prevent either one of them from saying anything If any of you say one damn word I will hunt both of you down. The agent thought to herself as she raised to her full height once again.

Once the meeting had finished, she noticed Declan typing like a madman on his phone and this prompted her to raise an eyebrow in curiosity. As soon as everyone was out of the room and it was just them two, she spoke up "You've been texting on your phone like a school girl. You okay? Who're you texting?" It was surprising watching him jump the way he did, almost as if he was drowned in his messages and once the reasoning came out, she nodded "I see." So he had a girl? Not that she cared but she was curious once again. Didn't expect him to probably meet this girl earlier this week when he was here late...Probably a poor soul who got dragged out by her friends to drink and she wasn't having it. "Well, you do you I suppose." With that said she had gone back to working on her computer before they were to go out and patrol once again.


About a full week later, she was back on protection detail after showing she was fine and doing some testing and training. Back to her full potential and just in time for protecting a City Attorney. While his confidence in V.A.G.E. was very small, she made sure that Carter brushed everyone back up and they put special instructions in place. While grouped up with her team, she looked over each and every one. "No one is going to die this time. I'm going to make sure of it." Her finger had tapped on the table they stood around and her head moved to look at everyone "If you see Wolf, you run and you call it in. Let me deal with him. He has chains as we already know, infinitely from the looks of the last event. Do you understand me? Do. Not. Engage." While the eyes were on her, she slammed her hand on the table "DO YOU UNDERSTAND ME!" Shouted the Agent as everyone replied with "Yes Sir!" While it should've been "Yes Ma'am." She much preferred sir as it felt more fitting. They knew that as well "Carter will be listening out as well. I expect us all to get home tonight alive and not in a body bag before being thrown six feet under."

As soon as the team dispersed, she began to go on her own route because it was time to get this show on the road. James made sure to make three plans if one failed, because at this point the Wolf was going to outsmart them if they only come with one plan to protect those who were important. He's targeting city officials... If this is all related to that Incident, then I need to move quickly and get a list of those who were involved in this. Dammit Wolf you're ahead right now but I'm not going to let this keep getting us down. While doing her rounds, shoes thudding in the halls while she listened out for anyone spotting anything suspicious, she found the silence almost...Intense. The air was thick despite her being on her own and it was difficult to breathe. Was she nervous? Worried she'd let another person slip through her fingers while Wolf gets away with what he wanted to accomplish? With a shake of her head, she pushed forward. James had this and she was going to prove it.

Suddenly the sound of her earpiece went off and paused her movements.

"I spotted a figure entering through the window on the third floor. Looks like it's Mark's office. I think it's Wolf." Said one of the agents and immediately Lilliana broke into a dash.

"Do not engage! I got him and I'm on my way right now!" Lilliana responded as she pushed herself to run as possibly as she could. It almost felt as if everything was in slow motion and her hand pressed to her ear "Send up a few agents so we can retrieve the Attorney!" After that she had gone dark as she barged into the office, seeing Wolf right on top of the man that was in their protection. "Not this time you bastard!" Without so much as a second thought, she dashed forward, jumped over the desk and basically pulled him away from Mark. It didn't take them long to suddenly be in hand-to-hand combat which he had been using chains to block her attacks. This time she knew what he could do first hand and would not be surprised. At least she hoped that's how this whole thing played out and they'd bring him home tonight to prison. There was yelling going on in her ears, confirmation that Mark had been secured and that they'll be taking him elsewhere. Good, we protected who was supposed to be dead tonight. That's one damn good thing we got going for us right now.

Then Wolf began to talk in his usual ways, trying to dig underneath her skin once again. Gritting her teeth, she prepared herself "It takes two to tango, Wolf. Can't have you going around having all the fun by yourself at night now can I?" She would play his silly little game, but she wasn't going to let up this time. "Listen Wolf, I'm way out of your league. I wouldn't have a crush on someone like you." Dashing towards him again, she began her string of combos at her enemy. There was nothing more than what she wanted to do but see his ass thrown away forever. "You're going down tonight. I will not make the same mistake!" Lilliana then attempted to go for his neck because this time she was going to go for more vital parts. If she had to choke him out then so be it.

Wolf dodged her lefts and rights that she threw much more veracity, her eyes focused on him, as she declared he was going down tonight and she wouldn’t make the same mistake, “well, beautiful,” he says as a chain seemingly came from out of nowhere, grabbed her wrist that was going for his neck, “You already made a mistake, it’s called coming after me.” Without warning the chain suddenly picked her up and whipped her around and with a swing of his arm tossed her causing her to rag doll until she crashed against one of the walls hard, “Do you even know who you are trying to protect?" Wolf says as he brings two arms back and six dark orbs begin to form, “because I’ll tell you one thing, he isn’t some innocent worth the blood that’s already on your hands.” He thrusts his arms forward and out of those six dark orbs shot out six chains snaking towards her. As expected Liliana dodged the chains with no problem, even dodging one of the chains in the last second just so she kept up her speed. Once she was within range she began her onslaught again. Wolf dodged using his chains to counter any magic enhanced punches she threw at him and countered a few times landing some stomach and chin strikes. She tried to go for his neck again and Wolf grabbed her fist, spun her around, and held both her wrists in his hand as he held her against his body, “Come on baby, you’re starting to bore me.” He could practically hear her growl but before she could do anything he spun her around again and kicked her in her stomach and used his chains to cause her to fly even further until she went through the door of the office.

“You know, I was really starting to like you,” Wolf says as he snaps his fingers and a chain appeared wrapping itself around Liliana’s neck, not to strangle her, but to keep her down, “I mean, it’s not every day I get a stalker as hot as you.” He taunts as he kneels down and drags his finger down her cheek to her chin keeping a firm grip on her chin making sure she didn’t look anywhere else, “But you are starting to get needy, and nobody likes a needy girlfriend.” Even though Liliana couldn’t see his face she could hear his smirk as those words left his mouth. However, Wolf didn’t know what he wanted to do next. Should he injure her? He had already injured her before and instead of taking medical leave she instead came back a week later, even if it was just patrol duty. Should he kill her? Just as those thoughts entered his mind he heard a male voice, much deeper, and shouting an order.

“Step away from my agent, Wolf!” Carter shouted with a squad of other agents at his side. Wolf let out an annoyed tch before swiping his arm towards the group expecting chains to suddenly lunge at the uninvited guests only to realize nothing happened, smirking this time was carter, his left eye glowing a deep scarlet, “Yeah, you thought you were hot shit huh.”

A magic disabling eye?! Wolf thought to himself before he tried to position himself to get away only to hear the sound of guns pointed at him. He froze at the sound and cursed his luck, who would have guessed the leader of V.A.G.E has such a power ability. This severely cut his chances to both fight and defend himself from these agents. Panic began to set in, was this really it? No, it wasn’t, as he noticed that Liliana was still strung down by the chain he used before. He looked at the office and noticed the source of the chain was still there, wait, he can’t block out magic if he doesn’t see the source? He thought before looking back at Carter.

“I know what you are thinking, Wolf, but don’t do it, you’ll die before you even take a single step.” Carter says.

“Between dying to you or dying to the babe I just tied up?” Wolf says, “I’ll die by the babe thank you very much.” He lifted his hands towards the group and Carter’s eye began to glow trying to block the magic. However, because he spent years mastering this ability he learned that he doesn’t always have to be the source all he needed was a second to make the source appear somewhere else.

“Behind us!” one of the agents yelled Carter quickly turned around just as the chains shot out but luckily he was able to dispel it before the chains did any real damage. This gave Wolf the opening he needed as he lunged towards the door making it past the frame as bullets began to fire. Carter quickly ran towards Liliana and noticed both the source of the chain that kept her down and Wolf getting ready to jump out the window. He dispelled the source and freed Liliana, “Agent James, go after Wolf!” he ordered before pushing his earpiece, “All agents, Wolf has escaped the building heading east on-.”
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This was no mistake going after him. It never was. All he did was kill higher ups, become a vigilante instead of letting the cops and V.A.G.E. take care of the judgement and execution. She had been flung into the wall and of course it did knock the wind out of her before she got up, pushing through I can take more. I'm not going to let him overpower me this time. Those blue orbs of hers landed on him and noticed six portal-like circles pop up around him. His chains come from here. Is he going to do the barrage of chains once again? Eyes had narrowed and just as she predicted, chains were coming out of those circles and she immediately dodged and weaved and closed the gap between the two. Already on him and continuing with her mixed up combos which seemed to start causing some hits as her hands began to heat up. A hand shot out and went directly for his neck again, only for her hand to be grabbed by Wolf and once again she'd find herself in another one of his embraces. This wasn't the first time that he had done something like this but it seemed to be a move he very much enjoyed.

James' teeth had began to grit against eachother as she heard his words, a growl leaving her lips before he spun her and kicked her back, only for that to be accelerated by the chains he summoned to pull her back and through the door. The agent rolled across the floor and she came to a stop as she went to get up before there was a chain that pinned her down without issue and this already was beginning to piss her off. All he did was talk, taunt, and more and it was just making the venom in her veins even more potent than before. Hands had been pinned down so there was no way to grab the man like she wanted. All I want to do is grab him. I'm nothing against these chains. While I'm stuck with fire in my body, he has the ability to summon a physical object to stop me. I'm no match for him no matter how much I train myself to the bone. Despite that doubt in her mind, she still wanted to keep going as her hands began to heat up in attempt to eventually melt the chains around her wrists.

"If you don't like a needy girlfriend then how about you give me more to work with instead of giving me the shit end of the stick!" Her breathing was ragged from her earlier onslaught but yet she still had that fire within her. Pun intended of course. There was a silence after that, him staring at her and her staring at him. What was this? Was there nothing else to say? Was he pondering? This man was never quiet but now all of a sudden he was? Eventually a familiar voice cut through the silence and only a small grin could be tugging her lips. Here he comes and this time I'm not going to let you get away with some bullshit exit. Carter was here and that meant both of many strong agents were here to protect and attack their common target. While she couldn't see Carter, she could see Wolf. Watching his body language, it told her so much as he did not expect this whole thing to go south for him. Soft words left her mouth "What's wrong Wolfy? It seems a cat caught your tongue..." That grin of hers only grew bigger while she heard the interaction between Wolf and Carter. Even when in a pinch he is relentless with his endless flirting and flattery.

As soon as she was freed with the help of her Mentor, a firm nod came from her before she suddenly dashed away from Carter and through the doorway. James' heart had been racing so fast and so hard that she could hear the beat in her ears, the knot in her stomach so tight she might as well feel sick at this point. The target was straight ahead and already making his escape and without so much as a second thought she jumped over the desk and lunged herself through the window. The glass shattered and sent thousands of pieces flying everywhere including a few cuts here and there. But this was nothing as she grasped onto her enemy while he chained himself elsewhere and yanked both of them. Of course there was a struggle between the two in the night sky as he flung both of them up. Lilliana had to be careful or else one wrong move and she was going to be paint on the pavement. The pair swung through the air and the wind was chilly "Leaving so soon, Wolf? I just thought the party was getting started!" That's when the pair was flung onto a rooftop of a larger building, sending the two of them tumbling.

Pushing herself from the roof, she stood back up "My partner has better moves than you. He doesn't need some external source to show his power. He fights with his hands." At this point, she was breathless but her adrenaline kept her moving as she walked towards him "Is it because you don't know how to fight with your hands, Little Wolf?" Her shoes continued to thump against the floor "The only thing you know how to do is gut people like a fish while your chains do the rest huh?" She closed the gap and kicked him back down, sending him across the roof some. It was about time she gets the man while he's down. James continued to close the gap, wanting to push him as far as she could. Show me. Slip up. What else do you have hiding under that mask of yours?

He wasn’t expecting the female agent to jump after him while he zipped away, “Needy and Clingy!” he shouts as they zipped through the air. Normally, the landing would be easy but this time it was messing have another body hanging on to him as they approached the rooftop of the other building. Wolf managed to push the agent off him but instead of plummeting to the earth below she fell onto the roof with him while he crashed into some units. He groaned and let out a ‘fuck’ as he slowly got to his hands and knees and shook his head trying to clear the cobwebs. He let out another ‘aw fuck’ when he heard the agent begin to walk his way and spoke comparing him to her partner and how fights with his fists and all he could do was smirk, “better moves than me, huh.” He says, “and yet, he still couldn’t catch me even after using his ability,” he looked up at the agent, even though she couldn’t see his face she could almost see the smirk on his face, “Let’s face it, if you two are the best they got, I’m not seeing a cell for a long tim-“ he wasn’t expecting it, a second time Liliana surprised him as she kicked him while he was down causing him to skid across the rooftop floor, stopping only when he crashed against a air unit.

