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Multiple Settings Trinity Night = Limbo (Character Sheets)


Shadow Survivor

New Member
General Guidelines

1. The following post will cover most that there is to know about character creation and the mechanics of each occupation (classes). You do not need to read everything, only what pertains to your character.
2. When creating your character, you may use whatever template you desire (the plain text form is also fine). The idea is that, as long as you adhere to the basic outline, you may present your CS the way you like.
3. While there is much to go about, remember that it is important to create a character that you would like to play. As long as you can have fun with it, and let others have their fun as well, there is no shame in sticking to a fun concept over a meta build.

(Provide a picture of your character. Must be 2D)
Character name here
Occupation: (Sorcerer/Hunter/ESPer)
Chosen Feat:


Briefly describe your character's personality and background. There is no need to go in depth and give them a full-fledged backstory. Share only what you imagine would be on their file. Feel free to introduce some worldbuilding flavor, like the mention of an important NPC or previous organization, although it is not mandatory. Since we will focus on your experiences within the S.R.S.F. such details won't affect the course of the overall story.


(Distribute 18★ across all five. You can choose (optional) to have one stat reach 6★, all other attributes cap at 5★. The average human is 1★ in every attribute, including arts.)

Strength - Measures raw might, which helps tremendously in melee combat. It also affects other interactions such as lifting heavy objects, or breaking from physical bindings.
Endurance - A natural talent to resist and endure pain and adverse conditions. It tells, roughly, the amount of damage you can absorb before being down for the count.
Mobility - How fast and how used to high-speed movement your character is. The higher it is, the ridiculous feats that can be reasonably performed before growing tired.
Arts - Aptitude for the supernatural. A minimum of 1★ is required to perceive it. Depending on your Occupation, the benefits it offers differ.
Range - The maximum distance your abilities can cover without seeing a substancial loss in efficiency. 1★ limits you to being a melee fighter. 3★ is usually enough for most builds.


(Skills will be taken into account in order to determine outcomes outside of combat. However, proficiencies will just provide a narrative boost, a hint or some sort of helping hand, the result is not reached through a mere dice roll. To succeed against a skill challenge, its up to the wits and tools at your character's disposal. Make a ★ next to those skills you believe character excels in. Whenever you face a challenge related to said skill, you will be given more leniency. At the beginning, you might pick up to 3. You may choose to sacrifice up to 3★ from the attributes section to increase the skills able to be chosen by the same amount.)





(Using your Occupation and Chosen Feat at a starting point, design the supernatural abilities that will assist your characters during your adventure.)

You are what remains of the old magical world. Your kind, once capable of extraordinary feats of wizardly, has seen their power greatly diminish with the arrival of technology and the continuous exposure of the mundane citizens to supernatural happenings they should have never been a part of.

It is the duty of a sorcerer to pass down its knowledge to the next generation, so their research does not end with their death. But, at the same time, the more people that know about Sorcery or that believe that feats of Sorcery are possible, the weaker that power becomes. That is the dilemma that Sorcerers face, and some even desperately claim that the end for them isn’t too far off.

As a Sorcerer, you boast a natural defense against purely magical effects such as curses or those that deal with charm and mental manipulation. It’s not like you can outright shrug them off, far from it, but the effects will be lessened somewhat.

In addition, you have been, most likely, instructed in your craft since an early age. Pick two Schools of Magic from the following list:

