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Graded [The Underbelly] Thief's Wonderland


Bringer of Change
Roleplay Availability
Inside the Ryken Academy within the early hours of the morning...


Quiet footsteps made their way in the high levels of the academy, this quiet intruder made her way towards a large door, using a quiet magic spell in elven language, the door unlocked and opened on its own. The intruder walked into the room where many artifacts laid around, but none of these artifacts interested her except... Looking to a pedestal that stood within the middle of the room, the intruder whispered quietly under her breath as her eyes gazed upon a black stone on the pedestal. " Revealiation. " She mumbled into her hand, her words turned to mist as it moved down towards the ground then flowed towards the pedestal. Nothing was revealed on the ground, the thief's eyes scanned through the mist trying to find any traps or alarms. When nothing was revealed, the thief whispered another spell in elven now.


The mist moved as a unit towards the pedestal and surrounded it from base to top then the mist turned to ice, freezing the pedestal as a result. The intruder moved towards the mechanism and saw the black stone sitting upon a smaller mount. The thief wrapped her fingers around the orb and picked it up slowly, after waiting for a moment and nothing happening, she placed the orb in her bag and quickly began to move towards the exit. Quiet moving her way out, the thief made her way through the academy, looking to escape. Back in the room where the artifacts were at, the ice on the pedestal began to crack and melt until it finally dissipated. Then the pedestal where the orb had laid upon began to glow and emit a loud noise. Quickly headmasters and teachers were up and came to the room to see their stone had gone missing...


That morning, Arthur awoke hearing that something had happen, Arthur groaned quietly as he sat up in his bed in a dorm he shared with a few other people, Arthur stood up looking to his missing arm, without thinking his ethereal arm appeared in its stead. The former hitman got his clothes on and walked on out to see what was happening, keeping to himself as he usually did, he heard whispers of a thief having infiltrated their academy and stealing a pretty valuable artifact that belonged to the academy, hearing that it was the Seeing Stone that was stolen, Arthur thought good riddance. That damn thing got Arthur into more trouble when joining the academy, having him kicked out because of something he couldn't control.

Arthur made his way to the mess hall where one of the headmasters was talking to a couple of students, they seemed to have shaken their heads and moved on, this teacher looked distressed and saw Arthur and quickly made their way over to him. " You Sir! Have a moment? I was wondering if you were interested in helping the headmasters and teachers in finding what was stolen? And i know you younglings like a reward and such so if you can find what was stolen, you'll have access to our off limits areas. " Arthur stared at the headmaster then sighed, that wouldn't be a bad idea, he could learn more about spirits and how to influence the dead. " Sure. Why not. " Arthur mumbled almost like he was forced to do so. The headmaster looked ecstatic upon hearing the agreement. " Excellent, Arthur! I've heard, uh, good things about you! " Arthur had a look of doubt on his face when hearing that last part. " We did have some of our teachers follow where a thief had gone, she was tricky, but we still were able to keep up. We lost her in the slums of the city as she made her way down into the underground tunnels, there are talks of another city down there where more... Illicit activities take place at. And the law of Ryken doesn't reach that far down there so we have to resort to students who want a chance to prove their worth. You only need to find the Seeing Stone, us veterans will deal with it then, but if you can get the Stone, well you'll receive an additional reward. "

Arthur sighed deeply. " I'll eat then i'll go. " Arthur stated as he walked away from the conversation, leaving the headmaster to move onto more students to try and recruit them. Arthur looked annoyed, but hopefully this wouldn't be difficult to find, Arthur knew from experience that this would be a more difficult task alone, he would have to find someone to help him, people at the academy were useless and didn't have guts to go beyond their boundaries and morals. So, he would have to find someone outside the Academy, maybe he could find someone wanting to get into the academy, that would make this easier, but Arthur had coin too, he could hire someone if need be.

Mentions: slifer37 slifer37
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Deep in the slums, under winding sewer tunnels, a sprawling city could be found. This city, the underbelly of Ryken, was where the grime and the filth collected- where illegal activities ran rampant, and one had to look over their shoulder at every opportunity.
Sitting in her locked room at the inn was an unassuming looking girl, currently eating a bowl of stew and resting comfortably on the surprisingly soft bed. Rowan Thorn was enjoying the break she was on, reveling in the success of the last job. No one had died, she had gotten paid, and she got to enjoy the luxuries of the free room and board provided to her.

Now if she was by herself, she would be in trouble, but Rowan had done one of the minor heads of the city a large favor- acting as a pseudo bodyguard for his daughter, protecting her while escorting her safely to her father. With some gold in her pocket and a place to stay, it had been a perfect place to rest and recuperate. Sure, she was a regular human, but she had one thing that separated her from others- her barrier magic. IT was the benefit of being a Thorn- every blood member of her family had gotten the magic gene- giving them all sorts of powers that ranged wildly from person to person. Hers just happened to be protection based. Though she did have a few tricks up her sleeve if need be. Though she looked like she was fully lounging, she was ready to leave at the drop of the hat, not fully letting her guard down in this place, and especially not in this city.

Rowan was at the end of her allowed time at this somewhat shady inn, and she would have to find better prospects elsewhere- preferably with a powerful person. Her skill had benefits, but she was made more for protection and utility rather than for brawling, which meant she had to align herself with someone who could fight. Well, unless they were a genocidal maniac. She had to draw the line somewhere.

The last favor she had asked from the minor head was to put the word out- if someone needed her help, and was willing to pay, she would be willing to join them- even if what was needed of her was more unsavory. It would give her money, and more importantly, it would give her the experience she needed. Though these days, she was slowly looking into a safer method of developing her powers- a way to go stronger without the inherent danger of putting her life on the line with every job she did. There were whispers of an Academy that taught magical folk, but the inherent problem was that she wasn't rich enough to join- nor did she know anyone with enough sway to gain entrance inside. Since money wasn't rolling in, she would have to get in somehow. Which at this point was a pipe dream, but if offered, she would jump at the chance to join. She knew she could do more with her magic. She was already expanding her ability set beyond "make impenetrable wall," and with help could do even more than she could imagine-while being fed, housed, and trained.
In the Capital of Ryken...

After finishing his breakfast, Arthur made his way through the academy and out into the city, his mission has been stated and he was almost ready to get started. He needed a companion if he was going to find this thief that even teachers, advanced mages, couldn't even find. Arthur needed someone he could somewhat trust and give them a deal they won't be able to refuse that would have them betray him later on. It would also be wise to have someone who knew about this 'other city.' Arthur stopped by a couple of taverns along the way to see if he could find a mercenary for hire, but he could find no one he trusted or could offer a decent reward for.


In the slums...


The former hitman headed towards the slums region of the city, maybe here he could find a mercenary for hire, someone he could trust and capable of defending themselves. While he made his way through the poorer part of the city, Arthur was reminded of where he came from, he was used to the poverty life and missed it. While living in a more luxurious setting is what Arthur preferred, poverty was something he felt like he fit in more. He clawed his way from poverty to wealth early in his life, all it cost was the lives of a few people and his undying loyalty. Forgetting about his past he would come across a tavern that had the sounds of talk, laughter and drinking. Arthur felt like he could find someone here to help him. Capable? Most likely. Trustworthy? Most likely not. Arthur pushed open the doors and walked on in.


As Arthur made his way in, he could see all different kinds of people in the tavern, some were drinking and having fun. Others were eating and sticking to themselves, the bartender spotted Arthur come on in and waved a hand over to him. Arthur made his way over to the bar where he could feel eyes on him from different patrons, reaching the bar side, the bartender was cleaning a mug with a rag. " What can I do for a man such as yourself? " He asked staring at Arthur's ethereal arm. He did stick out like a sore thumb with his strange looking arm. Arthur looked back at a couple of patrons as they looked away, turning back to the bartender Arthur leaned in a bit, " I'm looking for someone for hire. A mercenary. Someone with information I don't have about a certain city below us. " Arthur stated as his hand moved into his pocket, pulling out a couple of Ryken coin and sliding it across the bar. The bartender stared at him while his hand caught the coins with a raised brow then looked upstairs. " Wait here. " He set the mug and rag down and headed on upstairs, slipping the coin into his apron pocket.

There would be a knock on Rowan's door. " Oi, Thorn. Someone here is looking for you. They are... Strange looking. " The bartender called before he walked away and headed downstairs, walking behind the bar and going back to cleaning cups. " Would you like a drink while you wait? " The bartender asked, Arthur looked to the bartender as he waited patiently. " Sure, something small. I have work to conduct. " The bartender pulled out a small mug and filled it with some drink for the one-armed man. Arthur slipped some coin over and took his drink. As Rowan came on downstairs, she would see the bartender and a man that looked like he had a dead look in his eyes at the bar wearing black. The bartender would look up at Rowan then nod his head over to Arthur then move to another part of the bar.

Mentions: slifer37 slifer37
Rowan looked up from the book she was reading, something she had trade for in another city. Her policy was to take a book, leave a book, so she had one she was currently reading through on her downtime- usually by trading or by paying for it. This time, she had found it tucked into one of the cabinet's drawers- in alright condition. Evidently, it had been left behind in haste, as at about the halfway point the top of the page had been earmarked. The barkeep's voice rang through the doorway- news of a person looking for a mercenary's service.

Finally, someone had come looking for her! Or at least help from someone- not that she was picky. Packing it into her bag, she rose off the bed, quickly fixing the sheets out of habit before doing a sweep of the room, making sure not to leave anything behind. A quick look in the mirror and a quick rebraiding of her hair made her determine she was ready to greet this stranger- she was clean and presentable. Then, she exited the room, pack on her back, hands free to use her magic. Not that she didn't want work, but after hearing of a strange possible customer, it was best to be prepared.

