Showcase π•‹π•–π•£π•£π• π•£π•‚π•šπ•₯π•₯π•ͺ'𝕀 ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕣𝕒𝕔π•₯𝕖𝕣 𝕍𝕒𝕦𝕝π•₯ | My Completed Sheets and Your Inspiration

Name: ν˜„ λΉ„ν™” (BI-Hwa Hyeon) | Bee
Age: 21 (23 in Korea) | Born 1928
Year: Junior
Major: Botanical Biology - Potioncraft
Opt-in For Society Invitation: Yes - π“π‘πž πƒπžπšπ 𝐏𝐨𝐞𝐭𝐬 π’π¨πœπ’πžπ­π²
Student Government?: No
Praetor? y/n; No
Other Clubs: Horticultural Club, Foraging Club,
Sorting Quiz Result: D


Born within the walls of Deoksugung Palace; Seoul, Korea under the ν˜„ royal family name; the last family of the Royal Joseon Clan to retain their nobility after the annexation of Korea by the Japanese in 1910. Bi-Hwa was carried to term in secret for her own safety while under Japanese occupation, however her own Father attempted to kill her himself in effort to appease the Japanese and be accepted into the Japanese Dynasty in which he would be given a new wife to start a new Japanese royal bloodline in Korea. The plot ended in his own death at the hands of Bi-Hwa's Mother, whom had already lost a child to mysterious circumstances.

In lew of these events, Bi-Hwa's Mother was crowned Empress and married the Japanese Noble Woman in her husbands stead. Though it was through this union in which her family was indoctrinated into a cult of Witch Hunters bent on the complete extinction of Witches, just as the late Emperor had been. Revealing that he was the one who had killed Bi-Hwa's older sister after displaying signs of magical ability. Bi-Hwa herself was spared as her Mother had sworn that like both herself and her late Husband, Bi-Hwa had no such abilities even though both parents had come from lineages of Witches; the only reason the ν˜„ family was allowed to retain their titles and their heads, unlike the rest of the Joseon Clan.

Despite their background of magical origins, the ν˜„ family had been seeded with distaste towards Witches as they lacked what their predecessors relished in. Only making it easier for them to feed into the hatred and pure malice of the occultic Japanese Empire, and thus Bi-Hwa was raised by her two Mothers as both a Princess and as Huntress. Neither parent had any true care for each other, nor even their child in the end, the spark that had led her birth Mother to save Bi-Hwa's life had long since faded.

Bi-Hwa was tutored and trained by a retired Witch Huntress, who had been known for a time as the most deadly Woman on Earth.. A title of cultic propaganda, as by their ideology they were to be the prime example of excellence for 'Humanity'. A fundamental principle of the clan was to prove that humans can match witches without the aid of paranatural heretical abilities. To kill a witch is prove they do not belong on this earth, and that one has overcome the plague of magicks.

Bi-Hwa herself, was and always had been a Witch much like her ancestors. This fact wasn't revealed to the girl until she was fourteen years old by none other than her Mentor. Lucky for Bi-Hwa, the Woman was for all intents and purposes, retired. Having settled down in the Korean countryside with their partner, who was a Witch themselves. Since then, despite being a Human and being forced to teach Bi-Hwa to kill her own kind, her Mentor did their best to train and inform Bi-Hwa whatever they could offer even if it wasn't much, especially under the watchful Eye of the Imperial Japanese Government.

Eventually the Pacific War began in 1937 when Bi-Hwa was only eleven years old, with The Japanese Empire invading China and dragging Korea into the conflict. Relocation out of Korea for safety was difficult, partly due to so few allied nations in the Eastern Hemisphere, yet eventually Bi-Hwa was granted asylum in 1944 while France was still occupied by German Forces just as the war in China intensified and the American Military begun to creep closer to ever closer.

With her status, money, and ties to the Japanese Imperial Government, the girl managed to eventually tag along with a shipment of cargo and weapon munitions to Paris where she would then be taken by German cult members to the Swiss border. It was here when the plan she and her Mentor had agreed upon came to fruition, with the Princess staying in the Neutral country for nearly three years. She had refused to return to her liberated homeland, under the excuse that famine and slow restoration would hinder her education.

In 1947 Bi-Hwa was finally old enough to achieve the end goal of her three year plan, ending up at the doors of Saint Voisin's instead of the high profile institution her family thought she was going to. They were none the wiser, and funded her education all the same.

Speciality: Communication with nature, slight immunity to elements

Communication with nature - Bee can generally sense and understand natural things, such as plants and animals, but also non-living things such as boulders and rivers, and they can in turn understand her in some way or another. While fire ignores her, the other elements and especially water and plants are more tentative to her presence; though while not with words and not always complex.