Ok, that hurt he groaned as he slowly got to his feet, using the air unit as support and watches as she approaches him again, “Alright, enough fucking around.” He says before he took a couple steps towards her, “If you wanna play rough, then let’s play.” A dark spot appeared, and a chain shot out, but Liliana easily dodged it, but she wasn’t the intended target. The chain wrapped around one of the massive air units and pulled it off its bolts sling shotting it across the rooftop and towards the agent. This must have surprised her as she knew it was strong enough to hold people down and rip through walls, but this was the first time seeing it rip something bolted down. Wolf found an opening as they both moved out of the way of the air unit as it crashed into another. A chain appeared wrapped around her ankles to keep her in place as he closed the distance jumped kick her. She managed to block but felt something hit her back. While distracted with that sudden pain Wolf threw a palm strike to her chin sending her head flinging upwards, maybe even feeling her feet leave the ground for a second before receiving a punch to her wide open gut and sent her sailing.

Her sudden trajectory came to a screeching halt when she felt a chain suddenly wrap itself around her waist and yank her back towards Wolf who was ready and stepped into another palm strike to her stomach but this time letting her hit the ground, “get up, agent.” His voice was venom. All the playfulness he had in his voice now gone, “we’re not done yet.” And just to encourage her to get to her feet Liliana noticed dark spots appear under her as chains flew out. As soon as she got to her feet Wolf was on her throwing a series of punches and kicks and followed up with some chains to keep her on her back foot. This was a different fighting style than the agent remembered, she was used to him using his chains to capture and taunt and overall annoy but this time he was direct. Always seemingly one step ahead and keeping her on her backfoot. Even when he didn’t use his chains he expertly dodged her attacks. Even when he grabbed her wrist and had prime motion to do his whole ‘embrace and taunt’ thing he liked to do he opted to just spin her around, kick her on her back, summon a chain to wrap around her neck, use it to lift and slam her against the ground, and kick her in her rips sending her sliding across the rooftop.

It wasn’t an easy fight; however, the agent was still resilient. Even after taking such a combo, she still managed to get to her feet and continue the fight. Lefts and rights and kicks flew from both sides catching each other in their own series of combos. Wolf always made sure when he was on the defensive he only used his chains to counter her fire.​

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The atmosphere changed so drastically that it caught her off guard. Even after her attempts of getting under his skin, she only made the situation worse than before. Wolf was no longer playing, in fact it seemed like he was going to go for a full K.O. or worse. He began to close the gap between them too and of course, James knew he'd try to use his chains once again. Dodging with ease, there was intention to go after him but instead a chain literally had ripped out one of the air units and flung it right towards her So the chains have unlimited strength too? Well isn't this just grand. Jumping off to the side to avoid the unit, there was a sudden pressure around her ankles. When she gazed down to see what happened, her feet had been tied to the floor He's not playing around now. Dammit Declan I wish you were here. The one time she needed him and he was on a day off. This agent couldn't ever get a break could she? Wolf dashed at her and immediately made contact while she did her best to block, it wasn't enough as she was a literal sitting duck while something slammed into her back and soon after was her opponent slamming his hand into her chin and sending her flying with a punch to her core which had sent her flying.

Is this it? I'm just going to get my ass handed to me? How the fuck is he stronger? Am I overthinking this? Is he making it seem like he's more than what he actually is? These were questions that needed answers. Though getting answers was not going to come easy. Once again she could feel the pain in her core but didn't let that stop her as her body rolled across the rooftop and came to a stop. While she wanted to rest for just a few seconds, she heard Wolf speak up and knew that this wasn't over. This is what she wanted; To chase him down. At this point, James had reaped what she sowed. There were scratches, bruises, swelling all along her body but yet did not falter as she pushed herself up before the chains erupted from underneath her. I shouldn't keep doing this to myself. I'm not strong enough. But I'm too stubborn to be taken down so easily. Damn you, Father. Why did I have to get this from you of all people. Lilliana blocked to the best of her ability, his barrage of attacks keeping her on the defense even though he was overbearing to handle. I can only take defense so much before I break down. My muscles are practically screaming at me to do something else.

Once she finally had that opening, she'd try to counter and was met with dodging and chains to protect him. If only she could shatter the damn things so he could no longer use them. He grabbed her wrist and instead of going with his signature move, he instead spun her and kicked her in the spine. A chain had wrapped around her neck and lifted her before having her collide with the ground that made the air escape her lungs. Despite being more durable much like him, the human side of her wondered if there was a broken bone after that. Soon his boot had slammed into her and sent her across the roof once again. The Agent coughed, trying to get her body working functionally again after taking so many hits. Always at a disadvantage as a woman... Men are usually stronger just by default. James laid there for a moment while her thoughts went rampant. I could give up right now and let him go. Try to train before I have to run into him again. Just that thought alone irked her very core. There shouldn't be another day that this man roams free just because her body craved a break. Cut up arms had pushed her up and she had spat blood out onto the roof Gonna have to take a look at that later. Don't know if that's my mouth or my insides.

Lilliana pushed herself up with her legs and stumbled slightly as she found her balance. A few breaths from her was all she needed before she dashed at him with hands giving off a soft orange glow. This was going to be her last hurrah, the last attempt to bring this guy down. As the fight continued, her fists began to catch fire and despite Wolf's chains that did not stop the onslaught of her own attacks which started to get hotter and hotter with each punch. Eventually her hands had been engulfed in flames and with every strike she hoped that something would catch fire on him. Force him to retreat to give her victory on this fight or perhaps he gets set ablaze. "I'm no longer playing either, Little Wolf." With a battle cry, her hits seemed to be harder and the flames began to glow brighter. Even her feet began to light up, while not many people knew about this fire ability that one of the top Agents had... There was two people who knew the extent where she'd push to a point where her body would slowly start becoming a ball of flame itself. However, she was only just getting started. "What's wrong? Now you're going on the defense? How does it feel fighting someone who can keep up with you?" She grabbed his fist, threw it to the side and followed it up immediately with a hook to the face which collided with the mask that the man loved to wear.

In fact, it cracked as she seen pieces flying through the air. When James noticed this, her blue hues immediately looked at his face and seen his eye exposed. While the mask did hide his upper face, seeing his eye was like gazing into his soul. After all, the eyes are the window to the soul as many would say. Her arm snapped out and she reached to grab him. This was it, this was her time to get his identity.


The two combatants continued to trade blow after blow, landing their own combos on one another trying to out will the other. At first the presence of her fire wasn’t a big deal as he was able to read her movements and plan his counter attacks accordingly, that was until he noticed her fire getting brighter and hotter. He was then surprised as her feet were suddenly on fire and landed a kick, the impact surprising him but he was able to move out of the way of the fire only getting his clothes singed. His shoulders rose and fell as his lungs tried to fill his body with oxygen as he watched the agent, who seemed to have gotten her second wind, taunt him. It was true, he was on the defensive now and with her ability to control fire increasing he was in for the fight of his life, “cocky for someone who spent most of the fight on the ground.” He tried to sound like his own self, returning to a devil may care attitude like he did before but it came out with venom. It was clear she was clearly under his skin now, “But if you think a little fire is going to stop me,” he raised his hands like before and black spots began to form, “you better think about, babe!” The chains began to shot out of the dark holes but he noticed only some of them were fully extended. The other chains only come out a few feet before being stopping midair, What?

“You should know, magic abilities are tied to the human body and stamina! The more the damage the body receives or if someone’s stamina is not up to par the magic abilities it will be useless. That’s why you need to train.”

Wolf was stuck in place for a moment as he saw the hundreds he summoned only about ten of them where lunging towards the agent. She dodged effortlessly as her body was nearly consumed by the fire at this point. But how? She took just as much damage as he had, if not more! And yet, here she was her fire burning brighter than it was before. So hot in fact that even at a good distance he could feel the heat as she got closer.

“However, there are some who get stronger the longer the fight goes on. Some call it ‘A Second Trigger’ or just getting a second win. These are rare however, and less than ten percent of the population have such abilities. Best believe if someone has this ‘Second Trigger’ will be a valuable asset to a company.” The girl huffed, “are you even listening to me? Declan?

Her yell snapped him out of his thoughts and his eyes widen, fuck! He threw a desperate punch, a very uncharacteristic punch, which the agent easily deflected and was met with a hard hook. For a moment Wolf’s world went dark. He couldn’t feel the pain from the punch or the heat radiating from her body, he didn’t even feel how hard he hit the ground after crashing landing back to earth. He was seeing the world in double vision. He could feel the cool air hit the right side of his and he slowly brought up his hand and felt flesh? He quickly looked over at the agent and judging the by look on her face his fears were confirmed fuck! He quickly placed his hand over the broken part of his mask and quickly got to his feet, almost falling back when he got up too fast.

The girl sighed, “Declan, if you don’t train and continue being lazy your abilities is going to be useless to you.” She suddenly sat down next to him and placed a hand on his cheeks, ‘I see so much potential in you, Declan, don’t waste it just because you are trying to impress me.

He cured his luck. Was his training not enough? Was he really going to lose here? He can’t but what could he do. Even as he tried to summon some chains to keep her back his hand was trembling, and he could feel blood pooling in his gloves. She got him good and if this kept up all of this would have been for nothing.

Suddenly the dark roof was suddenly lit up and air blowing around them, “Freeze Wolf! We got you completely surrounded!” Wolf shields his eyes from the bright light with his free hand, “This is the U.B.V.H, surrender or we will use lethal force.” It took a second but he suddenly got an idea. He looked over at the agent and smirked, “sorry to cut our date short.” He yelled over the loud propellers. Just a little more he thought to himself as he suddenly pointed at the helicopter and several chains suddenly appeared grabbing the land bars of the helicopter and pulled it down towards the agent.

Even though the agent dodged the helicopter it ended up crashing and exploding as it rolled to its side killing the piolet and whoever else was riding with them. By the time the agent thought about searching for Wolf, he was gone.


By the time Liliana managed to find her way off the roof she noticed the streets were now crawling with V.A.G.E agents, officers, and a group of other people she didn’t recognize. She was first approached by Jeannie who was suppose to be helping with helping anyone with injuries since she was head of the medical division but seeing as no one was injured and Liliana looked like she’s been through hell she prioritized her friend, “we might have to wait until you cool down, you’re still kinda hot.” She says and would normally follow this up with a joke but on the field and office Jeannie were two different people.

“Liliana.” a familiar voice called her name, seeing Carter walk towards her. She recognized he was worried about her when he called her by her first name instead of James, “are you ok? What’s the damage?”

“Cuts and bruises,” Jeannie says, “maybe a bruised rib, we’ll have to check her in and do some x-rays just to makes sure nothing is broken. Can you stand?” Jeannie helped her friend to her feet and allowed her to stand on her own just to see if she could and jotted it down in her notebook.

“Is this her?” another voice spoke. An older man walked up to the group, a old and stern looking man who looked twice the age of Carter, “the one who let Wolf get away and kill my piolets?”

“This is agent Liliana James,” Carter corrected, “and this is John Morrison, director of the U.B.V.H.”

“Best.” He scoffed, “if it wasn’t for her three of my men would still be alive.” Liliana had a long night and judging by the looks of this man, it was going to be even longer.

Suddenly the roof had lit up like a christmas tree and her eyes had to adjust as they closed and tried to peek open. Who in the hell decided to get in my damn way!? I said that he was mine! These fuckers! James was not happy about this, and the earpiece in her ear was no longer working When did...When did it stop working? There was no voices, no communication, no nothing coming through. Which meant that the equipment broke while she was fighting Wolf during her last hurrah. The voices coming from the chopper did not sound familiar and after they stated who they were, she could only feel a rising rage coming from her very soul. More people were getting involved than she would have liked and of course Wolf had used the situation to his advantage as he yanked down the helicopter and straight into the roof where she ran as fast as she could to avoid getting killed in the blast. Again. He got away again and the only thing she could let out was a very frustrated scream as it carried out through the wind. They were so close, he was in her grasp, she could practically feel victory on the tip of her tongue before their fight was interrupted.

