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Stalin Stan
It is the era known by most as simply Zero. Experiments on our planet, within our time period has led to a massive imbalance in space and time. It destroyed the old world, but like a phoenix, a new one was born. In the wake of this event, peoples and creatures from throughout our timeline have made a resurgence, displacements within space have resulted in multiple planets, whether from our universe, or an alternate one, creating one "super planet" all evident life resides on- it has many names because of the many peoples. But it is a lawless place, and even without power, people hunger for it. You are the newest generation of warlords. Create what you wish, a human from our time, an orc from a fantasy world, a cyborg, or something forged by the Sleeping God- Cthulhu, to dominate for him. Almost anything is allowed, in this rp, you will forge alliances, betray those who thought themselves close to you, send armies to great wealth, or send them to their deaths. It is up to you...
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