Slight immunity to elements - Bee is somewhat protected, or blocked from manipulation by natural elements depending on the strength of her connection to them. Water is unable to push her with a current, nor slow her movement with it's weight. Strong winds may blow her hair but it usually tends to let it back down gently and unruffled though not always; sometimes avoiding her entirely. Plants like water tend to have no effect on her, not even thorns dare pierce her skin, even poisons withhold themselves out as if of respect and acknowledgement. Fire although has so far never paid her any attention, and she gets burned and overheated easily, giving the idea that the element dislikes her for some reason.

Inclinations: Potioncraft, Plant Manipulation, Water Divination

Potion crafting - With little knowledge of most magic practices, creating potions is something that comes so easily to Bee. She may not know every detail or even how it all works in the first place, but when she applies the ingredients, especially plants and herbs, she feels guided, as it was muscle memory long forgotten. Bee started testing things on her own, often with things found in her own garden which seemed to only make it even more trivial, and jotting down notes, not even sure if whatever potions she made were common knowledge to witches or wholly unique breakthroughs in potioncraft.

Water Divination - There are various ways for Bee to use the art of divination using water a conduit, though some are more accurate than others, and may may vary on what can be revealed to her. Bee's personal favorite is to submerge herself completely and simply float as she searches for answers from beyond her physical body; or even just to meditate.

Intermediates: Green Magic, Elemental Magic

Green Magic - There are few things that come as naturally to be Bee as the vibrant magic buzz within the bounty of nature. Plants and even fungi draw her gaze constantly, as if she was made to be amongst them, and understand them.

Elemental Magic - Feeling the world around her and using it to communicate instead of with words, understanding the elements in a way her plants do, a bridging connection between her and them. Yet fire remains outside her grasp, she can't tell if fire is impossible to control because of her own natural limits, or a factor more intimate. Anytime she tries to breach the boundary of communication with fire, she's met with searing pain and repulsion too great to overcome. Feeling a dry heat washing over her, followed by a cacophony of hisses' and crackled pops, as if the element was taunting poor girl's soul; whispers from the ethereal embodiment of flame itself telling her she doesn't belong there. Not yet; while in contrast her connection to water is rather solid.

Proficiency: Plant Manipulation > Potioncraft > Water Divination

Misc: Bee has an express love of books, reading, and learning. Resigning herself to libraries whenever she's not in a greenhouse. Even if she is, once her tasks are over with, she'll often just spend time amongst her green companions with her nose in a book. It doesn't really matter what kind. Be they textbooks or fantasy novels, simply reading anything at all enjoyable to her. Writing as well, though most of her penmanship is put towards documenting and organizing the plethora of flora found on campus.

1. How hard would you bite a fellow student? Please interpret as literally or metaphorically as you’d like.

"As hard I would need to, nothing more and nothing less. Take that as you will."

2. What was your last nightmare about? What are your nightmares typically about? If your last nightmare was atypical, please elaborate.
"My last nightmare... It was... Yeah it was atypical. Normally I just have nightmares about my Mothers ignoring me... Or of war... But the last one.. I think I saw my sister. Though I'm not sure how I recognized what she looked like, but I knew it was her. She was trying to tell me something but I was... There was a rope attached to my waist and it was tied to a plane which was starting to take off... I reached out to her and our fingers nearly touched but I think it was... My father? Maybe, something that looked like him at least, grabbed her by the neck from behind, and then my Mother appeared and stabbed through both of them with a sword. Awhile I could only watch helplessly as I was being dragged up into the sky.... Pardon my manners but are we done with this?"

3. What drew you to apply to St. Voisin’s? Please provide three honest reasons, as we will know if you’re lying.
"Safety... Not just from the War but.. my parents... The Empire. Safety from persecution, from having to watch my homeland be used as a proxy in another countries conflict. Even with the war ending so abruptly and Korea once again independent, I still feel safer here than anywhere else. My parents were brainwashed by Witch murdering cultists, and even now... They still expect me to... is that enough?"

"My Mentor; She's a human; she's killed several Witches; but she saved me. If it wasn't for her I wouldn't be here right now. I owe her the life I promised her I'd live for myself."

"To finally learn who and what I really am. Being here is beyond anything I could have dreamed. Honestly I'm not sure if I'd even be comfortable going back to my homeland after graduation..."

4. If you could change one day of your life, what would that be? Why?
"The day my sister died. She was like me.. She was a promising Witch or... She could have been.. I don't care what kind of future it would mean for me, but she deserved a future of her own too."