Before coming into view, Rowan stopped, glancing at the man at the counter. Fortunately for her, although the bar had a decent assortment of patrons, she could see that this man was by himself and in front of the barkeep. He looked human, but there was something off about him. Nothing that she could put her finger on, but it was there. Letting out a deep sigh to clear out the apprehension as best as she could, she strode out, assuming a straight posture, approaching the table casually. "Hello. My name is Rowan Thorn. What do you need me to do?" The question was left brief and short, letting Arthur fill in the blanks. She was also somewhat apart from him, giving her enough time to throw up a barrier. She had learned her lesson before, and the scars on her body were brazen reminders of the mistakes of the past.

Arthur would see a blonde haired brown eyed girl with her hair braided down her back, wearing comfortable but travel-ready clothes and boots, clearly looking like she was used to being on the road. Her pack was reasonably sized, slung over her back with practiced ease. She met his eyes, not afraid to challenge him- but as a travelling mercenary, she had to at the very least be able to meet the customer's eye. Then again, it was also for an important reason- to catch if he was going to do something rash- his eyes would give it away. Her hands were loosely at her chest, slightly clasped together- easier to cast her spells.

The first thing Rowan caught was sight of those yellow eyes- not a typical human eye color. The off feeling about him grew as she now faced him, and a part of her was convinced he was magic as well. It felt like being near her other family members- those with the magic gene like she had.
Skyhunter Skyhunter D. Rex D. Rex
It felt like he was being crushed on all sides. As if being hugged by a mountain... no. Not a hug, as that would suggest that the mountain held some degree of affection to him. No. It was as cold of an embrace as the waters themselves. Tugging at him. Pulling him deeper and deeper however hard he tried to fight back. And he had tried... but his flailing was as useless as an infants in these currents.

He knew it could not have been minutes... he couldn't hold his breath nearly that long. Yet since he fell below the surface of the river, it had felt like hours. Every second passing painfully slow. His lungs burned. Everything grew dark, and he did not know if it was because of the depth he was sinking to or from lack of oxygen. Blacker and blacker it grew, heavier and heavier became the weight. He was sure he was all but dead... sure of it. The voice that nattered in his skull... hallucinations of old men...

Then everything changed in an instant.

It was as if the world turned. That was the only way he could explain it. He had no idea which direction was up... he just knew it changed. The darkness became lighter, tinged a grey green from the color of the water. The currents became faster. Pushed harder. Louder. And... Air.

Rudolph was spat out of the pipe with as much force as the rest of the gushing flow into pool below. He gasped for air on his way down only to take in more water. But that sweet taste of air was all he needed to renew his hope that he would survive. He would. He failed about to try and gain his bearings again and reach the surface... and this time he succeeded. No sooner than he did than he felt him self bump into something. A wall... desperately he flung his arms over it and coughed up water as he sucked in all the air he could.

Where he found the strength, he did not know, but by sheer will he forced his muscles to pull himself over the wall and roll over it. Landing with a soggy *plop* at the two foot drop. He was alive. And on solid ground. Alive. He could laugh if he wasn't so worn out.

Panting, savoring each and every breath, his vision began to return. And this... thus wasn't like where he had come from. He heard bustle of people. Like a city. He saw buildings and worked stone. And a large pipe nearby that was spilling out water into a pool. That must have been where he came out of. But how? This world of dreams made no sense...

But he was alive. He was alive. With a groan, he sat up. That his clothes were soaking wet made no matter to him. He was alive.

slifer37 slifer37 Skyhunter Skyhunter
Within the inn, Arthur quietly drank his drink alone, he could feel eyes on him coming from behind him. He glanced over his shoulder to see who was watching him but he quickly saw people look away. Arthur looked back towards the bar as he activated his sixth sense ability. Immediately more bodies filled the tavern, people must have died here it looked like. He stared at a spirit in front of him, this one looked like a bartender as well, he looked about the same age of the current bartender. And they looked pretty similar. " So, what happened to you? " Arthur asked the spirit who looked up at Arthur with a surprised look on his face, this spirit has never experienced the living to talk to the dead.


" I... Died in a barfight. A brutal one. That included my first son. " Arthur stared at the spirit and nodded as he drank his drink alone. The spirit looked over to the current bartender. " I wish my son had done more with his life than be some bartender no one will remember. " The spirit sighed quietly. " But it is too late for him. " Arthur listened as this spirit poured his heart out. These, what he would call, Lost Souls usually had a whole story of despair and regrets. The former hitman took a deep breath and saw a woman come on down the stairs. " Your son is the victim of... poor circumstances, Lost Soul. But this is his destiny and what fate has woven for him. " Arthur continued, he knew he probably looked like a madman for speaking to what other people would consider nothing. " Do not blame yourself and pray that he doesn't meet the same end as you. It is time for you to rest, your son will be okay. " He caught a glance from the bartender, who looked at Arthur like he was weird just as thus woman approached him. The spirit smiled, " Yes, you are right. He will be okay. He is my son. " the spirit then dissipated like fog into nothingness. If Rowan was there, Arthur would appear a bit weird for talking while no one was there.


Arthur turned his head to this Rowan Thorn who met his eyes. Arthur didn't say anything as he quietly looked her up and down, she looked athletic enough. Capable? He would have to see, he wasn't so sure just yet. Arthur's ethereal arm rested on the chair he was sitting on, the runes on it glowed momentarily as he then moved his arm towards her just as he summoned a weapon into his hand. Activating his ability Spiritual Ordnance: Journeyman - E (2 post cooldown), Arthur would point this weapon at Rowan just as she brought up what looked like some sort of shield to protect herself.

The strange-eyed man smiled at her, looking impressed, people in the tavern all looked a bit terrified at the scene unraveling before them. " Not bad, Rowan Thorn. Not bad. " Arthur chuckled a little having his gun still pointed at her, he then lowered it and it disappeared into thin air. " I need someone with information, but it seems you may have greater use than I was excepting. " Arthur offered his hand to a seat next to him when he looked back over to the patrons of the tavern, seeing they were staring at him. Arthur raised a brow then looked back to Rowan and leaned into her. " I need a way into the Underbelly of Ryken. Something was stolen of high value early this morning, and I need to find this item. It's apparently of great importance, I was looking for someone capable but your abilities are very... Useful. " Arthur stated. " I could use someone who has bastion abilties and would like to hire you for your services. I will explain more of what we are searching for if we come to a deal. What is your cost? Money? " The former hitman stated.

In the Underbelly of Ryken...


Upon Rudolph's vision opening, he would find himself in a ruined and shallow pool, he would feel a weird nibbling on his arm and upon looking would see some sort of large leech, trying to place itself on him to enjoy his sweet blood. This pool he was in was full of them. " Hey! " the fish out of water would hear. " Get out of my leechpool you dubblenut! " a hollow looking dwarf yelled as he ran on over, grabbing Rudolph and flinging him out of the pool with great strength. " Get out of here! This is MY pool of leeches! " they were large and black, the size of small cats. This dwarf looked like he was down on his luck while looking quite insane in the process. He turned to the pool and began whispering quietly as if they were his children.

Rudolph would be close by to some sort of market as there was many people talking about merch and selling and money. The list went on and on, there was many different looking people as well as races. Humans, elves, dwarves, some sort of horned people and more. There was even what looked like some monsters too, skeletons wearing heavy armor, outcasted small demons that were trying ti make a living by selling merchandise that looked very... Shit, for lack of a better term. Rudolph would find himself in a very strange land, deep underneath the ground if he looked up. He would see the ceiling of earth and concrete, there was large pillars of flame firing down from the ceiling to keep the place lit up besides lamps and lanterns being placed everywhere.

When Rudolph turned to the dwarf again, he was pulled into the pool of leeches by something and was quickly overwhelmed by his pets, unable to yell for help. It was too late for the man and Rudolph was probably better off getting along. People barely noticed the man as they walked by, either too distracted to look at him or didn't care enough to do so. Through thr market Rudy would see there was even half-naked woman of different races yelling to men to come on over and join them behind their stall for a WHOPPING!... 2 Rykes. Ah. Very cheap indeed.

Stalls, stalls, stalls and even more STALLS. There was someone selling something in this market as Rudolph made his way through the market, food. Dirty food. Water. Dirty water even. Clothes. Dirty clothes. A supposed cure to what was called Woodrot. There was almost something for someone. If you were stupid enough to buy that is.

Escaping the market, Rudolph would see find himself in some sort of plaza, this underground was huge! This underbelly was massive! Rudy would see inconspicuous figures luring about, making their way around this plaza, there was so many directions Rudy could take to go anywhere in this large city. Anywhere. But this place was strange. These people were scary looking. He was lost. What could he do? What could he do? Would he be stabbed then robbed by someone down here. What can he do?


When finally, he was tapped the back. " You're not from around here either, are you? " a woman asked Rudolph from behind, when he turned he would see a woman in some sort of white robes with a white mask while having snow colored hair, she looked exhausted and tired while being sweaty. She looked like she ran a marathon. " I need your help then. " She demanded, her piercing red eyes looked into Rudy's.

Interactions: slifer37 slifer37 D. Rex D. Rex
Within the inn, Arthur quietly drank his drink alone, he could feel eyes on him coming from behind him. He glanced over his shoulder to see who was watching him but he quickly saw people look away. Arthur looked back towards the bar as he activated his sixth sense ability. Immediately more bodies filled the tavern, people must have died here it looked like. He stared at a spirit in front of him, this one looked like a bartender as well, he looked about the same age of the current bartender. And they looked pretty similar. " So, what happened to you? " Arthur asked the spirit who looked up at Arthur with a surprised look on his face, this spirit has never experienced the living to talk to the dead.