That was it. It was the end of the night. Their mission was a semi success as Mark didn't die...Or whatever his damn name was at this point. But they failed to capture the one person to do it all. James traversed to a door that surprisingly opened and one of her arms had been wrapped around her abdomen while the other held onto the wall as she descended down the stairs of the building. I had him... I fucking had him... He was right there... Was all she could think about at this point. I could feel him in my hands. I needed more time to rip that mask off... I needed to see his face... The descent felt so long as the stairs were practically endless. The flames that licked her skin were gone and left her skin hot to the touch, it would take time before she was cooled enough to even be touched. If anything, she was like glass fresh out of the furnace, or perhaps even steel. For a moment she stopped on the stairs and leaned on the wall, letting tears fall down her face out of frustration. Damn it! A fist slammed into the wall behind her and the brick cracked underneath the strength. It took time for her to pull herself together but it was better to break down now than to break down later in front of her team.

Pushing open a steel door, she found herself in an alley and she turned towards where she saw V.A.G.E Agents running along with vehicles "Good to know they're this close." Her legs carried her to the end of the Alley and she stepped out into the lights, noticing her friend running up to her with such haste. Glad to see she's fine down here. James' appearance was probably far from attractive. Hair was an absolute mess, her porcelain skin scratched and bruised followed by splatters of blood and some ash from the explosion. Overall it looked like she came out of the fiery pits of hell after that fight. "It's fine, Jeannie. Probably a few more minutes. Lets head over to the ambulance over there. I need to sit for a moment." The pair had gone over but of course Lil took a little longer as she took her time and then finally took a seat. I never thought I'd enjoy sitting down as much as I do right about now. A familiar voice filled her ears and eyes immediately fell upon her Mentor who approached "Don't forget my ego there, Jeannie. That took a bit of a hit too. Maybe Pride along with it." While this wasn't a time for jokes, the girl could really use some right about now. When asked to stand, she did stand on her own but it did hurt. If it was just an average human there wouldn't have been this much damage. They punched like babies.

As soon as she took a seat once again, someone else approached and the only thing that escaped her lips was an audible sigh before she lifted her hand and gave him a clear "fuck you" with her middle finger "Had you not let the children in on Mommy and Daddy's fight then maybe we would have captured him. Before you got there, I had him in my fucking hands." Lilliana pushed herself to get back up and she carefully walked towards him. Just because he was bigger than her, it did not put fear into her "You weren't there to see what I saw. Had you not get involved, I could've had an identity for us to go off of." While she spoke to the Director, she felt a gentle poke on her arm and she knew that it was Jeannie getting her to stop but the woman had enough of it tonight. "But you decided to shove yourself into my fight. I told my team that I had it. They trusted me. You just wanted to stick your nose in, instead of talking to my team first." Those blue eyes shot daggers into him before she turned her head to spit out excess blood before looking back at him "I don't care who you are. You're in our territory now." Her head nodded towards Carter and Jeannie before she hobbled back to the Ambulance and sat down. "Jeannie can you see if its my mouth bleeding? I can't tell if it's internal."

With a nod, Jeannie pulled out her flashlight as her friend opened her mouth. There were some cuts in there on the cheeks, even the split lip. But it was doubtful that only this would be causing her to spit out blood. "You do have cuts in there, but I don't believe that blood you spat out would be from these. That's why we're going to get you checked out." Feeling her skin, it was good to touch so Jeannie began to patch her up.

"If you think I'm not the best, then piss me off enough and then we'll talk."
James remarked while her glare remained on the man as wounds were being cleaned and patched up. Luckily the smaller ones would be healed before she knew it, but those large ones would take a hot minute. "Don't judge a book by it's cover because it will bite you in your sorry ass next time." While saying so, she began to remover her gloves for Jeannie to also get patched up. While the gloves did do some protection for her, it didn't stop them from taking damage and eventually breaking open and injuring herself. I could really go for a bottle of wine right about now. Not even one glass...Just the full bottle. Thinking of wine at a time like this... Well...What else was she gonna do while being patched up like a stuffed animal? Oh, right, start throwing insults at the old man in front of her that wasn't her favorite mentor in the world.​

John looked at Liliana, the agent who had just insulted him. He looked over at Carter expecting some kind of reprimand, but Carter shook his head, “you started this, not me.” He states, “In V.A.G.E. when ever two agents have an issue with one another they take it out on the training grounds and resolve it or shut up.” He crossed his arms across his old, yet, fairly large chest, “So, director, will we be seeing you in the training room?” John looked at Carter with anger and annoyance before brushing them off and begins walking away.

“I don’t want to hear this from the company that allowed Wolf to kill the mayor.” He says as he storms off, “keep making mistakes and I’ll take this case from your company, V.A.G.E.” he spat out the company name as he walked off to join his own team. Carter sighed, at first Liliana thought a lecture was coming but Carter only examined Jeannie’s work.

“You look like shit,” he joked, a very rare joke coming from her mentor, “and you just got off of medical leave too.”

“only cuts and bruises,” Jennie says trying to minimize the damage. Jennie knew just how much this meant to her friend and making her go on medical leave again would probably make her go crazy, “and she’s tough as nails, if she’s able to insult the geezer I’m sure the rays will find nothing either.” Carter just held up a hand to stop her.

“Just get her to the hospital,” he says before helping Jennie get Liliana into the ambulance, “You ride with her, Jennie, report to the doctors on your findings and do a check on her.” He closes one door, “and call me back with the results,” he looks at Liliana, “after you are checked out go home and rest, we are going to have a long day tomorrow.” With that said he closed the doors, hit the side of the ambulance and the two female agents rode off towards the hospital.


Declan finally managed to get away. Hiding in an old, abandoned building as the sounds of sirens and helicopters played their little symphony in the distance. His chest rose and fell as he tried to catch his breath after narrowly escaping Liliana, “What the fuck was that.” He thought to himself. He thought V.A.G.E was a joke but after seeing Carter’s ability and Liliana have a second trigger ability his mind changed, not to mention his over reliance on his chain ability was starting to wear on him. He lifts his hand and sees his hand shaking and bloodied, you have to train your ability he let out an annoyed sigh before lifting his cracked mask checking out the damage it’ll be useless if you run out of stamina he let out a annoyed yell and threw his mask against the wall shattering it. They got him but he wasn’t going to fail a second time.

After he recovered enough he got his normal clothes from a bag he hid in the trash and quickly changed hiding his wolf gear in the same spot. He snuck out of the building making sure he wasn’t watched and opened his phone to call Jas but stopped in his tracks, “miss call?” he questioned before he saw it was from Carter, “huh?” he dialed the number back, “Hey, sir, sorry I missed your call I was…busy.” It was a partial lie.

“Sorry to bug you on your day off, Harper.” Carter said, “but we just encountered Wolf and James was sent to the hospital, nothing serious. I would like to ask a favor though.” There was a short pause.

“Y-yeah, sure, anything.” Declan said as he mounted his bike.

“do you have a car?”

“I have a bike…”

“do you have a extra helmet?”

“I can get one?”

“Good,” he adds, “I want you to go relieve Jennie at the hospital, I’ll make sure to pay you for your time.

“N-no it’s ok sir, you don’t have to do that.” He says, “besides, James is my partner.”

“Good, make sure she gets home safe agent.” He says before hanging up the phone. Declan sighed as he shoved the phone in his pocket. He didn’t want to see her right now. Not after their bout but he didn’t have a choice. He sent a two word text to Jas find Mark before he rode off. He had to make a quick pit stop to buy a helmet and put it in his backpack before driving to the hospital. He was given Jennie’s number and texted her he was in the lobby. Ten minutes later she was in the lobby and walked him to Liliana’s room.

Liliana wasn’t hooked up to anything machine or in a gown and he let out a sigh of relief, even if wolf was slightly discouraged, “You look like you’ve seen better days, James.” he says with a chuckle, “Carter called me, told me to relive Jennie and take you home.” He said once he noticed her confused expression why he was there, “he also told me you had a run in with wolf, told him to call me if anything comes up.” He let out a sigh, “guess still not invited to the cool kids’ activities yet huh.” He said with a chuckle clearly joking.

The nurse walked in, “oh, another visitor, you are so popular Lily,” she says, “well the room is prepped we just need you to change into a gown for accurate results.” The room stayed silent for a moment as all the women looked at Declan.

“Huh?” he says looking at the three, “is there something on my face?”

“I said, she need to change into a gown.” The Nurse says more directly.

“Oh…” Declan says before his eyes widen, “OH! I get it, I’ll…uh…I’ll be outside? Or in the lobby? Outside is fine? Alright cool, I’ll be outside while you…” he points to Liliana, “yeah…ok…” he walks out of the room and closes the door leaving the Nurse and Jennie giggling to themselves.
MangoGoGo MangoGoGo

James was glad that those who were close to her had stood by her side as Carter basically told the Director to shove it and shut up or go to the training grounds to resolve it forcefully. Of course the old fart decided to retreat rather than handle the situation like a man. He can go fuck off somewhere. This case is staying in our hands whether he likes it or not. That man would have to pry the case from her cold dead hands if he ever decided to reach for it. Her eyes shifted over to her mentor as she replied "You know, thanks Carter." She replied to his remark as she let out a soft laugh but hunched a little bit with the pain "You really know how to flatter a woman." Between Jeannie and Carter, there was nothing more she could ask for when working with these two. They were always giving her that drive to keep going forward no matter what, even if they never knew that. They soon helped her get into the Ambulance itself and she sat on the gurney that was belted down in it. Giving her mentor a firm nod, she watched him shut the door and now it was just herself and Jeannie. Now instead of remaining in silence in the vehicle, she instead gave Jeannie the story of what happened up there. Giving every little detail that she could possibly remember between shattering the part of the mask, going almost up in a blaze. It was clear that Jeannie was happy that they had gotten some results but was unhappy with her state and the loss of their target.

The hospital was good to her and was already doing what they can to assist. Jeannie had stuck around to make sure everything was alright and nothing too extreme. I feel like a child that needs to be watched. But I guess that can't be helped after what I went through. While sitting on the bed in her thoughts, there was the sound of heavy shoes hitting the floor and drawing closer. When she looked up, she could see Declan walking into the room "Well you're not the first to say that. However, you did say it in a nicer way so you get some brownie points." What was he doing here on his day off? He should be worrying about what he's gonna do for the rest of the night instead of worrying about her. While the thought did cross her mind, he was quick to answer as if he had read her mind. "Yeah, Wolf was a bit feisty today. Though we did a number on each other. I broke his mask, he probably cracked my rib. I wish I had better news but unfortunately he got away because of some new company getting involved." The woman shifted a little, her jaw tightening but no sound came out of her aside from a ragged breath "Maybe next time you'll get called into the Cool Kids Club, could've used your speed out there." A sigh left her lips and she refused to show defeat in her face, but she surely felt it.

A nurse finally walked in and looking at her surprise, she tried to fight the small smile that made its way onto her lips "Yeah, well, I guess it comes with the territory." James joked as she nodded at the Nurses response. Grasping the gown that sat on the bed next to her, she slowly began to stand and took note that Declan was still in the room. He was definitely confused before the Nurse had clarified what happened. The reaction was practically priceless as he awkwardly walked out of the room and waited out there with the door shut. While the girls laughed, so did Lillianna. Despite the pain, she found it quite amusing how Declan was. One day he'll know how much she does enjoy his company despite her almost-stoic nature. The nurse and Jeannie helped her change with her sloth-like movements and took her out to get X-rays and an MRI. The more I move, the more I feel achey but not as much as broken bones. I wouldnt be surprised if I did get a broken rib and it was pulling itself back into place. Thank goodness for accelerated healing. While she laid on the MRI table, she waited and was soon escorted out after capturing images.

Returning to the room, she was allowed to change back and she was glad that she wore her dress as it was easy to take off and put on. Even though it was damaged, dirtied and more, it was the only set she had before returning home. Now we have to wait for the doctor to bring in the xrays and mri scans. I guess its just more waiting for right now. Declan was allowed back in so it was up to him if he wanted to return back inside.