- Elemental: The ability to control either up to two simple elements (Fire, Wind, Water, Earth) or one complex element (Electricity, Metal, Sound, etc). It’s rare to possess many elemental affinities, but those who do are always held in high regard within the community. You may take this school multiple times, but each time you do, it takes a spot.
- Alchemy: The study and manipulation of the flow of matter. Not just minerals, but states of matter like liquid or gas, or even a conceptual form that doesn’t exist in this world, it's all within the grasp of Alchemy. It doesn’t require much skill, so its popular among novices,
- Bounded Fields: Topographic type of Magic that operates with barriers. Its purpose is to separate what is inside the barrier from what is outside through a mystical boundary layer. Typically meant for protection, it has seen several other uses through the years.
- Curses: A line of spells which is meant to impart a negative condition on the target, which often lasts for extended periods of time. Once someone has been cursed, even if the Caster were to die, there is a chance the hex may persist on the victim. However, curses always require a condition to be met or a catalyst in order to reach their target, they are not the auto-hit kind of spells.
- Runes: A nearly forgotten art. By engraving specific symbols on a surface and running magical energy through them, it is possible to produce supernatural phenomena. The symbols work like letters of the alphabet and different combinations can lead to different outcomes depending on the meaning of the “word” formed. Sadly, due to resistance, it can’t be sigils can’t be drawn directly on other sorcerers, which led to a drastic drop of popularity.
- Puppetry: The creation of mystical constructs that act as dolls, and are able to be controlled directly or indirectly by their owner. Their philosophy is that the sorcerer does not need to be strong, only their creation needs to be the strongest. It also involves the creation of spare parts that might be used to enhance one’s own body or replace lost limbs.
- Healing: Complex and very much rare, only one out ten sorcerers has aptitude for it. Since Magic utilizes Cursed Energy, one first needs to reverse it in order to produce Positive Energy which is used to heal oneself and others. With enough skill, it is possible to become a spiritual surgeon and tune the soul in order to create changes in the body of the patient.
- Necromancy: A School of Magic that works with corpses. It uses lifeless body parts as material components and is even capable of raising the dead under the right conditions. It is powerful, but frowned upon because it tramples over the rights of the deceased. At least that’s the official excuse. Some people just find it disgusting.
- Shapeshifting: To alter one’s shape in order to mimic that of a different individual. It is a School of Magic that humans learned from other races that needed to hide their nature in order to blend in. No longer just a mere illusion, it is possible to acquire the traits of whatever one transforms into. Moreover, skilled practitioners might even turn themselves into inanimate objects.
- Spiritual Evocation: A line of spells that allow one to call forth or be possessed by otherworldly spirits. It includes invocation, where a spirit possesses one’s body or a particular object, and evocation where the bound summon acts as a familiar that serves the summoner in its ethereal form. It is commonly used to acquire knowledge one shouldn’t have for a brief amount of time. Since compatibility is important, not many delve deep into it.
- Material Transmutation: While Alchemy deals with flow of matter, Material Transmutation focuses on giving an object or individual a property that it didn’t have before. For example, one could make a knife that makes the target burst into flames when struck, or a bullet that ricochets perfectly off the wall. Many Sorcerers use Material Transmutation on themselves or what they are wearing in order to enhance the capabilities of their body.
- Techno: It involves the manipulation and control of computer networks and equipment, as well as gadgets derived from them. The newest School of Magic, it is usually frowned upon by the community, solely because Magic and Science are long time rivals.

You may cast spells from any school you know, in addition to those in the General Fundamentals category, usually meant for basic daily chores. The spells themselves do not need to be listed in your sheet during character creation unless a feat or another trait says otherwise, thus Sorcerer Spells can be created on the go, up to a limit of 5 combat-oriented spells per School available. That said, please, don't just paste the school description into your sheet, elaborate on what your character is capable of doing in general terms within the broad domains of each school.

Now, determining their costs is important and necessary. I’ll spare you the numbers and the trouble. I will assign each of them one of three labels (low, medium, high) depending on several factors that I will not disclose but should be fairly obvious to get simply by guessing. Whenever you want to create a new spell, simply run it by me first.

Now, to actually cast a spell, a Sorcerer must go through the process of drawing Cursed Energy from the environment, processing it through their Magic Circuits and finally expelling it transformed into a supernatural effect. Because a spell of a higher cost requires more energy than one of a lesser cost, the latter can be casted faster, while the former might even require one or multiple turns of charge up time. The total amount you can process each turn (Accumulation) and the maximum amount of energy you can draw from the environment per scenario (Mana Points) will be determined by me, based on your Arts score and the character concept in general.

Finding a work-around to this system or adapting it to fit one’s own style is one of the ordeals a Sorcerer must surely face.

Now that you are ready, go ahead and pick one of the following feats:

Legacy Crest
The burdens and ambitions of an ancient bloodline run through your veins, making you one of thirteen exceptional individuals worldwide. You didn’t do anything to achieve this, rather, this has been your fate since the day you were born.

Throughout your childhood, the broad knowledge of your clan was literally carved into your body, through a tedious, painful and long process that simply cannot be completed in a single sitting. The end result is an additional, implanted, Magic Circuit connected to your very own. Whenever it becomes active, it becomes visible and shines bright, often resembling a birthmark or assuming a tattoo-like pattern.

You may choose an additional School of Sorcery for your Legacy Crest. If you do, whenever you prepare to cast spells of low and medium cost that belong to this category, the amount of energy that your circuits can process each turn is doubled. If you choose to apply your crest to a School of Sorcery you are already familiar with, instead, design a Ritual. A ritual is a special property that applies to all spells from that school, or a stand alone secret technique that defies the limit of what the average sorcerer can hope to ever learn.

