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The School Girl and the Tramp


Senior Member
When a family decides to take in a runaway, he and the daughter don't get along to well. When the boy tries to run away agian the girl most stop him and maybe they stop hating eachother so much
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Lightly kicking the car door Elijah sighed as he recoil need back in his seat. Really he wanted to take down those doors or smash his head through the glass windows, basically do anything so he could escape.

Elijah wasn't going to prison or anything horrible like that. He had left his home by running away, so why were this people taking him to a new home? That's the last thing he wanted! He wanted to live on his own, be free, not be rules by yet another family.

The car came a stop in front of his new house. "Average size house...bigger than back home, though." He thought as he hopped out of the car. The man driving just drive off, knowing that this boy didn't have a single suitcase with him, just a plastic bag containing some of his clothes and little essentials. "I don't want to be here...I don't want to be here." He told himself that thought over and over as he watched the parents approach, his eyes widened when he had received a quick hug from the each of them and greeted nicely.

They lead Elijah inside, blabbing on and on, basically the only thing he got out of their continuous talking was that they wanted him to meet their daughter. "Daughter?"
Viola was curled up on the sofa in the livingroom reading a book while her parents ran around frantically getting ready for the random kid to come live with them. She was convinced her parents had lost their minds when they told her they would be taking in some runaway. She understood her parents liked to help people and they were willing to do a lot for people in need and that was great and all, but this? This was crazy. They didn't even know the kid what if he stole everything they had and ran off or was some in some sort of gang or was a drug dealer? It just wasn't a smart idea to take in a kid off the streets and she didn't want anything to do with him.

Even now as her parents paced back and forth anxious for the boys arrival she was camly sitting on the couch trying to forget what was happening around her. She would be hiding in her room at the moment, if it weren't for her mother ordering her to come down stairs to meet their new house guest. She was going to sit there because she had to but she wasn't about to go make friends with the kid or anything else unless she was forced to.

Soon her parents were running out sided as a car pulled up to the house which Viola tried her best to ignore. She was not going to go rushing out to meet someone she didn't even want in her house in the first place he was going to have to come to her, and even then she wasn't to keen on greeting him. A fe minutes later her parent walked in the house, talking incesantly about getting the boy settled and trying to make him feel at home and offering to go get him new clothes and anything else he needed, which caused her to glance up from her book catching a peek at the red haired boy who would now be living with them. "This is our Daughter Viola" Her father said motioning to the girl "Viola honey come introduce yourself to Elijah" He father said giving her a look meaning if she didn't she would be in a lot of trouble later. The pink haired girl let out an exagerated sigh and set her book to the side for a moment. "Hi" She said with a wave staring the boy down for a moment before picking her book back up.
Elijah's eyes narrowed when this girl gave him a greeting that was hardly more than a hello, though you couldn't see his expression darken due to his long bangs; maybe that was the point. "Heh, what a brat."

The mother awkwardly tried to fix the situation. "Uh, come on guys, try to get along. After all you're going to living together as of today." Turning to Viola she instructed, "Please show Elijah to his room. Remember it's the guest room across from yours."
Viola rolled her eyes as her mother tried to tell them to get along since they would be living in the same house. If I had a say in it he wouldn't even be here she thought to herself glaring at the boy as he called her names, not that she could see much of his face with all that hair in his eyes. How did he even see?

"Fine" The girl said with groan as she got up of the couch slamming her book closed as she walked past her parents and the boy towards the stair. "Come on." She said flatly as she turned back waiting for the boy to follow her. She didn't wait long for him to come before she was walking up the stair and down the hall. " here's your room have fun" She told him shoving the door to the guest room open.
Elijah followed the pink-haired girl up the stairs, frowning as she rushed through leading him to his room, though he wasn't surprised by this. "Thanks miss~" he sarcastically called before entering into his new room, tossing his bag of stuff aside.

It was only a few minutes later that the mother came up to check on the two, stepping into Eli's room to gasp loudly. She had caught him smoking already. The smoke made her cough slightly, but the boy only snapped bitterly at her as he refused to give up his cigarettes.
Viola shot him a look as he gave a sarcastic remark before going into his room. She watched him dissappear and then walked across to her own room opening it and slamming it behind her. She wanted to make it clear that she wanted nothing to do with him, he was already getting on her nerves. She began blareing music loudly trying to shut her family and the boy out.