The doctor walked in with a bunch of sheets in his hands and he began to hang up the images. He then began to explain while setting them up "Good news is, you have no broken bones. Lucky for someone of your caliber, you're definitely durable than most. I recall the nurse telling me that you did take a few hits to the core so I was more worried about your ribs because if a rib punctured your lung, you could've died. Despite being stronger than us normal humans, you're still suseptible to mundane injuries such as this. No offense." The doc glanced at her.

Lilliana waved her hand in dismissal "None taken, go on. What was the cause of spitting out blood? That's what I was worried about myself."

The doctor nodded and pointed to her MRI scans "Nothing pierced the body so nothing got in, and as you can see all your organs are okay. I think its all that blood between all the cuts in your mouth. You'd be surprised how much blood the mouth holds when there's cuts in there." Approaching her, he instructed her to open her mouth and while he did see it was redder rather than pink, he didn't see too many more wounds in there "Looks like those smaller cuts had healed up so you're good. Do you know if your healing works on your stamina?" He asked.

It was a rather good question and she decided to answer as best as she could "Honestly its hard to tell if it's based off my stamina or if its based off my abilities. We've tried to test it but it just seems to be a default thing." There was more that she could add but refrained from saying more. Carter knew if she kept pushing herself, her wounds wouldnt heal as they do while she was out of a fight. It was a passive thing that would activate when she'd be taking less movements or even as much as sleeping. Now that she thought about it more, it could explain why she was out for three days while she got that concussion. Her body was repairing itself in the best way possible.

"Hmm... Okay... Well, either way you're already healing so that's a good start. Though I doubt those bruises would go away as easily so you may be achey for a while. My best recommendation would be to stay home. But, all of us in this room know you wont even listen to that alone especially after i've treated you so much. So, you're not allowed to engage in fights or train until you're fully healed. You can do office work and basic tasks. Though I will admit there is a few cracks in your ribs so dont push yourself. Those should take a few days to patch back up. No heavy lifting too, Miss James. Otherwise, we'll get you released and you can get home." He gently patted her shoulder and nodded to the others before leaving the room.


Thank goodness that Lilliana was able to go home, or else she'd probably lose her mind staring at the white walls of this place. She carefully walked out with Jeannie and Declan, refusing to be picked up or even holding onto either one of them. Jeannie parted ways with the pair and James looked at Declan "Well, lead the way to your vehicle and we can get home. I'll tell you where my place is." On the way to his vehicle, she informed him of her address and after a few minutes, they made it to his...Bike? With a slight tilt of her head and a raised eyebrow, she glanced at him. He rode a bike? It wasn't even a car? Well... Bikes were faster and more nimble so she could understand that. "I didn't take you for the bike type at all." While he handed her a helmet, she looked at it for a moment before putting it on her head and fastening it in with a little bit of Declan's help. While he did advise to hold onto him, she felt as if that was not needed and took a seat behind him but seemed to be further back. "I'll be fine." It didn't take him very long to start the bike and he revved it, only for him to move not even an inch and immediately stop. James slid from her position and into his back where she instinctively wrapped her arms around his core to avoid falling.

Behind the helmet, she was snickering Damn instincts. Now that he knew that she was secure, he drove off and she could feel the night air blowing against her skin and the lights reflected off her helmet while they drove through the city. While she always walked or drove in a car, the bike felt different. If anything it almost felt like freedom, weaving in and out of traffic, the sound of the motor roaring in her ears. If she could describe this ride, it would be exhilirating. Exciting even. Maybe it was time to invest into a bike...But she would have no idea how to ride one. Maybe next time when I feel a bit more confident to drive such a thing. Thought the agent while she just held onto Declan and closed her eyes even for a little bit while her head leaned against his back. I'm so tired... But I'm expecting hell tomorrow that's for sure... Especially with that Director sticking his nose in our business. The agent sighed but it could not be heard over the sound of the bike and the wind "Carter better hold me back if this man steps on my toes..."

Eventually the bike came to a stop and while she felt it, her eyes refused to open as they were too busy trying to regain some of her strength back. Come on, wake up. We're here. As she had been fighting this exhaustion, she felt a gloved hand tap her a few times and even gently shook her which allowed her to force her eyes open as if he was the key. Pulling off his back, she worked to get the helmet off and was met with Declan looking down at her "Sorry, I fell asleep. I guess that fight is finally catching up to me." He had taken her helmet and she got off the bike carefully before stepping onto the sidewalk beside it and watched as he put the helmet away "Thank you for taking me home. I probably would've been walking instead if it weren't for you." Blue hues looked up at the tall apartment building in beside them. It was clearly a little bit more high end but hey, when your life was on the line you'd make good money. "I'll see you tomorrow, Declan. Also... Watch out for a man older than Carter. You'll know what I mean. He's the little rodent that decided to get into our business." With that said, she walked towards her apartment building and pulled the door open before disappearing inside.


After that night, it wasn't the last as Lilliana and her team kept running into him to fight and catching sights of him from time to time. Every time he did get away but every time they learned little by little about Wolf to try to narrow their searches on him. Investigations were getting more intense and people were still trying to track his movements. They were sparatic and hard to pin down which made this all the more difficult. However, eventually he was somehow starting to slip up. This caught the agent off by surprise and actually felt a bit of hope about this. "Mr Harper," her voice had spoken up from her desk as she looked over at him. While her office did have a decent amount of space, they were able to arrange the room so he had finally had his own little desk so that they could work together. If anything, James liked it like this because he was always by her side and made it easier to communicate "He's slipping up." Rising from the chair, she moved over and handed him a tablet with a report and multiple photos showing the man entering an abandoned building "I think our encounters with him are starting to wear him down which means we can catch him."

The hair, the clothes, and that mask was familiar to her. "This is a direct match. We're going there today to investigate and see what he has hidden in that building." While he held the tablet, she walked towards the window of their office "We'll finally get him and this'll be all over." Suddenly the door opened to the room and she turned to see Jeannie with her own tablet in her hands. It looked like she was out of breath as she held the Tablet out.

"Get a look at this guys!" Jeannie watched as her bestie took the tablet and started to scroll through "Apparently his next target is the Judge over in the courthouse, Kendra Geiser. He plans to get to her tonight."

Lilliana was confused because why would he go after Kendra Geiser? With furrowed eyebrows, she continued to look through "Miss Geiser... She's a judge that's only been in place for a year now. Her reputation is pretty high and many applaud her for her work. She's known to let people go who are having issues financially when they're ticketed with parking or speeding tickets. What would he want with her? What good could come out of her being killed?"

Jeannie shrugged as she looked between Declan and Lilliana "I don't know. Maybe he is a cold blooded killer and would go on killing government officials Innocent or not."

Looking to her partner, she handed him Jeannie's tablet as well "Looks like we're going to have to start sooner rather than later. Let's go to the abandoned building they seen him at. Hopefully we'll find some clues there before he attacks Miss Geiser tonight. Jeannie, did you already let Carter know of the situation?" Jeannie nodded "Okay, have her protected till we can get Wolf. I won't have any more blood falling into my hands." Quickly she rushed off and James turned her attention back to Declan "Guess we'll be taking your bike there. Not exactly on our side of town. Welcome to the cool kids club" If she was honest, she loved riding on the bike with him. Even though she wasn't able to drive, just riding on it made her feel great. Soon enough the pair departed to the abandoned building on the more run down side of the city.


As Liliana and Declan walked out of the hospital he pulled his keys from his pocket and spun the key ring around his finger. He didn’t notice the surprise on her face when his vehicle of choice popped into view. He stopped and faced her when she said she didn’t take him as a bike guy, “Of course!” he says before turning back around and taking off the small backpack he had strapped, “When Atlas transferred me they gave me an option to pick out a ride so of course I picked the Ninja 650.” He says before pulling out a small helmet, “here, you might want to wear this though.” He says holding out a light blue helmet. As she put on her helmet he began to put his on his own but unlike Liliana’s helmet his was a full face helmet. He put it on and strapped the chin strap before lifting his visor to see better. When he turned around he saw Liliana had her helmet on, but it was kinda loose, “here.” He says to her as he adjust the strap until the helmet fit snug on her head, “Alright you are ready to go!” he says. He hoped on his bike before helping her on, “don’t be shy, you’re going to want to get close.” He says as he grabs her hands and wraps it around his mid-section. However, Liliana quickly pulled away telling him she’ll be fine, “Trust me.” He says but she shook her head. He sighed and shrugged his shoulders and revved his bike. He acted like he was going to go as he moved an inch before pressing the brake. She suddenly slid from her spot and into his back as she wrapped her arms around him, “there we go,” he says as he taps her hands, a signal for her to hold on tight as this time he revved his bike and took off.

Declan loved rides like this. Late at night, not that many people or cars were around, and he could go as fast as he wanted without worry. Although he drove pretty fast he was mindful of the passenger currently holding onto him. He could feel her head paying on his back and her hands tight against his stomach. It wasn’t until he got to the light that he noticed her grip was a little loose, looks like I better slow down a bit Declan thought to himself as he made sure she was sitting right on his bike and not leaning too much on one side. He did this until he arrived at her apartment building when he stopped near the entrance. He took off his helmet and looked over his shoulders, “Hey Liliana, we’re here.” He said however she didn’t wake, “Liliana,” he says against tapping her hands with his own, “wake up sleepy head.” She finally woke up and apologized but Declan only chuckled, “nah it’s fine, you had a hell of a day.” He says as he takes the helmet from her after she handed it to him. He listen to her speak as he put the extra helmet in his small backpack and smiles at her, “well we can’t be having that, only the best rides for the best agent.” He joked. They said their goodbyes but the last little bit left him confused, “an old man?” he questioned before he put on his helmet. There was no use thinking about it now, something told him he was going to find out soon enough. With those thoughts in his head, he revved his bike and rode off towards his apartment.


Everyday, almost like clockwork, Wolf and Liliana would run into each other, fight, flirt (mostly him flirting with her), and he would get away. Each fight was as intense as the last, but he always made sure to get away before she was able to use her abilities’ second trigger or before Carter joined the fight. Speaking of Carter, Declan made it a point to train with Carter to work on his hand to hand and for the first week he got his ass kicked! Even when Carter offered him to take it easy Declan refused and was reintroduced to the ground over and over again. However, there was still some sort of improvement as Wolf began to rely less on his chains and instead use his fists. Each fight between the two were brutal and it’s a miracle Declan was able to return to work the next day without showing signs of injury.

He heard his name being called and it snapped him away from his computer screen. Declan expected his office to be out there with the rest of the unit, but Carter and all his infinite wisdom decided to give Declan a corner in Liliana’s large office. It may not be as fancy as Liliana’s desk and set up, but it was still good. A decently large L shaped desk that could go from sitting to standing, a large monitor and his own log in to a shared folder that he and Liliana shared. He wasn’t sure how Liliana felt about sharing her office with him, but he didn’t hear any complaints from her, so he assumed she was alright with it, which was good since it allowed him to keep a close eye on her. “What’s up?” he says as he heard him call his name, well, his last name anyway. She stood up and handed him a tablet as she continued talking and his eyes widen, how the hell did they get these!? He thought to himself, shit these people are getting too close.

That’s when Jeannie barged in with her own tablet in hand, saying something that made his heart drop, how did they? Did they manage to find Jas’ list? However, his worry soon faded as she mentioned a name he didn’t recognize, “Wait, who?” he questioned looking between the two girls. He sat silently as the two girls talked about this, Kendra Geiser, and Declan unknowingly held the same expression as Liliana, “That doesn’t seem like someone Wolf would target.” Declan says as he pulled up a file of known targets, “each target was a high ranking official,” he continued before sitting back in his chair, “to target a new judge? That’s…” unlike me at all he thought.

Declan smirked when she brought up his bike, ever since taking her home on his bike she’s been looking for any reason to ride it even if they were assigned company vehicles, “you know, if I didn’t know any better I say you are addicted to that bike more than I am.” He joked before he got up and grabbed his backpack, “just don’t forget your helmet this time, Agent James.” he says as he follows her out of their office and towards the parking garage, “When do I get my membership card to the club?”