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" I... Died in a barfight. A brutal one. That included my first son. " Arthur stared at the spirit and nodded as he drank his drink alone. The spirit looked over to the current bartender. " I wish my son had done more with his life than be some bartender no one will remember. " The spirit sighed quietly. " But it is too late for him. " Arthur listened as this spirit poured his heart out. These, what he would call, Lost Souls usually had a whole story of despair and regrets. The former hitman took a deep breath and saw a woman come on down the stairs. " Your son is the victim of... poor circumstances, Lost Soul. But this is his destiny and what fate has woven for him. " Arthur continued, he knew he probably looked like a madman for speaking to what other people would consider nothing. " Do not blame yourself and pray that he doesn't meet the same end as you. It is time for you to rest, your son will be okay. " He caught a glance from the bartender, who looked at Arthur like he was weird just as thus woman approached him. The spirit smiled, " Yes, you are right. He will be okay. He is my son. " the spirit then dissipated like fog into nothingness. If Rowan was there, Arthur would appear a bit weird for talking while no one was there.

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Arthur turned his head to this Rowan Thorn who met his eyes. Arthur didn't say anything as he quietly looked her up and down, she looked athletic enough. Capable? He would have to see, he wasn't so sure just yet. Arthur's ethereal arm rested on the chair he was sitting on, the runes on it glowed momentarily as he then moved his arm towards her just as he summoned a weapon into his hand. Activating his ability Spiritual Ordnance: Journeyman - E (2 post cooldown), Arthur would point this weapon at Rowan just as she brought up what looked like some sort of shield to protect herself.

The strange-eyed man smiled at her, looking impressed, people in the tavern all looked a bit terrified at the scene unraveling before them. " Not bad, Rowan Thorn. Not bad. " Arthur chuckled a little having his gun still pointed at her, he then lowered it and it disappeared into thin air. " I need someone with information, but it seems you may have greater use than I was excepting. " Arthur offered his hand to a seat next to him when he looked back over to the patrons of the tavern, seeing they were staring at him. Arthur raised a brow then looked back to Rowan and leaned into her. " I need a way into the Underbelly of Ryken. Something was stolen of high value early this morning, and I need to find this item. It's apparently of great importance, I was looking for someone capable but your abilities are very... Useful. " Arthur stated. " I could use someone who has bastion abilties and would like to hire you for your services. I will explain more of what we are searching for if we come to a deal. What is your cost? Money? " The former hitman stated.

In the Underbelly of Ryken...

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Upon Rudolph's vision opening, he would find himself in a ruined and shallow pool, he would feel a weird nibbling on his arm and upon looking would see some sort of large leech, trying to place itself on him to enjoy his sweet blood. This pool he was in was full of them. " Hey! " the fish out of water would hear. " Get out of my leechpool you dubblenut! " a hollow looking dwarf yelled as he ran on over, grabbing Rudolph and flinging him out of the pool with great strength. " Get out of here! This is MY pool of leeches! " they were large and black, the size of small cats. This dwarf looked like he was down on his luck while looking quite insane in the process. He turned to the pool and began whispering quietly as if they were his children.

Rudolph would be close by to some sort of market as there was many people talking about merch and selling and money. The list went on and on, there was many different looking people as well as races. Humans, elves, dwarves, some sort of horned people and more. There was even what looked like some monsters too, skeletons wearing heavy armor, outcasted small demons that were trying ti make a living by selling merchandise that looked very... Shit, for lack of a better term. Rudolph would find himself in a very strange land, deep underneath the ground if he looked up. He would see the ceiling of earth and concrete, there was large pillars of flame firing down from the ceiling to keep the place lit up besides lamps and lanterns being placed everywhere.

When Rudolph turned to the dwarf again, he was pulled into the pool of leeches by something and was quickly overwhelmed by his pets, unable to yell for help. It was too late for the man and Rudolph was probably better off getting along. People barely noticed the man as they walked by, either too distracted to look at him or didn't care enough to do so. Through thr market Rudy would see there was even half-naked woman of different races yelling to men to come on over and join them behind their stall for a WHOPPING!... 2 Rykes. Ah. Very cheap indeed.

Stalls, stalls, stalls and even more STALLS. There was someone selling something in this market as Rudolph made his way through the market, food. Dirty food. Water. Dirty water even. Clothes. Dirty clothes. A supposed cure to what was called Woodrot. There was almost something for someone. If you were stupid enough to buy that is.

Escaping the market, Rudolph would see find himself in some sort of plaza, this underground was huge! This underbelly was massive! Rudy would see inconspicuous figures luring about, making their way around this plaza, there was so many directions Rudy could take to go anywhere in this large city. Anywhere. But this place was strange. These people were scary looking. He was lost. What could he do? What could he do? Would he be stabbed then robbed by someone down here. What can he do?

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When finally, he was tapped the back. " You're not from around here either, are you? " a woman asked Rudolph from behind, when he turned he would see a woman in some sort of white robes with a white mask while having snow colored hair, she looked exhausted and tired while being sweaty. She looked like she ran a marathon. " I need your help then. " She demanded, her piercing red eyes looked into Rudy's.

Interactions: slifer37 slifer37 D. Rex D. Rex
Rudolph should have been surprised, being hauled out as he was. Should have been surprised at the thing that was trying to fasten itself to his arm. But he wasn't.... at either... and it wasn't even because he had yet to shake off the shock of almost dying... again. No... no it was because ever since entering this forsaken world of dreams it has been nothing but crazy people and monsters and other crap. Of course he'd be pulled out by some gibberish dwarf...

Pulling himself up to his feet using the side of the pool, he yanked the creature off his arm before it could get a hold on him and through it back to the water, "Keep your damn leeches..." Rudolph grumbled, spitting again for good measure to get the foul water from his mouth.

He watched the dwarf turn back to his pool and gave him no mind. How could he when now that he looked around, he was definitely not where he had once been before. Still in a crazy world... that much was for sure... but this was a city. How did he end up in a city? A shit city... underground too it seemed. Well didn't that beat all.

A splash from behind him made him look over his shoulder, and apparently the dwarf was headlong in the pool of his precious creatures. Whatever... nothing he wanted anything to do with. Best to move on.

So he trudged on. He picked a direction and went. This place... already he was seeing more kinds of creatures than he had in the past several days. And it did not take Rudolph long for him to judge this place as a scummy rat hole of a city. It smelled. People hawking likely stolen crap and women trying to whore themselves out. Just his luck he would end up in a place like this.

It was a good thing nobody paid him any mind... he really wasn't in the mood to deal with them. He didn't look in the mood either... his clothes were about as soaked as they could get and clung to his body uncomfortable. A black hoody and a pair of jeans, and some boots that gave off a slosh with every step. He was a lean young man, muscular but lean, his mop of brown hair a complete mess that now fully emphasized his scowl that was directed at anyone that happened to be in front of him.

No... he definitely didn't look like he belonged here. And he almost welcomed someone to try and stab him or mug him just so he had an excuse to hit something. This was ridiculous. It sucked. This city sucked... the sooner he could find his way out of here the better but this place was like a dirty maze.

That was when someone tapped him on his shoulder... and he turned around quite abruptly. "What?" He snarled bitterly, as if to bite a persons nose off.

Some woman apparently... he looked her up and down. Didnt seem like the normal ruffian types of this city, from what little he seen. But he wouldn't put it past her... she could be trying to scam him or lure him to some ally to mug him. That seemed about how his luck would go.

Still... he took a deep breath to try and calm himself. "No. I'm not from around here. And I'd much rather be anywhere else." His voice much calmer in comparison, there was still an edge to it that he couldn't fully get rid of. "I suppose that depends on what kind of help." As much as he wanted to tell her to buzz off, he never did have it in himself to not help somebody. That was going to kill him one day... "Who are you and what do you need?"

Skyhunter Skyhunter
Rowan watched as this man looked her up and down. Maybe he was crazy, but he seemed too stable for that. Could be someone who could talk to ghosts, or spirits, or an invisible person next to him. Magic saturated this world too heavily to discounts a weirdo as crazy.
That was when he pulled out a gun, aiming it towards her without saying a word. This, she was ready for. She activated the skill Mage Armor- E- 2 Post cooldown, letting it wrap around her like a second skin. His ability met her armor without hurting her- just forcing her to step back to absorb it.

There was a twinge of anger at needing to use her abilities to defend herself off the bat- she had gotten her quick hands from others who had decided they had to test her. It took a bit to tamp it down, because he was offering a job- that she needed. She seemed to have proven herself to him anyway. With a sigh, she let the shield go, as it didn't seem like he would continue to attack her.

Rowan didn't answer for a few seconds, trying to weigh the pros and cons of telling him everything that she wanted, or not. Then, she finally answered, as she felt she had to start somewhere. "I do expect to know what exactly what you're looking for, as the fact that whatever was stolen being brought down to the Underbelly. I can get you down there, as I know a few people who live down there who owe me favors. Now, there are two things that I want. Money, and connections. I want money, and I also want you to introduce me to someone who can get me into the Ryken Academy. Though before you agree, you have to tell me who you are. I'm not going to work for someone who can't even tell me a single thing." Rowan replied finally, handing her terms to the other man. She would probably say yes anyway to the job offer, but she had to learn something before leading this guy to her contact- and after seeing that contact, into the Underbelly itself.

Arthur could see the anger on Rowan's face when he threatened her with his weapon, not firing it as he didn't want to hurt or kill his future employee. But he wanted to see how fast their reflexes were and he was satisfied with how quick Rowan was able to put a shield up, even more impressed seeing her shield, it was more of a barrier that was like armour on someone or something. As Arthur then lowered his weapon pointing towards the ground. It dissipated into thin air as Arthur faced the bar again.