Your family was there before anyone else’s, and so, some of that power and nobility carries over to the modern day. Your peers both respect you and fear you. Naturally, that also means that the S.R.S.F. has high expectations of you, with everything that entails.
Grand Familiar
It's not uncommon for Sorcerers to be accompanied by an assistant born from their own craft. Some even delve deeper into it and make them their own tools of combat. You, however, have gone a big step ahead and are in possession of something incredible, be it a rare breed of a supernatural creature, something thought to be extinct, or an artificial lifeform born from materials impossible to find and a technique hard to reproduce. Whatever the case, the end result is a companion that can be a powerhouse or cheat engine on their own.

Design a companion. Be sure to describe where it stands in terms of physical might, speed, endurance and intelligence (no need for stats, just a general grasp of its capabilities) and grant it a single ability. While, depending on its nature, it may be used as a catalyst for supernatural abilities, it cannot act as a secondary spellcaster, and can only do strictly what the description of the ability can do. For example, a fireball familiar may be used as a point of origin for fire spells cast by the Sorcerer, such as a fire whip to capture and burn an enemy. However, unless the Fireball’s single ability specifies it can manifest whips of fire, the Fireball can’t do it on its own. In short, as opposed to Schools of Magic which are broad in what each of them allows, a Familiar Ability must confer exactly what it can and cannot do.

In addition, you may design a container or portable version for this companion for free, so it can’t be seen or interacted with until you say so.

Remember, even for you, the partner at your side is a once in a lifetime achievement, unlikely to be ever reproduced. Take good care of it, for it won’t be returned if you lose it in battle.
Beyond Imagination
A practice that was once considered taboo, and has since become the mark of exceptional sorcerers, it is the capacity to materialize one’s inner landscape into the real world for a short amount of time, a feat that requires an outstanding amount of Magical Energy to perform. You were born with this potential, however, you still have ways to go before you can fully expand your Domain. In the meantime, you get access to a number of techniques that act as spells of low cost. You may mix and incorporate them with other schools of Magic.

- Simple Domain: A small, invisible barrier that protects the user from harmful effects and conditions, except damage, as long as they remain stationary, by enforcing their own view over the rules of the world. For instance, the effects of cold weather, or the effects of a curse that makes you unable to do something can be outright ignored. Powerful effects can break through the barrier after some time.
- Domain Amplification: It follows the same principle as Simple Domain, but limits its range, making it akin to a skin-tight armor that is not good enough if you focus solely on defense. In exchange, the user can freely move and physical attacks delivered ignore all sorts of magical effects in order to reach their target.
- Domain Manifestation: Create a technique related to your inner landscape that works as a spell from any school. For instance, if your inner realm takes the shape of a forge, Domain Manifestation could be a spell that allows you to manifest weapons out of thin air.

One day, if the right conditions are met, you will be able to fully deploy and expand your domain, a sphere covering a large radius where the rules of your world replace that of the world outside. For now, though, you’ll have to be content with getting glares of envy from other Sorcerers.
You weren't born with any flashy supernatural gift, yet you continue to be drawn to danger, like a moth to a flame. Perhaps it is a matter of curiosity, now that you know there is another side to this world that not all the people know, you simply need to explore it and learn from it. Maybe it's a burden what keeps you moving in that direction, an obligation to stand up for those who cannot defend themselves or a promise you cannot turn your back to. Hell, it could be just Fate messing with you, sending you a wild ride with no stops until the inevitable crash... Whatever the case, continued exposure to the supernatural has forced you to find ways in order to properly combat it and survive.

As a Hunter, you possess exceptional visual prowess, something which was developed either naturally through training or artificially by borrowing power from somewhere else. By default, you can perceive the movements of those faster than you as long as the remain within your field of view and can also see naturally in the dark, since night is the time where most monstruosities come out to play. In addition, you may choose an additional sense and give it some passive perception effect, such as being able to smell lies or hear incoming danger.