The two agents rode out of the parking garage, both wearing their very own full face helmet (Liliana at some point bought her own). Declan didn’t have to do the ‘go and stop’ trick anymore to have Liliana hold on to his mid-section, even if Jeannie did tease her about it from time to time, “So how reliable are these photos?” Liliana could hear him from their Bluetooth mics build in the helmets, “Would hate to go all this way only to realize there is nothing there, Wolf wasn’t known to have a hideout back at Atlas at least we didn’t find one before.”
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Even Declan was on her side. It sounded nothing like Wolf but alas, the description matched pretty accurately to what they found so they had no choice but to investigate and see if Wolf did actually go off the chain (No pun intended). James enjoyed having a partner that actually knew what he was doing, he always seemed to be on the same page as her and it made life a lot more easier than having a partner that would always make her want to pull her hair out. When he mentioned the bike, she turned her head away almost gracefully "I wouldn't say I'm addicted. It's better than a stuffy vehicle." She said glanced him and a smile threatened her lips "I surely won't forget this time. I have it stashed in my locker so I'll get that on the way down." They walked out of the office and immediately went to the elevator "You'll get your membership card when we get back. I'll meet you down in the parking garage." Stepping into the elevator, she pressed both buttons to get them to their destinations and waited patiently in the moving box. The doors had closed and the agent was standing beside her partner, hands laced behind her back. He's been going for high ranking targets. Why is he suddenly going for the bottom now? Is this to make it harder for us to know his intentions? While the thought bounced around her mind, the doors finally opened and she stepped out before turning to her partner "See you at the bottom." The Elevator closed and she went to get her helmet from her locker.

After some time went by, Lilliana was geared up and the pair had been exiting the parking garage before zooming off towards the more suspicious side of town. While they rode, she could feel the chills running up her skin, the wind flowing through whatever air was sticking out of the helmet. James felt free every time she got on his bike and that would be the reason for her always suggesting to ride the bike, despite lying and saying they could get places faster. I wonder if Declan feels the way I do when riding the bike. Makes you feel like you're invicible with the speed at which you go... Before James could think some more, his voice came through the bluetooth and she turned her head a little "They were just taken, the date was printed very small at the bottom. It was earlier this morning that our investigators caught someone going into the warehouse wearing the same mask. There's only two things that could be happening within those photos." She began "One: It's Wolf slipping up instead of being as cautious as he usually is, he's just slacking. Or Two: He has a cult gathering with mask replicas. I wouldn't be surprised if it was either or." The bike came to a stop as they got caught by a light that turned red. Her grasp remained the same around his midsection while she continued to speak "That's why we're going to investigate because if we can get anything ranging from prints to actual objects being inside that are his, that's better than nothing. Granted though, if he was coming back today I feel like he would be cleaning out the place because he knew."

The bike moved again and there they went, almost towards the more rough side of town. "Now that you're here, if he's in there you can use your speed to catch him. We should have no issue now it'd be two against one. I highly doubt he knows what you can do, so it'll throw him off quite a bit." While they rode, her head and eyes were on the swivel as the city seemed to grow less lively and more abandoned and rickety. While yes there were people in these places, it was still the rougher side of town and wished more could be done for the people here. I feel bad for them, but there's nothing that I could possibly do. A frown tugged her lips but thought it was best to not think about it since there was nothing that could be done from an agent like herself "Looks like our destination is coming up. I think I see it up ahead there to the right." While keeping her arm hooked around him, her other pointed towards the familiar warehouse that was in the photos. As soon as Declan parked, she began to unfasten her helmet before gently taking it off. "This is the place. Cross our fingers that there's something here." James got off the bike and placed her helmet on the seat before approaching the warehouse door "I could see where this would be the place he'd hide to avoid agents just casually coming across it. Very out of the way and almost secluded." Looking around, she could see some homeless around using the other locations as shelters. This was definitely the bottom of the barrel location to hide in...

Pulling the door open with a loud screeching sound from the rusty hinges, she eventually got it big enough to where both could slip inside and thus they did. Good thing for the lights coming from the windows up on the rim of the place. Gave them enough to see what was roughly in the place. To be frank there was basically nothing in here and was abandoned with broken debris, maybe part of the roof caving in. "This place would surely be an OSHA violation on its own." James joked, even though her tone may have made it sound a bit more serious than that. "I suppose we'll start looking around for clues even though we may find nothing." The tip of her shoe had kicked into a glass beer bottle and she glanced down for a moment with a sigh "This will probably be our only clue but it's doubtful Wolf would drink a beer or two before going in for a kill." He would smell like beer too... There were multiple times where she was fairly close to him but never got a whiff of alcohol coming from him. "Looks like there is also an upstairs, we'll sweep down here and then we'll go up there?" Looking at him for confirmation, they both nodded in agreement and she began her search by parting ways with him.

Lilliana walked around the place, looking over anything that could prove even remotely useful before she was forced to look at the trashcans nearby. Maybe he cleared house before we got here and that's why he was here so early... I'm not seeing any footprints either. That could've been an idea but a far fetched one. It didn't take her long to finally make it to the trash cans where she kicked some to make sure nothing was inside before looking into them. It took a few trash cans but then she found one with a jacket inside and her eyes widen as she hurriedly pulled it out to take a look at the jacket "Holy shit..." She muttered before she heard Declan running towards her "Declan I found something!" Turning towards him, she showed him the jacket "This is it! This is his jacket! I'd remember this anywhere!" They could get DNA, find any hair, maybe even blood and they'd find him asap! "We need to get this to the lab immediately." The woman was excited, however the look on his face had her look at him in confusion before she asked "What's wrong Declan?" When he shushed her, she found that odd before she took a moment to listen and only heard a consistant beep. With furrowed eyebrows, she looked back down at the jacket in her grasp.

That beeping sound...Was coming from her hands.​
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The building was eerily silent with the only sounds being the two agents’ footsteps as they looked around. James was looking 4for clues while Declan was making sure there was nothing left behind. He was confident that Jas came in and swept the place the last time he used this building as a rest stop but that didn’t get rid of the nervous feeling or what if’s popping in his mind while looking around, “Yeah, not kidding.” He responds as he picks up a random tarp sitting on a bunch of random junk before letting it go, “You would think he would have better taste if he was looking for a hideout.” He says as he picks up a soggy box, “ugh.” He says smelling something foul inside the box and tosses it, “gross…” he walked away from that corner as the smell of what ever was in that box burned its way into his nostrils. Declan walked over to Liliana as she spoke and knelt down to look at the beer bottles, “Natural Ice? In a bottle?” he questioned picking it up and looking at it like some creature that isn’t supposed to exist, “this stuff taste like crap in a can doubt the bottle makes it any better.” He says as he puts the bottle down and wipes his hands. She caught her attention letting him know she was going up leaving the bottom floor to him, “Alright, I’ll be up there in ten.” He tells her before turning his attention to a random corner and continued his “search”.

Declan didn’t do much searching, there was nothing on the bottom floor, but it was the top floor where Liliana was going that worried him. He tried to send Jas a quick message to see if he did what Declan had asked but he didn’t respond. Declan silently cursed; how did he slip up so bad? He always made sure there was no one around before coming to this building, or any abandoned for that matter, before he entered and ditched his gear. Did he forget to text Jas? No, that was always the first thing he did when he ditched his gear. To make matters worse V.A.G.E got ahold of the pictures and Liliana was a pit bull when it came to anything Wolf related. He sighed to himself, “no use worrying about it now.” Declan thought to himself, “doubt there will be anything left, and if there is…” his ten minutes was up, and he decided to meet up with Liliana upstairs.

Declan was five steps from reaching the top before he heard Liliana call his name, his first name, before he hopped over the last two steps and ran towards the room where he heard her voice. Standing there, jacket in hand, looking like a kid in a candy shot was Liliana holding, My jacket? Fuck, Jas, we really fucked up. What was he going to do? If they got this to the lab they were going to find out he was wolf within an hour? Should he tamper with it? He looked at Liliana and a quick thought passed through his mind; will he have to kill Liliana here? Before he had any time to process that thought he thought he heard something beep. Declan looked to his left and then behind him when he heard it again. His actions caught the attention of his partner as she asked what was wrong only to hold up a finger to shush her, “You…don’t hear that?” he questioned as he tried to find the source of the beep.


Declan’s attention was brought to his jacket that Liliana held before locking eyes with Liliana, “let me see that.” He says. She handed him the jacket and Declan searched it, checking the pockets, the inside of the jacket but he couldn’t find the source of the beep until he felt a significant weight on the hood. He checked the hood and saw what looked like a bomb with an anime figure he recognized as Jas favorite anime chick glued on top. She was supposed to be holding onto a cake but the cake part was cut out and instead it looked like she was holding onto a timer.


“Fuck!” Declan shouts as he throws the jacket as far as he can before quickly turning around and tackling Liliana to the ground just as a loud explosion went off shattering what windows were left in the building, damaging walls, and kicking up dust and debris. Declan’s ears were ringing since they were in such an enclosed area with an explosion, and it took him a moment to get his bearings before he found himself on top of Liliana shielding her from the blast. She groaned as Declan got on one knee and lifts her to a sitting position propping her back to his knee to keep her in a sitting position, “Hey, Hey!” he says snapping his fingers to get her attention, “you alright? Follow my finger.” He lifts one finger and watches to make sure she can visually follow it. When she passed that test he quickly examined her to make sure nothing was visibly broken, cut, or gone. He could hear a series of footsteps running from the halls and saw Carter, Isaac, Dixon, and a bunch of other guys running into the room and saw the two agents, Face covered in dirt and debris in their hair.

“What happened?” Carter said in the stern yet worried voice of a mentor who just saw his favorite student get into trouble. That’s when Declan understood why Jas left his jacket there.

“We found a clue, a jacket that Wolf wore but It was a trap,” Declan says as he shook his head, “he wasn’t being careless…He was toying with us.” Jas, you are fucking genius ass hole!

“Secure the area!” Carter ordered, “make sure there are no more traps that will bring this building down.” Isaac was the first to move towards Liliana as he kneeled down and grabs her arm.

“Are you ok? Can you walk?” Isaac asked as he and Declan slowly helped her to her feet.

“Probably dazed from the blast,” Declan says before adding, “My ears are kinda still ringing too.”

“How can you stand working with Rookies,” Dixon spoke up looking at Liliana, “I bet it was such an obvious trap to,” Dixon shook his head, “if only you sent me with you instead, I bet we could of kept that clue intact but NOOOO we lost our only lead thanks to some rookie!
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Lilliana handed him the jacket as he requested and was clearly more aware of the beeping now. While he searched the jacket frantically until he came to the hood where he exposed a bomb attached to it. Oh great. The beeping had been much louder now and it was actually going quicker than before. "We need to g-" Before she could finish her sentence, he tossed that jacket like it was no one's business and had tackled her down as the bomb went off. The explosion made her ears ring and her vision was a blur as she tried to recover from the blast. There was a heavy weight on top of her, but James had yet to process that before she was lifted up into a more comfortable position. Who would set a trap like that if there's nothing here...This could've killed someone homeless looking for a jacket. The sound of muffled noises filled her ears as she tried to look towards the source, looking up Declan as he spoke to her. Just by reading his lips she could somewhat guess what he was asking, especially when he put his finger in her face and easily it was followed. "I can't really hear well at the moment, just give me a few." She said softly as she remained in his grasp.

That ringing was almost deafening but she made it through as slowly but surely she was recovering. "Didn't expect Wolf to start setting traps like this." It was so weird, how could he have access to explosives? Did he have ties to maybe the military or perhaps even worked with the black market? I'm going to have to think about this later. "Looks like I seem to always be the center of attention and almost like a damsel, I must be losing my touch." Getting up with the help of Isaac and Declan, she gently pushed their arms off her and she walked pretty okay. Just that ringing was bothersome. There was no cuts or anything of the sort so clearly that wasn't getting in the way. "I'll be fine you two." It didn't take long for Dix to come on in and start running his sarcastic mouth. And this is why I told Jeannie that a wet paper bag was better. "You know, Dix, your name fits you. Why? Because you're a dick. I picked up that jacket and it was my fault for believing that the evidence wasn't tampered with." James moved over to him and smacked him on the back of the head. "Rookie or not, everyone makes mistakes you moron." This man was proving to be more and more difficult the more she came into contact with him and it was getting more absurd each time.