It wasn't until she heard the shrill voice of her mother already yelling at the boy. She got up pressing her ear ro her door to hear what was happening. Cigarettes..He's smoking?Jeeze what an idiot. She thought as she over heard their conversation. He really was meeting all the expections she had, maybe now her parents would see what a bad idea this was.
Elijah felt nothing but satisfaction when he had been left alone once again. Bringing the cigarette up to his lips he inhaled, blowing out a puff of smoke as he exhaled. "What's wrong with smoking anyway?" he scowled.

By then he hated living there. It had only been half an hour since his arrival and already he had been planning to runaway again. "Agghhh! Stupid adults!" He growled loudly, not caring who overheard him, in fact he kind of hoped they'd hear.

After a moment of silence Elijah hopped out of his chair to step into the hallway. Lightly banging on the door across from his he tried to get Viola's attention.
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Viola went back to sitting on her bed listening to her music as she heard her mother walk away in huff. She knew letting the kid into their house was a bad idea and he was only proving it and he hadn't even been there an hour yet. If he was already smoking she wondered what else he would possibly do in the upcoming days.

It was the loud banging on her door that drew her out of her thoughts and back to reality. She was sure it was one of her parents coming to yell at her for not being more friendly with the street rat but quiet frankly she didn't care. It wasn't until she opened the door that she saw it wasn't either of her parents but Elijah. "What?" She asked placing a hand on her hip leaning against the door frame.
"Did your parents say anything involving school?" Elijah never graduated high school. Even though he was eighteen, he could still attend and try to graduate that year. "Cause that's not my thing," that cigarette was still in his mouth as he spoke, not even seeming to consider how others felt about that, behaving as if this was normal in this household.
The girl smirked as he asked about school "Yeah they're making you go to school" She said then began coughing as smoke from his cigarette blew into her face. "Can you get rid of that thing" she snapped annoyed after her coughing fit. "Unfortunately you get to go to the same school I go to" She mummbled unhappily. She was not looking forward to having to go to school with him she wondered if he was even literate or if he dropped out before he could get that far.
Cursing under his breath Elijah obviously wasn't excited about the idea of attending school. When she demanded the cigarette be out away he merely dropped it, crushed it under his shoe, then left the remains on the floor of poor Viola's carpet. "Oh goodie~ Maybe I'll get the chance to embarrass you in front of your friends!" Even though this was only a tease, he sounded quite eager when it came to the idea, almost as if he were truly considering it.
Viola only glared as he crushed the cigarette on her carpet. She would have to clean it up later, hopefully it hadn't burned and hole and she had no idea how to get the smell out. She had the urge to just shove him out of her room and slam the door but she refrained. "Yeah, have fun with that" She said un fazed by his threats. He was going to have to try a lot harder than that if he wanted any sort of reaction out of her. "Anyway is there anything else you wanted or are you done bothering me now?" She asked shifting her weight, her head falling to one side as she waited for an answer.
The fact that this girl was hard to crack made him frown, clearly a little disappointed in the situation. "Where's the restroom? I originally came here to ask about that." Elijah lied. Obviously that wasn't what he had approached her to question. Oh well, might as well take a shower!
Viola pointed a finger at the door behind him as he asked where the bathroom was. "It's over there" She said obviously knowing that was not what he hand come to ask her but she wasn't going to bother saying anything about it if it would make him go away faster. "Now if that's is I have better things to do now. I would say it was a pleasure but honestly it wasn't" She said as she began closing her door wanting to get away from him as fast as she could.
Elijah was not pleased when the first day of school came around, pulling the covers over his head when he heard somebody's alarm clock go off. He did not want this. Not at all. He didn't care if they only wanted to help, that wasn't what he wanted.