All Hunters, at some point or another, have been introduced to Formalcraft and Black Magic, a School of Sorcery that is not limited just to those of arcane blood, but instead available to anyone with the right amount of time and preparation. Instead of actual Sorcery, which relies on talent and practice, Formalcraft just cares about knowledge and proper configuration. And even if those factors are missing, it is still possible to use it by mistake, as many daring teenagers have proved throughout the years. In order to make up for the lack of actual Magic Circuits, the Hunter must rely on ritual ceremonies, often having to sacrifice materials or their own blood to get the engine going. If the Sorcerer is "a safe stove meant to properly and carefull cook magic", then Formalcraft has to be "a rudimentary bonfire in the middle of the wild" that the Hunter has little control over. One little mistake, and the resulting wildfire will burn them to a crisp, alongside the entire forest.

A Hunter may prepare spells of any school up to the number of ★ in their Arts attribute, plus one more per ★ in the Occultism and Crafting skills. A prepared spell can always be cast on the same turn it was cast, but doing so will consume the material components required for doing so, thus using up a prepared spell slot. When no slots are left, the Hunter is unable to perform this special Sorcery until they find time to gather more materials. Having said that, it is possible to add additional conditions and needed sacrifices in order to prevent a spell slot from being consumed. Adding a condition is not as simple as it seems, as it often requires considerable setup and a decent amount of luck, making it nearly unviable for 1v1 combat. The most simple solution would be a blood tribute, however this is very risky. Depending on the spell cast, Black Magic may even outright kill the user. Thus, it is recommended to manage spell slots wisely.

Spells do not need to be listed at the moment of creation, and can be freely chosen at any time before the possiblity of combat exists. The same spell can be prepared multiple times, but it will consume as many spell slots as times it was prepared.

Now that you are ready, go ahead and pick one of the following feats:

Armed and Ready
History has proved time and time again that every monster has its weakness and that humans can exploit them in order to close the gap between them and the supernatural. Silver bullets, wooden stakes, fire, iron and salt. Whether you actively hunt or are just an enthusiast, you have not only collected but amassed a great collection of materials of this kind. When preparing spells, you can take extra step in order to ensure that a certain kind of creature (vampires; Werewolves; Undead, etc) will take additional damage and/or harmful conditions from it. When you attack using a weapon, you can spend a Prepared Spell Slot in order to grant it extra damage against such creatures for the rest of the fight.

In addition, you own a particular piece of equipment that stands out from the rest. It might be a magically enchanted weapon that you ran into during your adventures, or a gadget too advanced to be found inside a store. It's nearly unbreakable and comes with two Spell Slots of its own, which it can use to unleash a special ability of your choice, albeit not a powerful one. With this, you can at least stand your ground against the supernatural, perhaps even force it to go back the way it came. A weapon is just as good as their wielder, or so they say, meaning it's up to skill and experience whether you make the difference or not.
A Deal with the Devil
Reality is a harsh mistress. Sometimes, one just needs to accept that there are certain dreams that will never come true. You didn't. Whether you were too absorbed in your research to notice you were taking a dangerous step towards the taboo, or you simply reached out for help and an otherworld entity agreed to let you borrow their powers, your situation has since then become exceedingly complicated. Whatever deity, spirit or demon you summoned now resides within your body, whispering its whims into your ear. You have changed, as well. You barely require any food or sleep, and you feel more powerful than ever. Getting six-pack abs or losing myopia overnight are just one of the many listed benefits of being possessed.

On the flipside, were it not for the S.R.S.F. you'd probably be on a "kill on sight" list, as individuals with your peculiarity are seen either as monsters or potential threats by most, if not all other organizations, so that is another reason to stay within their ranks and be a good puppy. The problem? What's in you is far from an angel. Owner of its own agenda, you are simply a stepping a stone in its plans, or, at best, a vehicle for it to interact with the physical plane. If you let your guard down, it won't doubt to take over and, if that happens, it's uncertain whether you will ever be back in control...

You gain 3★ to freely distribute between your Attributes and Skills. If used on your attributes, they ignore the 5★ cap, allowing for multiple 6★ stats. During combat, you can spend Spell Slots to gain additional ★s until the end of the round on a 1:1 ratio. If your health drops behind a certain thereshold, if you experience extreme psychological trauma or if you allow it, the Devil will take control of your body. While 100% possessed, you lose control over your own actions (You are controlled by the GM), and gain an even stronger power-up for as long as it lasts.

The Devil itself is controlled by the GM, but its nature, personality and desires can be crafted by the user.
Darker than Black
Delving too deep into the Black Arts can be a dangerous trip, in many ways, but you have somehow managed cross most of the thorny road that separates a human from an actual Sorcerer. In fact, in pure power, it would no longer be a mistake to claim that you are stronger than them. Maybe something in your personality aligns perfectly with this kind of art, or perhaps you have braved through the storm enduring great suffering and loss... Whatever the case, the darkness that surrounds your aura clearly separates you from your peers and might even scare off your foes.