"This is why I don't ever go with you anywhere as a matter of fact. More shit comes out of your mouth than out of your ass. Just shut up." With a shake of her head, she looked over towards Declan and noticed he seemed to be fine, just dirty much like herself. Isaac was clearly worried and she nodded firmly "I'm okay. Let's get back outside. It's clear we're not gonna get any evidence and when we do it's more than likely going to explode like his jacket did." James then walked out and towards the exit where she stepped out into the morning sun. Along the way she had been dusting herself off and making herself look at least somewhat presentable as she looked at a few vehicles that parked around which indicated everyone almost came in separate vehicles. At least they were here but, it didn't help with all these agents crawling around this place and for what? Just an explosion? It was an empty place, he clearly cleaned out the warehouse before we caught him and somehow trapped the evidence before it could be taken. "He knew we were coming. There was no way he didn't. Why else would he trap the evidence?" Turning towards Declan, she put her hands on her hips "Wolf knew we had photos, he punked us by doing this. What a cheeky bastard." Shaking her head in disapproval, she moved to his bike and moved her helmet before taking a seat and resting the helmet on her lap.

"Our only hope right now would be catching him tonight. Or even attempting to. Since he's finally attacking while you're here, you get to meet him face to face. Though he's not an easy opponent. His tactics are very different, especially from the last few times I've seen him." Lilliana glanced over at him "Wolf is improving and I have a feeling he's learning from every fight and applying that to his person to keep going. Fights are becoming longer too, dont expect this to be an easy fight this time around. Welcome to overtime." He was close enough so she had patted his arm before looking down at her helmet. "I guess for now since we've swept this place we can mark this off the list and go back to the office to do more research, maybe see if he's working on his own or has an accompliace. After all, no one can just get explosives off Ebay right?" Next stop was back to the office, share some notes, maybe grab a snack. Unless Declan had other ideas before heading to the office.


Despite the fact that Declan and Liliana were just in a life threatening situation not even minutes ago it was still entertaining to see her rip Dixin a new one. Sure, he could have stopped Dixin before he made a fool out of himself but at the moment Declan was still confused why he was even going at him. Dixin stammered as Liliana threw insult after insult towards him ending the attack with one smack to the back of the head. Dixin held his head and looked at Liliana before looking at Declan as she spoke to him and left. There was no words exchanged between the two males but the angry look he had at first returned as Declan walked out, “Fucking asshole, rookie.” Dixin says before seconds later saying, “the fuck you are looking at, Isaac? Help me search, maybe Wolf left something.” That was the last thing Declan heard before descending down the stairs and outside.

Declan brushed his hair with his hands and dusted himself off as he walked out of the building. The first thing he noticed was the five cars now parked outside the building and a crowd now gathering. They were being kept at a distance by other agents, but this was a full blown spectacle now. He followed Liliana to his bike and stood in front of her as she spoke, “Traps isn’t new to him,” Declan says, “although, he never set up a trip like this before in Atlas. It seems like a lot of effort just to catch some agents off guard.” At least too much effort to be made alone Declan thought to himself.

He gave Liliana a look as she began giving him a quick report of her encounters with Wolf. He had to admit, there was a sense of pride within him when she began to explain to him how Wolf seemed to improve. He wondered how she would feel if the reason he improved was because he was training with Carter, “overtime huh,” Declan started, “sounds like vacation time to me.” He joked. Declan studied Liliana for a moment. She was always stoic and hard to read but seeing how excited she was when she found his jacket before it blew up could be disheartening to even the most hardened agent and maybe he felt a little…bad for her, “actually,” he says as he grabs his helmet, “before we go back there is some where we should go.” He tells her. She questioned him with a look and he just smirks, “there is a certain ‘house special’ I need to challenge today and I’m feeling extra motivated.” He puts on his helmet and mounts his bike before lifting his visor and looks at her, “you coming with Lily?” he says as he offers her his hand, “or do you want ride in a stuffy car with one of the agents?” it didn’t seem like a real question as Liliana took his hand and got on behind him. He waited until he felt her arms around his midsection. He tapped her hands, a signal that she learned was ‘hold on’ before he revved his bike and drove off.

Normally, they would go through town since it was the most direct route to the café, however, Declan decided they needed a little speed in their life and took a highway exit. He heard Lily question where he was going through the Bluetooth and he just smiles, “we’re taking the scenic route.” He tells her. As soon as they got to the highway Declan began to speed up. The speed limit was normally 65 but Declan pushed it going 70….75…80…85…the cars flashing by in a blur. He could feel her grip tighten around his mid-section but Declan just smirked as he maintained this speed. This was the type of rides he enjoyed fast paced as he weaved back and forth between cars. He passed two exits that could of taken them to the café just so he could keep this ride going a little longer. He peaked at 95 before he started slowing down after being signaled by another biker there was a cop ahead by them tapping the top of their helmet, “welp, so much for that.” He says before taking an exit.

After a while Declan stopped near an allyway way, tapping Liliana’s hand letting her know it was safe to let go and get off when she was ready. He took off his own helmet and got off once Liliana was off and smirks, “hopefully I didn’t scare you Lily.” He says teasingly, “you were holding on pretty tight back there.” He grabbed his bag and placed his helmet inside before walking beside Liliana towards the café, “I know I said I needed this, but I figured we should come here and regroup.” He says, “going back to the office were you’re going to see Dixin’s face is probably not the move right now.” He chuckles.

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"I'm not sure what could be going on then. Maybe he's picking up a new way to shake us off his tail, which obviously isn't gonna work especially after that explosion." Lilliana replied as she nodded towards the buildings that were damaged from the bomb. With not much else to say, she pulled her helmet on with the visor up so she could still hear Declan "Overtime is Vacation time, huh? Well, time for a vacation I suppose." The Agent joked as she went to pull her visor down but heard her partner speak up once more and she tilted her head slightly before he mentioned the House Special. Pulling the visor down to hide her face, a grin planted onto her lips "Then to the house special we go. Lead the way." While he climbed onto the bike, patiently she waited for him to get prepared before she leaned forward and wrapped her arms around him before he had tapped her hands and skedaddled off the scene. There was one thing she'd never get sick of, and that was riding this bike. Granted, at night it seemed to be beautiful as the cool air brushes any exposed skin, hair fluttering in the wind, and the lights whizzing by almost like lasers.

The way Declan had taken was...Well... On the highway. While being used to the common streets of the city, he had never taken her on the highway and this was a new experience in itself. "Where are we going? We don't need to take the highway to get there you know." His reply only made her smile as he was detouring their trip and over the short course of time she felt the wind growing stronger which caused her grasp to tighten around Declan. Cars came and went, he dodged and weaved through the traffic. This was a new type of excitement compared to the first time on the bike. He's going so fast that I feel like we're cutting through air like butter. James thought while butterflies fluttered in her stomach while her stomach did flips at the same time. There was one thing she wanted to try and that was to let her arms outward beside her. Though that worried her even though she'd jump out windows at great heights, fight on rooftops, deal with explosions and more. Out of everything that should scare her, this was the one thing that could get her pretty messed up had she fall onto the pavement of the highway with vehicles moving at high speeds.

James noticed another biker and noticed that he was tapping his head I've seen that before. I think when I was looking at motorcycle videos last night. Isnt that- Her thought was confirmed as they eventually saw a cop before getting off the exit. "Police ruin the parties, but we know why they do it. Traveling at a high speed like that could kill people. They're like parents watching an infant." She said through her bluetooth as they came to a stop near a familiar looking alley. Once parked, she pulled her hands from him and removed the helmet "You didn't scare me at all, in fact that was pretty fun. We're usually on the main streets but definitely not the highway. I just didn't want to fall off and get hit by one of the other vehicles." Getting off of the bike she handed him her helmet as well before they walked down the Alley. The Agent sideg lanced him and raised her eyebrow "I'm surprised you thought about keeping me away from him." The blue-eyed gaze shifted forward "Dix knows very well I don't tolerate anything he says. Especially when we have a new addition to our team. It's been practically a month and yet he still acts like a spoiled child."

With a shake of her head, she opened the door and held it open for him before looking at Edison "Hey Eddie. The usual for me. This one still wants to fight the House Special." She teased as the man laughed and gave her a nod while working on their drinks. Coming here more often, they had a spot more towards the corner of the Cafe to keep their distance from the other customers had there been any others within the room and she had taken a seat. "Since there's no one here but Eddie, I can suppose we can talk about our game plan tonight since we have the information from earlier of his next target. Which is completely bazzare in every way possible." Crossing her arms, she followed up by also crossing one leg over the other "After that bomb, I feel like he already knows we're on his tail a little too closely. It could be a possibility that he's trying to say he's going after someone like the judge but in reality he wont. Of course we're not going to assume that because we don't want our newest Judge to be killed for no apparent reason. There would be an uproar if she died because of her reputation." If the bomb was out of the ordinary for Wolf, then going after a judge would also be out of the ordinary. As her eyebrows closed together, she wondered if either 1: He had an accompliace, or 2: There may be someone following in his footsteps.​
Declan took her helmet and watched as she gracefully got off his bike. He didn’t have a large enough backpack for both helmets, so he had to carry her helmet, “Well Well Well, look at you Mrs. Badass.” He says with a grin, “sounds like it’s almost time for you to get your bike.” He teased before walking beside her into the alley way. Declan gave her a look when she spoke about Dixin. He wasn’t sure what Dixin’s deal was with him. At first it was just sneers and calling him a rookie now but a month in he’s starting to try and discredit him or blame him for any mistake that happens weather it be in the Wolf Case or anything else, petty, or otherwise, “Not sure what I did to him,” he says with a sigh. Actually, he had an idea, but he rather not say it as he eyed her for a moment, “Maybe it’s just his way of hazing the new guy?” he says with a shrug. It didn’t bother him that Dixin was acting like, well, a dick. As long has he didn’t get in his way Dixin can act like a spoiled brat all he wants but the moment he starts stepping on his toes…well…

The moment they walked in, Liliana greeted Eddie but when Declan walked in. the atmosphere changed. The two males locked eyes and their eyes narrowed, “so you’re here for the ‘House Special, is that it?” Eddie challenged. Declan didn’t back down, closing the door behind him.

“What else would I be here, old man.” Declan says. Eddie nodded and began to get the ingredients. As he got the last ingredient Eddie looked at Declan once again.

“Are you sure?” Eddie says, “you remember what happened last time?”

“Shut up and make it already.” Declan says. Eddie smiles and gives him a nod before he begins to make their drinks. Declan sat with Liliana in their usual spot while she gave him a look, “What?” This was an ongoing thing between Declan and Eddie. Ever since Declan arrived in the city and drank the house special there was a friendly feud between the two. Even if Declan lost every time he drank the house special he still challenged him.

“You think this is just bait?” He questioned her, “I mean, if the judge has a clean record like you say, it makes no sense why he would want to take her life.” He placed his hand on his chin, “at least his other two targets have some sort of rumors about them.” They were more than just rumors but that’s beside the point. He blinked and noticed she had her eyes closed giving him ample time to study her features. At first he was just trying to get a read on her trying to see if he could read what she was thinking but soon he just found himself just looking at her. He noticed her smooth skin, her long legs, her overall beauty sitting just across from him.

“Here’s your drinks.” Eddie suddenly says catching Declan off guard and jumped in his seat a bit. He placed Liliana’s drink in front of her first before looking at Declan, “good luck, kid, you’re going to need it.” He says after placing his drink in front of Declan, the smell of smoked Vanilla burning into his nose. He cleared his throat, pretending he just wasn’t checking out Liliana a moment ago.

“So, what do you think then, Lily?” he says as he lifts his glass, “A copycat with a grudge?” he asks before taking a drink. His face almost immediately twisted as the smoke taste consumed his taste buds, “fuck, this one is more smokey than the last!” Declan said once he was able to swallow and Eddie just chuckled to himself as he cleaned more cups.