Stepping into Viola's room, Mother woke up her daughter. "Morning darling," she sat at the foot of the bed as she waited until the pink-haired girl was awake and paying attention. "Listen, Elijah's already been here a week and he still seems pretty down. He won't talk to me or your father." She paused a moment before continuing with, "Just see that he gets to class alright. You're the only one he (kind of) listens to."
Viola groaned as she heard her mother's cheerful voice coaxing her out of bed. When it was apparent her mother would not leave until she woke up the girl slowly sat up throwing the covers off of her and rubbed her eyes. She internally groaned as her mother began talking about Elijah asking her to take care of him. "He doesn't listen to me anymore than he listens to you" She said crossing her arms over her chest.

It wasn't fair her parents were using her to get to Elijah. The boy was a pain in everyones butt and didn't listen to anyone and now that her parents were tried of trying to get through to him they were making her deal with him. "Fine I'll see what I can do" She eventually agreed letting out a dramatic sigh. She then got up and pushed her mother out of the room so she could get ready for school.
"Thank you darling!" The mother called as the door was shut in her face. Returning downstairs she rushed to get ready for work, patting on her precious makeup.

Elijah ruffled up his hair with a yawn, kicking the blankets aside so he could slip out of bed. If he was going to go to school then he might as well get dressed. This was about as much cooperation he planned to put into preparing for the day, changing out of his sleeping attire. His normal day clothes were rather dark and lacking of color, giving him the impression of a goth or emo boy. At least his hair was red, right?
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Viola threw on one of her skirts and a shirt and pulled her hair up into a messy bun keeping it away from her face. She couldn't believe she had to babysit Elijah all day. All he had done scince he arrived was annoy the crap out of her. After she was all done getting ready she slung her backpack over one shoulder and walked out of her room going to Elijah's door. " If you want to have time to eat before we leave you need to come down now" She said banging on his door then walking down stairs to the kitchen.
Elijah didn't answer and he didn't come out of his room. He wasn't sure that he wanted to. With a deep sigh he waited until he was certain that the girl was gone before creeping open the door, stepping out to drag his backpack along. Once he got downstairs Elijah went straight for the door, stepping out to sit down on the porch.

The mother sighed as she watched this, finding her daughter so that she could whine some more. "I don't remember the last time I've seen him eat..."
Viola was nibbling on a piece of toats when her mother came in complaining about Elijah again. "I don't know mom. He's just going to do what he wants to do, he'll eat when he's hungry." She said setting putting the toast back on the plate and jumping up out of her chair. "Well I have to go now I'll see you later" She called over her shoulder as she walked out the door.

As she stepped out the door she glanced at the boy sitting on her porch. "Oh come on.." She sighed as she walked past him starting to walk down the sidewalk toward schook. Before she could get to far though she stopped to turn and make sure he was following her. Honestly she didn't care if he went to school or not but she had to at least try so her mother would not be upset with her.
Elijah hopped up from the porch, trailing after his acquaintance. Something a little surprising as to what he did was pick up his pace in order to be walking alongside the girl, just staring ahead until he finally decided to speak up. "Do you hate me?" What a sudden and unexpected question.
Viola was surprised when the boy hurried to catch up with her walking along side her. Without saying anything or even looking at him she continued walking along to school. It wasn't until she heard him speak that she even acknowledged that he was there. Glancing sideways at him as she spoke. "I don't hate you, but I don't paticularly like you either..." She said eventually
Without a word Elijah reached a hand out to give Viola a light shove, a smile appearing across his face as the boy was being playful. In a way it was almost as if he were flirting. "Right back at you," Elijah was quick to move on from the subject. Why was he suddenly so interested in talking to this girl when he had been trying to avoid her along with the rest of the family for so long? There was just so many unanswered questions when it came to that peculiar boy. "Do we really have to attend school? Can't we just ditch? Your parents wouldn't have to know."
I funny expression made it's way on to her face as he shoved her. Looking over at him she shoved him back. Why was he being so weird? She just told him she didn't like him and now he was acting all happy about it, it didn't make any sense to her. "yeah whatever.." She said rolling her eyes her arms crossing over her chest. Why was he getting so budy budy with her , it was creeping her out a little. " Yes we actually have to go, and no we can't ditch. They would find out because the school calls your parents if don't show up" She explained

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