With time and dedication, you have constructed your own Book of Shadows, an enchanted Grimmoire listing your most prominent spells. Reciting a few words is enough to give birth to actual spells, eliminating the need of material sacrifice, so long as you feed it enough vital force. In addition, spells that hail from the Elemental (Fire; Darkness), Necromancy, Spiritual Evocation, Curses and Shapeshifting gain extra properties or extra power against spells from the same school, whatever feels adequate, enforcing the fact that, when properly tamed, Black Magic can surpass all other Schools.

Finally, your enhanced sight has also evolved in the face of continous exposure. Develop a supernatural use, akin to a spell in terms of power, that is born from your eyes and requires Spell Slots to be consumed in order to utilize it.
Adapt and survive. Evolve or die. Yesterday we were monkeys, today we are humans and tomorrow, who knows? For millions of years, humanity has fought and conquered adversity. For millions of years, there have been those who led the way, standing out from their peers, disguised as monsters, legendary heroes or forgotten shadows. And for each and everyone of them, there has been at least one person who, after witnessing such impossible feats, said to themselves: "Oh, if only I could be like that."

You are an ESPer, a human with amazing superpowers that defy even the norms of Sorcery. How is this possible? Scientists from the western side of the world would argue that a random, rare physical mutation is responsible, even if there is no solid proof. Ask others and you'll get that it is the result of mental enlightment, a miracle or a powerful curse.

Whatever the case, ESPers are unique in the sense that the only thing each of them have in common with one another... Is that they are all different.

An ESP can be anything, from Cryokinesis, to Telepathy or Telekinesis. What matters is that, be it self-sufficient or assisted in some way, at the end of the day, it is something born from yourself. Sadly, you are far from being the last link in humanity's much awaited evolution, which means your body isn't fully prepared to deal with the strain caused by these abilities when used, and you also have a long way to go before you can use your ESP in a way that is as versatile as a Sorcery School.

Whenever you use your ESP, a hidden dice will be rolled. The difficulty of this roll depends on whether the application of your power matches your approach and the number of ★s in your Arts attribute. On a success, you do your thing perfectly, but take one stack of Mental Strain. The more strain you have, the more difficult rolls become in the future. Luckily, this is temporary and can be cleared simply by spending turns where your ESP is not used. On a failure, you still use your ESP, but you take not just a Stack of Mental Strain, but also damage (nose bleed, coughing blood), and your approach might forcibly change, depending on context.

Finally, let's talk about approaches. When designing an ESP, you must describe 6 applications of its power and then assign them equally to each of the following approaches: Focused, Calm and Desperate. This means each of these will have two applications assigned to them, no more no less.

Calm.- The default approach. Applications should be those that the user is most used to and can apply with little difficulty and without having to give them too much thought. Usually, the ESPer enters battle using this approach. If focused or Desperate, the user can return to calm if their current aproach allows it.

Focused.- The Esper is said to be "in the zone". Applications should be those that require, luck, precision, preparation or extreme concentration, thus usually strong. You may start the battle as Focused if you are chosen as the first one to act or if you are attacking from stealth. Otherwise, you may switch from Calm to Focused on a critical success (you will be informed) or at the end of your turn, if you are in perfect condition (health at 100%). You cannot switch from Desperate to Focused. You lose focused whenever you cannot act (bound) or take a certain amount of damage.

Desperate.- A way of fighting that lets go of all inhibitions, sacrificing caution for pure power. Applications are often quick, dangerous and erratic, often with high chance of inflicting collateral damage on the environment. You may start the battle as desperate if outnumbered by foes of equal fighting level, or if your health is less than 50%. Otherwise, you may switch from Calm to Desperate whenever you suffer a substantial amount of damage or have collected 3 Stacks of Mental Strain. You cannot switch from Focused to Calm. You may revert to calm by spending one turn without relying on ESP.

Now that you are ready, go ahead and pick one of the following feats:

Lab Rat
Some were caught and put into custody against their will, others made a deal before turning turning themselves in. A lucky few managed to find a refuge reserved for those of their kind. No matter what happened, you have been subjected to several experiments in hopes of better understanding you power, or perhaps replicating it for sinister purposes. This has changed you for better or for worse, but has also given you a clearer sense of purpose and the resourses to use your power more effectively.

