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The Prince and The Maid [1x1] (Twilight sparkle and Kitty-Chan)

He nodded and went the other way to the room. kiyo put some dashes on the tart and cake.

Nichole jogged down the hall with yuki and saw the broken vase. She sighed and went to sweep it up.
"Oh no." Yuki sighed. "I'm pretty sure my mother liked that one." He kept his distance not wanting to step on any glass, but he also kind of wanted to help Nichole clean it up.

Akari had gone a seperate way than Kiyo, but once she was sure Yuki and Nichole were downstairs, she slipped into the room. "How's it going?" She asked. "The distraction worked better than I had first thought."
Nichole said"all we need is some glue. " she grabbed yuki's hand and jogged to a room. There were supplies. She started to reassemble the vase and glued. She made sure the pieces were in the right places.

Kiyo said"done." Smirking. "Theit mouths will be on fire. "
Yuki watched, with interest, his tail swaying. "Is there nothing you can't do?" He asked, with a laugh. "You can bake, play the piano, fix vases. . ."

Akari nodded, "Perfect." She said. "I'll be thinking of more plans. But, for now, we just need to wait, and stay out of sight."
Nichole giggled and blushed. "I dont think im that good with romance..." looking away. She set the vase in the sun to dry. Nichole washed her hands and sighed softly. "Well should we go eat our treats?" smiling weakly.

Kiyo nodded and went outside to the garden.
Yuki nodded, blushing a bit. "Let's go." He said. With that, he began to head back to the room with the piano and the sweets.

Akari decided to duck into the room next to the one with the piano, which happened to be the library. She kept the door cracked open, so she could hear what was going on better.
Nichole walked with yuki and was thinking. She then cut the tart and plated them each a slice. She gave yuki his slicr and some tea. "Here you are yuki. A triple berry tart. It has blueberries, raspberries, and strawberries. A shortbread cookie crust and a lemon curd custard." SSmiling. Nichole started to eat her slice and smiled.Then coughed her eyes wide. "Cough! Why is it spicy?!"
Yuki tilted his head to the side a bit, as Nichole asked why it was spicy. Then, he took a bite, and coughed quietly. It was spicy. And, he didn't think it was supposed to be, judging from Nichole's reaction. But, he decided to try and be polite. "Spicy's good, I like spicy. . ." He lied, before taking a sip of tea, attempting to get the taste out of his mouth.

Akari giggled quietly from inside the nearby library, the plan was going good so far.
Nichole said"someone must've messed with it. I didnt add anything spicy I cant handle spicy.... dont try anything else yuki. I'll be back with another one." Nichole threw them away angrily. She went to bake and sighed sadly. Why would someone do that?
Yuki thought, and talked to himself. "Who would do such a thing to Nichole?" He asked himself. "She's so nice, and sweet, and amazing, plus she can cook, and play piano~."

Akari growled, as she heard that the plan ended up failing. And, that's when she got a last minute idea. She rushed into the room, where Yuki sat, talking to himself, and interupted his thought prossess. "Yuki, come quick!" She shouted. "It's an emergancy!"

Shaking his head, Yuki looked up. "What kind of emergancy?" He asked.

"A huge dog got inside and is wandering around the castle now!" Akari lied. She knew the prince was scared to death of large dogs.

"What!?" Yuki asked, pulling his legs up onto the seat, and curling his tail around himself. "W-where is it?"

"I don't know, but I need to get you to safety, come with me!" Without waiting for Yuki to say anything, Akari grabbed his hand, and began to rush him to the garden.

"Wait, what about Nichole?" Yuki asked, as he struggled to keep up with Akari. "Will she be okay?"

"Oh no, you're right! I'll send someone to get her after I get you out safely."

When the two got to the garden, they approached Kiyo.

"Go get Nichole, she's in danger!" Akari said, with a wink. "There's a big dog on the loose!"

Yuki shivered at the last sentence, but had to bring up the question, "Why are you sending him?"

"Oh, no reason." Akari said. "Now, hurry, before it gets outside, or calls it's buddies!"

With that, Yuki ran towards the woods.

"You can give any excuse to having to "save" Nichole, I just used big dog for Yuki." Akari whispered to Kiyo. "Now, hurry, and wish me luck." After that, she hurried after Yuki.
Kiyo nodded and went to the kitchen. "Nichole cmon theres a large dog outside! You need to get to safety!" Nichole blinked and said"wait wha? HEY PUT ME DOWN!" struggling. Kiyo ran out with the struggling teen and smirked in his head.

The same lynx from before saw yuki and akari. She padded up to yuki. " yuki what is wrong? What has you so frightened?" Concerned. She looked at akari and instantly didnt trust her.
"Not much time to talk, ma'am!" Yuki said, fraticly. "Big dog, at the palace! I don't like big dogs! Big dogs are scary!"
The lynx said"dog? there is no dog around here yuki. If there was a big dog around here you would see the small animals and deer running for their lives would you not?"

Nichole hit kiyo and told him repeatedly to put her down. "PUT ME THE HELL DOWN KIYO! THERE IS NO FREAKING DOG ANYWHERE NOW PUT ME DOWN NOW!"
Yuki stopped, "Well, I'm a small neko, and I'm running for my life." He said, before looking around. "But, I don't see any other small creatures running away. . . But, Akafi told me. . .Akari. . ." He sighed, and turned around, "Thank you." He said to the lynx, before heading back to the castle.

