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The Prince and The Maid [1x1] (Twilight sparkle and Kitty-Chan)

Yuki smiled, "So, what now?" He asked. "Should we. . .go on a date?"

Akari blushed, and smiled wider. "Why thank you, Kiyo." She said. "But, yours is nicer."
Yuki stood up, "Right." He said. "I'll get it preparred right away, m'lady." He bowed, before hurrying to go set up the date.

He picked some flowers from the garden, got the chefs to start preparring a speacial meal, except, he was going to try to make the cake. He poured all his love (and all the flour X3) into it. It came out kind of funny lookin, but he shrugged it off, and put lots of icing on it, to make it look prettier. Then, he set the table, and weent to go get Nichole.

Akari curtsied, "No, thank you." She giggled. "But, we'd better be going now. Or, we won't get back to my home until next week."
Nichole giggled and smiled. She whistled and some birds flew in. Nichole petted them smiling. She loved the animals here. They were all so sweet.

Kiyo said"of course my lady." Walking next to her and smiled.
Yuki hurried back to the room, "Sorry it took so long!" He said to Nichole. "It took a while to cook all the food and everything."

"So, what kind of job do you want?" Akari asked. "Pick anything you want. So long as it possible for me to get you it."
Akari nodded, "Of course." She said, blushing slightly. "I'd be happy to have you."

Yuki blushed, "Well, let's go now." He said, with a smile. "Before the food gets cold. This'll be my first time cooking, acctually. But, I only made a small cake."
Kiyo smiled and walked with her. For some reason his heart was racing.

Nichole nodded and stood following him smiling. She held his hand blushing.
Akari tucked a peice of hair behind her ear, and giggled quietly.

Yuki lead Nichole to the dining room. The table was set with food and candles, and the prince pulled a chair out, and gestured for Nichole to sit down.
Once Akari and Kyo arrived at the house where her parents were staying, the princess stopped, unsure of what they'll think, if she comes back, not engaged to Yuki.

Yuki blushed, and then sat down in a chair nearby.

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