5. If you were to host a dinner party, who would you invite, living or dead? Please provide at least two guests.
"My sister. I just want to talk to her just once... And maybe Jang-geum? She had to have been a Witch and a master herbalist, she knew my ancestors too so maybe..."
  • basics
    Hyori Choi | 졜 효리
    I know what I want, and you're going to give it to me because you want me right?
    Of course you do.
    Everyone does.
    Date of birth.
    March 9th
    Country of birth.
    Shanghai China
    Current residence.
    Gangnam, Seoul, Korea
    zodiac here
    Ewha Womans University
    Kpop Idol - Actress - Model
    extra here
coded by natasha.
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Project Strelitzia
When The Stars Withered
Official Document: Evangalist
Project Strelitzia
What does it mean to be alive? Don't ask me, I won't know until I die.
  • Identity
    Saraphina Asmodeus
    178 cm
    Tenacious - Conscientious - Empathetic
    Reading - Engineering
    High Precision & Accuracy - Inventing
About the Character
Seraphina is a very driven individual and puts a lot of effort into almost everything she does. Though there is no contempt behind it, she pities those deemed 'weaker' by her own metric. Her determination unwavering, convictions unyielding; once she's decided on something there is little that can impede her. Seraphina takes her role in the ARC extremely seriously and can sometimes come off a bit harsh and pedantic when it comes to rules and regulations. Otherwise, she can be rather gentle if not a little hot headed, but she cares about almost anyone and everyone. It's one of the reasons she has pity towards individuals who she feels aren't rising to their own potential. Typically she views herself as extremely competent, and such that failure is not an option, no matter the cost.
Blooming Aspirations
Seraphina wants nothing more than to free humanity from the shackles of Soltera-XI. To put an end to the oppression imposed by environmental and extraterrestrial perils lurking beyond the confines of the protective barriers that separate them from the outside world. To her, the remaining sectors aren't safe havens, they're prisons, cages.

Seraphina doesn't want to die, but she does not fear death. Seraphina will lay down her life for humanity without a second of hesitation. The short life span of the Strelitzias is only of any consequence to her because it limits her ability to achieve her goals.

If the conflict were to ever end before she expired, Seraphina would love nothing more than to take Cherubim out to the uninhabited continents beyond Tarsaris and expand civilization as far as she could before her body inevitably shut down for good.
Warframe Proficiency
Mecha Performance Aptitude
Seraphina like all other Strelitzias, is incredibly skilled at operating warframes. Her true combat ability is in her pinpoint accuracy and high rate of precision in a wide variety of weapons. Her all-time record was hitting an unmarked target at 6,534 meters with aid of her specialized B-12 reconsience drone. Seraphina attributes her talents to a combination of mental calculation and instinct.

While she is sufficient in most warframe variants, she's most comfortable and performs best with her personalized unit Cherubim in which she feels the most at home. When operating Cherubim, Seraphina had been quoted stating "It never feels new when I operate with her. I don't feel familiarity with the actions, I know them. We were made for each other after all."
Two Years of Solitude
When Strelitzia-04 first came online all she understood was the innate impression that she was dying multiple deaths simultaneously. The feeling faded quickly enough, though there was lingering sense that she needed to keep going. She had to hold on as long as she could, no matter how much it hurt, no matter how much she lost. Strelitzia-04 unconsciously reached out to one of the many people standing around the table she was laying on. When they inevitably took her hand, she squeezed. Gripping onto them as she stared at the individual with equanimous confusion.

Weeks later Strelitzia-04, now going by Seraphina Asmodeus; a name given to her by an old world historian on base whom she had 'befriended' during her frequent visits to the base archives whenever she had down time. Seraphina didn't fully understand what friendship meant in it's entirety, but she didn't mind the company. They told her all kinds of things about Earth and the history of the human race. It wasn't particularly interesting, she simply was doing her best to get more information in order to be more effective in combat. At the very least she had a name, and she appreciated the small nuances in symbolism in contrast to strict ideas. Eventually, she ended up with the codename Evangelist, for as far as she saw it; her purpose was to utter deliverance to humanity.

Twenty-five months after waking up for the first time, Seraphina had grown into her own distinct identity. She spent a lot of her extended leave from the ARC visiting numerous libraries and archives, having developed a personal interest in reading. Otherwise, she was tinkering with spare parts and creating simple machines, finding the act of creating something animate rather satisfying. Perhaps because she related to her inventions in some way.

Seraphina had also met a small child, a young boy who would always ask her to read him story books at the library near his house. The biomechanical woman had no reason to object, in fact she rather enjoyed the company, reminding Seraphina of her time at the ARC base where she was born. At some point, she also met the boy's mother, a widow who'd lost her husband to the eighth operation. With permission from her handler, Seraphina moved in with the small family for the rest of her time before deployment. Spending time doing chores and helping out around the house, running errands, tucking the boy in at night when his mother was too exhausted. It was all rather enjoyable if anything; being useful, taking the load off of others, knowing that she made a difference with the smallest of actions.