You may create an item related to your condition. It can be a weapon, a gadget, an injection or a drug. You may use it to change your current approach to one you desire, for a short duration of time. You don't need to specify the approach, different buttons or substances allow you to switch to whatever approach you want. It comes at a price, though, placing a stack of Mental Strain on you every time it is used.

In addition, you have an easier time nailing your successes, and the requirement to perform a 'critical success' is lowered.

Fate has you on a tight leash. Whether you accepted your role as an ESPer or are obligated to serve as one, it is unlikely that you will ever return to the life you once had, as you will never forget what you had to endure to arrive at the point you are today.
Lay on Hands
Through overcoming ordeals, extreme physical training and meditation or by sheer miracle and belief, you have achieved the next stage in human evolution by unlocking the limits of your mind, and it can be said that this awakening happened "naturally". Though some associate it to the Grace of God (or other deities, such as Buddah), and for a good reason, it is ultimately a change withing you what caused all of this.

In addition to your ESP, you will be granted an aura, a sort of invisible, intangible bounded field that surrounds your body and has a passive, often positive effect on those around you. Allies will see their worries disapear and may be more prone to share their thoughts with you, while enemies will see a slight penalty in their offense against you and might calm down easier than normal.

You can also manifest your aura physically, giving it a solid shape of your choosing, but it will be taxing. Create up to three applications in a similar manner you do with your ESP, and assign one of them to your Calm approach and the rest to your Focus approach.

Sometimes, those like you are seen like a child of prophesy or as a similar savior, your role vastly different from those that others like you must suffer. Expectations of you may be high, and so will be the envy some other might have.
Freak of Nature
You were born into the world with the blood of a human mixed with that of something else. In ancient times, it was not unheard of for some to make out with a dragon, a kitsune or a pure vampire. In short, your family line is the result of a taboo relationship that shouldn't be, and those genes are what gave your clan an increased chance to suffer a mutation. Mutation, which, in this generation, has manifested as an ESP user.

There is something about you that others cannot ignore. Even ordinary people can instinctively percieve something is different with you, often leading them to stand out of your way. Concealing your presence has become almost as hard as hiding the sky within the palm of your hand. But... This is a curse that also has its uses. If you so choose, you can briefly expand and amplify your sphere of influence as an indiscriminate attack that covers a large area alongside you. Weak targets will be KOed instantly, while powerful or evenly matched targets will experience a great pressure that will make their attributes drop. This is considered a Desperate Approach aplication. If using it while actually desperate, it will cause physical damage as well. If using it while calm or focused, on a successful roll, allies will be exempt from its effects.

Finally, you will be granted a single ability that will manifest as an additional application of your power, or a single passive effect based on the ancestry you have chosen. The choice and mechanical effects are designed by the GM.

Your struggles to remain human do never cease. In a way, you are share many similarities with a person who is possessed... Except there is no such thing as an evil spirit within you. Your blood, your calling... In this case, the beast has always been you.
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Valorous Order x Code by Serobliss
Last Holder of the Wild Card
Code Name / Chimera
Gender / Male
Height / 170 cm
Weight / 65 kg
Occupation / Sorcerer
Field Experience / Novice
Personal Details
General Description
A Sorcerer who was born and raised as a normal person, his life took a drastic turn when a string of unfortunate events culminated in his hometown being razed to the ground by a devastating "fire". He, who lost everything he held dear in the shortest amount of time imaginable, soon gave up his desire to live as well, however, the late arrival of a certain person allowed him to be rescued in time and evacuated.

Since it was Kagami's mother wish that he would be able to live a normal life, in spite of the circumstances, he was given the chance to start over elsewhere, under a new identity. With a good dose of memory alteration, it would not be impossible for him to continue the path his mother intended for him. However, the boy who had nothing to live for refused to forget about his family and the friends he made, and ultimately turned down the offer.

Under the tutelage of his newfound aunt, he officially enlists in the S.R.S.F. as a new agent after five years of harsh training.