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James found it very interesting of the relationship between the two men. Always teasing or playfully challenging one another, especially with that House Special that always seems to kick her partner's butt each time. I'm surprised he hasn't built a tolerance by now. We're here practically every day. Thought the agent while she closed her eyes for a moment while thinking some more and waiting for Declan to respond. Once he had, she opened her eyes and looked across the table at him while Eddie dropped off their drinks. "I believe so, but I couldn't be so sure unless I came into contact with him." Reaching for her drink, she picked it up carefully and sipped it gently before pausing for a moment as her partner's face twisted the moment he took in his drink. "It's amusing watching you try this drink every time and still have yet to finish the special on any of those days." Another sip had been made before placing the cup back down and cupping her chin in thought. If it is a copycat, then I wonder how they managed to find Wolf's location and somehow get caught while also looking just like him by our agents... It was a long shot that it could've been Wolf but the only way that could be solved was fighting him one on one. The real Wolf would have her fighting for ages. A copycat would not know how to deal with a V.A.G.E Agent unless they already were one.

"In the end I really couldn't tell you till tonight comes and we see if he shows. If I come back with no bumps and bruises, definitely not the Wolf we know." Her foot gently bounced, though she had done it unknowingly while picking up her cup once again and taking in more of her favorite coffee. While hot it was still refreshing to her "You could be absolutely right and it could be a bait, but we really don't have much to go off of. It's a waiting game more or less, but we can still come up with plans A B and C if one or the other fails. We'll have earpieces to communicate where we may spot him and come up with a way to pinch him where he can't run." James pursed her lips for a moment and remained silent for some time as if she was taking time to be careful of what to say. "We know so far he's getting stronger. His chains come from dark portals whether they're in the air or coming from the ground. If it is a copy cat -as that is on the table- then surely his power won't be the same. From what I've noticed, anyone who has the same powers always has something different about them. Between colors, styles, or even how it could be manifested. I've never seen a direct copy of someone else's ability ranging from A-Z." being in the field for quite some time has taught her some skills here and there.

For her, many other people had flames. But they were different colors, different intensities, even how they appeared on someone's skin it was different. Some could make clothing from flames, some were the flames, it was all like a mixed bag. Definitely nothing like her own power "Anyways, as much as I would like to keep pondering, I think we'll be going in circles till tonight comes. So," placing her cup down, she switched her legs and looked from her partner to his drink "How is that House special feeling right now? Will the famous Mr Harper be defeated once again?" Lilliana asked while her head rested on her laced fingers as she leaned forward with her elbows upon the table. At first, she could remember the times she kept Declan more at a distance and treated him strictly like a coworker. But after a month going by as fast as it did, she found him to be a friend much like Jeannie, Isaac, and Carter. While being stoic, she seemed to have a bit more of a teasing personality underneath. Sometimes being a sarcastic asshole along with it though in good fun. At least, whatever was fun for her. "Or will he conquer the drink that has plagued him for so long?" She said with a small tilt of her head.

Feeling a buzz on her arm, she pulled back and reached into her sleeve to pull out her phone, looking at the text that Carter had sent her and giving them an update. There was nothing else at the scene. If there was, it's gone now from the explosion. We're heading back to base to prepare for tonight. We've already got agents moving to get the Judge out for the day and into a safe location. I'll see you back at base. That was the end of the text and she spoke "Well there was nothing else at the site, the explosion probably took everything that was left. They're going back to base to prepare and they're moving the Judge today. Unfortunate that we lost the only real evidence we had." Putting her phone away she then went back to her coffee, however was quiet after that. Still mildly upset that their key to victory once again was taken from them.​

Declan was in the middle of his second drink when Liliana spoke. He shook his head and let out a, “ugh.” Before looking at her, “have you tried this? It’s like he smoked this vanilla in the fires of hell.” He paused for a moment as he examined the drink in his cup, “there are times you don’t even taste the smoke and are blessed with a very unique taste of vanilla but then you get parts that are smoked and it is hell to swallow,” he swirled the drink and quickly took another drink but this time he didn’t make a face, “See! Like that time, I had nothing but vanilla and it was nice!” he looked over suspiciously at Eddie, “I swear he does this on purpose.” Eddie happened to look over at the two and smirks evilly while Declan just glares at him.

He turned his attention back to the female sitting in front of him as she explained the entire situation. It was impressive seeing her just spout out things about Wolf without even looking at her reports. She’s been after him for a month but the way she’s able to do all this made it seem like she had been on this case for years. Not only was she able to understand how his chains worked but also noticed just how strong he was getting, even if it is easy to assert how unique his ability is.

Declan blinked and looked at Liliana as she teasingly asked if he was up to the task this time. Declan was slightly taken aback by her teasing nature, a stark difference to how she was when they first met. At first she was all business with him but a month in he has seen a different side of her, “oh ye of little faith,” Declan says as he grabs his drink and points it at her, “you may not know it, but today is my day!” he dramatically holds his drink above his head as he continues, “sure, it may have defeated me in the past but today is a new day! Where old challenges are beaten! And new ones arrive!” with that he takes a large gulp of his drink before slamming his drink on the table and lays his head on the table, “ugh…that was very smokey….”

He noticed Liliana suddenly became silent and when he lifted his head he saw she was deep in thought. Probably thinking about the evidence that was destroyed during their investigation. He has somehow always stayed one step ahead of them, even if this time it wasn’t entirely him. He could pat himself on the back all he wanted but right now he had to play the part of a concerned partner. He sat up and swirled his drink a bit before he says, “You know, we’ve been working together for a month, and I feel like I still don’t really know you.” He says as he taps his cup against the table, “and since we’re not really nodded for another couple hours how about we play a game?” He saw Liliana raise an eyebrow as he says, “let’s play a game called never have I ever.” He sits back in his chair, “you’ve played it before, right?” he asked before he smirks, “I mean, you were a teen once.” He thought for a second, “I’ll start, Never have I ever,” he paused for a moment before he says, “Went on a date with Dixin,” it was suppose to be a easy win for Liliana but his eyes widen when he saw her take a drink, “No fucking way.” He says in both astonishment and amusements, “I gotta hear this.”


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Of course Lilliana wouldn't try that forsaken drink. The smell alone could make almost anyone gag from the sheer smokiness of it. I will never understand why he challenges himself so much but yet still fails and this has been going on for a month... I suppose practice makes perfect. Thought the agent as she took another sip of her drink while he started to suspect Eddie may be doing something to the drink. Declan would never get that satisfaction no matter how hard he tried to get that answer. Watching as he took a large gulp of his drink and slam his cup down on the table, his head immediately followed and the corners of her lips had twitched just a little bit. "You're sure taking this challenge well..." She muttered, only for Declan to call her out and she acted surprised "Oh? No I didn't say anything." Casually she took another sip and avoided his gaze for the time being. The cup alone was hiding the smile that was slowly making its way onto her face. It felt nice to have a partner like this, wasn't too overwhelming nor underwhelming, would work together rather than solo, just having him in the room made her feel reassured her back was covered.

Declan spoke up once more and her gaze returned to him as he mentioned not really knowing her. To be fair... He wasn't wrong. There wasn't much that she exposed about herself aside from her shitty family and cute little Tiff. But in her mind, she felt as if there was nothing really worth mentioning to him that would even intrigue him in the slightest. James' eyebrow raised as he mentioned a game and as soon as it left his lips she almost let out a sigh It's one of these games. Okay. Well I guess I have nothing better to do. Placing her cup down, she crossed her arms and patiently waited for him to start. However as soon as the statement came out of his mouth, she actually did sigh this time and take a sip of her drink before placing it down "You could've at least warned me that you were going to ask such a question, I would've had some drinks first." With a shake of her head, she turned slightly away and looked at something else "If you must know, the date didn't even last an hour. A wet paper bag could've done better if I'm honest." Blue eyes landed on Declan once more as she continued to talk about her experience with Dixin.

"I always knew he was on my tail, it's hard to miss after what you've even seen today. Jeannie was playing matchmaker and of course, she got roped in by Dixin who convinced her to convince me. In order to avoid her getting into trouble I went on the date for the hell of it." Her finger began to tap on her bicep "We get to this interesting looking restaurant, decent menu and atmosphere. It was ruined pretty quickly as Dixin kept yapping like a small dog and wouldn't let me get a word in. Not that I really had anything to say." The woman shrugged and continued "When it was time to order, that son of a bitch tried to order for me and suggest I eat something like a salad of some sort to keep my figure. I can imagine you could see my gaze right across the table at him. Once our drinks came, I got up and threw my drink at him before walking out. Could you believe he was still following me afterwards?" Another shake of her head came to be and she almost groaned from the annoyance he was that day. "After he followed me I kicked him into the nearest trashcan and pretty much dipped on him."

"It still baffles me that he still tries to get in my good graces when all I can see is that he's a shitty date. Any girl who dates him...Lord have mercy on their souls is all I have to say."
It was pretty interesting how the game went from a simple "never have I ever" to a whole story about that date. Declan had no mercy huh "If you'd like to know more about me, it's just something you have to see rather than hear. I don't find myself to be interesting enough to share what goes on in my life. Usually I'm at the office staying overnight, training, or going home and having a glass of wine before investigating Wolf even more. Nothing too exciting from me aside from maybe explosions and such." Picking up her cup once again she paused "Never have I ever looked at my computer when I was away." She suddenly said, closing her eyes while she took a sip, waiting to see what reaction he'd have to that sudden statement.​

A grin appeared on his lips when Liliana told him to at least give him a warning if he was going to ask something like that. He gave her a shrug as he brought the cup to his lips, "and where is the fun in that?" he asks with a chuckle. He got a hint of Smoke scent coming from his cup and put it down, deciding taking a drink at that moment was probably not the move until he stirred up a bit. He listened intently as she told the story of her 'less than a hour date' with Dixin. A stupid grin on his face as she went into detail. Of course Jeannie was involved but it seemed even she didn't want to get her friend to go on a date with Dixin but only did so because Dixin kept bugging her. He couldn't help but laugh at three different parts of her date, Dixin trying to order her a salad, throwing her drink in his face, and kicking him into a trash can, "So, obviously there was a second date, Right?" he joked as he sat back in his seat amused by her story. Even though she sat on the other side of him with her usual stern look even she had to admit the whole situation was hilarious, even if it was the worst date she has ever been on. He gave her a shrug when she tried to explain her life wasn't too interesting, "I don't know about that," he says, "I didn't know you went on a date with Dixin and that story was hilarious." He says ginning in at her.

Now it was her turn, as she casually picked up her cup and asked her 'never have I ever' question and he nearly choked on his already choke hazard of a drink. He looked at her and her hard to read expression and let out a chuckle. His Wolf mind was telling him to just lie that way he could cover his tracks, however, once he took a second to calm the beating heart in his chest he realized she probably already knew the answer and lying about it would only cause her to look deeper into why he was at her computer and probably figure out who he really was, and he can't have that right now. He picked up his cup and took a drink, this time getting sweet vanilla with a hint of smoke during this round of drinks. He set the cup down and saw her looking at him with a hard to read expression and maybe a hint of smirk on her face, "You walked out of the office pretty fast," Declan began to explain, "even with Tiff sitting in the office it was pretty surprising. So, curiosity took over and I checked what was on your computer." he swirled his cut to mix the flavors again hoping for another drink of vanilla like last time, "Imagine my surprise when I saw who your dad was, I remembered someone from Atlas saying something about him so I did some digging to check out his connections and sure enough, one of the Atlas agents is currently investigating one of your dads friends." he stopped talking knowing full well what he was saying was just getting good, "sadly, I can't say no more I don't want to compromise a investigation over a silly game of 'never have I ever' you know." he says with a shrug.

She seemed satisfied with his answer or maybe just giving him the benefit of the doubt? regardless it was now his turn to come up with a question, "You know, that was pretty sneaky," he jokes, "asking me a question you already know the answer too." he chuckles as he leans forward placing his elbow on the table and holds his head with his hands, "totally trapped me, you'd be a great Atlas Agent." he jokes. He paused for a moment as he tried to think of any question for her since it was his turn. He couldn't ask her another dating question since that would be kind of boring. Liliana didn't seem like the dating type even if he got a funny story out of it, "Let's see..." he says as he leans back in his chair and cross his arms, "Never have I ever..." he paused and finally says, "Argued or mouthed off to a teacher or someone of higher authority from middle school and up." He smirks as he saw her expression and shrugs, "what?"