Hearing Rowan's demands and price, it didn't sound like such a bad deal. His eyes moved back to Rowan, " Done. I got gold on me. I'll give you half now then the other half when the job is finished. " Arthur explained as his hand moved into one of his coat pockets, pulling out a small bag that sounded full of coin. He plopped it on the bar in front of Rowan. " For connections on getting you into the academy, you're in luck. I'm a student there currently and I can get you in there no problem. Only thing is, you're going to have to pass a exam to get in. I can get you into the exam. I'm only giving you a opportunity or chance, your skills will have to determine if you're good enough or if you will fall short. "

Arthur coldly put. " Now for why I am in need of reaching the Underbelly, something was stolen from the academy. Something of very high significance and importance to the kingdom. The Seeing Stone was stolen early this morning. Some of the professors went after the thief but no one knows where they disappeared to. And now they want students capable of themselves to find it. But I want to do more than find it, I want to obtain it back. " Arthur looked at Rowan with a determined look. " Arthur is my name and that's all you need to know about myself. " He stood up now, being about the same height as Rowan, he stared at her with his cold and mean look, his tone was the same, being emotionless and cold. " You still interested in the job or not? " Arthur could hear whispers coming from patrons, they stared at Arthur. He knew he was unwelcome here now, the looks he got were enough indication.

Down in the Underbelly of Ryken...

The woman took a breath and turned around to where in the distance, there could be yelling heard as people were getting closer. " I can get you a way out of here if you help me. I got people after me and I need to deliver a package. " The woman stated, she looked like she had been running for hours and the stench of sweat could be smelled coming off her if you can smell pass the trash and disgusting air of the Underbelly. " My name is Clover, I have to finish this job. Would you be willing to help? " It not like Rudy had any choice as whoever was chasing Clover was now upon them, reaching the clearing it was meet bandits, but they easily outnumbered Clover as there had to be about six of them.


Wearing cruddy armor mixed with rags and having broken weapons as they closed in on the two. " Oh look, she DOES have a accomplice. " one of them chuckled as they began to surround the two of them. There were bystanders standing around watching what was happening. " These aren't just the only ones after me. " Clover mentioned to Rudy as he pulled out a chained kunai from her strange looking cloak. Weirdly enough, it looked like snow was raining down from the weapon. Looks like Rudy was involuntarily dragged into a situation.


" Kill them and take the stone. " One yelled as one charged towards Rudy with a broken looking axe, then one followed after with a broken sword. Ready to hack and slash the man. Clover twirled her chain as one rushed her down, she threw it forward at the running opponent but pulled it back at the last second while they flinched, she spun around as the chain followed her and quickly slashed across the first man's neck. The wound froze quickly with ice as the man dropped and the ice spread like a virus across the man's neck and head freezing him to death.

Interactions: D. Rex D. Rex slifer37 slifer37
Down in the Underbelly of Ryken...

The woman took a breath and turned around to where in the distance, there could be yelling heard as people were getting closer. " I can get you a way out of here if you help me. I got people after me and I need to deliver a package. " The woman stated, she looked like she had been running for hours and the stench of sweat could be smelled coming off her if you can smell pass the trash and disgusting air of the Underbelly. " My name is Clover, I have to finish this job. Would you be willing to help? " It not like Rudy had any choice as whoever was chasing Clover was now upon them, reaching the clearing it was meet bandits, but they easily outnumbered Clover as there had to be about six of them.

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Wearing cruddy armor mixed with rags and having broken weapons as they closed in on the two. " Oh look, she DOES have a accomplice. " one of them chuckled as they began to surround the two of them. There were bystanders standing around watching what was happening. " These aren't just the only ones after me. " Clover mentioned to Rudy as he pulled out a chained kunai from her strange looking cloak. Weirdly enough, it looked like snow was raining down from the weapon. Looks like Rudy was involuntarily dragged into a situation.

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" Kill them and take the stone. " One yelled as one charged towards Rudy with a broken looking axe, then one followed after with a broken sword. Ready to hack and slash the man. Clover twirled her chain as one rushed her down, she threw it forward at the running opponent but pulled it back at the last second while they flinched, she spun around as the chain followed her and quickly slashed across the first man's neck. The wound froze quickly with ice as the man dropped and the ice spread like a virus across the man's neck and head freezing him to death.

Interactions: D. Rex D. Rex slifer37 slifer37

A way out. Of this world? That certainly had to be too good to be true. No... his luck had not been so good that he could count on that. The girl was hardly in any better condition than the rest of these people around here. It was definitely too much to hope that she was some sort of magic princess in disguise.

Now, Rudolph would have certainly inquired deeper into this job. His ingrained pessimism had him thinking that this job of hers was nothing he wanted to get involved in. A fact that was confirmed before he could ask as the group of people came upon them.

They looked like crap... but even they had weapons and armor. Dangerous crap. Rudolph most certainly did not have anything. They had six. He had one. And this Clover chick apparently wanted him to help... great. Because now they want him dead too. Great.

Rudolph took a step back, his foot brushing against a ceramic jar and his back against one of the stalls. He could hear food sizzling on it behind him and the stalls owner protesting the fight about to happen. Well Rudy would have protested right along with her if it would have made any difference. These guys... if they were anything like what he encountered before they were going to turn into some freaky nightmare shit.

The two men charged towards him.

Without thinking he hooked his foot the opening of the jar and flung it at the ax man. It shattered as it struck the man's face. As satisfying as it was, he wasn't counting on it to slow the man down for long. The sword man was already pushing ahead.

Rudolph was not idle, he had already turned to grab the first think he could from he food stall behind him. A wok about as wide as his forearm... he grabbed the handles with both hands and turned to raise it just in time as the man's sword came down in vertical arc.

It rung against the metal wok like a bell, and the man screamed as its sizzling contents spilled out onto him as a result. Taking advantage of the opportunity, the desperate teenager brought the emptied wok down to slam into the man's head sending him crumpling to the ground.

The ax man was already catching up and swinging that axe with reckless abandon. Rudolph spun the wok just in time to knock the axe aside where its blade embedded itself into the stall with a loud *chunk*. He slammed the edge of the wok down onto the man's wrist as he tried to pull it free. The man jerked his hand away with a pained yelp.

The dangerous wok was already spinning once more, grabbing it with both hands Rudolph stepped forward to slam it into the man's face. Hard enough to knock him off his feet. Hard enough to leave a dent in the cooking implement.

Both the ax man and the sword man were down. And Rudolph wasn't about to stop and admire his handiwork. Those two could get up and transform into some dream monster any moment. He wouldn't put it past them. Hell no. Hell. No. Stinky chick might be willing to fight, but he sure as heck wasn't. Unfortunately he wasn't about to leave her behind. Habit, he supposed.

Dropping the dented wok. Rudolph fled towards Clover. He didn't even slow as he bent down, practically slamming himself into her as threw her over his shoulder.

And he ran. With her literally in tow. Kicking and screaming if need be.

Skyhunter Skyhunter
Skyhunter Skyhunter

Rudolph ran. Oh did he run.

Not but three strides and he could already hear the shout of the three remaining begin their. Not but three strides and he could already here the woman on his shoulder shrieking in incredulity.

She might have been willing to stay get herself killed but Rudolph wasn't about to have none of it. Clover wanted his help? Well she drug him into this and now she was going to get it whether she wanted it or not. In the past several days he had enough suicidal people to protect, but those had been children. This was a grown ass woman who should know better!

With an arm around her thighs to hold her to his shoulder, he kept his head to the side evade those kicking legs. One of which having already clipped the face of a poor stallkeeper. If this kept up she was going to knock them both over! When she shifted suddenly, it almost knocked him off balance and he had shift his direction to keep himself from falling over.

Gritting his teeth in annoyance, he leaned forward to go even faster. With every step jostling the woman. If she stopped fighting this would be easier! And her fists drumming against his back wasn't helping. Her weight wasn't a problem, but all her fighting was.

So as he turned a corner he reared back his arm.... winding up his hand to give a full muscled slap to her posterior. If the slap wasnt audible the alleyway over, her indignant and pained scream most certainly was. A slap that nearly caused his own self to fall over.

Sadly it didn't end her protestations... but at least she had stopped kicking, choosing instead to hold her lower legs against her rear to protect herself from another smack. Very wise of her. Besides... with his arm in between her leg and thigh he had all the better grip on her.

Unfortunately he could only go so fast through these crowds. And with his burden, those men would surely be catching up. They were catching up. He could here their angry screams.

Holding out his hand he reach to out to grab for a post on a particularly scrawny stall. He gripped it for dear life, using it to sling himself around the corner. Trying to use his and Clovers weight to tip it over.

It worked! But for how much it would slow them down, he wasn't about to wait and see. He was already running down the ally at top speed, trying to gain some ground without any crowds blocking his way.

The advantage of the alley proved short lived. No sooner did reach the other mouth of the alley than he had to come to skidding stop... slamming against a dainty looking fence that barely kept him from meeting a messy death....

A sheer drop off. A view of the cavernous underbelly that made him realize that he had absolutely no idea where he was going.... there were bridges criss crossing everywhere. Exotic creatures flying and crawling on the walls. Outcroppings that seemed to hold tiers and sections of this shifty city.

Rudolph only had moment to be mystified before Clover began thumping on his back again, urging him to get moving. Shouts began coming from the alley. They saw him. Crap. He turned and started running once more. There had to be some way to lose them.
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Francois Rychin
Interactions: D. Rex D. Rex

f584ec68f72c27ec0211be1da63ef917.png The soft tapping of leather bound shoes drowned in the cacophony of the Ryken Underbelly. The shoes were polished to a sheen befitting of the setting they would often find themselves in. The scum and filth around them slowly but surely tarnished them, yet they were here anyway. Just as assuredly as these shoes did not belong here so too did the man who wore them obviously stand out. He was not necessarily dressed gaudily, but in a place like the Underbelly he might as well have been. His appearance was that of an older gentleman well into his fifties. His grey yet almost white hair was slicked back and his moustache trimmed to social perfection. He stalked the harsh streets of the Underbelly with a purpose. The common people of Underbelly knew this man did not belong, how could he dressed as he was? They steered clear of him, a man like that walking freely in the Underbelly could only mean trouble for everyone involved.