The strelitzia returned to the ARC with a burning passion and a sense of purpose far beyond the advent of following orders, of fighting just to fight. Seraphina would dedicate everything to end the conflict once and for all. She would fight to the bitter end to see her ambitions come to fruition. Seraphina knew that she needed to keep going. She had to hold on as long as she could, no matter how much it hurt, no matter how much she lost.
Opinions On The Crew
There is no other that Seraphina could have any more respect for; in her eyes Auberon Pharesk is almost like a father figure of some sorts. She had studied his combat strategies over and over to the point of full memorization of each command he'd given through the main battles of his six operations. Unlike other high ranking officers, she not only wants to follow orders and perform at her best, but aims to be the kind of soldier that he would be proud of.
Yurievna Kasyanova to Seraphina is an interesting case and in truth has taken up a lot of her nights in contemplation of their circumstances. The MIA operative was certainly dead, but Seraphina couldn't help try to conceptualize any possible ways her senior officer could have survived somehow. Regardless, Yurivena was only another reason to fight like hell, even if just to recover her body for a proper burial.
Seraphina owes her very existence to Faustina, and knows her predecessor's history extensively. The one thing that Seraphina never quite got used to was the feeling of innate connection to Faustina, even if it wasn't specifically their memories that were passed down to her, there was something... More tangible about it. Though it was doubtful she'd ever actually get an explantation.

Seraphina spends a few moments to honor Faustina in silent reverence every Sunday.
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coded by phnx.

Bo-Mi Tae

Cruel Fairy Tale

  • basics


    Bo-Mi Tae


    Penny, Bo












    August 12th


    Oregon, USA


    5'4 ft (163 cm)


    127 lb (57 kg)


    Light Blond


    Dark Hazel


    Lee Gahyeon

    I am so many more things than you could ever know. I am genuine, and I exist. There's only one me, and you better be watching because there won't ever be another.

Alba Vex Von Wolfenstein
Female / Exhelian-Cyborg / 25
Imperial Security Directorate | Special Field Agent
Nobility / Electromancy / 188 cm / 87 kg
Combat Arsenal
Exousiarch | Second Phase:WIP
The White Tiger
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin viverra tortor purus, id hendrerit enim dictum at. Nunc scelerisque eros mauris, ac tincidunt sem euismod at. Sed mollis sollicitudin enim, ut sollicitudin urna mollis et. Duis a risus quam. Mauris ultricies vehicula erat, eu tempus risus iaculis vitae. Fusce id eros in eros dapibus finibus. Sed vel imperdiet velit, ac auctor eros. Suspendisse potenti. Curabitur dapibus metus et tellus accumsan feugiat. Donec est velit, porttitor vitae dignissim at, sollicitudin ac diam. Pellentesque condimentum augue eu magna facilisis, a ultricies felis ornare. Phasellus sit amet neque nisl. Maecenas fringilla, lorem et pharetra efficitur, justo urna consectetur erat, et porta dui libero vel tortor. Praesent vehicula, ipsum euismod consequat aliquet, sapien purus dapibus urna, sit amet tempus libero arcu eu quam. Aliquam nec turpis nisi. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultric');b es posuere cubilia Curae; Nunc porta mauris ex, non venenatis augue porta eu. Aliquam nibh sem, gravida non nulla nec, lacinia volutpat magna. Mauris semper massa eu turpis pulvinar semper

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin viverra tortor purus, id hendrerit enim dictum at. Nunc scelerisque eros mauris, ac tincidunt sem euismod at. Sed mollis sollicitudin enim, ut sollicitudin urna mollis et. Duis a risus quam. Mauris ultricies vehicula erat, eu tempus risus iaculis vitae. Fusce id eros in eros dapibus finibus. Sed vel imperdiet velit, ac auctor eros. Suspendisse potenti. Curabitur dapibus metus et tellus accumsan feugiat. Donec est velit, porttitor vitae dignissim at, sollicitudin ac diam. Pellentesque condimentum augue eu magna facilisis, a ultricies felis ornare. Phasellus sit amet neque nisl. Maecenas fringilla, lorem et pharetra efficitur, justo urna consectetur erat, et porta dui libero vel tortor. Praesent vehicula, ipsum euismod consequat aliquet, sapien purus dapibus urna, sit amet tempus libero arcu eu quam. Aliquam nec turpis nisi. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultric');b es posuere cubilia Curae; Nunc porta mauris ex, non venenatis augue porta eu. Aliquam nibh sem, gravida non nulla nec, lacinia volutpat magna. Mauris semper massa eu turpis pulvinar semper.
Mood: Scared and Confused
Location: Lotte World Tower
Gun-Bi 金丕


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