To be fair, there is little that separates Kagami from other agents of similar age, as many of them share tragic backgrounds. Compared to the average Sorcerer, though, he comes off as someone much less presumptuous and more humble. Despite his cold exterior, he is diligent, reliable and willing to be flexible when it comes to rules. However, there is a clear tendency to distance himself from others when the topic isn't related to work itself. Ultimately, he is unsure of why he fights, but he continues nonetheless...
EXP — Grade: New Recruit
0 / 240000 — Ascension: 1
❖ Team: T.B.A.
❖ Chosen Feat: Beyond Imagination
❖ Position: All-Rounder
❖ Tags:⠀Versatile, Attacker, Crowd-Control
Circuit Quantity
Circuit Quality
Asset Value
Material Transmutation
After five years of intense training, Kagami has become quite skilled in the art of Material Transmutation, being able to reinforce weapons and clothing, as well as giving them other simple properties that stick closer to the realm of advanced science rather than touching on more arcane effects. Still, the cost efficiency of the more simple options this school has to offer, coupled with his keen intellect, allows him to adapt his combat style to multiple ranges depending on the situation and the arsenal available. He also uses this in conjunction with Shapeshifting, to amplify effects and better endure potential consequences.
The specialty of the Kage family. However, due to late magical training and no ownership of the Legacy Crest, its potential has been vastly diminished, and Kagami can only borrow aspects and appearances that can match the limits of his current body. Still, while reproducing feats such as turning oneself into mist, a flock of bats or even a giant is impossible, the relocation of internal organs and the alteration of one's bone structure is feasible, especially in combination with Material Transmutation. Turning into an inanimate object is possible for a brief duration of time, however, all forms of independent movement is inmediately lost.
Retainer Agreement
A form of retirement granted to exemplar agents that have either sustained a substancial injury or present a strong case as to why they can no longer perform their duties at 100% efficiency. Again, since the S.R.S.F. is always short on personnel, it's a priviledge only a few have access to. To preserve the interest of the organization, it is often accompanied with an agreement to have one's memories being tampered. If an event would arise where it is deemed that the experience or the participation of the retired agent is absolutely required, sealed memories can be restored, albeit temporarily. Kagami's biological Mother, Ai, was granted this priviledge. After the Pandora Devourer Incident, she is presumed dead.

Kage Family
One of the Thirteen Great Sorcerer families of the current era, ranked 12th, and masters in the art of Shapeshifting. Originally ranked 3rd, its number dropped drastically when its heir at the time, Ai Kage, decided to separate herself from her life as a Sorcerer to spend the rest of her days with her family as a normal person. Though it was a big scandal that shook the fundations of Sorcerer Politics, it was seen by other hungry families as a once in a lifetime opportunity, and so it was a decision that was met with little outside resistance.

Pandora Devourer Incident
A magical cataclysm that took place in a forgotten city near Hokkaido. Since it's active even five years after the official intervention of the S.R.S.F., it's details are classified, and so is the name of the city involved. Though it would appear that Kagami Tsukiyama had no direct involvement in the events that led to the tragedy, he is reported to be the sole survivor at the time of his recruitment.

A term utilized to describe Sorcerers who are disconnected from the point of view shared by the community they belong to. Naturally, this means that those labeled as such are seen as no different than Hunters by their peers. Typically, a Sorcerer has a number of duty they have to attend to and another set of values to uphold that ultimately separate their behavior from that of a common human being. For a Sorcerer, studying and passing down their knowledge is paramount. However, a Spellcaster merely sees Sorcery as a tool to facilitate the completition of a task. Common amongst Sorcerer Families of low Magical Pedegree, bastard offsprings and mercernaries in general.

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Chiaki Hamada

# the disillusioned

# Ishmael

♡coded by uxie♡

24 - Female - Hunter - Armed and Ready
Recommended from Kamakura’s Youth Paranormal Patrol by its current captain Ikumi Chikamoto and deceased captain Chujiro Murakami. After the appearance of the high-level supernatural event “Red Tide” five years prior, Chiaki was left as one of three survivors from her unit. During the incident, her Arts evolved, which paired with her extensive decade of experience, serves as a strong foundation for her recruitment. Though her attributes rank lower than other recruits, her careful, meticulous work and outspoken if overbearing personality will prove valuable in tempering the other new operatives with stability. While captain Murakami used to praise her caring nature in his personal reports, her recent work as team leader within the rebuilt Youth Paranormal Patrol has shown her to be capable but distant. Additionally, she has become distrustful of the S.R.S.F.’s system and its management of its personnel. Still, if there are no issues, she will be promoted and transferred to the Tokyo Branch in the coming months after tying her loose ends in Kamakura.