Francois Rychin idly swept his eyes about observing the people around him, yet also keeping an eye out for his quarry. The Ryken Underbelly was truly a filthy and gods-forsaken place. It stretched deep underground the city of Ryken and was home to all manner of the poor, sickly, immigrants, criminals and other such undesirables. It has existed for as long as the Ryken has and its depth and population could be seen as something of a barometer to the overall size and prosperity of the Ryken. So long as the people struggled and toiled under here the city of Ryken would be a prosperous and clean place. The people here did the best they could and it was possible to find some bastions of reason and kindness even here yet those were few in number for a reason. If someone were to say that this Underbelly was terrible they would not be remiss in their judgment. The suffering here was palpable and many innocents have been trampled by the desperate and more still taken advantage of by the villains that hide here. Yes... this place is truly sickening. Francois smirked.

"There you are."

Francois had seen the thief when she had stolen the orb and followed her when she made her swift exit. It was pure luck he had seen her but unlike much of the other staff he seldom does anything outside of the Academy and is often there much earlier than anyone else. Admittedly his old body could not keep up with her very well the story would have been different had he been young but not by much. He knew where she was going though and keeping her in his sights while avoiding detection when she had been so frantic to escape had been easier than expected, she had gotten sloppy. Her whereabouts had been more difficult to ascertain until that group of vagabonds made themselves known and the boy with her had run off with her. Francois however knew the path the boy was going on and was able to intercept where he would end up. He had to rush a bit however and his back had taken offense to that. Ah, if only Dr. Ashvins hadn't left on a trip out of the city that man was great with his hands.

His eyes narrowed as he saw the boy appear from a corner still holding the thief and running without direction. Francois could here the men yelling from behind him but they had lost sight of him when he turned that corner. He smirked. He had prepared for this though he was almost late he opened the door of a abandoned shack he was hiding out in and gestured to boy as he ran his direction.

"Young man, over here quickly!"

Well, she had gotten a job offer, and the owner probably wouldn't be too open to her staying for longer. She had asked to hang around until a job prospect opened, and here one appeared for her on a silver platter. Besides, it seemed like a decent proposition. This man- Arthur- had a way in to the Academy! That was exactly what she needed. IT helped immensely that he was paying half upfront. There was only one thing she could do- agree to his proposal.

"Alright, Arthur. I'm in." She held out a hand, waiting until he took it before giving him an enthusiastic shake. "I'll lead you to my contact. Alfred owes me a favor, and he's going to pay up today. He knows how to get to the Underbelly." The money Arthur had provided her was squirreled away into a pocket, and with a nod of her head, she headed towards the door, not waiting for Arthur. She could tell he was making the patrons of the inn uneasy- considering he was making her uneasy as well.

Eventually, with about an hour of trekking, she would come to a disheveled looking hovel. From the outside it looked like shit, but she knew better. Insides, it had the opulence befit of a merchant, as Alfred was one. Her saving his life had guaranteed her a favor, and the squirrely man would pay up. Alfred may be an asshole for sure, but he had a strange moral code, which was how he had been able to stay in business for so long in both areas. Customers wouldn't come to an absolute swindler after all, and word traveled faster than wares sometimes.

"Alfred!" Rowan called out, rapping the door with her knuckles in three sharp knocks, stopping for a few seconds, rapping for one and stopping, before giving one loud pound on the door. A tall, gangly man opened the door, with hair redder than a chili pepper sitting in a rat's nest on top of his head. "I need you to take me and my employer to the Underbelly, and I'm calling in that favor you owe me." Rowan said confidently, her eyes zeroed in on the man. Even from here, they could see that the inside was much more vibrant than the outside, legal wares mixed with illegal items served to give the merchant luxury that most people wouldn't dream of having.

"Fuck, I knew this day would come." Alfred cursed audibly, looking annoyed but resigned, a good sign that he was going to help them. "It shouldn't take too long. I'll pack a bag." Alfred said, closing the door on them, leaving them firmly outside. She wasn't going to say it in front of Alfred, but if the man decided to run...well, she was reasonably sure Arthur would shoot him. Not that she minded of course, because it would be him betraying him business, and he would be sure to loose everything.

Arthur knew he was giving a offer Rowan couldn't resist, half of the money up front before they started and a potential entrance exam, hell if they were to meet one of the staff in the Underbelly then that would make her chances higher. Her barriers would make a unique addition to the academy, she could potentially learn more about her powers. He stared at her with the same cold stare, his eyes moved down to her hand that stuck out in the deal, his ghostly and ethereal hand moved and took her hand giving her a gentle shake. His hand would be cold to the touch, like death.


Releasing her hand, Arthur followed after Rowan when she spoke of someone knowing the way down to the Underbelly. After a long trek to her contact's place, Arthur was keeping a lookout as they made their through the slums, it brought back a lot of memories for the former hitman. He remember how and where he grew up, his family was in poverty and didn't have much while he was really young. So his mother and father turned to the mafia and began to work for them and do jobs. As he grew up he would be given work, whether it be cleaning around their place or helping with small jobs that didn't involve illicit activities. Not until he was almost 12 is when he began to get involved in more illegal activities.

Arthur was snapped out of his thoughts when Rowan yelled out someone's name and began banging on their door. Alfred. Arthur would remember this name, his hand was ready to summon a weapon if it was needed. Arthur saw the door open, staring at the man Alfred with a serious look. Inside Arthur could see all sorts of items inside telling him that this Alfred probably had a lot of experience doing this, but him being smart or not didn't depend on what he had but how he acted.

The door closed and Alfred went back inside to get ready. Arthur turned around to face away from the door, looking out to see if anyone would be coming or if they got followed, Arthur was a very paranoid fellow, he was ready to summon a weapon immediately, he was very quiet and didn't say much. Finally Alfred came out which helped Arthur calm down, Alfred began to lead the two through the slums to find his entrance to the Underbelly.

Eventually they came up to a large pile of trash that was on the side of the road where there was abandoned homes placed. Behind this hill of trash there more trash but when Alfred approached, this trash dissipated into nothingness revealing a pipe with a ladder. Alfred went down the hole first and Arthur turned around looking out to make sure no one was watching. " Go, Rowan. " Arthur told her, letting her go first. When Rowan began climbing down, Arthur followed suit and the hole covered itself again with illusionary magic. As they moved down this pipe they would end up in a large sewer, landing on one of the platforms next to a large river of sewage and other disgusting substances. Arthur landed on the platform and turned to the two, the smell didn't bother him in the little. " Where to next? " Arthur asked Alfred.


In the Underbelly of Ryken...


Clover was enjoying the fight, even though she was exhausted, the thrill of battle and slaying those who were deserving of so. Her ice powers mixed with her chained kunai made her deadly but she was still an inexperienced thief and assassin. She was holding her own pretty well considering she was exhausted from running and morning and afternoon.


As Rudy was about to down two of the bandits, the others rounded around the two, four left as the two Rudy downed were groveling in pain, he didn't kill them but he definitely had them out for the count. The four were trying to find a way to get to these two without getting hurt or killed. The stall owners weren't happy about this, especially the one that Rudy had stolen the wok from. " Watch them! Especially the big guy! " one called out, Clover was about to say something when she turned hearing running, Rudolph had picked her up and slung her over his shoulder like a bag. " Wha- H-Hey! " Clover yelled, embarrassed at this tactic. " What are you doing, fool! " She continued, slamming her fists on his back and kicking her legs wildly.

The bandits themselves were surprised by this and all stopped and looked at each other before they followed after the two. " Get them! " even the downed bandits were back up to their feet and followed after the group slowly. Still recovering from the wok beating they have received.

Clover looked up seeing the bandits followed. " Put me down you scoundrel! They're coming! We can fight them still! 1 is dead and that leaves 5- " But she instead received a loud smack on her jiggly ass which made her jump and widen her eyes. Letting out a audible yelp of pain that was mixed with what could only be described as rapture. She covered her mouth with her hands and stopped resisting, she was going to kill this fool for getting too handsy with her but he was saving her, besides, she was very exhausted from all the running she had been doing so this was a moment of rest for her.

Until they reached a dead end. " You idiot! " Clover looked ahead of them seeing where they were at. " You should have listened! " Clover was able to prop herself up on his shoulder releasing his grasp on her and slammed her knee into the joint of his shoulder. Causing his arm to go numb for a few minutes as she landed on the ground. Clover backed away from Rudy holding her weapon again only to see the bandits close in on them, blocking their exit.

Clover sighed " Gods damn you... I never should have asked for you help. " Her face was still red of embarrassment. But she was ready to fight as these 5 bandits closed in on them.

Luckily for these pair of fools, help would come in the form of a sharply dressed man who opened a door for them, Clover looked at the old man, he looked very odd to be in a disheveled city like this. Clover saw no other option other than to follow after this man. The bandits saw their escape and quickly sprinted after them. " Dont let them escape! " Clover quickly ran to the door, pushing Francois onto the ground as she made her way into the building. As Rudy came in, closed and locked it. The bandits could be heard trying to open the door but because of it being locked, they resorted to attacking the door trying to break it down. Clover was looking for a way out but was unable to find one. Surrounded by strangers now along with one that smacked her booty that got a odd reaction out of her. She was rather uncomfortable with her predicament. " Fuckfuckfuck... " she muttered quietly. She wasn't able to find a good way out, windows were boarded up and doors were blocked, she headed up the stairs of this shack to see if she could find a way out. She was making her escape, they would have to stop her if they didn't want her leaving.

Interactions: slifer37 slifer37 D. Rex D. Rex EMIYAman EMIYAman
Rudolph had carried her like a sack of grain... so it was only appropriate that he dropped her like one too when she struck his shoulder. It was a painful feeling. Not agonizing. But like when you get your funny bone struck. He shot her a look before turning to the man, and then the following thugs. "And if I listened, we'd have been killed by their friends. Don't be stupid." He said, bluntly. Clearly with five here, that meant there had been plenty more. These just being the ones he had outrun.