"Wait, why are you going back?" Akari asked. She had missed the whole conversation Yuki'd had with the lynx. "Big dog, remember?"

"Yeah, I remember." Yuki said. "I also remember you trying to get me to marry you, and giving nasty looks to Nichole. You also sent Kiyo to go "rescue" Nichole. And, I bet you were the one who ruined the sweets."

Akari shook her head, "What?" She asked. "I have no idea what you're talking about."

"Stop lying to me!" Yuki screamed, turning back around. "I'm confused enough already, okay!? Go back to your own kingdom, and just leave me be! I love Nichole!" With that, he ran off again, back toward the castle.
Nichole said"for the last time out me DOWN!" punching kiyo. He dropped her and groaned rubbing his cheek. "You little!" Pinning her with a snarl. Nichole said"LET GO OF ME!" She struggled and glared at him. Before headbutting him. Kiyo fell and rolled on his side.

The lynx looked at akari. "You should be ashamed of yourself. You dont force others to love you! You do not break their trust and lie to them! Now go back to your kingdom and never.come.back. or we forest animals will deal with you ourselves. You have a one sided love. Now leave." She bared her teeth and padded to her den.
Akari's legs buckled underneath her, and she fell to the ground. Tears slid down her cheeks, as she curled up on the forest floor. "I'm so stupid!" She sobbed. "I should've known better, I should've known Yuki'd never love me! I should've known! I should've known!"

A young bobcat nearby heard the princess' sobs, and felt bad for her. Eventually making her way out into the open. "Are you okay?" She asked. "I don't like it when people cry, it makes me wanna cry."

The bobcat's soft words soothed the pain temperarily. "No, I'm not okay." Akari said, not bothering to look up. "I'm a stupid jerk, and I don't deserve to have anyone look at me. I''m to ashamed to even show my face to my own father."

"If you are to embarrassed or ashamed to return, you may stay with me for a bit." The bobcat offered. "You can call me Sapphire, if you wish, now please get your face out of the dirt."

Sitting up, Akari kept looking at the ground. "I've made such a big fool of myself, nobody likes me."

The bobcat, Sappire walked around, to look at Akari's face. "That's not true." She said softly. "I like you." She began to lick the princess' face, to clean the dirt off. "We're all foolish sometimes, and we all have rough spots in our lives, but don't worry, it won't always be like this. You're still young, and you're pretty. I know there's someone out there for you."

This made Akari smile, "You really think so?" She asked.

"Of course." Sappire answered. "I'm still young, and already have a mate, and I'm much less pretty than you. Just don't try to force it, and love will find you. That's how it worked for me."

Akari hugged the bobcat tightly, "Thank you, Sappire." She said. "I'm going to go home now." With that, she and Sappire said their goodbyes, and she was off.

When Yuki got back, he saw the struggle between Nichole and Kiyo, and hurried over to Nichole, helping her up, as Kiyo fell. "Are you okay, Nichole?" He asked.
Nichole nodded and said"im fine." Rubbing her arms. "I dont love you kiyo! You're freaking crazy!" Kiyo stood and said"what makes him better than me huh?!" Nichole said"unlike you he is sweet and kind. He doesnt try to force people into stuff they dont want to do!"
Yuki blushed lightly, at what Nichole said. Then, he had to think that Kiyo reminded him of Akari a little bit. . .or a lot. "Maybe you should go find Akari." He said. "She might be happy to have you work for her. Because, once I tell my mother what you did, you won't be welcome here anymore."
Kiyo growled then his eyes flattened. He sighed and bowed. "Yes sire." He went to get his stuff and went to follow akari.

Nichole hugged yuki's arm and nuzzled him.
Yuki blushed, and looked at the ground, as he dragged his foot in small circles. "Nichole?" He asked. "I figured out what I was trying to say the other day." He looked back at her, his face pink. "You wanna hear it?"
Akari stopped, and turned around. "Oh, hello, Kiyo." She said, softly. "Did our plan backfire on you too, I'm sorry."

Yuki nodded, "Okay then." He said. "Come with me!" He began to lead Nichole back inside the castle, and to the piano.
Kiyo smiled softly and said"its alright akari. Are you alright?" His hand on her shoulder.

Nichole giggled and followed him smiling. (I can just feel the romance with kiyo and akari somewhere! )
Akari smiled too, "I'm fine, a bobcat named Sappire came and cheered me up." She replied. "If you need somewhere to go, you can come with me."

Yuki sat down, at the piano, and thought about Nichole, and music. Then, he did his best to combine the two with his love for her, beginning to play notes. He was attempting to make his own love song. No singing, or speaking. Just, music. And, although some parts sounded shaky and not quite right, it was a beautiful song. With a wonderful combanation of good and bad.
Nichole smiled and listened to the music. It was beautiful. She felt every feeling he put into it. "Its beautiful yuki. Thank you." She said placing her hand on his.

Kiyo smiled and said"thats good. And yes thank you I would love to come with you. You have a nice smile akari."

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