Poetry Time and space between never ending thoughts

Waves Of Emotions
  • Recently I've had some time to sit with myself, and I mean really sit and explore the truth behind these oh-so-consuming thoughts.
    Although I have yet to fully understand the cause of why (which is always the big question being asked, is it not?) I was able to form one thought to sum it up in the moment.
    Who would of thought when my mom would tell me the greatest thing about me was my kindness and how deep I am capable of feeling... that she was wrong... it's a curse, a curse that I would trade over 1000 times.
    Although plenty of people would disagree and say it's a lovely thing to be capable of. As some people can't feel anything, they are immune to the never-ending emotions that are so consuming to me
    I would have to disagree with them. I mean, yes, perhaps it may be a battle I've never felt, but you see, to feel nothing can be just as bad as to feel everything, no? I suppose maybe it's just my mind, and no one will be able to understand.
    As for me though, when I feel the slightest of emotions, it's as if I begin to feel it ten times over. It consumes me in every way possible, some ways you couldn't even begin to comprehend, but I shall try my best to explain. You see, it becomes a single tiny hole in my body that can never be filled if you were to look at me, and I mean really look at me. You may be able to see them.
    With these holes, you see, I must be extremely cautious for one wrong move and everything I try ever so hard to hold in so no one shall feel sympathy, for I will feel that as well, and yet another hole would begin to form. I'm afraid though.... what if everything I hold in one day becomes too much? If one day, everything I'm trying to hold in begins to pour out of me and stain the floor in which I walk on with all my emotions?