A man. Appeared and ushered them into a building. Well... when you were falling off a cliff, there was no pouring in complaining about what it was you grabbed onto. Clover wisely hurried herself in. Not so keen on fighting five guys when she could flee. Funny how she complained about it just minutes before. Rudolph followed closely behind.

As he got inside, he slammed the door shut, in the face of one of those thugs. And with a foot pressed against the door, he locked it, and slid a bar down. Moving from it cautiously to make sure it would hold before backing away.

He looked to Francois. Whom Clover didn't seem to have cared if she knocked him around. Well Rudolph did. "You okay, man? I don't know who you are, but thanks. You work for her?"

It was at that point, that he noticed Clover creeping up the foot of the stairs. Like a child hoping to sneak to her room before her parents caught her. Well fuck him.

The arm she struck. It tingles with that lingering ache that made him want to hold it limp. But by sheer force of will he raised it, and pointed a finger straight at her. The gesture held the weight of a stormhead pressing down makinging you want to take shelter, and his voice was like a clap of thunder that warned that the lightning was all too close. "YOU! You, woman, you have some explaining to do. You pulled me into this bullshit, and I intend to find a way out of it. So I suggest you sit your ass down before I rightly destroy it, and start telling me what you got me into." If the gesture or words was not warning enough. The glare the young man shot was one of someone who was looking for any excuse to deliver on the promise of "destroying her ass", and a single feather could break the restraint. Oh yes. He looked ready to seize her. To chase her down if needed. And had no intention of being as gentle as he was before.

No. Rudolph did not like being put into bullshit situations. No he did not like it at all. No. Rudy wasn't happy at all.

Skyhunter Skyhunter
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Rowan carefully pulled herself down the ladder, letting her mind wander for a moment in the lull. Arthur's hand had been cold- but that might have been an issue with his hands, or it could be magical. Considering the man talked to himself quite often, he was either seeing ghosts or was certifiably crazy. She suspected it was a combination of both.

"Now, we look for information brokers. You'll find out what you need from them." Alfred replied before setting off carefully, leading them down the tunnel. "I will bring you to the man I know, named Setzen. After that, you're on your own."

Rowan was on the defensive, her awareness hyperfocused all around them. The muck of the sewer didn't register much to her, considering she had done other jobs like this before. Ready to protect the other two, she made sure to stay in between them, so she could reach both Alfred and Arthur if an attack happened. "That's all we need." Rowan acknowledged, knowing that the favor would be repaid- she would have to either buy his services in the future or save his life again, but at least he was a future contact, and a possible future employer, if the Academy didn't work out, or if Arthur died, or something else.

The sight of the Underbelly as the trio walked toward the orange-yellow light almost made her gasp- as the scope of it was surprisingly massive. The city was a sprawling mass, which made it all the more amazing that it was a well-kept secret. Then she focused on the road ahead- looking around to prepare for an attack that would probably happen. The Underbelly was a cesspit, and she had to be on guard at all times- as her abilities was meant to save their lives, as it had saved hers many times before.
Francois Rychin
Interactions: D. Rex D. Rex

f584ec68f72c27ec0211be1da63ef917.png Francois moved to back away from the entrance as the thief and the boy rushed in. He was unceremoniously knocked onto his butt by the thief when she shoved her way in. He paid it no mind (though his back was sore). She was quite frantic moving quickly around the small shack fruitlessly looking for a way out. The women was obviously disgruntled her emotions were swirling around in a frenzy. This was no master thief with years of experience and a cool head with which to prevail through all hardship. Francois didn't have the full picture yet, but either she had bit off more than she could chew with her most recent "heist" or someone had put her up to this. For now he would continue this role and see how this all plays out.

Francois took Rudolphs hand as he helped him stand back up. He offered the boy a grateful smile before dusting himself off showing no sign of worry at their current predicament. He stared deep into the dark pools of Rudolphs eyes and quirked an eyebrow as he listened to his question.
"No, I can't say I've ever had the pleasure of meeting that girl before now." Francois gestured idly to the thief as she pushed up against the ramshackle ceiling. "I merely noticed the dreadful situation you two were in and sought to assist. Many people have been terribly hurt in this harsh city." His words were meant to convey a sense of distress at the state he had found them in, but one look at his face showed a surprising level of composure in juxtaposition to his statement. The door to the dilapidated building shook and shouts of the men outside still trying to break in could be heard. Francois merely waited for what was anyone's guess but his calm demeanor had yet to waver. It seemed the thiefs bumbling around had triggered a reaction from Rudolph. There seemed to be obvious tension between the two, as he angrily berated her. So this is what they were like. The girl was obviously in over her head and had quite the mouth on her though there was some level of confidence in herself however misplaced it may or may not be for her to have taken the actions she did. The boy was rather intense with that scowling look he had etched onto his face but he had a good heart and was willing to help and trust in others, even if they be strangers. His temper though was quite dangerous when things got to him he would most likely burn hotter than an inferno. Yes, these are without a doubt people. Francois smirked.

"If I may interrupt, you need not continue your search." Francois walked over to an unsupposing part of the wall and pushed it in. The old rotted wood fell back, and kept falling. This small abandoned home they had holed themselves up in was placed on the very edge of the deep hole in the Ryken Underbelly. And along the exit he had made was a slight platform of rock where one could walk along to other parts of the city. This was the escape route Francois had found in advance not necessarily this one as just about any building in this area would do, so long as they were built along the edge of the abyss. He looked back at the two of them gesturing to their opportunity of escape. "Well?"
Within the sewers of Ryken...


As the small group, made their way through the sewer system, Arthur stared at both Rowan and Alfred, his eyes focused on Alfred as he lead the two through the sewer system, Arthur activated his Sixth Sense and looked on around, he could wisps floating around in the air. Must have been some souls that were killed here. As they continued to walk through, he would see the spirits of people that passed on down here, either looking lost or stoic.


Eventually Arthur released his sixth sense to focus on their objective. Listening to Alfred speak that they would meet a contact of his and the two would be on their own. There was getting too many people to meet, there was too many people that they needed to speak to to get information on a thief that most likely likely could ask anyone. But Arthur kept his mouth shut and wits about him. He felt like something was off, looking at the sewage they walked by it looked like it was moving strangely. Ahead of the three, the sewage suddenly moved onto the pavement they were on and transformed into a strange creature made of sewage, it took form in front of them and let out a disgusting screech. Just as the sewage that Arthur was looking at moved towards him, luckily for Arthur he moved out of the way towards Rowan as this strange creature took form where Arthur stood looking at the group.


" Great. " Arthur growled sounding annoyed, snapping his fingers that emitted a loud sound. The runes on his arm glowed slightly as in his hand, his weapon took form. Spiritual Ordnance: Journeyman - E (1 post cooldown.) In Arthur's hand conjured his trusty Lupara, the weapon that was significant to Arthur, it was the weapon his Don used on him before his life was ended. Holding it in one hand as this strange sewer monster took form before him. Arthur held his weapon and smirked a evil one as he fired his weapon as the monster, blowing most of it away. Arthur enjoyed the thrill of a fight again, now that this one was killed he could help- but just as he was about to turn the sewage began to reform into form again. Arthur cursed silently as his sixth sense activated, he saw the souls of the spirits taking form in these creatures, lost souls that didn't know what to do with themselves and desperate for release they attack people.

Arthur knew what he had to do and activated his weapon with Sixth Sense, now able to damage spirits. He fired his Lupara again and blew the creature away again, this time getting more dramatic reaction as the creature exploded on the walls, floor and back into the sewage around them. Arthur could also see the souls of the damned leaving the sewage and dissipating into thin air.

He stared at it for a moment but heard a scream, turning around he would see the sewage monster take Alfred and begin to digest him before the two. So much for their escort... Arthur could only put the man out of his misery and put this creature down. Placing a hand on Rowan's shoulder and pulling her back out of the way, Arthur raised his Lupara at both Alfred and the sewage creature, Alfred's arm was beginning to get digested, his skin burning away. " Get a barrier around him, now. " Arthur commanded Rowan, he gave her a second to cast her spell before he fired directly at both Alfred and the sewage beast. If Rowan did her spell correctly, Alfred would be safe and the sewage beast would have taken most of the attack. Although Rowan's barrier spell would be broken from Arthur's superior weapon, but Alfred would be okay. The sewer monster exploded away from Alfred and onto the walls and pavement. Smalls wisps that both Rowan and Alfred could now see, dissipated into the air. Alfred's arm would be burned, his arm skin would be dissolved away and leave permanent scarring but he was okay and alive. His arm wouldn't have much feeling in it anymore thanks to the sewer monster. " People were killed down here. Their souls didn't know how to leave. So they conjoined into these strange amalgamations. There could possibly be more. Keep a eye out. " Arthur warned both of them.

Looking to Alfred, Arthur still held his weapon, " You alright? We got to keep moving or we'll become just like them. " Arthur instructed. The rest of the trip would be smooth sailing, the sewers would once again prove to be a scary and horrendous place to go through. Eventually they would reach the Underbelly of Ryken, the city of illicit activities and debauchery.

Inside the shack...


Clover continued to try and find some way out, she didn't have much experience so being trapped in a shack with 2 strangers and a whole city after her outside the shack was finally getting to her. She was panicking. She jumped when hearing Rudolph yell at her. Turning to face him, threatening to spank her again, her face was red underneath her mask, part of her almost wanting him too-what? " Fuck you! " She yelled. " Of course you would, pervert! Thats all you know how to do, huh? Not think and try to get answers! Look where you got us, eh!? " Clover pointed at Rudy back. " I should never have asked for help... " she cursed to herself.


Seeing this old man, hearing this stranger speak and how he spoke. It occurred to Clover he definitely wasn't from here, his clothing made his stand out, he spoke too proper for people that lived down here. This could be one of the ones after her, she didn't see him amongst those chasing her but didn't matter. There was still a lot after her... This reward better be worth all this trouble, after all, a bounty was placed on such a artifact. Keeping her bag close to her Clover jumped down onto the floor as Francois pushed open a shack wall to allow them to leave.