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James rolled her eyes at Declan's remarks, there was nothing more she wanted to tell him and clearly he found enjoyment out of her torment of hanging out with Dix for almost an hour. It was nice however that when she opened her eyes, he had been looking straight at her with a chuckle. This reaction alone and his response was a test to her, even though there was no way for him to figure that unless he tried. It took him a moment to sip from his cup and listened to his excuse. So he is one who reacts on curiosity. Seems I still have much to learn about you, Declan. Thought the woman as she continued to listen to him "I see. One of his friends are being investigated... Not that I care about his friends." While saying this calmly, she took another sip of her drink and noticed she was running low. Looks like she may need to get another. "Eddie could you be a dear and get me another one of these? Thank you." There was no response but one would hear him making noise and moving things around which meant he gladly took her order once again from across the shop. "I find it funny that you believe telling me would compromise the investigation when we're all agents but, I suppose you don't want me digging my nose elsewhere."

After that conversation, it was clear she caught him off guard with how he worded his thoughts to her "I wanted to see if you would choose the right answer, that's all. It might have been a month we've been partners, but it doesn't stop me from doing things like this." It was quiet for a little bit and then he asked her the next question which immediately made her drink the rest of her coffee before putting the cup down. "Why of course. As a child you believe adults are smarter...Well it seems to be the contrary that they are not. I've had to argue with teachers many times because they were wrong. Eventually they stopped trying to argue with me in fear that they look more of an ass in front of the class." Casually shrugging, she started to ponder another question while Eddie dropped her drink off and went back to behind the counter. "Never have I ever..." James began while thinking just a little bit longer. While her statements were not like Declans that were a bit more personal, she still went with ones that could possibly shake him "Given a fake name." Her tone had been straightforward, almost confident-like as she said it.

Blue eyes locked with his and seeing his reaction had merely left her in silence for a moment but she had said nothing while she took a sip of her drink because of course she did give a fake name before just to cover herself when undercover. There were many times where a fake name was given for the sake of her safety and while she was recognized by someone she would simply play it off as if she was similar to the infamous Lilliana James as they did share the same eye color and facial features but could assure that person she was nothing like the agent. Thinking of, she's pretty sure there was a ball of some sort coming up with one of the chairmans for a company that hosts every year. Usually the V.A.G.E agents were assigned as security personnel for the chairman as he hosted the party. I'll have to see if we're still doing that for him or not. Granted we always do, but any time can change. James thought but kept it to herself for the time being as she focused back on her partner.


Declan had a amused look on his face as she explained the many arguments she had with incompetent teachers. He could just tell just by looking at her that she had some spats with teachers and the story that went around the office of her flipping off someone from a higher position of some new company only backed up that theory of his. That's when he raised his own glass and took a drink, making a face as he drank the liquid and shook his head as the smoke flavor assaulted his taste buds, "Had a teacher try to suspend me and a buddy of mine," he began when he noticed Liliana give him a look, "taunted me, always picked us to do meaningless tasks, and even tried to blame us when we happen to stumble on some graffiti." he says as he swirls his drink come on...no smoke...he then looks at her and chuckles, "and truth be told, I probably would of been suspended if it wasn't for..." he paused a moment, Fuck, he was sharing too much, "Any way, it's your turn right?"

There was a moment the Wolf side of him wanted to strike, she knows who he was! she had to be stopped! she will ruin everything! However, Declan didn't flinch and locking his brown hues into her blues ones. He nearly let the smirk appear on his lips before he brought the cup up to his lips and took a drink, Surprisingly tasting nothing but vanilla until the after taste kicked in, "ah," he says after taking a big drink, "Our job is a crazy one, isn't it." he says with a smile, "I had so many names I had to use while under cover, I'm not even sure if Declan is my real name anymore." he laughs jokingly, "there was one time I went under cover as Richard Simmons." he expected a chuckle or a laugh but when he didn't get one he pulled up a picture of him showing off a very eccentric, flamboyant, and energetic man, "and when I met my contact he told me, 'you look nothing like the work out videos'." he chuckles again as he puts his phone away.

"It is my turn," he says as he sits back in his chair trying to think of a question. He jokingly asked about her date with Dixin and her arguments with teachers. He had another idea but figured it would be best to save it to really throw her off her game, "Never had I ever..." he brought the cup to his lips, the Smokey smell burning his nose, "Gotten myself hurt in any way because of my powers." he says as he looks at her curiously. He knew she had a second trigger ability but he, as in Declan, wasn't there when she unlocked it. She gave him a look, "you know...hurt...Like Physically, mentally, burnt off your clothes..." he paused as soon as those words left his lips, "I mean...just physically...yeah...Just physically...I mean you probably have flame proof clothes right? to prevent stuff like that? Yeah, I bet you...yeah...ahem" he regained his composure, "w-well?"
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Seems that Declan also had some issues with teachers, albeit nothing like her but still did. However he did stop abruptly and that alone made her raise an eyebrow in curiosity but he quickly moved on. If it wasn't for who? James thought as she pinned it in the back of her mind to ask about that later if nothing else had come up. His response to her current statement was one that he answered with ease, she caught no change and definitely not a wavering voice. V.A.G.E agents did use many names and many disguises to get around, especially if they were a popular agent with the public. While Lilliana didn't care too much about that, it still felt good to know that the community had faith in her even when she fails. "Richard Simmons...A very interesting character." She responded, though lacked a laugh or smile as he showed her a photo I can see right through that clear as day... But that's probably because I see Declan almost 24/7. Once he had put the phone away, she finally took a sip of her new drink and enjoyed that fresh taste that danced on her tongue. "I usually try to make up Aliases, rather than use existing people to avoid suspicion."

It was quiet for a time and she did savor that moment before Declan finally came up with a statement she could easily answer. With a sip of her drink, she gave him a slight look and nodded gently as he had elaborated further to assist with the question. Of course he started to get nervous after that and she felt inclined to tease him but she refrained from doing so to avoid making him feel any more nervous or awkward than he was. "I've burned plenty of my suits from V.A.G.E and they decided it was time to invest in some long term clothing for someone like me as getting a new suit every single time I burned it was starting to become a waste of money. They gave me a catalog to choose different styles of flame-resistant outfits and I chose this one. Got quite a few of these in my closet so people think I never change my clothes. I do have different colors as well but this one seems to fit me the most." At least that was her opinion on it "I've had my skin get so hot I caused myself to basically get sun burned. Skin red, stings when you touch the skin." Even others couldn't touch her skin at times just because of how hot it could get. "I could probably cook some bacon on my skin if I got hot enough. But that is something I wouldn't want to try."

"Mentally wouldn't apply here as flames wouldn't attack my mind at all. So that one I'm safe with."
Thank goodness that it didn't affect her mentally. If anything it scaled off her emotions. The stronger the emotion the stronger the heat got. If she was on her last breath she'd gain a second wind and keep going till she basically fizzled out. "Fire is cool and all, but it's still dangerous even to someone who has a specialty in it. You'd think we'd be immune but we aren't. Yeah, some parts of the body don't react, such as my hair but the rest of it can suffer consequences." Another one of her shrugs came out as she took another sip "I could only imagine with you, super speed you'd just run into things or break something unintentionally. Nothing really too body harming unless you're running into brick walls and all." What would be another good question for him? Granted it was a game to see who did what at this point. Maybe she should hit a closer ball to home? More personal? With a little bit more thinking, she decided to hit him with a date question instead "Never have I ever went on a date in general." Of course she had taken a drink but now she was more curious about him.

Lilliana leaned forward and rested her elbows on the table while she laced her fingers together and rested her chin atop them. "It's my turn to hear some stories, Declan."

Declan blinked when she asked her question and let out a chuckle when she said it was his turn to tell her his dating stories, “well, they aren’t going to be as entertaining as your date with Dixin but I'll give it a shot.” He says with a grin on his face. First, he took a drink of his God awful house special drink tasting nothing but smoky liquid, “ugh, taste like I am drinking charcoal.” He complains as he holds his hand close to his mouth as if he is trying to prevent any from spewing out. After making sure the liquid was going to stay down he looked back at Liliana as memories of his childhood replayed in his mind. He wasn’t the ladies man Liliana thought he was so most of the dates he was on were mostly double dates. Well, all of them except for one…but did he want to share that with her? Sure they were partners but involving Liliana in his past life will probably work against him in the future. He thought for a moment longer before a smile suddenly appeared on his lip and he chuckled, “well, there was this one time…”

“So, a buddy and I, we’ll call him B, went on a double date with these bombshells. We took them to a fancy restaurant and all in all had a good time, even if my date was giving my buddy ‘the eyes’.” He shrugged before continuing, “so fast forward to the end of the date, B had to grab his wallet out of his car and got up and left leaving me with the two girls and while he was gone we got the check.” A smirk appeared on his face, “and at the same time B text me telling me to let him know when the check got there cause he has a call. But I got an idea, I pretended to be nervous after reading the text and even more so after seeing the check and that caught the girls attention.” He begins to chuckle, “so I tell the girls, ‘look, B just left us and I can’t pay for all this, we're going to have to get out of here.’,” another chuckle left him, “the look on their face as they got their belongings asking me if I was being serious all the while sitting at the edge of the table telling them to hurry up. And then I told them to leave and I’ll catch up.” The memory replayed in his mind like he was back there, “and watching them walk out trying to act normal was probably the funniest thing I have seen as a teen. So I payed for the date and met up with them in the parking lot where I saw B getting hit by his dates purse before they turned their ire on me.” He had a smile on his face as he looked at the cup as if it was playing the memory like a movie theater, ‘good times…’

He shook his head to stop the memory. As fun as it was to go back to simple times those days where behind him and there was no going back not matter how much he wanted to, “ my turn…” He says as he swirls the drink in the cup, “never have I ever…” maybe it was time to get a little juicy, “had a crush on my co-worker.”
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Lilliana listened with interest, finding it quite silly that he would play something off like that. While it was a harmless prank, she could understand where things may have gotten a little heated for a prank. Hopefully those girls were taking it in good fun rather than taking it out on them. From the gaze he was giving his cup, there was something that told her that maybe he was just reliving those times. It's nice to remember those silly memories every now and again. Keeps us grounded. The agent thought "Well that sounds like a fun time and a very good prank. Hopefully you don't try to pull some pranks on me. Or else you're going to be paying the price." She threatened while leaning back in her seat once again and picking up her drink as he went on with his turn. She brought the drink to her lips before he finished and paused when she felt her phone buzzing on her arm. "One moment." Reaching into her sleeve, she pulled out her phone and took a look at the caller ID; It was Carter. The agent picked up "What's wrong Carter? Anything happening that we need to check on?" She asked.

"No, not at all. We just have everything ready so it's time to regroup, prepare for tonight, and go over some planning. The Judge is already moved to a safe location, we made sure that no one seen her leave or anything of the sort to make sure Wolf comes for his target." He replied.

"Perfect. Well I suppose Declan and I will return then. On our way. See you in 15 at most. Thank you Carter." With that she had ended the call and turned her gaze back to Declan.

"I guess our little game is over for now. Carter has finished preparations and he wants to go over some plans. It was nice to get to know you just a little bit more." With that said, she downed her drink despite it being hot going down and she had waved to Edison before leaving her tip down on the table as well as the payment. Her phone had been returned into her sleeve and she walked out with Declan. Now, she was sure he hadn't noticed but she had taken that drink down because of his statement. She did have a crush, however she wouldn't admit that to him. That was something she kept to herself until she had been ready to share. The pair had went back to the bike and both had prepared for their ride before heading back to the Agency to get everything planned out. "I have some ideas of what we could do to catch him. Hoping they actually work." The agent said through her headset within her helmet and her eyes looked around at the flying by city.

Once they had arrived at the agency, the pair walked in and headed over to the debriefing room where they went over what happened as of the few hours and what they plan to do in the future. Plans were made and traps were set with every entrance/exit and within the building itself. It seemed that V.A.G.E was starting to treat this guy more as a higher threat than anticipated and Lilliana was happy for that. As her team knew, she was the one to go after Wolf as every encounter she's had with him always ended with both parties being beaten up. Despite him getting away every time due to other circumstances. She was always up to the plate to kick his ass and bring him to justice. "Declan, you'll be with me this time since you have super speed. I want to make sure we catch him off guard. I'm sure he knows nothing of you, so we'd have the upper hand. But you already knew that didn't you?" The woman gave him a glance and gave him a slight nod before looking at the blueprints in front of them. "Do you have anything you want to add to this? Any ideas, plans, etc?"


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