    Strength - ★ ★
    Endurance - ★ ★ ★ ★
    Mobility - ★ ★ ★
    Arts - ★ ★ ★
    Range - ★ ★ ★

    Athletics - ★ Investigation - ★ Presence
    Acrobatics Medicine Diplomacy
    Crafting Occultism - ★ Composure - ★
    Survival - ★ Trickery Alertness - ★
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Age: 23
Gender: Female
Occupation: ESPer
Chosen Feat:
Inhibitor injection
Causes any active art to be dissipated, and leaves the user unable to use arts for a short while.
Unnamed, goes by “Mitsu”


Excerpt from Psych Evaluation [REDACTED]: …Subject appears unstable, fluctuating between periods of docility and emotional intensity. In particular, lucidity and aggression have both increased markedly from previous evaluations. It is likely that these changes are a direct result of the recent disappearance of Dr. [redacted]. Intellectual examinations show consistent results with previous evaluations…

Excerpt from Incident Report [REDACTED]: …a female child of unknown origin, aged 8-10, was recovered near the center of the disaster zone. There were no indications of unauthorized vehicles entering the area between the time of the catastrophe and the recovery of the child. The child was unconscious, but showed no signs of physical damage. A thorough physical evaluation is to be administered at Site [REDACTED]…


Strength - ★★
Endurance - ★★★★
Mobility - ★
Arts - ★★★★★
Range - ★★★★★★



Trickery ★

Presence ★
Alertness ★


Excerpt from Phys Evaluation [REDACTED]: …Subject has demonstrated an ability to generate radiation of varying intensity. Tests indicate that the majority of the radiation is gamma and infrared, though there are minor traces from elsewhere on the spectrum as well. Examination of the subject’s DNA has confirmed the presence of genetic markers consistent with [REDACTED]. Given this information, it is likely that the subject was responsible for the recent disaster at Site [REDACTED]. It is highly recommended that the subject remain sedated and moved to a containment unit lined with lead until more is understood…

  • Absorption I: Reabsorbs any art currently being used, excluding Desperate arts. Has a regeneration effect.
  • Stable Form: A small bubble of emission centered on the user. Effective at arms length, and capable of reaching high intensity. Expandable at the cost of power.

  • Precision Experiment: Extreme intense emission in a small area on the users body, ranging in size between a palm and a fingertip.
  • Range Experiment: A ranged area of effect, usually around 10 meters in radius, and capable of moderate levels of intensity. Usually can’t be centralized further than 100 meters from the user.
  • Insanity: A maximum area of effect with moderate intensity, centered on the user. Extremely dangerous, and can linger for some time while the user is unconscious.
  • Absoption II: Maximum intensity contained within the user’s body, caused by the user reabsorbing large quantities of their own emission. Can cause an explosion of varying magnitude once the user goes unconscious, depending on the amount that is absorbed.
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Laipei: Life-like Artificial Intelligence capable of Personification, Emotions, and Inter-personal relationships.Laipei-1-B.png
Age: 6 Months
Gender: Female
Occupation: Construct
Height: 5'3
Chosen Feat: Android


Laipei is a technical demonstration and test bed using many of her company's best technologies in hopes to make a name for the brand, Poridae Technologies Inc. Laipei also doubles as the mascot of the brand. Made in the image of the CEO's deceased sister, she's cheerful, easy to talk to, and loves music. In fact, she doubles as an idol. While she has little to no traction now, she, and the company, have gained media notoriety for the novelty of it all. A technology company creating a living test bed with millions of dollars invested into it to destroy supernatural threats, be the company mascot, and gain public favor by being an idol all at the same time.


Strength - 4
Endurance - 5
Mobility - 5
Arts - 1
Range - 3






Stagehands & Swords:
Laipei has 7 floating blades that hover around her body, looking like some sort of pseudo skirt. These are controlled by magnetics and can each be controlled individually. If they get too far from Laipei, she will lose control of them. They also double as stage lights during her shows.

Super Cold Superconductor: Laipei uses superconducting to help with efficiency. She can vent this incredibly cold temperature outwards towards a target, or to freeze any nearby water, including the molecules in the air.

Curly Conductive Cannons: The hair upon Laipei's head also has electrical energy running through it. When it is curled (as seen in reference image) after a short charge up, she can shoot a beam of energy from them in any direction they are pointing.

Suppressive Sound: The "ear" protrusions on the top of Laipei's head are used to emit signals, like radio waves. However, they are capable of also emitting concentrated microwaves. This disorients the target and can do significant damage if a target is exposed for long periods of time.

Super Senses: As an android, Laipei's senses are exceptional in what they can do. Until the end of the current turn, Laipei can boost her own Investigation, Medicine or Crafting.


Disregard the P90

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