Clover stared at him with untrusting eyes but what choice did she have? Hearing the bandits outside trying to tear their way inside left her with none. " Fine. " Looking at Rudy, she sighed. " When we get to a safer location I'll explain myself. " then she looked to Francois. " Thank you for helping us. " Her voice had no indication of thankfulness in her voice, she made her way over to the two just as one of the windows broke open, the bandits were beginning to break it. One of them bearing a broken axe, broke the wall down and now they had a way inside. Clover pulled out her kunai and chain, ready to fight. The axe wielding man charged at Clover, as she stood there she dissipated into mist, as the axe slammed down where she was standing, the bandit looked very confused at what just transpired. The mist moved to the side and Clover took form again, her kunai following after her as the weapon sliced across the throat of her attacker.

Blood spilled onto the floor as the man held his throat trying to save himself in a desperate attempt, his eyes full of horror. Clover made her way over to the open wall as another bandit made his way inside, wielding a shortsword, seeing Rudy he charged at the man, ready to swing his weapon. Taking this opportunity, Clover pushed Francois (again) into a wall as she made her escape, this was her opportunity to get away and hopefully not get tracked. She burst her way through the wall and began running in any direction. Francois could stay and help Rudy or he could chase after Clover and not have her get away. The choice was up to him.

Interactions: slifer37 slifer37 D. Rex D. Rex EMIYAman EMIYAman
Skyhunter Skyhunter EMIYAman EMIYAman slifer37 slifer37

"Trust me, man. I appreciate it. Probably the first good luck I've had since I came to this place." And that was the truth. Finally something that went somewhat remotely in his favor. When Francois showed them the secret exit... well... bless that man. Bless him.

Of course then Clover had to ruin it.

Rudolph glared at the woman, "No, fuck you and your dollar store ninja costume. If I didn't carry your fat ass halfway across this stupid city, you'd have been dead. Or did you think all those extra fucking mooks would have happily taken turns?"

The young man gave both a grimace and a snarl at her label of perversion. "Don't think your such a fucking prize. The reason these folks keep finding us is because they can smell your sweaty ass from three blocks over."

"Oh trust me... its been a real fucking pleasure hauling something around that smells as bad as this city does." He said with venomous sarcasm.

However, when she became somewhat cooperative, and a bit thankful (even if only to the old man). Rudolph just nodded the venom he held was washed away. He could handle that.

And then the door broke in. And things got violent.

Clover dispatched one with ease. Before running past Rudy and Franky once more. Bully was what she was. Bitch. Bitch was the more accurate word.

But as soon as his eyes locked with the man holding the sword... he gave a look to Francois. The old man seemed like a smart sort. Surely he had the same idea as Rudolph. That idea being "fuck this shit let's run". That was obviously the smart thing to do.

So he ran. Already on the heels of Clover. Though she didn't seem to notice. "Hey! Do you even know where we are going?" He shouted to her as he ran.
Rowan cursed, dodging out of the way as slime came at her. Unfortunately, that was the wrong move, as the slime creature beared down on one person in particular- Alfred. Of course it could pick out the weakest of the three of them. She summoned her Basic Force Field-F- (0 Post Cooldown) right as it engulfed the man's arm, causing him to cry out in pain. Her hands moved in the familiar pattern, using the words to summon her forcefield. Now normally it didn't quite cut through things as it wasn't a weapon, but this was like pulling string through tender meat as she maneuvered the field around him, creating a barrier between Alfred and the slime. Arthur's shot shattered the forcefield, separating the man and slime completely.

Rowan went to deal with Alfred, pulling him to safety before digging into the man's bag. She found the canteen and pulled it out, unscrewing it carefully. "I'll pour some water on your arm to clean it off- that slime is acidic." While Arthur took care of the slime, Rowan cleaned off Arthur's arm as best as she could, wrapping the arm with an extra shirt of his before going back on the lookout for danger.

Alfred lead the group through the alleyways of the seedy underbelly, sticking to the shadows as much as possible as to not draw as much attention to them, as even if it was 2 and 1/2 against the group things could get dicey, even with Arthur and Rowan having magic that synergies. Eventually they came upon a rusted building, somehow a mix of elegant and rusted almost beyond repair, a once beautiful building left to ruin.
Francois Rychin
Interactions: D. Rex D. Rex

f584ec68f72c27ec0211be1da63ef917.png The thief girl eyed him wearily. She obviously didn't trust him even with his offer of escape. Clever girl, it only makes sense she wouldn't trust an old man you just met. Especially not one who came to your rescue right in the nick of time, not down here. Very smart of her. He even got a nice surprise when she offered to explain herself to placate the boy. Francois would certainly like some answers as well so this all worked out quite wonderfully for him. He even got a word of thank you even if it sounded rather heavy on her tongue. The boy seemed to have a good impression of him though as he was rather grateful for the help. How nice. Though he must admit even he was surprised when that man broke through into the building and the girl rather quickly dispatched of him all the while displaying a rather interesting form of magic.

The rest of the men quickly started to funnel in doing their best to get to their quarry inside. The girl quickly abandoned them as she is prone to do, and rushed outside once again pushing Francois out the way. He was a rather understanding sort not one to hold things against people but even he was rather tired of the girls rudeness. What would she do if he had thrown out his back? As she rushed out their escape route the boy eyed the room realizing their chances and in a look he gave Francois which he knew all to well he ran out. Francois was hot on his tail as they both escaped trying to put as much distance between them as they could.

While he was no out of shape man he was still in his fifties and time had eroded some of the energy of his youth. If he hadn't kept a good enough exercise regiment as of late he's sure he would have been unable to even remotely keep up. As is stands he could only do this for so long the burning in his lungs and joints was going to eventually become too much. The boy voiced his misgivings about whether or not the girl had any idea where they were going. Francois shared the sentiment. "I must admit I can keep up this pace for only a time so a plan would be necessary." He calmly but loudly called out to them a ways ahead of him.

The Underbelly of Ryken...


Arthur, Rowan and Alfred would make their way out of the sewer system, reaching the Underbelly of Ryken. The city underneath of the capital. The Settlement of Sin. Arthur was here, the people he would most likely fit in most with, especially with his nature. Arthur couldn't help but feel like he was at home. This place held criminals and villainy, possibly much worst.


As Alfred lead them into the outskirts of the city, now they were getting into the most dangerous part of the Underground, the Underbelly. Getting lead to a rusting building that looked like it would have been beautiful at point in life, now a husk and shadow of itself. A ruin. Alfred walked up to the door and knocked on it. Arthur checked his surroundings quietly, ready to summon another weapon if needed, always ready.

After a few moments the door to the rusted building, opened with a lot of force, making a scratching noise thanks to all the rust. Out walked a rude looking man, staring at the group with disdain. " A'oo are yah buggers, eh? " he sounded drunk and smelled of drink, his eyes looking at Rowan, examining her up and down her body. Before Alfred stepped forward. "Setzen, I'm here to cash in a favor you owe me. These two have information they are looking for and you are best suited for that. " The man quickly looked to Alfred and stared at him before grumbling quietly and turned around to walk on back inside.


Alfred looked at both Arthur and Rowan. " This is where our partnership ends for the moment. Good luck on your endeavors. " He bowed to Rowan and then only looked at Arthur before walking off into thd Underbelly. Leaving Arthur and Rowan with this guy, Setzen. Arthur looked to Rowan for a moment then headed on inside.

When the two got in, Setzen's house was a mess, trash laid everywhere. The elf sat down on a dingy looking sofa looking at the two. " So what do you want. " The elf asked. Arthur now could let his more true nature free and reveal what he was after. The ghostly appendage of his clenched into a fist a couple times as he made his way over to where Setzen was at. " I need information on a stolen item that just got here today. You would have heard about it, it would be today's hottest topic. A Seeing Stone. " This caught Setzen's attention now paying full attention.

" Oh I may have heard about that. " He chuckled standing up, Arthur would have noticed that he was wearing rags of what looked like a nobles robes. " But I want something back in return. " Setzen looked over at Rowan. This would get a punch from Arthur who ended up knocking the older man down onto the floor and into trash. Arthur stared at this man and stood over him as Setzen was gathering his barrings. Surprised by the punch. Arthur grabbed him by his shirt. " Where is the Seeing Stone? Who has it! " Arthur asked in a more cruel tone. Setzen having a bruise beside his eye. " Go fuck yourself, human! " This was responded by another punch by Arthur. Blood was hit the floor, Arthur broke the nose of this elf who held it, crying out in pain. " Alright alright I'll tell you! Just- stop! " he yelled. Arthur then let the man's rags go and backed off, rubbing his fist, it had been too long that he had punched someone. How great it felt.

" From what I gathered, a young woman in white arrived back in the Underbelly early this morning. She wears white and has a strange eye symbol on her robes. She tried talking to a group of bandits to help her in holding the top dwellers back. This ended up back firing and they chased her too after she tried to screw them over. She could be anywhere in the Underbelly. She could be dead on the streets, what do I know? Happy? " Setzen yelled. " The Underbelly Plaza would be your best bet to start at. There's always something happening there. " Setzen explained. Arthur huffed and walked pass Rowan and outside. " Come on. "

This would have shown Rowan that Arthur was a cruel man who got his results, no matter the cost.


As Clover was running she could hear from the inside. " Hey! Get back here so I can slaughter you! " One of the bandits sounded unhappy, she turned her head back and saw both Rudy and Francois following her. Damn it! These bastards are persistent! Clover kept her speed up and made sure to not let herself slow down. Upon hearing Rudy's question, Clover smirked a little and looked to her new companion.

" I know where I'm going. " She stated. Up ahead she would see more bandits block their only way of moving forward. Still holding her kunai and chain that dripped snow and water, she mumbled something quietly and jumped into the air, turning into a ethereal version of herself, like a mist. She take the form of a mist state and looked back at Rudy and Francois. Holding this state before she would fly off towards the group that looked confused on where Clover went, she reappeared before them, the mist dissolving away and a dead weapon pointed at them.

Clover was able to slash one across their neck with the kunai. With the same thing earlier, the wound began to froze severely and quickly, growing around the victims neck and then head. But because of this attack, one of the other ones was quick enough and kicked Clover backwards into Rudy. These bandits held weapons ready to fight. In their way was 4 with 1 dead so a total of three. Behind then where they were coming from. A couple more made their way through the hole in the shack.

Clover quickly got back up to her feet holding her kunai and chain. " Old man, figure something you old fart! " Clearly, Clover had no respect for those older than her. Turning to face the two bandits coming from the rear, holding her snowing kunai. The bandits all had smiles and were laughing like they already won today, and were going to defeat this strange Mashup group.

Interactions: slifer37 slifer37 D. Rex D. Rex EMIYAman EMIYAman
As Clover was running she could hear from the inside. " Hey! Get back here so I can slaughter you! " One of the bandits sounded unhappy, she turned her head back and saw both Rudy and Francois following her. Damn it! These bastards are persistent! Clover kept her speed up and made sure to not let herself slow down. Upon hearing Rudy's question, Clover smirked a little and looked to her new companion.

" I know where I'm going. " She stated. Up ahead she would see more bandits block their only way of moving forward. Still holding her kunai and chain that dripped snow and water, she mumbled something quietly and jumped into the air, turning into a ethereal version of herself, like a mist. She take the form of a mist state and looked back at Rudy and Francois. Holding this state before she would fly off towards the group that looked confused on where Clover went, she reappeared before them, the mist dissolving away and a dead weapon pointed at them.

Clover was able to slash one across their neck with the kunai. With the same thing earlier, the wound began to froze severely and quickly, growing around the victims neck and then head. But because of this attack, one of the other ones was quick enough and kicked Clover backwards into Rudy. These bandits held weapons ready to fight. In their way was 4 with 1 dead so a total of three. Behind then where they were coming from. A couple more made their way through the hole in the shack.

Clover quickly got back up to her feet holding her kunai and chain. " Old man, figure something you old fart! " Clearly, Clover had no respect for those older than her. Turning to face the two bandits coming from the rear, holding her snowing kunai. The bandits all had smiles and were laughing like they already won today, and were going to defeat this strange Mashup group.

Interactions: slifer37 slifer37 D. Rex D. Rex EMIYAman EMIYAman

How was it that this was so hard to get away from? Where these people everywhere? This was fricking ridiculous. Why should he expect anything other than the worst at this point?

His plan was to just barrel on through them, their weapons be damned... but perhaps Clover actually had the right idea this time. Then she did some magic shit. Mystifying and disappearing. Of course. Why not? Why can't somebody just have a blizzard knife and get all foggy on a whim? Maybe the old man can shoot laser beams out of his hands and Rudolph would learn that he himself could spit lightning. Why not?

Thankfully the goons seemed just as surprised at the development as he did. Unthankfully, her attack ended about as soon as it began. As she was kicked back into him, he tried to catch her, but it simply ended in both if them falling down.

As fast as Clover got up, so did he. So much for running away this time... looks like he had to fight again, and this time there wasn't a pot or pan in sight to beat someone with. Fists? Well... he didn't figure that was a good idea. But something caught his eye...

On the ground was the length of chain from Clovers knife. There was a good bit of chain too... eight feet? Ten maybe? It was better than nothing. And it wasn't like she was using this half. So he picked it up.

The metal was cold. Freezing almost. And it didn't really look like any metal he had seen... but then again, it was apparently magic. Rudolph looked from the chain to the now very amused mooks. The bastards thought they could without a fight. Bastards thought they could win.

Something then shifted on the chain... the weighted end began to ice over and form a knife, like the one Clover had. Sure enough, when he looked over, he met her eye. Apparently she had an idea of what he intended. Well for the first time since meeting her, he felt thankful for something she did. He gave her a nod... then turned back to the jobbers.

Let's see... Rudolph took to Clovers right. He moved to the side a bit, making sure to keep some slack in the chain for her to move freely. He wrapped the chain a couple times around his left fist, and left some more slack from there to the knife.

It was do or die, now. Rudolph wasn't going to die here. Fuck no. He had a weapon, and wasn't defenseless anymore. He was going to put it to good use. Every inch of it. If there was a time to be aggressive, now was it.

Rather than hold the knife, he let it hang from the chain, spinning it a circle before stepping forward and swinging it horizontally at the man on the far right.

Rudolph was hoping, that after seeing what happened to his comrade, the man would raise his sword to block it. If this chain worked as he imagined he expected it to try and yank it out of the way, with him hopefully off balance and open.

It was then that he hoped to launch his intended attack. Not with the knife, but rather a Rudolph fist wrapped in chain to create an improvised knuckleduster. He had been in a few fights before, but not like this. He was fighting for his life here, so he intended to put some weight behind this punch.

As for the movement of the chain? Well he was expecting it to move along with him. Like a barrier the man in the middle from moving forward to strike at the sides of Clover or Rudolph, or even Francois, without making some awkward strike or pushing his own compatriots out of the way, theoretically. The chain was as much a weapon as the knife was, and by Dream Ladys bratty attitude he was going to fucking use both to make sure they got out of this alive.

Would it work out that way? He suppose it all depended on if he could get past the man's defense and beat that amused look of his face.

Attack Summary:

Narrative action: Swinging a chain to get a sword out of the way and punch dude in face, while raising a chain to keep middle dude from passing.

Mechanical Attack: Punch with ice kunai and chain equipped, C strength.

Notes: The swinging of the chain is mostly for flavor, and not a mechanical attempt to disarm or force movement. In, technical terms, I suppose it would be called a "feint".

slifer37 slifer37 EMIYAman EMIYAman Skyhunter Skyhunter
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Francois Rychin
Interactions: D. Rex D. Rex

f584ec68f72c27ec0211be1da63ef917.png The state of affairs was starting to grow out of hand. Francois still found it all quite interesting, but if things got too dangerous his life would be cut short and he couldn't allow that. It was unfortunate but he resolved himself that if things got too bad he would have to abandon this motley crew. Francois was fine either way but he found Rudolph too intriguing, it would be a pity to leave him for dead. Until then however. Francois took a step back moving out of the way of a stray sword swing. The two youths were taking up most of the attention of their pursuers. The Thief had produce a foreign weapon Francois had not seen before made entirely out of ice. She was quite proficient at magic; she would make a good student. Though that attitude of hers would be troublesome in school. Calling him an "old fart" was amusing but would be considered quite rude. The Boy was very quick on his feet and was clever to boot. He quickly acted and moved to defend himself by using part of the Thief's unique weapon. He didn't seem to have much training in weaponry or even fighting but he certainly took to it rather well.

Francois calmly stalked about the fight, putting as much distance between himself and the largest dangers. He wasn't unreasonable however he came in when it was most prudent, he wasn't strong nor was he a fighter. But, he could just as easily hit someone from behind or kick them while they were down as any other man. He made an effort to not rush he moved dispassionately and methodically so as not to draw attention to himself. Of course there were some outliers who made an exception and would try to kill him as well but he stayed close enough for the Boy to catch their attention with a well placed attack. Still. This was risky far riskier than anything he had done before, his heart beat rapidly and sweat trickled down his brow. He could feel it the despair of the people around him the anger and rage the desperation from both parties and the instinct to survive. Francois did not feel much he hadn't for years. He has long since deduced that he had been born with a flaw. For him happiness was agony, and despair was pleasure itself. He smirked. So for Francois, this was the most happy he has ever been. Now he would have to see where this all goes...
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"Get back safely Alfred. If you need me once I'm done, come find me." Rowan replied to Alfred's bow, warmth infusing her voice. The man was a decent sort, and their working relationship was still intact.

As Alfred left, Rowan turned her attention to the building, her hands up, ready to cast defensively in case Setzen's house was booby-trapped. It wouldn't be the first time, even if they were only there to gather information. She let Arthur lead the conversation, knowing he would be more familiar with the Seeing Stone, and would thus be able to describe it better.

It let her look at the elf, assessing him and his dwelling. Setzen was rude and arrogant, lived in a once-fine place, and kept shreds of his past finery as if they still made him nobility. He may have been once, but the true nobility of the Underbelly didn't live in messy squalor with rags of once-fine clothing.

The warm light in her eyes died quickly, her eyes turning flat and cold at the offer. At Arthur's treatment of Setzen she spoke not a word, just looking without emotion as Arthur shook down the elf for information.

"One minute." Rowan said to Arthur after his little speech, not flinching after Arthur's brutal gaining of information, before turning her full attention to Setz. A flat barrier (Basic Barrier- F Grade- 0 Post Cooldown) appeared around Setzen, curving slightly downward from the neck down while Setz attempted to get himself up. The barrier kept him down on the ground, a flat plane with arching sides forcibly keeping the man on his stomach.
Still holding onto the magic, Rowan sauntered over to the fallen man, squatting down next to him, not reacting to the curses he threw her way.

"There's one thing I hope you remember. Arrogance will get you killed, elf. You think you have all the power because of your knowledge, but if you fuck with the wrong person, they'll kill you without a second thought. Maybe you'll think twice next time before speaking." She patted his cheek in a clearly mocking manner, avoiding the man attempting to bite her fingers with a tinkling laugh hardened with a surprising amount of edge before getting up, holding the barrier up until the two of them were outside the building, the door safely closed behind them. "I'm good. " Rowan said calmly, joining him on their way deeper into the Underbelly. Mercenaries didn't live long without having a hard side to them, and Rowan would be able to accept Arthur's cruel side as well, because she had one as well.

D. Rex D. Rex Skyhunter Skyhunter EMIYAman EMIYAman

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